The Chosen One

Chapter 16

“Which one should we start with?” I asked in excitement. We were sitting in the living room with two chairs pulled to the table. There was a rock, and a glass of water in the middle.

“Which one do you want to try first?” Dylan asked me, almost excited as I am. I looked over both objects deep in thought.

“Let’s do water.” I suggested looking up at him.

“Good I was hoping you picked that,” He clapped his hands together. “Ok I want you to try to move it.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” I asked him.

“I guess you should concentrate on it, try to make it do something, we’ll see what happens.” I did what he suggested and focused on the glass of water. “Are you trying?” He asked.

“Yes I am! Dumb thing won’t move.” I frowned.

“Ok try again.” I did as he told me, this time I thought about nothing but water. Lakes, rivers, and oceans. Slowly some of the water started rising out of the cup. “Oh my god! I’m doing it!” I shouted at Dylan.

“Great stay focused.” Suddenly I sneezed. The water that was floating flew towards Dylan, soaking him.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” I told Dylan trying to hold in my laughter.

“You think this is funny?” He asked.

“N-” Before I could finish my sentence he picked the cup up, dumping the rest of the water on me. It was so cold. I shivered as I glared at him. “You jerk! Why’d you do that!”

He was doubled over in laughter, while I just glared.

“You look like a wet dog.” He said laughing harder at his lame joke. I crossed my arms as I calmly waited for him to stop. I could feel my shirt and hair sticking to my body.

“Are you done?”

“Ok ok I’m done.” He finally calmed down.

“I’m going to go get some towels,” I got up from my seat quickly running to the bathroom, grabbing two big dry towels before making my way back. “Are we going to try the rock now?” I asked him as I tossed him a dry towel.

“Yeah let’s get back to it.” We both sat back down, drying ourselves as we focused back on the rock. “Ok do what you did with the water.”

“You want me to hit you in the face with a rock?” I asked him smirking. He glared. I concentrated on the rock like with the water. It started vibrating on the table.

“Is that all you can make it do?” He asked.

“I guess, it seemed much harder to control than the water and fire.” I told him curiously.

“Hmm let’s try with the water again then.” He offered. I nodded getting up to go fill the cup with more water.

After playing with the elements a while longer, Dylan decided that I needed a break. So he drove us to McDonalds.

“I’ll have two Mcdoubles, a McChicken, two medium fries, a Coke and one orange Hi C please.” He ordered for us.

“Thank you, your total is $8.99.” The voice responded. We pulled up, waiting behind the car in front of us.

“Who’s the McChicken for?” I asked Dylan.

“Me, why?” He asked, looking over at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re going to eat two burgers? What a cow.” I giggled quietly.

“What? I’m eating for two.” He rubbed his belly, smirking at me.

“Oh, so you’re pregnant?” I laughed. He glared at me. I knew he meant his cat side, but I couldn’t help but tease him.

The car in front of us finally pulled away, we pulled up to the window to get our food. The lady at the window looked a year or so older than us, and I couldn’t help but notice the way she smiled at Dylan as he passed her his card. When she handed it back she made sure their fingers touched. I rolled my eyes.

“Thank you.” Dylan smiled at the girl, as she handed us our food.

“She was totally hitting on you.” I told him as we pulled off.

“What? No she wasn’t.” How could he be so blind? Did he not know how hot he was?

“She was.”

“Oh, well doesn’t matter anyways.” I didn’t ask him to elaborate cause I already knew what he meant. I didn’t take notice on how long we were driving until we pulled up at a park that I’ve never been to.

“Why are we at a park?” I asked him confused.

“To eat duh.” He told me as he parked the car and got out. I rolled my eyes. I followed him over to a bench with a table. He sat down, and I sat across from him. I waited as he passed me my food. Opening my burger, I spread the paper out so that I can pour my fries onto it.

“So, is there anything else angels can do?” He asked, while biting into his burger.

“I don’t know Jacob didn’t tell me.” I stuffed a few fries in my mouth.

“Do you trust him?” He asked.

“Why shouldn’t I?” I wasn’t one hundred percent about Jacob, but he seemed trustworthy.

“I don’t know, he just kind of appeared out of nowhere. That doesn’t seem a little bit strange to you?”

