The Choice

Chapter 12 the announcement


Word had spread of our engagement quickly around the pack, and I plan to make a formal announcement with a pack meeting soon. I’m in the middle of planning the announcement speech when I hear a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I yell gently. I was expecting Selena to visit me sometime today, and her scent fills my nose which makes me smile. “Well hi, there my beautiful fiancee.” I kiss her cheek and she looks kind of worried.

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you excited about the announcement tonight?”

“Hi to you my handsome fiance. Yeah, I am excited, but what if the pack doesn’t accept me? What if I fail at being a luna? I wasn’t a good princess so how can I be a luna??” I could see her panic and hug her.

“Hey, hey, it’s ok. You’ve been doing great so far! It’s taken loads off of me, my beta and gamma.”

“Who are your beta and gamma?” I haven’t seen them since I’ve been here…

“I haven’t decided yet, but I want Mia’s mate to be one of them.”

“I always thought that beta and Gamma were the best friends of the alpha or so I had learned from the few times packs came to the castle.” She had mentioned she met some alphas when they came to the castle for meetings, but as soon as her mom or dad found her talking to them they’d push me away and tell me to ‘run along’.

“Sometimes but we still have time for me to pick them.” Our nerves calm down about all this and her breathing regulates again.

“Well, I should get ready for tonight, and not distract you from your speech writing.” I give her a small smile and kiss her cheek as she leaves my office. Not long after she leaves another knock is on the door and I get confused. I don’t get too many visitors.

“Come in?” I answer the mystery visitor, only to reveal my dad. “Oh hey, dad, what’s up? I’m just finishing up my announcement speech for the big dinner tonight.”

“Yeah, sorry to interrupt son, but my beta’s son is back from training with another back and I think he’d make an excellent beta for you when you take over.”

“I always thought that I’d pick Mia and Raven’s mates as my beta and gamma, but I can meet with him.”

“You still get to choose who you want as your beta and gamma, but I’m just saying it couldn’t hurt to just meet the guy.”

“No, I suppose not. I’ll meet with him after the speech at the dinner. Thanks, dad for bringing that to my attention.”

“Your welcome son and you should get ready for tonight. It’s getting late.” I checked my phone and sure enough, I had about an hour to get ready.

“Oh yeah, you’re right. Thanks.” We walk out of my office and start heading in separate directions to get ready.


As I closed the door, his scent lingered, and I leaned on the door for a moment. Yeah, we’re engaged, but it honestly felt like I love him. I guess I never really took the time to really sink in. I smile to myself and start heading to my room. I know that at least the rest of the ladies of the house are counting down the days to the mating ceremony so I didn’t have to, but I’m excited about it. I make my way to my room where Gwen, Caroline, Mia, and Raven are all getting ready. I see a beautiful silver dress hung up for me.

“What’s this?” I point to the dress. Caroline comes up to me with a smile.

“This is a tradition here, every luna or future luna wears any type of silver dress for their luna announcement. Doesn’t have to be a specific type, just as long as it’s silver. Kind of ironic since it burns us when we wear it, but the color doesn’t bother us, just jewelry.” I never thought about that. Well, that’s good to know.

“Thank you, it’s beautiful!” I give Caroline a hug and a smile for her gift. It’s like they’ve already accepted me as their luna and I’m not even official yet. The dress was long-sleeved which was nice since it’s getting colder now that winter is in full swing, a scoop neck that showed just enough cleavage to tease Kieran but not showing the world, silver, lacey flowers on top, a silver bow, and a simple a-line tea skirt that went to my ankles. I also noticed the beautiful floor-length Christmas red cape that Raven had used for the ‘photoshoot’ was behind it.

“You’re letting me use your cape, Raven?” She smiled at me similar to her mom’s.

“For when we go outside.” I turned my head in confusion.

“Why are we going outside?”

“It’s also tradition for the future alpha and luna to shift in front of the pack to show their loyalty to us as our leaders,” Caroline explained gently with a smile on her face.

“Oh… good to know…” My nerves are going from nervous excited to just nervous. I’ve only shifted once in front of people so this is going to be interesting.

