The Chosen One

Chapter 23

I groaned as I got in Dylan’s car. Why must school last so long???

“You ok?” He asked. I looked over at him, making my heart skip a beat. I think kissing him woke something within me. I’m more attracted to him now than I ever been.

“Yeah, just tired of school.” I reassured, buckling my seatbelt. He started the car up pulling out of the lot. “Jacob decided we’re going to practice again today in the same spot.”

“Are you sure you’re up for it? Don’t want to rest first?” I could tell he was a little bit concerned.

“It’s not for another hour anyways, I’m pretty sure he has homework.” If he even does it. I don’t know why he even goes to school. “Are you coming over?” I asked.

“Yeah if that’s ok, I got an interesting text from Jake the other night threatening to cut my balls off if I did anything to hurt you.” He chuckled. My eyes widened.

“He said that?”

“Yeah, it’s fine though that’s the same thing I would’ve done if it was Amanda.” He shrugged. Smh brothers, can’t live with them can’t live without them. How did he even get his number?

We pulled up to my house, I patiently waited as he parked before getting out. Unlocking the door, I didn’t hear anyone and assumed everyone was out. I made my way to the kitchen. “Are you hungry?” I asked Dylan.

“No.” I shrugged as I dug in the refrigerator for ingredients to make a sandwich. Taking out the bologna and mustard I sat down at the table.

“You’re coming to practice with me, right?” I asked biting into my sandwich.

“If you promise to try and not kill me, again.” He said. I giggled as he said this.

“I promise!” I grinned. I finished off my sandwich and made my way upstairs. I opened my door, grinning at my bed. “Honey I’m home!” I yelled before flopping on it face first, Ahhh. Dylan laughed at my theatrics. I ignored him as I snuggled into my bed getting under the covers. I looked up to see Dylan just standing there. I moved over and patted the space next to me. He grinned as he kicked off his shoes making his way over, before climbing in the bed.

“Is this what you do when your parents aren’t home? Invite guys into your bed?” He gave me a disapproving look.

“You can always sit on the floor if there’s a problem,” I told him yawning. “Stay on that side of the bed.” I pointed.

“You weren’t saying that the other night.” He told me smirking. I blushed.

“Well it’s a new day and I’m a new person, so stay over there.” I demanded, closing my eyes.

“Fine.” I heard him say. I didn’t bother replying as I slowly started falling asleep. I loved after school naps.


I heard something ringing and tried my best to ignore it. When the it didn’t stop after several seconds, I pried one eye open. Getting a more sense of my surroundings I realized someone was under me. Looking up I saw it was indeed Dylan, and he was staring at me. I blushed mad hard before rolling off him. “Didn’t I tell you to stay on your side?” I glared at him.

“In case you haven’t noticed, this is my side.” I blushed harder realizing he was right. Before I could respond though the ringing started up again. I looked over at my side table seeing it was my phone. I reached over to grab it, seeing it was Lizzy.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey! What are you doing?” She asked.

“Nothing just waking up from a nap.” I looked over at my clock and realized we have to meet Jacob in ten minutes.

“Oh, that’s so boring. Guess who asked me to prom!” She squealed in excitement. I sighed, I didn’t care much for prom. I seen the flyers all over school and heard how every girl was talking about it. It was next week and honestly, I could care less. I was just planning to stay home and watch Netflix that night.

“Who?” I asked.

“Jacob!” I froze.

“What? Jacob who?”

“Your friend Jacob, well not your friend but yeah. He asked me after lunch today.” She said.

“You like Jacob? I had no idea.” I told her.

“Are you crazy? I wouldn’t say I like him, but he is the hottest guy in school right now. It would’ve been social suicide to say no.” She told me, in a tone implying I should have already known that. I laughed.

“Well good luck with that.”

“You’re not mad, are you?” She suddenly sounded worried. I frowned.

“No, why would I be mad?” I asked.

“I don’t know, because he’s your friend and all I didn’t want it to be awkward.” I laughed again.

“Of course it isn’t! Jacob is barely my friend I don’t care what he does.” I looked up as Dylan got out of the bed making his way to the bathroom.

“Ok that’s good, so who are you taking? Let me guess, Dylan? I swear he’s attached to you where ever you go.” I smiled at that because it was true. Even now he’s here with me.

“No, I wasn’t planning on going.” I told her honestly. I heard her gasp on the other end and braced myself.

“What do you mean you’re not going!? There’s no way that’s happening, you’re going and that’s final.” I sighed not bothering to argue with her, there’s no way I’d win.

“I don’t even have a dress Lizzy.” I told her lamely. It was an excuse and we both knew it.

“Not a problem! We’ll go looking for one this weekend.” She told me.

“Well ok I’ll see you then, but I have to go right now.” I looked at the clock once more. Dylan was putting his shoes on.

“KK bye!” I hung up.

“You weren’t planning to go to prom?” Dylan asked me. I take it he was listening to our conversation. No privacy with super naturals.


“Why not?”

“I just don’t see the point, and I kind of don’t have a date.” I told him. He nodded, we both made our way to the door to go meet Jacob. Once we made it to the woods we spotted Jacob sitting on a rock, tossing a pebble up and down in his hand.

“Took you long enough, and I see you brought your practice dummy.” He commented, referring to Dylan.

“I wouldn’t call yourself that Jacob, you’re also her teacher.” Dylan replied. I just rolled my eyes at the both of them.

“If you two are done flirting I would like to start.” I laughed at my own joke. The boys didn’t find it funny.

“Right then, which element should we start with today?” Jacob asked getting down to business.

“Can we try earth again?” I heard Dylan make a strangled noise behind us.

“Oh god.” He groaned, Jacob laughed.

“Indeed we can.” We both walked over to a spot in the clearing and I inhaled the fresh air, I always loved the smell of outside. I slowly lifted my hands, roots started coming out of the ground, I grinned. It seems I finally got the basics down.

“I’m doing it!′ I shouted in excitement. I twisted my hands and the roots followed.

“Ok let’s try something else now, you’ve kind of mastered some of earth.” Jacob praised. I lowered my hands and the roots returned to their spot in the ground.

“What are we going to do now?” I asked him.

“I thought about teaching you how to control air, but I want you to learn something else first.” He started walking away from me. “It’s called teleportation, I want you to try and teleport where I’m at.”

“Ok tell me how.” I would love to learn that. Imagine if I’m at home hungry, I could just teleport to the kitchen then back to my room.

“First take a look at the area around me, memorize every little detail about it.” I did as he said studying everything around him. “Now imagine yourself floating, floating to me, really concentrate.”

I focused as hard as could. After much concentration I felt the air start shifting around me, I felt weightless. I opened my eyes only to see I was standing next to Dylan. I flushed in embarrassment.

“Well, it’s clear where you want to be,” Jacob smirked at me. “Not exactly where we were aiming but at least you got it.” I wasn’t even paying attention to Dylan when I was focusing on Jacob, so why the heck did I come over here?

Dylan wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me into a headlock. “I’m not surprised this is where she ended up, I am irresistible.” He ruffled my hair before kissing my cheek. I blushed like crazy at his actions, trying to fix my hair once he let me go.

Jacob was studying us, making me shift on my feet. “It seems like every time you use your powers they go to Dylan.” He commented thoughtfully. I looked at him like he was crazy, then realized he was right. The fire, vines, water, and now this. “Well we’re done here.” He said waving us off.

Already? We only tried one new thing! I wasn’t ready to leave, I wanted to learn more. But from the look on Jacob’s face I could tell he was somewhere right now. Sighing I started walking back towards my house, Dylan following close behind.


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