The Choice

Chapter 29 the ceremony


The past few weeks have been crazy getting the ceremony all ready. Flowers ordered, dress fittings, invitations were sent out. Now all we have to do is wait and see who wants to come. The responses slowly trickled in, but lots of people were saying yes even OakCrown and CedarCrown. Which was good. We needed them to come anyway if they were going to stand trial. Slowly carriages of visitors were trickling in, and Ayla, Liam, Kieran and myself were greeting everyone. Most people were surprised to learn that I was Liam’s sister since they hadn’t heard of me before. Soon I saw the carriage with the crest of OakCrown coming and I was getting nervous. I hadn’t seen them in person since the banishment, and Jude since our mating ceremony. The luggage was brought down first and then I saw the footman open the door. I swear I thought I was going to faint.

“Mom, dad, good to see you.” Liam shakes dad’s hand and Kieran wraps an arm around my waist to calm me.

“I suppose it’s good to see you, I see you found a respectable mate.” Dad huffed his nose at Ayla just like he used to do with me.

“Yes, this is Princess Ayla of PineCrown. I’ve mentioned her before to you.” Liam gets defensive with her too and it warms my heart that my two favorite guys are so protective.

“Well, at least your mate is a princess.” Mom sneers at me.

“And so what if I’m just a small pack alpha, at least I pay attention to Lena.” Kieran comments and that just makes me hold my tongue. Mom and Kieran have a stare-down for a couple of seconds before mom huffs away and goes inside.

“Oh, yeah… this is going to be a fun couple of days…” I rub my temples already seeing the trouble we’re going to have.

“It’ll be ok, Lena. Once they realize who the new beta is going to be, they’re going to be too shocked to notice.” Liam tries to reassure me, but I’m still a ball of nerves.

“I hope so…” Jude just gives me a shy smile and scurries inside. The next carriage to arrive has the crest of CedarCrown… oh yay this just keeps getting better… The luggage was brought down first and then I saw the footman open the door. I swear I thought I was going to faint again. Déjà vu… Damian steps out first helping Gwen down.

“Well, well… looks like they’ll let anyone here.” Damian sneers at me.

“Now, now dear, I’m sure she’s able to do something.” Gwen looks at me with disgust… the same one mom had just given me… like mother like daughter I guess.

“Good to see you too, Princess Gwendolyn…” I never called by her full name, even at parties. It was like I didn’t recognize her from the young girl who wanted my help just a few months ago.

“I suppose it’s good to see you too, Luna Selena.” It was like we were strangers… Damian pulls her inside while he just glares at me. This was the family I was supposed to be born to? Yikes… soon two more people come out and I don’t recognize them.

“Hi, I’m Selena, it’s nice to meet you.” I smile at them and reach out my hand. Xander kisses my hand and I blush.

“I heard that my mystery sister would be here, and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’m so sorry about my father, brother and sister-in-law. I was away on royal business otherwise I would’ve stopped them! Rosetta was playing with some friends.” He points to the young lady with him. “Oh sorry, she’s my… our sister.” He gives me a crooked smile, and she hugs me like she’s known me her whole life.

“I always wanted an older sister!” She squeals with excitement and I relax into her hug. This is how it was with Gwen… will she stab me in the back too?

“Nice to meet you, Rose” I smile at her as she continues the squishy hug. I smile at Kieran who’s just as shocked as I am. Liam and Ayla smile at us too. Whoa… is this what having supportive siblings is like??

“I’ll see you two around, but between you and me.” I leaned close to them so no one could hear us. “The ceremony is for Kieran and I.” Rose squeals with excitement and Xander has a proud smile.

“Congratulations. I’m sure you’ll do a great job.” He puts his hand on top of mine and smiles.

“Well, we’re already alpha and luna back home at Moonstone Pack, but to be asked by Liam and Ayla, my adopted brother, which to be honest has been my only family until you guys.”

“Amazing… I’ve only known you for a few minutes and I can see the strength in you. Not just physical, but emotional. To put up with this crap, our parents put you through, and your ‘adoptive’ family… you’re so brave.” He cups my cheek and I can’t help but cry.

“Thank you… I’ll see you around.” He lets go of my cheek and they find their way inside. I turned towards the others and just kept on crying.

“Did that really just happen?!”

“Yeah it did… and I’m so proud of you.” Kieran kisses my temple and pulls me in for a hug. “We’ll take this time to talk with your new siblings and see if they’ll listen to us about what happened to you.” I slowly nodded my head. The rest of the guests eventually showed up, and we finally went back inside. Kieran and I go to our room to get ready for our welcome dinner which will lead right into the ceremony. My dress is hanging up beautifully waiting for me to change into it. It’s a royal blue corset top that had some lacey flowers on it and some sequins, off the shoulder, and a simple tulle skirt with some light sparkles on it. Simple enough to not be too in your face, but elegant enough for the occasion. Kieran had gotten dressed early so he could help if needed, I hear a light knock on the door and I was confused since I wasn’t expecting any visitors.

