The Choice

Chapter 6 first shift and meeting the parents


I could tell how excited she was for this, which made me happy for her. We finally made it to the training ground, and it’s been freezing here from the early fall afternoon that’s barely in the low 70s.

“I know this is going to sound weird, but you need to strip first.” I blush and so does she. We haven’t even been in my room yet and I get to see her gorgeous naked body.

“Uh, why?” As she freezes before she slowly takes off her clothes in the freezing cold.

“So, your clothes don’t rip when you shift.” Mia giggles as she tells her. I guess that’s a good reason. She finished taking her clothes off and put them by a nearby tree. I walk over to her and gently caress her cheek.

“Alright, focus on your wolf and what she might look like. Her fur, her paws, her eyes… also getting down on all fours helps make it easier.” She listens to my instructions carefully. So, she gets down on all fours and closes her eyes trying to imagine what she looks like. To be honest, I was terrified for her… I took a deep breath and soon all I felt was the pain of bones rearranging and snapping. I let out a blood-curdling scream that turned into a howl.

“You’re almost there, Selena!” I encourage her and I can see her hands and feet turn to paws, her hair turning to fur. Once I realize the transformation is done, I see her look around with her new senses and try to look at herself. Her fur is light reddish-brown and white with a white mask. I turn around to see that I’m surrounded by wolves; everyone else must’ve shifted to make Selena feel more comfortable. I come trotting up to her and nuzzle her neck.

“Hi, I’m Duncan. It’s nice to meet you in person this time.” I wag my tail as I check her out. My fur is brownish-black. From a distance, it looked like I was a dark brown.

“Hi, I’m Carolina. It feels nice to be let out for so long…” She pounces around getting used to being on four legs. Almost jumping for joy.

“Why did her father not let you out?” I’ve been wondering about this since she told us.

“Because that’d mean she’d have freedom. If I was out, then she could leave, and her father didn’t want that. He’s a control freak.” Yikes, that’s harsh.

“It’s good to see you.” I nuzzle her again and it just feels right. Like I was meant to be this way.

“Let’s run…” I got excited at the thought of having my first run with her. I hear my siblings laugh and once we realize she wasn’t in any danger medically, the rest of them left us alone. We probably ran for hours around the forest not having a care in the world. Once I was finally tired, we laid outside on the porch and just let our wolves cuddle together.

“For your first time-shifting in three years and your first run it went smoothly, but I didn’t like to see you in pain…” I nuzzled her again and it just feels right… I stay as Rufus throughout the night into the next day. I didn’t want to change just yet, not that I’ve just met her. I didn’t want her to leave yet.

“Good morning, Carolina.” I lick her cheek to wake her up. I groan as she tries to wake me up but reluctantly, I stretch out and lick his cheek back.

“Good morning, Duncan.” She groans and I wrap my head around her neck.

“Eventually you’ll have to let Selena come back.” As much as I loved staring at her wolf, I missed Selena.

“I don’t want to” She pouted like a little kid not getting their way…

“I know we just got you but you’ll come back soon. Now we can communicate with each other. So, you’re not completely gone.” She seemed to like that idea.

“Well, at least that’s a comforting thought. Alright, how do I turn back to Selena?”

“Just imagine what she looks like and it’ll be painful going back, but not as bad as her turning to you.” She closes her eyes again and imagines her normal self. I feel her bones rearranging. Her paws turning back to her feet and hands, her fur turning back to her red hair, going from all fours to two legs.

“Yay I’m me again… that feels weird, but you’re right it wasn’t as bad going from wolf to person again.” Rufus reluctantly turned back for her benefit but she pouted that I made it look easy.

“You’ll get used to it just takes practice. Come on, let’s go inside. I’m sure everyone is eager to hear about your first shift.” We get inside to the kitchen and everyone is just staring at us…

“So how did it go!?” I know Mia, Raven and my mom are chomping at the bit to know details.

“It was painful, but once it was done and Carolina fully was out it was exhilarating. The first run with Rufus was amazing. Smelling scents of everything in the forest for the first time… feeling the leaves underneath my paws… having Rufus comfort me when the pain got unbearable…” I kiss her cheek in gratitude and my pack hoots and hollers at us.

“Yeah, yeah like you’re not like that with your mates.” I tease the rest of them in good fun.


Having my first shift and run felt exhilarating! From what I’m told Carolina is a beautiful wolf, but that opinion may be biased. Rufus was a handsome wolf! It felt so good to feel the leaves under my paws! Yeah, the shift itself hurt like crap since of my father’s order, and to be honest, it was a stupid order. I was so glad when I realized that his order did not affect me now that I live here now. The shift itself hurt like crap but hearing him encourage me made me smile internally. I go back to the training grounds after talking to his siblings and mom. I wanted to do it again!