“Why don’t we help you get you in your dress and Mia can do your makeup.” Caroline gave me another gentle smile as we made our way to the bathroom. They gave me a fluffy dark forest green robe to change into so that way I wouldn’t have to put anything else over my head until I changed into my dress. I got a Christmasy mani/pedi with red, white, and silver polish. One red with snowflakes and the rest with white polish and silver glitter. I felt so pampered. Eventually, I got so relaxed I fell asleep. When I woke up I was all dolled up like a Christmas snow queen.

“Oh wow… I never thought I could look so beautiful…” I started to get teary-eyed and just smiled at my family. My eyes were an evergreen eyeshadow and liner, a lighter brown mascara, and a poppy red lip stain. My hair was curled with bouncy curls and I just wanted to flip my hair cause they were so pretty!

“You are beautiful and Kieran is going to flip when he sees you!” Raven gave me a small hug around my shoulders. My dress was hung up on the other side of the bathroom door just waiting for me to try it on. When I put it on I felt like a snow queen…

“Aww… I never thought I’d see this day…” Caroline was getting teary which wasn’t helping me stop. “Finally we can pass the responsibilities to you and Kieran while Jacob and I can retire. Of course, I’ll still help but soon this will be all yours, my dear.” She had a wide and happy smile. I’m more nervous and excited again when we all hear a knock on the door.

“Ooh that’s Kieran, go hide in the bathroom!” Mia squealed. The rest of the ladies just wore the dresses they wore for the engagement photoshoot and they still look amazing on them. “Hi, Kieran. Don’t you look handsome in your navy three-piece suit!” I quietly squealed as she described what he looked like. I always knew he was handsome but I didn’t see him dress up except for the engagement.

“Where’s Selena?” He asked with concern. How sweet.

“Oh, she’s just in the bathroom doing some last-minute touch-ups.” Oh yeah… I almost forgot my black, knee-high heeled boots. I grabbed them from my closet and zipped them up quickly.

“I’m coming!” I tried not to sound too excited but I want to jump him. I slowly opened the door and my heart melted when I saw him. Damn, how did I get so lucky… “Hi…” I gave him a shy smile and he was totally checking me out. I saw his eyes slowly get dark as he looked at me. “Down boy… not until later.” I was told once the alpha and luna were officially announced that the future luna could move in with him. I was nervous about that part of the evening since I had never been with anyone else outside of my family, but since my parents paid so little attention it felt like my brothers, tutors, and nannies raised me.

“You look beautiful.” He smiles at me and gives me a passionate kiss. I didn’t care that our families were right behind me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kept on kissing him. After a minute or two, one of the ladies cleared her throat.

“Easy love birds, we’re still here.” They all laughed and Kieran gave me his arm to escort me downstairs. Caroline left a few minutes before Kieran showed up to entertain the guests since she was still acting luna for now.

“And here are our guests of honor, announcing future alpha Kieran Stoneshire and future luna Selena Westwood Stoneshire.” Jacob beamed with happiness and pride for us as we made our way downstairs. The packhouse was beautifully decorated for Christmas with garland on the stairs with white lights in them, garland on the doorframes, icicle lights outside that was glowing, a Christmas tree with colored lights in one corner and one with white in another. I was in awe of everything. Caroline and the staff did an amazing job! I’d have to remember to thank her later. Kieran took me to a small stage that was in the middle of the room.

“Welcome everyone to this special occasion. I know it has been a long time coming, and I thank you for your patience. As many of you know, this beautiful woman next to me came to us two months ago, and her being here, in our pack lives, my family’s life, my life…” He pauses to look at me with the most loving eyes. “I wouldn’t change it for anything. As future alpha, I present to you my mate, my fiancee, the love of my life… sorry mom...” Everyone chuckles at that comment, myself included. “Future luna Selena Stoneshire.” Everyone claps, hoots, and hollers as I step forward to be by his side. I wasn’t sure if I was to say something, but Kieran stepped aside for me to take the mic so I suppose so.

