The Chosen One

Chapter 20

“I hate Ms.Cram.” I ranted to Lizzy as we left math class. The evil woman gave us five pages of math homework, and it was due tomorrow. “I’m going to be up all night doing this!” I sighed in frustration.

Lizzy giggled. “We can do it together if you want. I’m pretty good at math.” She told me smiling smugly. What a show off.

“You’d do that for little old me?” I batted my eyelashes at her. She rolled her eyes as we walked in the cafeteria. It always amazes me how wild the students were during lunch time. Some were dancing on tables, while a group of boys were shooting dice. Isn’t that illegal? Lizzy had convinced me to start eating lunch in the cafeteria, I was starting to regret my decision.

“Only because I don’t want a dumb failing friend.” She sighed dramatically. I grinned at her as we made our way to the back of the food line.

“You’re so considerate.” I reached for the last slice of pizza. So imagine my surprise when another hand snatched it before I could. “Hey!” I turned around to glare at the culprit.

Jacob stood there with a smirk on his face. As much as I liked him being my guardian I did not like him being my classmate. Its like being around teenagers turned him into one. His personality was so different at school compared to training.

“What?” He asked, placing my slice of pizza on his tray.

“That’s my piece!”

He flipped the pizza over examining it. “I don’t see your name on it.”

“You’re about to see my name up your ass after I insert my foot there.” Maybe I was being a bit immature as well but hey he started it.

He chuckled. “When did you become so hostile?”

“Right after a jerk stole my food!” I reached on his tray grabbing my pizza.

“Taking food from the hungry, you have no shame.” He frowned at me.

I ignored him as I pushed by to pay for my lunch. Lizzy giggled at us.

“Don’t come near our table.” I warned him as he started following us.

“Relax grumpy pants my table is this way.” I rolled my eyes. The kids here welcomed Jacob with open arms. A chill new hot guy? The popular kids couldn’t wait to get their hands on him, especially the girls. He had his own little fan club already.

I stopped at my table setting my tray down. Or should I say Lizzy’s table. It was mostly her friends while she just invited me.

“You know Jacob Morris?” One of the girls asked me as I sat down. I tried to figure out who she was but couldn’t put a name to her face.

“Yeah.” I answered. Her eyes lit up.

“You should invite him to sit with us.”

“Not going to happen.” I shot the idea down quickly.

“Why not? He’s the hottest guy in school.” She argued.

“Him and Ashley don’t get along.” Lizzy answered. That’s not really true but I guess that will stop the questions. The girl looked disappointed but didn’t ask any more questions after that. I heard laughing coming from a few tables in front of us and looked up. Jacob was sitting at the table with Zoey and her friends. To my shock Blake was there too. I hadn’t seen him all morning. He sat next to Zoey while Jacob sat next to some red head I didn’t know. Since when were they friends? Last time they were around each other Jacob almost killed him. Is that how you start friendships with people now?

I ignored them going back to eating my lunch. Who Jacob hung out with was none of my business. I’m surprised Zoey is even around him after the way he treated her.

Couple minutes before the bell rang Jacob walked pass my table and left me a note. Everyone at the table saw, he didn’t even try to hide it. I unfolded it just to see it was blank. He was just trying to cause a scene! Like I said high school changed him.

“What’s that?” The same girl from earlier asked. God she’s so nosy and annoying.

“If it was meant for you to know then he would’ve gave it to you and not me.” I stated calmly. She looked shocked at my outburst but had no response. Lizzy jabbed her elbow in my side giving me a pointed look. What? Not my fault she’s all in my business. I got up from the table not wanting to deal with the judgmental stares anymore. I wasn’t going to apologize to her for stating facts.

As I was walking down the hall my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a new text from Dylan. I smiled.

1 New text message

From: Dylan

Hey, were you late for class? ;)

I rolled my eyes.

To: Dylan

No, were you?

I continued making my way to my lockers as I waited for Dylan to reply. Seconds later my phone vibrated again.

1 New text message

From: Dylan

Sadly yes. That’s going to leave a mark on my perfect attendance.

I giggled knowing he was lying about having a perfect attendance. The fact that he tried to hang around me longer this morning before class shows he didn’t care about attendance.

To: Dylan

I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.

