The Chosen One

Chapter 12

Two hours later when I could no longer keep up with all this latest information, he decided I could go home. We pulled up at my house, it looked dark inside.

“Is anyone home?” He asked, looking at the house.

“I’m not sure, but I have a key.” He nodded his head. I was about to get out the car when I realized I never got his name.

“By the way what’s your name?” I asked.

“Jacob, I’ll be seeing you real soon Ashley.” Yeah right, I thought getting out the car and making my way to the front door. Today has been crazy.

After Jacob dropped me off I decided to just chill in my room since no one was home. I went to the kitchen grabbed me a plate of cheese squares then made my way upstairs. I just made it outside my room door when I heard shuffling inside. I was certain that no one was home. I slowly twisted the door open and cautiously stepped in.

“Ashley!” I jumped back surprised to see Jake sitting on my bed.

“What are you doing in here? And where is everyone?” I asked him.

“They’re at your welcome home party, which you’re missing.” He raised both eyebrows at me. I had completely forgotten about the party while I was with Jacob. Who can remember something as simple as a party when you’re being told you’re an archangel?

“What are you doing in my room?”

“Mom and dad sent me over to pick you up, seeing as how you didn’t show up. But when I got here you weren’t here, or answered any of my calls, so I waited in your room till now.” He scooted over so that I could sit next to him. Now that he mentioned it I do remember hearing my phone ring.

“Is the party still going?” I asked curiously.

“I guess so, I don’t think they’re planning to stop until you show up. At least Lizzy won’t anyways.” He chuckled.

“Can I ask you a question Jake?” Thinking back to the conversation with Jacob earlier I wanted to confirm one thing, to be certain his story was true.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Am I adopted?” I watched his reaction carefully. He sucked in a breath and looked away. That’s when I knew it was true. I jumped up from the bed staring at him. “Am I?” I practically screamed.

“Maybe we should wait till mom and dad get here.”

“No! I’m asking you now Jake, the least you can do is tell me the truth for once.” I know that was a low blow, but I didn’t care.

He sighed, “Yes.”

I stared at him for a second, before pacing around my room. So not only does my family lie to me about the whole werewolf thing, but they also hid the fact that I was adopted. Now it all makes sense. Them being shocked that I shifted, because they really didn’t know if I was a werewolf or not.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me?” I finally asked him.

“Mom was going to tell you soon, but she’s afraid on what you’ll decide to do.” He was watching me pace.

“What do you mean what I decide to do?”

“You’re eighteen, you’re legal now and can be your own guardian.”

I thought about what he said. He means I can move out and live on my own. Leave them forever and never look back. Even though everyone lied to me doesn’t mean I want to leave them. They’re still my family, plus I have secrets too now I suppose. I’m not going to tell anyone about me being an archangel before I can confirm it myself. “Oh.”

“I just got a text from Brody, he says the party is still going. They’re waiting for you if you still want to go.” Brody was one of my brother’s friends he recently made.

I thought about it. I could either go to the party and clear my mind, or I can sit here and drive myself insane with all these questions trying to figure things out. “Ok let’s go.” I was still in my party clothes from earlier, a simple red dress.

“You look nice by the way.” Jake complimented me as we made our way downstairs. I ignored him, he was just trying to get on my good side. Well you’re going to have to try harder than that buddy.

Twelve minutes later we pulled up at the pack house, once again I was here, maybe this time I’ll actually go inside. There weren’t many decorations outside besides the balloons and welcome back banner. I don’t know why Lizzy felt the need to have this when I was only in the hospital for two days. I’m surprised her dad even let her host the party here, considering when I first met him how he completely disregarded me. Jake and I got out of the car and made our way up to the house. Jake went in first while I followed behind him, when out of nowhere I heard,

“SEXY ASHLEY HAS ARRIVED!!!” I cringed knowing it was Lizzy. I was hoping to just enter the party unnoticed and find her later, so much for that idea.

I turned around grinning at Lizzy as she tackled me in a hug. How does one person have so much energy? “I thought you’d never get here!” She screamed in my ear.

“Yeah well something came up last minute, sorry I’m late.” I looked around noticing Jake left.

“Well I’m glad you’re here. Come on people from school want to meet the new girl.” She grabbed my hand and started dragging me behind her. Every time I’m near Lizzy I’m being dragged around. We walked over to a group of people I’ve seen around school but never actually talked too.

“Hey guys here she is finally!” Lizzy pushed me forward making me the center of attention. There were three boys and two girls smiling at me. One of the boys was Caleb.