“What kind words Kieran. I’ve slowly been taking over for Luna Caroline over the past month, but I think I have big shoes to fill since can we take a moment to thank her for beautifully decorating for tonight.” I smiled at her and applauded her as well as the rest of the pack. “I’ll try the best I can to fill her shoes, but I think with lessons from my predecessor, the amazing staff, and of course our alpha. I think we will lead this pack well together.” I kiss his cheek lovingly. “Now let’s get this party started, we don’t have to be so serious the whole time. Go have some food and drinks and have a good time.” Everyone scattered to do their own thing and I took Kieran’s arm again to get off the stage.

People make a hole for us to have the first dance of the night. Thank goodness all those years of dance classes are paying off. Moonlight Waltz by Brian Crain starts to play and I thank my dance teacher for showing me how to waltz. I’m a little rusty since it’s been a while, but I got the basics.

“Everybody is staring…” I get a little nervous once I see all the people watching us.

“Really? I haven’t noticed… you’ve been the only one I’ve seen all night.” Aww… that made my heart melt a little. The music starts and we start to waltz around the dance floor.

“Where did you learn to waltz??” I asked him, surprised that he knew how.

“My mom, you?”

“Dance classes for as long as I can remember. Nobody told me about any formal dancing.”

“I thought we dropped that tradition, to be honest, but I guess not.” Oh well… not that I’m complaining he’s a good dancer. “You’re handling this beautifully…” The song ends and he gives me another passionate kiss as he dips me. The crowd cheers and others get on the floor while we leave to get some food. As we put down our food I spot someone I’d never thought I’d see again… my parents…

“How in the world did you find me? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me anymore?!” Before this turns into a brutal fight, Jude and Kieran hold me and my parents back from going off on them.

“Let’s talk outside or in my office?” Kieran takes my hand and leads me to his office so we don’t all get cold. “Now what is this all about? Not that I’m not grateful you’re here, but from my impression from Selena, you don’t want to be in her life.” I could feel him trying to calm down since he kept stroking my hand.

“Well as king and queen we are usually invited to the engagement announcements of all alphas and lunas in our kingdom. Originally just Jude wanted to go, but as not only king and queen but as father and mother we wanted to be here.” Dad’s trying to sound all pomp, but it’s just making my blood boil.

“Oh cut the pleasantries father! You just wanted to see what kind of alliance this would mean for you!” I’ve waited a long time to say what’s on my mind.

“Well yes, that too. The pack may be smaller than ours back home, but it’ll do. I also came to grab Gwen. She’s 15 and still lives with us.”

“She clearly does not want to! She’s been living with us for the past two months!” I start to get louder and louder. I don’t care who hears us.

“But she is still my daughter for the next three years! I am still her father!” He shouts at me in my face.

“And you were mine as well or did you forget that!?” There was an eerie pause. “Gwen may have been the favorite between us, but you don’t have to make it obvious! I’m sure after my ceremony you did a happy dance that I was finally out of your hair and someone else’s problem or if I just got dealt with by nature! I was forced to deal with things I was never taught before on my own and I don’t need you or your support! Also walking around in a dense forest in a ballgown is not recommended! I’ve learned more here in two months than I have in a lifetime with you!” Yeah, I went there… mom comes up to me and slaps me in the face. I rub my cheek and give her a shocked look. She’s never been physical with me. Kieran lets out a warning growl at them.

“You do not speak to your father like that! Now that is enough from you! We were not happy that you left, but you gave us no other choice!” Mother growled at me.

“You will learn your place! You may be a future luna, but you are still my daughter! We are taking Gwen and going home!” Father growls at me as well. Nothing I’m not used to. They storm out of the office and find Gwen with Liam. She gives me a questionable look and I just give her an I’m sorry look.

“Gwen, we are going home! No questions asked!” He grabs her arms tightly so she can’t let go of his hold, but it was no use.

“Fine I’ll go home, but I won’t stay forever! I will have what Selena has!” That just makes him angrier and he drags her out of the party. I’ll miss having her around. I find Kieran and just sob. This isn’t how I wanted this night to go...

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