His reply came in seconds.

1 New text message

From: Dylan

Almost? Well you Almost had a ride from school. Not after that comment.

To: Dylan

I’m sorry please forgive me ):

Just then the bell decided to ring, I hurried getting my books before rushing to class. I walked in biology class going to my seat in the back. I stopped halfway realizing someone was in my partner seat, that wasn’t my partner.

“What the hell are you doing in my partner seat?” I hissed at Jacob sitting down. He causally leaned back looking at me.

“Your partner is out today.” He said.

“Couldn’t you have found somewhere else to sit?”

“But this was the only spot open.” I laid my forehead on the table, two seconds away from banging it over and over. It’s not that I didn’t like Jacob, I just didn’t like having someone follow me around a lot, unless it was Dylan. Sure he’s teaching me how to use my powers, and protecting me blah blah blah, but I still liked having my freedom. It was like having a parent watching you sometimes.

“Are we practicing today?” I asked.

“If you want.”

“Yes, I want too.” He nodded. Just then the teacher gave us our assignments. We were dissecting frogs today. I almost puked. Where did they even get the frogs from? I hope they didn’t kill them just for this. As the teacher went around passing the frogs out Jacob tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over at him.

“Are you alright? You look a little green.” He pointed out.

“I’ve never cut open an animal before.” Just because it was already dead didn’t change the fact I would be digging around in its insides.

“It’s not a surprise you’re having this kind of reaction.” He said matter of factly. The teacher stopped at our table to hand us our frog, I slide it more towards Jacob. “It’s in our nature to not want to bring harm to god’s creations. Especially animals, since they’re so innocent and defenseless.”

“Why don’t you look effected then?” I took another peek at the frog.

“I’ve had more time to deal with it than you. Before this wouldn’t have bothered you, but after awakening your angel everything changes. I guess you being an archangel makes you dislike it even more.” I didn’t need to point out that he was the one to waken my angel against my will.

“Ok let’s get started then.” I said. Taking a deep breath, I picked up one of the needles. Here goes nothing.

The bell rung, I’ve never been so happy for a class to end in my life. After dissecting frogs for over an hour the fresh smell of kids in the hallway was much better than that of frog guts. I burst out the door taking in big gulps of air.

“Come on now it wasn’t that bad.” Jacob chuckled as he followed out behind me.

“Dramatic much?”

I glared at him. “Easy for you to say, you probably hang around dead things in your spare time.” I said smirking.

“Actually, I do.” He replied. My eyes widened, What? He started laughing at my reaction making me realize he was joking.

“That’s not funny I thought you were serious.” I brushed by him to go to my locker.

“That was the whole point.” He rolled his eyes. I placed my books in my locker while Jacob just stood there.

“Don’t you have your own locker to get to?” I asked, grabbing my backpack and math book. Remembering the tons of homework I had to do soured my mood.

“There’s nothing in there I need.” He shrugged. We both started walking towards the double doors that lead outside to the parking lot. We stepped out and I glanced around. My eyes landed on Dylan, I let out a sigh of relief. I wasn’t sure if he was coming or not since I didn’t have a chance to check my phone. Lizzy was also standing next to his car for some reason. I started making my way over with Jacob trailing behind me.

“Ashley!” Lizzy smiled as we approached.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked curiously.

“I know you need help with your math homework, so I decided to catch a ride home with you. I saw Dylan standing out here and assumed he was your ride since your brother already left.” She said in one breath. I smiled.

“Thank you so much!” I looked over at Dylan. “I wasn’t sure you were coming.” I confessed embarrassed.

He smirked. “Of course I was coming.” To my surprise he reached out pulling me into a hug. Once I got over my shock I hugged him back, he was so warm, and smelled like vanilla. I liked vanilla. We both pulled apart when someone cleared their throat. Looking up I saw Jacob staring at us with a raised eyebrow. I never told him Dylan was my mate, did I?

“Ok!” Lizzy said clapping her hands. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

I quickly ran over to the passenger side before Lizzy could beat me to it. She rolled her eyes at my childishness making Dylan laugh. I saw Jacob get in and I turned around surprised.

“What are you doing? Don’t you have a car?” And other friends, I thought.