I never thought about it that way. He also did have someone kidnap me. A person I haven’t seen again. “Well if he was going to hurt me he could’ve already.” I told him shrugging. It’s true, he didn’t have to tell me I was an angel or help me with my powers. He could’ve killed me the day he had me kidnapped if he really wanted me dead.

“Yeah I guess so. Just be careful around him.” My heart warmed at his concern for me.

“Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine.” I told him smiling. I’m always at ease when I’m around Dylan.

“I’ll do some research later to see what powers angels usually have. You know like read a book or something.” He said.

“Thanks that’d be awesome, but shouldn’t we work on what we already know first?” I asked.

“You’re right, but I’m curious to know more.” He was like a nerd at a Star Wars convention, I noticed. I laughed at my comparison. I could totally see him as a Star Wars fan. “What are you laughing about?” He asked suspiciously.

“Oh nothing.” I answered quickly.

“When’s the last time you shifted?” He asked me suddenly. I racked my brain trying to remember.

“Back at the arcade.” I’ve been so busy thinking about being an angel that I forgot all about my wolf. This made me sad, how could I just forget her like that?

“Well you want to go for a run? In case you didn’t notice we’re surrounded by a forest.” I hadn’t noticed. Behind the park there was literally a forest.

“Yes, I’d love to!” I told him hoping off the bench. He laughed, getting up to lead the way. As soon as he was in the safety of the trees, he shifted into this huge black panther. I was impressed, I remember seeing him as a tiger, but the panther really suited him more.

“Shift already.” I heard a voice in my head rush me. I blushed, realizing I was totally checking his cat out.

Before he could notice my pink cheeks I quickly shifted into my wolf. Dylan starred at me openly with admiration in his eyes. I looked down to avoid eye contact, jumping back with a yelp. My paws were white. Last time I shifted they were black. “Dylan what color is my wolf!!?” I asked in panic.

“It’s this beautiful pure white.” He said still admiring me, not noticing my panic.

“Oh my god, my wolf was black before!” I told him. Making him snap out of his trance.

“What do you mean? Your fur changed colors? I’ve never heard of that happening.” He noted, shock clear in his voice.

“What does this mean? Is my wolf dying!?” I asked horrified at the thought. He ignored my question as he studied me.

“Maybe this has something to do with your angel.”

“Are you saying my angel is killing my wolf!!? Why?” I asked still panicking. Not comprehending what he was trying to say.

“No, I don’t think your wolf is dying. I’m saying once you tapped into your powers it must’ve affected your wolf as well. Since it’s a part of you.” He explained. I thought about his explanation and it made sense to me. I started to calm down.

“Well that’s.... Interesting.” I took another look at my paws again.

“Indeed it is.” I heard leaves crunching, I looked up to see Dylan running away from me.

“Hey!” I started running after him. My wolf picking up speed with every step.

“Keep up slow poke!” He teased in my head. I growled and pushed myself more. Within minutes I was inches away from him. Just as I was about to bite him, he darted to the left and up a tree.

“Hey that’s no fair I had you!” I yelled at him. I could hear him laughing in my mind.

“If you had me then I wouldn’t be in this tree right now, now would I?” I could just feel his smirk. I growled.

He walked to the edge of a branch right above my head and laid down, swiping his paw at me. I turned around and tried to bite it. He just chuckled. “Calm down turtle.”

I was about to make a rude comment when suddenly, I caught a scent and stiffened.

My eyes darted in the direction of the smell.


“Lizzy? What are you doing here?” I shifted back once I noticed who it was, grabbing Dylan’s shirt off the ground that he carried with him.

“I was looking for you and followed your scent here.” She glanced at the big panther in the tree, right above my head.

“Relax, that’s just Dylan. Shift back already fun time over.” I told him. He made this weird sound before hopping out of the tree and walking over to some bushes.

“What are you doing out here?” She asked.

“Just decided to go for a run. Needed to connect with my wolf.” I said shrugging.

“Blake said your wolf was black, but your wolf is white. How?” She asked confused. Dylan walked back to us just then and I thanked the heavens.

“Hey,” He greeted Lizzy. She waved but didn’t say anything, which I thought was weird. I was sure they got along the last time we hung out.

“Should we head back?” I asked once it got quiet.

Lizzy nodded then started walking. Dylan and I followed closely behind. I tried to keep my eyes off Dylan the moment I noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt, which was hard to do since he was walking directly next to me.


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