The Choice

Chapter 28 at the Capitol


Kieran and I took the rest of the day to pack. I’m still shaken by Liam’s offer. Me… a royal beta female?? I barely know how to run a normal pack let alone a royal one! I pack some of my more fancy dresses and some normal everyday clothes for traveling and leisure since to be honest I have no idea what to expect. All I know is that for the trials of my parents and Gwen I want to dress the part. I see Kieran packing the same as me which comforts me since he’s just as confused as I am. I also grab the evidence we have against Gwen and Damian with us. The poisonous flowers sealed carefully in a bag, the note, and the security footage. All sealed in an evidence bag which was put into a box and kept close to us in the backseat. We wanted to make that look as plain as possible and to make sure it got there safely. I was in comfy travel clothes, a short-sleeve shirt and capris since it was getting warmer now that spring was around the corner. We hugged the family goodbye as the last of the suitcases was put into the trunk. I was getting nervous now that we were actually going. I’ve never traveled except for my ‘banishment’ and when I got kidnapped… not exactly willing trips. But this one I was excited for! I finally get to see Liam for the first time since we’ve been banished! We traveled by our Wrangler through the rough terrain. It’ll take a couple of days so we drive as much as we can before finding either flat land to sleep on or a roadside motel. We try to avoid Oak and Cedarcrown as much as possible which makes the trip longer, but it’ll be so worth it. I keep the family up to date back home with calls and texts so they’re not worried. After driving all day, we stopped at a decent motel to get a decent meal and sleep.

Day two of driving and after another half day on the road we finally see the shining city of Pinecrown! The capitol is a shining city compared to the other two that seemed more like a small town pretending to be a city. I looked around with awe as the village looked more like a small city with all the shops, smaller houses and even some hotels, while the castle was a city in itself. The four or five towers were so tall it looked like they were halfway to the clouds. The forest surrounding it was just blossoming as the warmth of spring was coming. The castle itself looked like it was floating in a mountain with waterfalls coming down from it. I just looked around in awe. Soon we pass through the gate and we see Liam and who I’m guessing is Ayla. The computer did her no justice! On the taller side, maybe 5ft8, her brunette hair looked like it had caramel highlights when the sun hit it, her eyes shined from her smile. I waved to them like a crazy lunatic but I didn’t care!

“Liam! Ayla!” I holler at them. I barely let the car stop before hugging them. It felt so good to be hugged by my actual family members.

“It’s so good to see you Lena.” I wrap my arms around his waist. I hear the door close and Kieran joins us. “You must be Alpha Kieran. Nice to see you in person.”

“Please, just Kieran. We’re family.” He holds out a hand for Liam to shake and it makes my heart soar with happiness knowing that I could count on one family member.

“Well, how about we all go inside and show you your room?” Ayla pipes up and gently grabs Liam’s arm.

“Of course, silly me. Let’s give you a tour!” We look around and it’s just as beautiful as it is on the outside. Polished rock for floors, a grand staircase, ballroom, living room, kitchen, dining room. It reminded me of my parent’s palace, but more loving.

“This palace is so beautiful!” I just look around in awe.

“Thank you” Ayla smiles at me. Soon I hear a door close and see a couple with salt and pepper hair smiling at Ayla.

“I see our guests have arrived.” Ayla hugs her and I’m presuming it’s her parents. Both of them had remnants of brunette hair, but it’s more gray than brown. Ayla definitely got her grace and poise from her mom. Both of them are also tall with him being around 6ft and she’s 5ft9.

“Just got here. This is my sister, Selena and her husband Kieran from Moonstone pack.” Liam beams with pride and side hugs me.

“Pleasure to meet you, your majesties. Your home is lovely.”

“Oh no need for formalities, you’re family. You can call me Arabelle, and this is Colin Millington.” She smiles at me and I can’t help but like her. I also hear another door close and a young woman close to Ayla’s age running towards us. She also has the same brunette hair as Ayla, but with gray eyes instead of her blueish gray, and just as tall and graceful as Ayla and their mom.

“Ah, Danielle, I’d like you to meet my sister, Selena and her husband Kieran.” I give her a small curtsy and they all giggle.

“What?” I ask them, confused.

“You don’t have to be formal, sweetie.” It felt like such a weird idea. This is what I was taught and to not to is just odd.

“Ok, I’ll try not to. Habits…” I let out a nervous chuckle and tried to hide my face in Kieran’s chest. “Look, we’re just a small pack alpha and luna. I’m making a name for myself. I may not have had the… best of care growing up, but Liam and I stuck together…” I wiped away the tears that were about to fall and he gave me a side hug. “Now I’m worn out from traveling. I’d like to see the guest rooms if they’re ready.”

“Yes of course dear, I’ll take you myself. Your room is ready for you.” Arabelle leads the way through the majestic house and I can feel Kieran’s arm around my waist to keep me awake. “Here we are, your bags were already brought up and the evidence box is being kept safe in my husband’s safe in his study.” It was a simple room surprisingly for such a grand house. A sitting room, bedroom, bathroom and a balcony.

“Thank you, your maj- I mean Arabelle.” I blush as I correct myself. She smiles as she turns towards the door.

“Dinner won’t be for a few hours so you can get settled and relax until then.” As she grabbed the doorknob, I had to speak up.

“Wait… are we going to punish my parents and sister?” I ask her with seriousness.

“With due time, my dear. We just need to figure out a plan, and then involve the council.” She turns around and gestures to me to sit down on the couch.

“The council? I didn’t know we had one.” I’m so confused I don’t remember this from my civics classes.

“There’s your parents’ kingdom, Cedarcrown, ours, and various small packs like yours. Your parents and Damian’s parents.”

“Damian’s parents are my parents… the people who raised me ‘adopted’ me” I use air quotes, but frankly who knows the life I would’ve had at Cedarcrown. Probably the same as I had…

“Oh, good heavens child… I’m so sorry… well as I was saying packs within the kingdom usually have an alliance with each kingdom, yours having an alliance with ours is an example. By committing a crime against you, the poisoning, kidnapping and neglect, that’s a breech in our alliance. Normally we’d all have equal status over each other, hence the alliance. In order to avoid war and with a breach in our alliance. Now we have to step in, and since we’re the biggest of the three, we were just named an unofficial capital among the people. The council is us as a family, myself, Colin, Ayla and Liam, and Danielle, a representative from Oakcrown which would be Jude since his parents are the ones on trial, also Xander and Rosetta Camus from Cedarcrown.” I look at her in shock… Jude would be here… and I’d meet my other biological siblings…

“When will they be here?”

“In a few days’ time. To give them time to rest before the trial.” She puts her hand on top of mine and it calms me a little.

“Of course… thanks for explaining it to me.” I tried to smile, but I felt like crying. I’d see Jude again since my banishment… I’d meet my biological siblings for the first time, ever. I wonder how they’ll react to me?

“You’re welcome dear. Try to get some rest.” She rubs the back of my hand to comfort me and heads towards the door. “We’ll deal with this together.” I felt a sense of pride well in my heart and I just smiled at her. I plop myself onto the bed and let out a deep breath… we’re going to do this…


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