The Chosen One

Chapter 13

The rest of the party was uneventful after Jacob left, dropping that bomb on me. I played a few drinking games with Lizzy and her friends until I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore, that’s when I decided to walk home. I wasn’t scared about walking home at night, once you discover you’re part of the supernatural not much scares you anymore. Once I got home I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth before hopping in bed. I spent most of my time laying there thinking. Why was I cursed to have two mates? Why not just one? How will I ever know who the right one is to choose? And on top of that I might be in danger, why else would Jacob suddenly appear? I wasn’t buying the whole ‘I’m here to protect you because I love you’ there’s got to be another reason. I sighed and closed my eyes, I wasn’t going to get these answers tonight.


Beep beep bee- I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock annoyed with it, before snuggling back under my covers. Ahh

“Ashley Parker if you don’t get up and get ready for school this instant!” I heard my mom yell from the steps. GRRR

I had the worst hangover from last night and the last thing I wanted to do was go to school. I got out of bed and walked over to my closet, grabbing a pair of blue skinny jeans and a purple crop top before going in the bathroom to shower. I took a comb through my hair before putting it in a ponytail. On my way downstairs, I spotted Jessica dressed like the slut she is. She shoved pass me on the steps.

“Watch where you’re going loser.” I decided to just not respond. Heading down the steps I saw my mom and Jake eating. I was still upset about being adopted but Dylan was right, they still loved me. I searched around the cabinets until I found a bottle of aspirin, I filled a glass up with water quickly taking the pill.

“Mom can I talk to you later about something?” I asked nervously as I placed my glass in the sink.

“Sure honey.” She smiled at me.

“Guys I’m going to walk to school today.” I told them, grabbing my backpack off the floor as I made my way to the door.

“Ok Hun be careful!” My mom called out as I left the house. As I was walking my thoughts drifted to angels. What exactly can angels do? I know they’re powerful but that’s about it. I thought back to a movie I once saw were the girl made a fireball appear in her hand. I should try something like that. With that thought in mind I tried to conjure up a fire ball. I held out my palm face up and thought of fire. After ten seconds of just starring at my hand with nothing happening I decided to give up.

“What are you finding so fascinating about your hand?” I jumped hearing an amused voice behind me.

“I was just trying something.” I responded to Jacob. Cheeks flaming. I didn’t even hear him walk up.

He chuckled “Let me guess, trying to make a fire ball?” I shrugged knowing he was right but not wanting to admit it. What was he doing out here anyways? He probably waited till I left the house, so he could follow me. He was starting to seem more like a creep than a protector.

“Don’t be embarrassed, you actually can conjure up one. Let me show you.” He grabbed my hand running his fingers along my palm. His hands were surprisingly super soft. I wonder what moisturizer he uses. “Think of the hottest thing you can, not including me of course.” He winked. I rolled my eyes but did as he said. After five seconds I felt my hand start to heat up, I stared at it in shock as a small flame appeared in it.

“Oh my gosh! I did it.” I exclaimed, throwing my hands up forgetting about the flame, it landed on Jacob’s shirt. I laughed as he jumped around patting himself. He glared at me.

“I try to help you, and this is how I get paid? You set me on fire!”

“It was an accident!” I laughed.

“Then stop laughing!” He pouted at me.

“Don’t be such a baby!” I continued walking, I heard him running to catch up with me. “What are you even doing here?” I finally asked as he caught up.

“I was in the neighborhood.” He stammered, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Oh really? Strange how you live nowhere around here.” I countered, raising an eyebrow. I swear I saw his cheeks turn pink a bit. I chuckled.

“Well....” I decided to let it go, already knowing the reason.

“Thanks for teaching me.” I told him as we continued walking.

“No problem I can teach you more stuff if you’d like.” He shrugged.

“There’s other things we can do?” I asked shocked. He nodded.

“Of course, we’re angels, but I can only teach you what I know how to do. You have more powers than I have, but only another archangel can teach you them.” He shrugged. Guess I’ll never know those powers then. Five minutes later and we finally arrived at school. Soon as I turned the corner Lizzy spotted me. She ran over her eyes cutting over to Jacob in question.

“Finally, it took you forever to get here!”

“I still have time before the bell ring.” I told her.

“Yes, but not enough time to hang with us!” Once again, her eyes went to Jacob. I wonder if he noticed.

“I’m Jacob, Ashley’s friend.” He held his hand out to her. Oh yeah, he noticed. I blushed realizing how formal he was, no one shakes hands anymore but me. Maybe it was an angel thing?

“I’m Lizzy.” She replied shaking his hand. Just then the bell rung.

“Whelp I’ll see you guys after class.” I called making my way to the front doors.

I walked the halls after third period hoping to avoid running into Jacob or Blake. So far, I was doing good. I cannot deal with them both at the same time. But sadly, I’m not that lucky. When I got to my locker Blake was leaning against it waiting for me. I haven’t talked to him since the hospital. He wasn’t at the welcome back party because his dad sent him to do something with another pack that day. I’m sure it was just his excuse to keep him away from me.

“Hey, I didn’t see you after class.” Yeah because I was avoiding you.

“Sorry I had to stop by the library.” I smiled at him.

“Hey Ashley!” Oh great. I turned to see Jacob jogging down the hall.

“How does the new boy know your name?” Blake asked suspiciously. Because he’s stalking me while claiming to be my guardian. But I couldn’t say that.

“Um he’s my neighbor?” I said, more like asked. Blake raised an eyebrow at me, but before he could question me Jacob came up.

“Hey, I’ve been looking all over for you.” He smiled at me.

“Why?” Even though I opened my mouth I wasn’t the one that asked the question. I looked over at Blake, glaring at him for cutting me off.

“Uh I believe I was talking to the lady.” Jacob told him raising an eyebrow.

“And I believe I was talking to you.” Blake glared walking closer. Jacob looked over at me confused about his behavior. Also wondering if he was a threat to me. I know Jacob could beat Blake, with him being an angel and all. I needed to step in before things got bad.

“Blake back off he did nothing to you.” I scolded him placing my hand on his chest. He looked down at me, then looked back at Jacob.

“What’s going on here?” He asked.

“I told you already.” He’s so sexy when he’s jealous. Whoa did I just think that?

“Whatever.” He mumbled, leaning back against my locker. Glad he’s controlled now. I looked at Jacob.

“Did you need anything?” I asked politely trying to separate them.

“Yeah, do you mind if I sit with you at lunch?” I was sure he was only asking to be polite. Even if he didn’t directly sit at my table he’d sit close enough to watch me. I didn’t think I really needed protection at school, but for reasons unknown to me he’s here.

“Sure.” “No.” Blake and I answered at the same time.

“Excuse me?” I asked him.

“I said no, you’re sitting with me and he’s not invited.” My mouth opened in shock. There was nothing sexy about this. Plus, I never sit with him at lunch and now suddenly I am?

“I’m sure she can make her own decisions.” Jacob snapped sounding angry. I would have to explain to him later that Blake is my mate and that’s why he’s acting like this. I wonder if he’ll get jealous, was he still in love with me? How could he be in love with me when he only knew me as a baby? He still hasn’t explained to me his side of the story. So none of this was making sense.

“Yes Blake I can, and I’m not sitting with you, come on Jacob.” I grabbed his arm pulling him in the opposite direction from Blake.

“Take one more step with him and you’ll regret it.” Blake called out from behind us. I stopped and turned around.

“Oh yeah, and what are you going to do?” I asked starting to walk away again, until I heard something that shocked me.

“I Blake Ryder reject you.”

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