“Who is it?” I ask through the door curiously.

“It’s Ayla, Danielle and our mom.” I open the door fully and see the ladies come barging in. “You ready? You look beautiful.” I spin around for them and let the many layers spin around me.

“You’ll show those prissy royals who’s boss.” Danielle smirks at me and I can’t help but giggle. I see their mom smiling at me with a velvet box in her hands.

“What’s with the box?” I ask with a smile.

“Something that I thought would fit with your dress.” She opens the box to a jewelry set. A necklace with leaves drooping down to a teardrop royal blue sapphire surrounded by diamonds, and matching dangly earrings. I’m in awe of this gift.

“It’s beautiful! I love it! Thank you!” I hug Arabelle and notice a bigger box in Ayla’s hand. “What’s in the box?” I blush to Ayla wondering how they could make it better.

“Well, it can’t make up for years of neglect and your banishment, but it might make you smile.” She opens the box, and it’s my first tiara! Sure it’s not the biggest one, but to be honest I don’t need a big one. I grab the box to look at it closer. I brush my hand over the floral diamond design with a heart in the middle.

“Oh, my gosh it’s a tiara! I have a tiara! Put it on me!” I squeal with excitement! Ayla giggles at me as she delicately gets it out of the box. Danielle does a quick braid to help keep it up, but I was going to do curls anyway so it works out. Ayla puts it on me and the three of them can’t help but smile for me.

“You look beautiful!” Ayla hugs me and I can’t help but look into the mirror to see how it looks on me.

“Of course I do! I’m a princess and this is my tiara!” I laugh at the others and I can honestly say that this is one of the few times that I’m genuinely happy.

“Yeah, you’re right Danielle, tiara was too much.” Ayla tries to tell her quietly, but they all just burst out laughing. Once the laughing died down, their mom gave me a hug again.

“I gave this tiara when both my girls had their debut and I thought it’d be fitting for you to wear it. Also, considering the interaction I saw with Oak and Cedarcrown… this may rub it in a little.” She smirks at me and I just gape in surprise.

“Scandalous, Arabelle! I may have a crappy biological and adoptive family, but everyone else around me feels more like family, than family. So… thank you. This means a lot to me.” I hugged all three of them in a group hug. Dabbing my eyes with a handkerchief. “Ok I’m good now. Let’s show this crowd what we got.” I smirk at all three of them, fixing my makeup before I leave. Light brown with a hint of rose eyeshadow, brown eyeliner and mascara, coral peach blush, and red wine lipstain. I open the door and while the other ladies go downstairs. The guard already announced them. I see Kieran waiting for me on top of the stairs and damn he looks so good in a tux.

“Man, am I lucky to have such a handsome mate.” I have no shame in checking him out. He turns around to see me and he’s shocked. I couldn’t help but giggle as his shock turned into a smile.

“I’m the lucky one… my mate is beautiful and we’re going to kick some butt tonight.” He kisses my cheek to try not to mess up my makeup.

“You better believe we are.” The trumpeters blare their tune as the guard nearby gets ready to announce us.

“Their royal highnesses, our soon to be new betas, Prince Kieran Stoneshire and Princess Selena Stoneshire.” The crowd gasps and the smug looks on my family’s faces were priceless. We make our way to the stage that was set up for us and the king all poised and regal.

“My people, friends, family, and visiting kingdoms. Princess Ayla has taken a mate and they will become king and queen soon. Prince Liam has chosen his beta, and we have whole-heartedly accepted.” Colin moves towards us with a smile and leans into my ear. “I’m so proud of you. Knock ’em dead.” We smirk together and he’s back to his poised self. “I know you are also an alpha and luna back at your home so we don’t expect you here all the time, but if the time is needed, you will come to us or we will come to you. If someone objects-” Colin could barely finish his sentence when we hear commotion coming from the crowd.

“We object!” My parents, King Lucian, Gwen and Damian all stand up to object. Of course they do…

“On what grounds??” Colin asks them with an angrily serious face.

“She’s not properly trained to!” My mother tells him with a disgusted look.

“And who should’ve taught her? I believe that’d be you… your majesty.” Colin is full of seriousness and it’s kind of scary. “If you had brought her up how a child should have, then I’m sure we’d have a totally different story, but from what I was told by Selena herself is that you looked down upon her with disgust. Not recognized her as family all her life. Forcing her into an arranged marriage when she had said multiple times she didn’t want to and because she didn’t BANISHED HER!” The crowd murmurs and I can see my parents get boiling mad. “Well, I can see I’m not wrong.”

