The Choice

Chapter 11 surprise


A month has gone by since the meeting and things have calmed down. Caroline has profusely apologized about it and didn’t realize how hurt I was. Fall eventually came and went and winter is in full swing now. The cold is bitter and goes right down to your bones, kind of cold, but nothing a good cup of hot chocolate can’t fix. I sometimes hear from my brothers, but I’m not surprised they do have their own lives. I’ve taken Caroline’s advice about taking up a hobby and I found comfort in reading and cooking along with the family. So if I’m not in my room, I’m in the library, or the kitchen helping make meals. Caroline has been slowly teaching me how to be a luna and with the mating ceremony hopefully going to be soon I need to be ready. I’m in my new office, which Kieran surprised me with, lost in my thoughts on the upcoming meal plan when I hear a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I say in a friendly tone. To my surprise, Caroline came back, despite already having my lesson for the day. “Oh, Caroline I didn’t expect you, did we have an extra-long lesson today?”

“Oh no, no dear uh I just wanted to tell you that usually, the alpha family does a Christmas card, just something nice to do around the holidays to let the pack know we’re thinking of them. We’re planning on doing that soon. The girls and I would love to go shopping to pick out some nice dresses.” Huh… she didn’t mention that in our lesson, nor did Kieran mention that to me.

“Uh… sure?” I tell her with a question in my tone. “When did you want to go?”

“We can do that over the weekend if you’re free.” I looked at my schedule which was slowly filling up with talking to the cooks and helping Kieran with meetings.

“Yeah, I’m free, this weekend it is!” I liked shopping with his family and Gwen. It always turned into a girls’ day which made it fun. I write it down on my schedule so I don’t forget and go back to my meal plan.


Mom had just come back to my office with a big smile on her face.

“It worked beautifully! She doesn’t suspect a thing!” She was grinning ear to ear.

“Perfect thanks, mom! While you’re shopping, I’ll ask permission from either her dad or her brothers for her hand.”

“I think she said she’s closer to her brothers than her father.” She said in a sad tone. “I wish she would make amends with them.”

“I do too, but it sounded like they didn’t care for her. She hasn’t spoken to them, and they haven’t called her since she called them when she first arrived.” That’s just sad… “Maybe we can invite her brothers to show up for the ‘photoshoot’” I use air quotes over the word photoshoot, but it kind of was.

“Oh, I’m sure she’d like that. She hasn’t seen them in months from what she told me.”

“Yeah, that’s what she told me too.” I rest my arm on my cheek trying to put this surprise together. “So who are we going to get pictures from?”

“Oh, yeah… good question. I can ask around to see what I can do, maybe I can have Selene do that as part of her luna lessons.” We both chuckled at that.

“Or we can ask Raven or Mia to see if they know anyone.”

“That works too, but I’ll let you go to call her brother, Liam. I think that’s her older brother. If you can’t talk to dad, then talk to him.”

“Yeah, I should do that. I’d want both her brothers to be here to see her. I’m sure both she and Gwen miss them.” I would if I were separated from my siblings.

“I’m sure they do, but having Gwen here does make a difference in her day. She seems happier now that she’s around.”

“Yeah, they do seem happy together.” I’ve seen them walk around the gardens together. “Oh before I forget, I need to figure out the ring!” Duh, that’s important… “What should I do?”

“Well… I’ve seen her in the rose garden when it was in bloom so maybe something floral and maybe something to make those amber eyes of hers pop.” A lightbulb went off in my head and I got a perfect idea. I ran out of the office and left right away. I kiss mom on the cheek and she smiles at me.

“Guys I’m going out for a while so I won’t be home.” I mindlink the family just to let them know what I’m up to.

“Whatcha up to Kieran?” Raven asks me with a teasing tone.

“Nothing you need to know, just keep Selene busy for a while.” My mom smirked as she schemed up an idea.

“Girls, let’s get Selene and go shopping.” Perfect! That’ll get her out of the house for a few hours and they can have a fun day. I can hear the girls squealing from my office. I’m sure they’ll have a great time. I want to make today perfect for her.


I finally got back from the kitchen meeting with the head cook, Christine, and her omegas to figure out the meals for the next week. I just sat down at my desk looking at my schedule for the day when I heard another knock on my door.

“Come in!” I shout to the door. The stampede of ladies comes into the office and I’m just startled. “What’s going on, ladies?” Caroline, Mia, Raven, and Gwen all have suspicious smiles on their faces and I knew something was up.

