The Choice

Chapter 5 meeting the siblings


We walk hand in hand out of the hospital and I just get this feeling to talk to my siblings before training.

“Kieran, can I call my siblings before we head to training? I’m sure they’re worried.” I tug on his hand pulling him to stop.

“If it’s important to you, then it is to me. I’ll show you around the grounds.” He takes my hand again and leads me around the pack grounds. With summer switching to fall, the cooler temps are coming, and the leaves are slowly changing. Making their pack stand out more. Wood cabins are surrounded by a wooden mansion-like house which I’m guessing is the packhouse. Pups playing outside, parents watching them close. Like all is well and a normal day. Inside, all I smell is the oak and maple-type woods that the house is made of. I’m so in awe of everything that I almost lost Kieran. Luckily, I caught up and finally found the office.

“Nice pack. It’s beautiful here!” I’m in awe of the whole pack! I can’t believe I get to live here!

“Thanks. I’ve enjoyed living here as well. We can do a more detailed tour after your calls.”

“Right, and thanks for this,” I call my siblings first since they’re innocent in all of this. Starting with Liam, my older brother. “Liam… it’s Selena.”

“Selena! Oh, thank goodness you’re ok! What happened!? Dad said to cut contact with you! Which is surprising since they haven’t talked to me in a while either.” I was shocked by what I heard…

“Dad made me do the ceremony…”

“No, he didn’t!” Liam went through it too which is why dad doesn’t talk about him much.

“Yeah, he did… but that’s why I called. I just wanted to let you know that I’m ok, and I found my mate!” I give Kieran a smirk as I say that and he kisses my cheek.

“That’s great Selena I’m happy for you! I hope he treats you well. You can text me where you are and we can keep in touch! Love ya!”

“Love ya too, Liam. Talk soon! Bye.”

“Bye!” I breathe a sigh of relief. Having a sibling who supports me is amazing! I called Jude and told him the news and luckily got the same response. I cried during Gwen’s call. She and I were close… but I’m glad that I called her and let her know that I’m ok and that she can call or text me anytime. With mom and dad’s calls, I’m a bit more nervous. I start with mom since I know she won’t be as cold towards me as dad. I get a few ring tones but she answers.

“Hello, Selena..” She sounds so serious

“Hi, mom… well I just wanted to let you know that I’m ok, ironically since the ceremony I found my mate.” She was silent for a couple of seconds and I thought she hung up.

“Well, I’m sure you’re happy that’s what you wanted all along.” Her voice sounded bitter and like she just wanted to hang up already.

“Yeah it was… well you can call me, but I just wanted to let you know I’m ok…”

“You did and now I’m going to hang up now.” Click… yeah that doesn’t surprise me. I stare at the phone dazed by the sudden hang-up but put the phone down.

“Yup that’s my mom for you…” I let out a deep sigh and dread calling dad.

“She sounds quite the charmer. I can sense motherly love.” His voice is dripping with sarcasm.

“Sarcasm duly noted… now for dad…” I tried dad’s number, but I’m not optimistic. His phone kept ringing but eventually, I just left a voicemail.

“Hi dad… just wanted to let you know I’m ok, and I didn’t get eaten. I actually found my mate so I’m not wandering around in the woods hopelessly lost. I guess this is goodbye dad…” I’m not surprised that he didn’t answer, he and I weren’t exactly close… “Well, now that I feel a little better about that… I’m ready to train.” I smirk at Kieran almost running out of the office. I don’t care that I almost get lost going outside, but soon I feel him pulling me close to him.

“Whoa, where’s the fire? I admire the spunk, but where’s the rush? You finally made amends with your family, now let me show you to your new family.” He pulls me back to the house and we go to the kitchen where I recognize Mia from the hospital.

“Hey Mia, I didn’t realize that you stayed in the packhouse.” I sheepishly say hi to her…

“Did you think I lived in the hospital?” She laughs at the thought. “No, I have my own house near the packhouse and the hospital. It drives my mate nuts when I stay near the hospital, but he understands.” I perk up at the mention of her mate.

“You have a mate? Who else does?” My curiosity gets the best of me.

“All of us, but Raven.” She nudges a young lady close to my age with raven black hair and silver eyes. How is she mateless!?

“Way to rub it in… I’m glad Kieran found you, but I suppose I’ll have to wait. I’m still in business school so I’m mostly stuck in the books rather than dating.” She lets out a dramatic and fake sigh while the rest of us laugh as well.

“You guys are like the complete opposite of my family… so warm and inviting… and while my siblings are great my parents… well let’s just say they’re not the type to give me bedtime stories as a kid… it’s nice to be accepted.” Kieran wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. His sisters smile at me and the twin brothers who I’ve only heard of just enter the kitchen.

“Hey guys, nice of you to show up.” Kieran teases them, and they laugh.

“Some of us actually have training to do.” I’m guessing that one is Conrad since I didn’t see him in the hospital.

“I had hospital duties since Mia just left me.” He cracks a smile at her and they laugh.

“Sorry Connor, but I wanted to get to know my new sister.” She gives him a pout, and he laughs again.

“I suppose I can let it slide.” He nudges her sending her almost halfway across the kitchen. Guess she’s lighter than she looks.

“Yay!” She hugs him, and he squirms out of her hug.

“How did alpha training go, Kieran?” Raven asks him randomly. I get confused and turn to him.

“I thought you were already alpha?” They all squirmed like I had just asked some taboo question.

“Well… no, not yet. I’m the future alpha, our father is the current alpha. He wanted me to wait for me to find my luna… you…” I blush at his sweet comment. Is this what it feels like to have a proper family? “Now that you’re here, I’d like to introduce you to them. My mom could show you how to be a luna when you’re more comfortable with us.” I smiled at the thought of taking lessons from his mom. Sure, my mom would give me lessons, but it felt like it was just something she had to do, not something she wanted to do. Most of the time I had tutors or nannies growing up.

“That’d be nice. I’d like that… it’ll be nice to actually have a real lesson from a parent instead of a tutor or nanny.” The others had a look of shock. “What? Isn’t that normal?”

“NO!” All of them answered, and it made me jump. Kieran wraps his arms around me and turns me to see his face.

“Most parents actually take care of their kids, not just leave them to tutors and nannies, even if they are royals. Now that you’ve cut ties with your parents we’ll show you what a proper family is like. But first I promised you training. Our first lesson is shifting… and since this is your first shift in three years it’s going to be painful. Connor and Mia, I want you there in case things go bad.” It was like his whole demeanor changed. Maybe this is what he’s like when he’s more in tune with his wolf.

“Of course. I want to see this for myself as well. How can someone just not shift for so long?” Connor asked aloud.

“Well… sometimes I’d go for secret runs in the woods near where I lived, but since it was a king’s order I couldn’t shift… but now that I’m not in the kingdom anymore I guess the order doesn’t apply here.” I got excited at the thought of shifting. What will my wolf look like? What’s her name?

“What do you say? Are you ready?” Kieran looks at me with excitement in his eyes like he had been waiting for this.

“Yes, I’m ready. Finally, father’s order won’t stop me now!” We all head to the training grounds. Well, I practically run there since I’m so excited.

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