“Can we do it again? Except make it a family run? I never got to have a family run… my parents didn’t really care to shift. I don’t even know if their wolves are still a part of them since they use them so little. Soon I see his siblings shift. Raven is a pure black wolf which doesn’t surprise me but she’s beautiful.

“Hi, you may know my human Raven but my name is Shadow. It’s nice to meet you, Carolina.” Shadow trots up to me and nuzzles me. Soon I saw other wolves. I recognize Rufus and lick his cheek. There was another brownish-black wolf, but this one looked more feminine.

“Hi, I’m Melania, my human half is Mia. Welcome to our family Carolina.” She nuzzles me as well. I’ve never felt so loved in the few weeks close to a month I’ve lived here than I have in my entire life back home. I doubt I’ll ever visit home unless it’s visiting my siblings, but even then I may just invite them over here so I don’t have to see mom and dad anymore. Now that I know what it’s like to have a loving family I never want to go home. The ceremony has been the best thing to ever happen! Two more wolves trotted up to me one was a dark chocolate brown, and another was a dark gray. I’m guessing those are the twins.

“Hi new sister, my name is Cola but my human half is Connor.”

“And I’m Smoke, my human half is Conrad. Welcome to the family.” They both nuzzle me. Even in wolf form, I felt like I was a part of something. These wolves were here for me…

“Technically, you’re the future luna. We’re celebrating you, sorta.” Mia said to me. I never really thought of it like that. Soon I see Rufus and I just run up to him.

“Hi, sweetie…” I lick his cheek in excitement.

“Everybody ready?” Everybody nods, ready to go. “Alright, Carolina and I will be in the front then it’s everybody for themselves.” He howled showing the run was about to start. We ran around in the woods again and it felt so exhilarating running with my new family. I howl in excitement if I was human I’d be laughing. I even see Smoke and Duncan showing off a little as he hunts some deer for dinner.

“Show off.” I stuck my tongue out to Duncan, but I was impressed.

“I know you like it!” Damn it… he caught onto me.

“Now that we have some dinner let’s head back. Did you have a good time Carolina?” Rufus had a deer in his mouth, but thanks to mind-linking he could still talk to me. We all made our way back to the house and back to the training grounds where our clothes were. Once we got back to change, we go to the kitchen where we found a salt/pepper gentlemen and an older woman with the same dark brown chocolate brown wavy hair as Kieran and Mia.

“Did you guys go hunting?” asked their mom

“Yeah, we got two deer for you.” They slap them down on the island.

“Thanks, boys.” Then she notices me. “Is this who I think it is!?” she squeals in excitement.

“Mom, this is Selena Westwood, my mate, and future luna.” His mom squealed again, and I covered my ears.

“Sorry, but we’ve been waiting for a while for Kieran to find his mate!”

“I’ve been here for almost a month. How come I’m just meeting you now?”

“We’ve been away for pack business. Actually, we just met your parents and your siblings, but they didn’t mention you.” I looked at her with surprise. They saw my family…

“How were they doing? I’m not surprised my parents didn’t mention me. I was the thorn in their side they wanted to get rid of. They have a ‘ceremony’ pretty much their form of banishment. I miss my brother and sister. Are they doing well?”

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” She hugs me. “Yeah, the young man seemed to do well as the future king, but no mate yet. I could smell that they’re wolves, but they seemed to be bottled up.”

“Yeah my parents don’t let us shift except for our first at 18 and even then they don’t make it a big deal. No ceremony, no pomp, and circumstance… just ‘oh you’re shifting, eh go to the woods and come back human’” The entire family is shocked by the story of my first shift.

“Seriously!? Your first shift should be a big deal! Especially as a princess!” Everybody looked at me again… ugh yeah I almost forgot that I was.

“Honestly, in the month I’ve been here my life has turned topsy-turvy in the best way possible. I cut ties with my parents. At least text my brothers and sister. I just got to shift for the second time ever and met Kieran! What my parents meant for punishment ended up being the best thing to happen to me. I got a new family and I can actually be a true wolf now. I couldn’t care less about being a princess. You saw how cold-hearted my father was, and didn’t even mention me as if I didn’t exist!” I cried thinking of my parents. “All because I didn’t want my father to pick my suitor. I wanted to wait for my mate.”

“Oh, my sweet girl! You poor thing! No wonder you hate your family! Well, now that you’re a part of ours we’re happy to have you.” His mom hugs me and lets me cry.

“Thank you…” I say through my tears. “I still haven’t been told your names though.”

“Oh, where are my manners! I’m Caroline and this is Jacob. We’re the current alpha and luna. That is until you and Kieran take over.”

“How ironic, my wolf’s name is Carolina.” She smiled, and it just reassured me I was meant to be in this family. His dad hugs me too. If this is how Kieran was going to look when he was going to look when he’s older I’m going still be happy then.

“Well now, that we have dinner, Jacob can butcher them and I’ll cook.” His mom offered a seat and I sat down to watch her cook with a smile on my face.

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