The Chosen One

Chapter 24

I was laying face down on my bed as I did my homework. Dylan was leaning back against the headboard, flipping through the channels. I sighed in frustration once I realized I got another problem wrong when checking the back of the book.

“Need help?” Dylan offered.

“Need help?” I mimicked him.

“Come on now, don’t be immature.” He laughed.

“Why are you even still here?” I asked glaring down at my math book. No one invited him to chill with me.

“Didn’t feel like going home.” He shrugged causally. I let out a loud huff. I squealed in surprise when I felt myself getting pulled back suddenly. He pulled me back against his chest, setting me between his legs.

“Why are you being so cranky?” He mumbled against my neck. I shivered at the feeling.

“I’m not being cranky you’re just annoying.” I told him. He nipped my ear at my answer.

“Because I asked if you needed help?” He asked.

“Maybe.” I told him, realizing I actually was just being cranky.

“I have another question.” He suddenly sounded nervous.

“What?” I asked him. He moved me around to face him, so that I was now straddling him. I blushed at the new position we were in.

“What do you say, about being my girlfriend?” He asked looking into my eyes. I held my breath. Oh my god did he just ask me to be his girlfriend? I mean sure we kissed here and there, but now he wanted to make it official. My mate wanted me to be his girlfriend! Unlike Blake he wasn’t rejecting me but accepting me. All these thoughts raced through my head as Dylan waited for an answer. In my heart I already knew the answer.

“Finally decided to make me yours huh?” I told him cockily. He smirked at me.

“You’ve been mine from the beginning.” He said, crashing his lips to mine.

“Ashley are you home?” I heard my mom’s voice from downstairs, making her way up the steps. I quickly got off Dylan’s lap and tried to make myself as presentable as possible. I was not expecting her to come home. I thought about hiding Dylan in my closet but realized she’d just sniff him out.

“Guess it’s time to meet the parents huh.” He took his hands through his hair, not worrying at all. Was I the only one stressed about this situation? How am I going to explain having a boy in my room, in my bed?

My room door was pushed open, my mom paused as she took in the scene. “Who’s this?”

“Uh mom this is Dylan.” I introduced them.

“Her mate.” Why did he have to open his mouth?

My mother narrowed her eyes. “What is going on Ashley?”

I sighed, guess I need to catch her up. “I had two mates, but Blake rejected me after something happened at school and Dylan just asked me to be his girlfriend.” I blushed on the girlfriend part.

“I never liked that boy anyways, nice to meet you Dylan.” She reached out her hand. I can’t believe she was taking this so well.

“Nice to meet you too ma’am.” Since when did he get so formal?

“Oh, just call me Mary. You’re part of the family now no need for formalities,” She waved him off. “Well I’m going to go get dinner started, keep this door open young lady. I’m too young to have grandchildren.” She laughed walking out my room.

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