“Hey.” I awkwardly waved at them, feeling uncomfortable. I didn’t know anyone at this party besides my family, and to know they’re all werewolves doesn’t help. Just then I saw a figure dart into the kitchen that looked oddly familiar.

“Hey Lizzy, I’m going to go get a drink Ok?” I walked away not waiting for her to answer. As I was walking toward the kitchen an arm wrapped around my waist and mouth pulling me into a closet. I tried to scream but his hand was blocking me. So I did the craziest and most disgusting thing ever, I licked the hand. What can I say? I panicked. The person let go of my mouth with a loud shriek.

“What the heck was that for!?” A male voice whispered. I recognized that voice.

“Dylan?” I whispered. “Don’t scare me like that!”

“Do you always lick people hand?” He dramatically started wiping his hands on his leg.

“Only when crazy people drag me in closets.” I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled “Relax I just wanted to talk.”

“You couldn’t have done that out there like everyone else? Or called?” I pointed out, putting my hands on my hips. He copied me smirking.

“Well maybe I didn’t want to.” I rolled my eyes again. One of these days they’re going to fall out. My mom used to tell me that all the time as a kid.

“What do you want?” He stepped closer wrapping his arms around me.

“I felt you were upset earlier, so I needed to check and see if you were ok.” He said resting his chin on my head as I hugged him back. He felt I was upset? Must have been the bond. I felt ten times better with him being here.

“I found out I was adopted.” I mumbled into his chest.

“That’s got to be hard, you know your family still loves you though, right?” He pulled back to look me in the eyes.

“I know, it’s just too much to find out you’ve been lied to your whole life, what if I don’t know how to act around them now?” I hope family dinners don’t turn awkward.

“You’ll be ok, you’re a strong girl and I know you’ll handle this just fine. Sure, things might be awkward at first, but adopted or not they’re your family, they’re the ones who raised you. Blood is not the only thing that makes family.” He was right, and it felt great to have someone to talk to.

We stayed like that for a few minutes till I decided to break the silence.

“You should head home before someone notices you, I don’t want to deal with any drama.” I don’t even know how he got in here without being spotted already. He pouted.

“Trying to get rid of me already? I’m fine right here.” He reached for me and I giggled moving out his reach.

“As much as I enjoy your company, I enjoy it better when you’re not in a house full of werewolves. Now let’s go.” I grabbed his hand pulling him out the closet, luckily no one saw us exit as we went our separate ways.

I couldn’t find Lizzy anywhere, so I just hung around the living room, looking very out of place. I hadn’t seen Dylan around, so I assumed he took my advice and left. As I was sitting there I saw Zoey talking to some guy and flirting, typical. I was curious of who she was talking too and didn’t know why until he turned around. I gasped seeing that it was Jacob. What the heck is he doing here!? And why is he flirting with Zoey!? I watched as she placed her hand on his chest and that’s when I decided to interrupt their little flirt session. I got up making my way over there. I could tell Jacob knew I was coming because of the smirk on his lips. Once I got closer that’s when Zoey noticed me.

She glared at me. “What do you want freak?” I ignored her, looking at Jacob.

“What are you doing here?” He lifted an eyebrow.

“I came to welcome you back.” He said smirking at me. Zoey looked disgusted that he was even talking to me. I don’t know who even invited her, maybe their dad.

“You know her?” She looked me up and down. Jacob didn’t even spare her a glance which made a satisfied smirk appear on my lips. Ha! Take that.

“Yes, she’s my ex.” My eyes widened as he said this, my mouth hung open in shock.

“You dated her!? Ew that’s just gross why would you lower yourself into dating her?” She sounded genuinely appalled by that. I honestly don’t understand why she hates me so much. I was about to give her a piece of my mind, but Jacob beat me to it.

“Because she’s not an easy slut throwing herself at anything with a pulse like you.” He glared at her. Her cheeks turned red from anger before she stormed off. Guess she had no comeback, I giggled. “What are you laughing at?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

“Did you see her face!?” I asked trying to control my laughter. I covered my mouth with my hands but still couldn’t stop.

Jacob smirked, and that’s when I finally got myself together.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“Since you won’t stay with me, I’ve decided to be closer to you.” He stated smiling. He was serious about this guardian thing, I thought when he let me go home that we were done with that. “I enrolled in your school, just stopped by to tell you.” Just freaking great. Another male with a crush to deal with.

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