The Chosen One

Chapter 15

Ashley’s POV

“I Blake Ryder reject you.” Those words have been repeating in my head all day, and every time I hear them the more my heart breaks. Why would he reject me? And over a lunch table? Did our bond mean that little to him?

“Hey Ashley, are you ok?” Jacob asked, as I stared at my room ceiling. I was too heartbroken to stay at school, so I decided to go home. Jacob decided that he will come with me, even though I was against it. I was starting to get used to his presence now. He’s like an annoying brother I never asked for. Luckily my mom and Ben were both at work.

“I don’t know Jacob, how should one feel after getting their heart ripped out and mowed over like tall grass?” I replied calmly. Jacob decided not to answer. Just then my phone decided to ring. I ignored it, but Jacob had other plans.

“Hello?” He answered. “Yeah she’s right here... I’m not sure now’s a good time... why does it matter who I am?” At this point I decided to take the phone from him.

“Hello?” I asked into the phone.

“Ashley? It’s me Dylan, are you ok?” He asked worriedly on the other line. I haven’t talked to Dylan a whole day and I really missed him. Hearing his voice made me feel much better.

“Yes Dylan I’m fine, why do you ask?”

“Well Blake called me earlier saying some nonsense about him rejecting you, and I was checking to see if you were ok.” At the mention of Blake’s name my mood dropped again. Did Blake know Dylan was my mate? I never told him, but why else would he call Dylan? He must’ve have figured it out when I was in the hospital.

“Yes, he did.” Was all I replied.

“Oh.” The line went quiet for a while and I could hear cars in the background.

“Where are you?” I asked him.

“I’m on my way to your house.” He replied in a duh manner.

“What? Why? I told you I’m fine.”

“Yes, you did, but there was also a guy who answered your phone.” I rolled my eyes, oh I see he’s jealous.

“That’s just Jacob, you don’t have to come here Dylan.” As much as I wanted to see him I didn’t think it’d be a good idea. I could explain having one guy in my room if my mom showed up, but two? No way I was done.

“I know but I just want to make sure you’re ok.” I knew Dylan could be a bit stubborn sometimes and I wasn’t going to win this argument.

“Ok Dylan I’ll leave the door unlocked.”

“Thanks, and one more thing. Where do you live again?” I chuckled as he asked this. So, he was coming here and didn’t even know where I lived?

“I’ll text you the address.”

After hanging up the phone I looked over at Jacob. “I think you should leave.” I told him. He raised an eyebrow.


“Do you want a repeat of earlier? Cause I don’t.” I told him crossing my arms.

“Fine.” He said getting up. “You’ll call me later though, if anything happens right?”

“I don’t have your number.” He nodded grabbing my phone and putting it in under ‘angel buddy’ before leaving. I decided to just watch TV until Dylan got here.

Couple minutes later I heard my doorbell ring. I got out of bed and took my time opening the door. Didn’t I tell him the door was unlocked?

“Yes?” I asked soon as I opened it. Dylan stood there with a smirk on his face, looking hot as always. He purposely rang the doorbell.

“You going to let me in?” He asked walking closer.

“Should I? I do believe I told you not to come.” I smirked at him. Dylan rolled his eyes. Next thing I know my body was in the air being thrown over his shoulder.

“Put me down jerk off!” I screamed hitting his back.

“Maybe next time you’ll just let me in.” He teased walking up the steps.

“If you don’t put me down I swear I’ll bite you!” I threatened.

“Oh, you animal.” I could tell he wasn’t taking me seriously. Just as I was about to bite his shoulder I was flung on my bed.

“Oof, get out of my room!” I glared up at him. He just laughed grabbing a seat at my computer desk.

“Why are you so feisty?” He leaned back in my chair getting comfortable. I rolled my eyes at him.

“When are you leaving?” I sat up on the bed sitting cross legged watching him.

“Once you tell me everything that’s been going on.” He said, all playfulness leaving his tone. I gulped.

“Where should I start? Things have been crazy lately.” I told Dylan. The thing I liked most about Dylan was I felt like I could tell him anything, and he’d make all my problems go away.

“Let’s start with who’s that Jacob guy?” He suggested, raising an eyebrow. I knew he’d say that.

“Well Jacob is the one who told me I’m adopted, and well he’s an angel. He’s fallen because he said he was in love with me.” I told him watching his reaction. His face was neutral. I wasn’t certain how Jacob would feel about me telling Dylan his identity, but I didn’t care.

“Why’s he here?”

“Because I’m the first-born archangel and he says I need protection. ” It felt really good to finally tell someone everything.

“But that doesn’t make sense. Aren’t you a werewolf? How can you be an angel too?” Dylan asked sounding very confused.

“He said my angel adapts to my surroundings and since I was surrounded by werewolves, I became one. I didn’t believe him at first either, but after confirming I was adopted I decided to try something.” Getting up I walked over to Dylan. “Watch this.” Opening my hand, I did what Jacob taught me to do.

“Whoa what the heck Ashley!?” Dylan jumped from the chair looking very shocked.

“Apparently angels can control the elements.” I told him making the flames disappear, I was getting good at this.

“Why didn’t you show me this before?” He asked sitting back down. I walked back over to my bed sitting down as well.

“I couldn’t do it before, Jacob said our powers only get activated when we meet another angel.” I told him.

“So, meeting Jacob did this?”

“Yes, I believe so.”

“Does anyone else know?” He asked.

“No, I’ve only told you.” I said blushing.

“Hmm well I think we should keep this a secret. You don’t want people coming after you. I mean a girl who can control the elements and shift? You’d be a nice prize.” He told me smirking. I rolled my eyes.

“I think that’s a good idea.”

“Now what happened with Blake?” I cringed slightly when he mentioned his name.

“Well Jacob enrolled in my school to keep watch over me, and today he asked to sit with me at lunch. Blake was there and got upset for some reason saying he couldn’t sit with me. So, I walked away from him with Jacob and he rejected me.” I looked out the window thinking back to earlier once again.

“Well his lost is my gain,” He gave me a flirtatious smile, causing me to blush. “Have you tried doing anything else? With the elements I mean.” He asked sounding excited. I could tell he was trying to take my mind off Blake.

“Uh no, haven’t had much time.”

“Well you got time now.” He pointed out, with a mischievous look in his eyes.

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