He nodded. “Yeah but it seems like everyone was riding in this car, so I joined.” He explained casually. I looked over at Dylan, he just shrugged starting the car up. Sometimes I wished he was more possessive and kicked Jacob out of the car. I sighed crossing my arms over my chest with a pout.

“We can’t go to my house, my mom only knows Lizzy. If you guys are planning to stick around then we need to study somewhere else.”

“We can go to my house.” Jacob suggested.

“No thanks, last time I was there was against my will. I was lucky to leave the first time, why would I go back?” Jacob rolled his eyes.

“Wait what?” Dylan asked.

“When I first met Jacob, he had some creepy ninja girl kidnap me and bring me to his penthouse.” I told him calmly. Thinking about it now I was over it and didn’t think it was a big deal, Dylan on the other hand did.

“He did what??” He yelled out. My eyes snapped to his in surprise. I hardly ever see him mad, but right now he was furious.


“I can’t believe you’re just now telling me this. This psycho kidnapped you and you’re just running around playing angel with him?” I looked at Lizzy to see if she heard the angel part. Lucky for me she just looked confused, I glared at Dylan.

“We’ll talk about this LATER.” I stated firmly. He didn’t respond, but his hands tightened around the steering wheel. Now he chooses to be possessive.

Ten tense minutes later we arrived at Dylan’s house. I didn’t know he was bringing us here because we hadn’t discussed it once we got off topic, but it made sense to come here I guess. Last time I was here I didn’t get to take in much detail about the house, since I was passed out when he brought me in. It was a three-story house; the front was blue, and the rest was made of red bricks. It looked nice and inviting. Dylan parked in front of the house, there were two other cars parked in the driveway.

“Who else is here?” I turned to ask Dylan, but he had already gotten out of the car slamming the door in my face.

“That’s harsh.” Lizzy commented as she also got out the car, followed by me and Jacob. We hurriedly caught up with Dylan just as he unlocked the door.

“I’m home and brought company.” He yelled out when he walked in. We heard footsteps coming towards us. A guy a little older than us rounded the corner.

“Who are these people?” He asked while sending Lizzy and I a wink. I fake gagged.

“Ashley and her friends,” He paused, looking back at Jacob. “Well Lizzy is her friend.” He corrected. I let out a giggle.

“The same Ashley you’ve been love sick over the past week?” The boy asked. I had the great pleasure of seeing Dylan’s cheek tint pink.

“Stop teasing him in front of her.” A girl called out as she walked over and gave Dylan a hug. Against my will or maybe it wasn’t, a warning growl left my lips. I blushed soon after when four sets of eyes turned towards me.

The girl let Dylan go walking towards me. “Hi I’m Amanda, Dylan’s sister.” She said smirking. If possible, my cheeks got even redder. Oh my god I growled at his sister! Taking a closer look at her I could now see the resemblance.

“Hello,” I tried recovering fast. She grinned before pulling me into a hug. I froze not knowing what to do, then slowly hugged her back.

“This is my sister Amanda and my best friend Ryan.” Dylan said making introductions. I waved at Ryan not really wanting to hug him.

“What are you guys doing here so early?” Dylan asked them. Lizzy and Jacob had gone to the living room to sit down already, I didn’t even notice they left. I slowly started making my way there as well, not wanting to intrude on their conversation.

“I hope you’re not thinking of replacing me.” Lizzy whispered in my ear as I took a seat next to her.

“What do you mean?” I frowned at her confused.

“With Dylan’s sister.” She said, waving her hand towards Amanda.

I laughed. “You know you’re irreplaceable Lizzy.” She grinned.

“What about me? With that Ryan guy.” Jacob asked. I doubt Ryan would want to be my bodyguard.

“We’re not even friends Jacob.” I told him rolling my eyes.

“Keep telling yourself that cupcake.” Was his response. Just then Dylan walked over to us. Ryan and Amanda no longer with him. I wonder where they went?

“Where are we going to do our work?” I asked him.

“In my room, let’s go.” We all got up following him out the living room.

“Don’t try any funny business with me sir, my dad is expecting me to return home a virgin.” Jacob said as we were walking up the stairs. Lizzy and I burst out laughing, Dylan shot him a disgusted look.

“No problem there,” He said. “I’m not attracted to blondes.”

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