“How about a shopping and spa day?” Caroline offers and I look at my schedule and sure enough I suspiciously had nothing else planned for the day. “What’s with the surprise spa day? Not that I’m complaining since I’ve never been to a spa, but just curious as to why.”

“Never been to a spa!?” Mia and Raven ask me in shocked unison. I just give them a shy nod.

“Neglected princess, remember?” They just give me an ‘oh yeah,’ look… “When did you want to leave?”

“Right now!” Mia grabs my hand and rips me out of my chair.

“Whoa, hold up! What about the hospital?!” I look at Mia worriedly. “And what about your businesses?!” I look at Raven worriedly.

“We know the owners.” They mischievously say in unison. Which is true… Connor was the head doctor at the hospital, and Jacob, their dad ran their businesses for now. I guess they both gave them the day off.

“Ok… I don’t want to get you guys in trouble. And Gwen, what about your lessons!?” Gwen had started at the local school here since she’s been living here. I surprisingly haven’t heard anything from my brothers about dad being mad about Gwen running away and I would’ve for sure.

“Well, since my teacher is uncle Conrad I don’t think he’ll mind,” I smirk as she calls them her aunts and uncles. It warmed my heart to hear that she sees my new family as hers too. The ladies noticed too as they smiled at her too.

“Aww, uncle Conrad…” The ladies gushed, and it made me giggle. Caroline got down to her eye level with a smile. “You see us as your family too, Gwen?” I could’ve sworn she was getting teary-eyed.

“Of course, as you probably heard from Selene we weren’t treated well at home so this is significantly better than what we had. Parents who love you, siblings you loved weren’t banished, a pack who pays attention to you.” The ladies gave her a big hug, and it made me smile knowing that she was just as well-loved as I was here.

“Alright enough with the sentimental I thought we were going shopping!” They grabbed my hand again and rushed out of the packhouse. We get to the makeshift town square and find the dress shop first. It wasn’t as fancy as the one’s back home, but from what I’ve seen around here this was fancy. Raven pulls me in and smiles at the consultant.

“Hi I’m Anya and I’ll be your dress shopper for the day. What can I help you with today?” She seemed very sweet and kind. Caramel, wavy hair that went to her chest, probably my age, bright blue eyes that sparkled like stars in the moonlight, and her pearly skin looked so good! I’ll have to ask her what she does to make it so flawless!

“We’re the alpha family and we’re here for photoshoot outfits!” Anya seemed so shocked and happy to see us.

“Right, I had heard you were coming to see me today! Let me show you around!” She showed us some of the formal gowns and they all looked lovely, but I let the others look around with her while I looked around on my own. Everything seemed so suspicious but hey who am I to question a shopping and spa day. I looked around the racks filled with beautiful dresses but I felt like these beautiful dresses were meant for someone else and not me… mom came out with a simple but elegant black, sweetheart top, tea-length dress with sparkles in the skirt.

“Ooh pretty! That’d look so pretty with the snowy backdrop!” I found a black sparkly floor-length hooded velvety cloak to keep her warm. “Now you won’t be freezing!” I give her a gentle smile and she hugs me. Not that I don’t mind a hug but it startled me.

“Th-thank you?” I wrapped my arms around her to return her hug. “Let’s see what the other girls have planned for their dresses.” Mia came out with a green velvet floor-length long sleeve mermaid and it fit her perfectly.” Oh Mia you look beautiful!”

“Thank you! Mom, you look fabulous! Makes me feel good about how I’ll look in my future.” I smiled as they had a touching mother/daughter moment, but it makes me wish I had moments like that with my mom… I found a black velvety hooded cloak to keep the chill off.

“Thanks, dear. Where’s Raven?”

“Right here, mom!” We hear her shout from the dressing room in an Elsa-like dress from Frozen. I watched a lot of movies while I lived at my parent’s house… they were my only friends besides my siblings and books. It was a light snowy blue, off-the-shoulder, sweetheart top, mermaid style. She looked like the frozen queen herself.

“Raven dang! How is it you’re unmated!? Anyone with eyes can see how beautiful you are!” She blushed and I was stunned by her dress choice. I found a white velvety hooded cloak to keep her warm.

“Aww shucks Selene, someone will someday be lucky enough to have all this!” As she points to herself. “But until then I’ll wait. Alright no more stalling, it’s your turn to find a gorgeous dress!”