“This is outrageous!” My father defends himself.

“What’s outrageous is that you missed out on 21 YEARS of her life! Despite everything you put her through she came before us with happiness, poise, grace, and strength of a luna.” Colin smirks to Kieran knowing full well that it was him who helped me. I politely pull Colin aside to face my parents.

“That’s right… despite you trying so hard to break me, I stand here with honor. Kieran and his family have picked up the pieces and have given me more love and support in the months I’ve known them than in my ENTIRE LIFE with you!” The crowd gasps and my mother just gives me a disgusted face again. “I’m not going to roll over and be someone’s doormat like you had taught me my whole life. I fought for everything I have. My mate, my pack, my family I have with Kieran… my children…” They all look at me in shock. I turn to the Cedarcrown group with a smirk.

“That’s right when you TRIED TO POISON ME! I was two months pregnant WITH TWINS! Heck, you two!” Pointing to Gwen and Damian “Almost killed your niece and nephew on top of almost killing me! Which I might add, and correct me if I’m wrong, your majesties,” Looking to Colin and Arabelle “Is attempted murder, which means either jail time, banishment or DEATH!” The crowd goes wild with gossip and wonder. Gwen and Damian look at me in shock and my mother looks flushed. Good…

“That is right Princess Selena.” Arabelle looks at me with a smirk.

“Wait, wait, wait, we didn’t know you were pregnant!” Gwen is trying to grovel…

“Oh really? Shall we go to trial where I have evidence against you and your mate for your attempted murder? I think we shall, but first I’d like my ceremony first.” I turn back to Colin and Arabelle where they wait patiently for us. My parents, King Lucian, Gwen and Damian walk away in a huff as they go back to the crowd where everyone is giving them dirty looks.

“Now as we were going to say. Welcome everyone to this very special occasion of appointing a new beta and beta female. I’ve heard so much from Prince Liam and I couldn’t be more proud to have you as a part of our family. We gave you the family you so desperately craved… but now it is time to be presented with new beta and beta female rings, say your vows to each other.

“Are you ready, my dear?” Arabelle asks me with a smile on her face.

“Yes, I am ready.” She turns towards the crowd “Repeat after me:

I, Selena Harper Stoneshire, do solemnly swear to preserve, to protect, and to serve the members of Pinecrown Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Alpha’s and Luna’s side, to guide and to lead them down the right path should they falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead PineCrown with peace and understanding. I swear to it until my final breath.” As I was repeating the words, I saw some of my fellow she-wolves crying tears of joy. Now for Kieran to say his vows to Liam and Ayla, Colin turns to Kieran with a smile on his face.

“Are you ready, son?” He looks so proud of Kieran. Just once I wish my own parents looked at me like that, but I doubt I will.

“Yes, I am ready.” He takes a deep breath “Repeat after me:

I, Kieran Emmett Stoneshire, do solemnly swear to preserve, to protect, and to serve the members of PineCrown Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Alpha and Luna’s side, to guide and to lead them down the right path should they falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead PineCrown with peace and understanding. I swear to it until my final breath.” As he was repeating the words to me it felt like it was just the six of us in this field together. Our beta and beta female rings were simple gold rings that had their pack logo on them, a wolf howling at the moon made from polished and hardened pine wood and we put it on our left middle finger. They both had moonstone on it. It almost looked like my luna ring.

“Welcome Beta Kieran and Beta female Selena!” We hear them cry out to us. It wasn’t as overwhelming as I thought it would be. I smile at them and have happy tears in my eyes.

“Now let’s enjoy our feast and dancing before we get to serious matters.” As Colin stares down the other royals. For the first time in my life I think they’re scared. Good… we all head to the head table and the servants bring out the food. We all enjoy a pleasant night of good food and laughter. Kieran offers my hand in a waltz and we just get lost in our own little world. When the song ends I feel a tap on my shoulder only to see Damian wanting to dance… Kieran growls but I calm him.

“Let’s see what the young prince wants.” I stick out my hand and we waltz to another song.

“Your highness, please reconsider this trial!” Begging… this is just sad.

“Really? Begging? This is just sad. I have proof that you did it, not to mention YOU KIDNAPPED ME!”

“Fine… if you won’t accept begging maybe a threat would be better. If you don’t stop the trial, we will threaten Moonstone if charges aren’t dropped.

“Really?? You want to threaten me? I think I have pretty good protection now. Besides, I’m not just some damsel.” I punched him in the jaw. “That felt good. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.” I end my dance. I take Kieran’s hand and just walk away. Liam and my in-laws all smirk at me as they saw what happened. Colin stands up and smiles at the crowd still at the table.

“Come all royals should head to the courthouse where punishments are to be served for dessert.” We all followed their lead since I had no idea where I was going, but I’m going to be happy when they finally get their just desserts…

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