The Chosen One

Chapter 21

We’ve been doing math for the last two hours and I still wasn’t getting it. I was starting to get frustrated and upset.

“You’re not even trying!” Lizzy growled at me.

“Yes I am! Maybe you’re just a bad teacher!” I growled back. The boys stared at us in amusement.

“Ladies calm down, I think we all can agree Ashley is a little bit on the slow side and it takes time for her to learn things.” Jacob smirked at me. I flipped him the middle finger.

“I hate math.” I said flopping down on Dylan’s bed. It was covered in all black. I mean everything was black, the pillows, sheets, and the head board. Emo much?

“Well as entertaining as this has been, I’m going to take my leave.” Jacob said, he grabbed his backpack leaving the room. Where does he even go when he’s not watching me?

“Thank god.” I gave a slow clap. Lizzy and Dylan both chuckled.

“He’s not that bad.” She said defending him. I shrugged.

“Yes, he is.” Dylan told her. I giggled at the serious look he was making.

“Is it too late now to say sorry?

Because I’m,

missing more than just your body-”

I frowned as someone’s phone started ringing. I looked over at Dylan, he rolled his eyes. “As if that would be my ringtone.”

Lizzy flipped her phone out of her pocket answering it. I laughed, oh my god she’s such a girl!

“Hello?” She answered, getting up and walking out of the room. I laid back on Dylan’s bed letting my head fall on one of his many pillows. Math is so exhausting! Why couldn’t we just learn the basics and get on with our lives?

I felt the bed shift and next thing I know Dylan was hovering above me. My heart started beating at full speed. “W-what are you doing?” I stuttered. He just smirked, leaning in. Is he going to kiss me!?

“Something I’ve wanted to do all day.” And with that his lips crashed onto mine. My eyes closed as our lips made contact. Tingles spread all over my body, kissing him was even better the second time! I felt his tongue slide across my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I refused. He growled reaching under me giving my butt a squeeze. I gasped in shock, allowing him full access to my mouth. I moaned as our tongues made contact. He was kissing me like he was on fire and I was the last bucket of water on earth. I wrapped my legs around his waist as the kiss deepened even more. He pressed down more pushing his crotch against mine, I moaned feeling his member down there. Someone was very happy. I let my fingers slide under his shirt feeling his muscles flex everywhere my hand touched. I was enjoying this kiss a lot and didn’t want it to ever end.

“Hey guys that was- oh my god!” Dylan flew off me as Lizzy stared at us in shock. I grabbed a pillow covering my face, wishing a hole would just swallow me. This is so embarrassing! Lizzy just seen us in a full-blown make-out session. I growled in annoyance at being interrupted, but was also relieved. Who knows what would’ve happened if Lizzy hadn’t come in? Then she would’ve walked in on something a lot worse.

Dylan cleared his throat, I peeked from behind my pillow. Lizzy was standing there awkwardly while Dylan sat on the bed running his fingers through his hair. He had a pillow over his crotch. My cheeks flamed. “Should we head out?” He suggested.

I jumped off the bed. “Yes, let’s go.” I was the first one out the room, not making eye contact with anyone.

As we left Dylan house Lizzy gave him directions to the pack house, so we can drop her off. This was the most awkward car ride of my life. I stared out the window the whole time while Dylan played with the radio, no one spoke. We pulled up at the pack house and I finally turned around to face Lizzy. She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

“Thanks for helping me with my homework.” I told her blushing.

“No problem,” She said opening the door letting herself out, “Next time no boys allowed!” She closed the door laughing.

I think the car was less awkward when Lizzy was in it. Now with just me and Dylan I couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss. I could still feel his lips on mine.

We pulled up to my house, I was about to hop out the car when I felt Dylan’s hand grab my wrist. I looked over at him to see he was clenching his jaw. “Do you regret it?” He asked after a few seconds.

I frowned at him. “Regret what?”

“The kiss.” His voice sounded strained, like it physically hurt him to ask that. I frowned, he thought I regretted the most magical thing in my life? If anything, I wanted it to happen again, without Lizzy interrupting. Or anyone else.

“Of course not! Why would you think that?” I saw him sigh in relief. Did he really think I regretted it?

“You’ve been quiet the whole car ride and wouldn’t even look at me.”

“I’m sorry.” I replied lamely. His slight frown turned into a smirk.

“I know you enjoyed the kiss though, that’s for sure.” He had a big grin on his face. I hid my face behind my hair, making him laugh. He was such a tease.

“Jerk.” I pushed the door open getting out. I made it up to the front door getting ready to unlock it when I was pushed up against it. Dylan turned me around to face him.

“Your jerk.” He declared before planting his lips on mine for the second time that day. Once again, I lost myself in the kiss. His hands were in my hair as my arms were around his neck.

After a while I needed to catch my breath and pulled away from him. He gave me the sexiest smile ever before walking down the steps back to his car. He’s just going to kiss me like that and leave?

My knees felt like Jell-O as I turned around walking into the house. I looked at my watch and saw it was 9:00, everyone was either sleeping or in their rooms for the night. I made myself a sandwich before heading upstairs. I flipped on my TV to find something to watch and saw South Park was on. I laid down intending to get some sleep, but my body didn’t want to rest. I reached over grabbing my phone and dialed the number of one person I knew was up besides me. It rang twice before the person answered.

“Ashley? Miss me already huh?” He asked. I ignored him as I got the nerve to finally ask what I wanted.

“Can you come over?”

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