“That’s where I come in!” I almost forgot about Anya. She came out in a dark red almost burgundy, sweetheart, floor-length dress with a matching hooded cloak. The rest of the ladies ooh and ahh at it, but I had almost forgotten Gwen.

“What about Gwen’s dress??”

“I found something appropriate for her.” Caroline holds up a black velvet, long-sleeve, v-neck, tea-length dress.

“Ooh pretty!” Gwen beams with happiness and the rest of the ladies’ smiles were so big! I hadn’t seen that in a long time. She skips to the dressing room and I can’t help but smile and laugh at her excitement. Raven pushes me with my dress and cloak to the dressing room and I let them have their fun. Gwen goes first and I take a peek and she looks like a young lady. My heart swells with pride and mom wraps a cloak similar to Mia’s around her and she just looks so beautiful!

“Oh Gwen, you look like a young lady!” Caroline gushes at her and I agree she doesn’t look like a kid anymore… ugh when did she become a lady?! “Your turn Selene! Come on, let’s see you!” I could tell they were on pins and needles but excited.

“Alright, I’m coming out!” I stepped out of the dressing room and everyone smiled and squealed!

“You look so beautiful! This dress is perfect for you!” Caroline gushes, and she turns to Anya. “We’ll take all of these dresses and charge it to the alpha’s tab.” She winks at us. Guess there are perks to being the alpha family. All our dresses, cloaks, and heeled boots were put in garment bags neatly and Caroline took them all.

“Let me help you carry them. They look heavy.” I tried to grab one, but she slapped my hand.

“I may be an old luna now, but by no means weak. A few dresses are nothing.” She smirked again, and I smiled back. I guess there’s a reason she’s been teaching me. We made it back to the packhouse, and we went to an area that I’ve never been to.

“Welcome to the pack spa ladies.” Caroline, Mia, and Raven all smirk at Gwen and me to see our reaction. My jaw dropped. This place had everything! I squeal with excitement and hook arms with Gwen. We all went into the lobby and met the receptionist.

“Ah, Luna Caroline, good to see you again. Your usual, I presume?” Guess she was a regular here.

“Yes, and I have guests with me this time. You of course know my daughters Mia and Raven, but this time I bring Kieran’s mate Selene, and her sister Gwen.” The receptionist looked wide-eyed at me.

“Of course how could I not recognize you! My name is Charlotte, but everyone calls me Lottie. Welcome to the Moonstone Retreat Spa. We have a sauna, jacuzzi, massages, scrubs, masks, mani/peds, haircuts, and styling. Follow me and you can change into your robes and slippers.” Gwen and I weren’t used to this kind of pampering so we just squealed in excitement and followed the group.


I got a mind link from Mia and Raven saying they were at the spa and that’ll give me at least a couple more hours to stall Selene.

“Thanks, ladies I owe you big time!”

“Duh of course you do! Now you get ready too! All this pampering her up isn’t going to do you any good if you’re a slob.” I can hear both of them laughing at me, and they do have a point. I have gotten Selene the perfect present or I think she’ll like it… I mind link my brothers to meet me in my office.

“What’s up Kieran? I have to get back to school soon.” When he wasn’t a warrior, he was a teacher for the older kids at the local school. Gwen was one of his students and from what he’s told me she’s doing well.

“I have to get back to the hospital. Mia’s been slacking lately and I’ve been doing both our duties.”

“I know you have your duties to do, but today’s the day I’m going to surprise Selene and I want your help.” They both look at me with shocked faces but eventually give me a bro hug.

“Congrats man! Why didn’t ya say so!? Of course, we’ll help!” Connor smiles at me. They may be my older brothers, but they both have mates who I’m sure they’re going to surprise too.

“Cause I didn’t want to tell everyone and spoil it for her! Mom, Mia, and Raven are spoiling Gwen and Selene at the spa so we only have a few hours.”

“Then let’s get started!” I showed them the spot that I wanted to surprise her with. Surrounded by evergreens and snow the perfect backdrop for our ‘photoshoot’. That was the cover my mom, and I had schemed. My brothers and I set up some white lights onto the trees and had ‘fake’ Christmas presents under a tree for later. After being out in the snow for an hour we all get inside and get ready. I had to admit I was nervous. I hope she enjoys this surprise…


After being steamed, massaged, scrubbed, a mani/pedi, and my hair curled I didn’t think I could get pampered more, but apparently, I was wrong when Mia came in with some makeup.

“More pampering!? Haven’t you guys spoiled me enough?” I felt so special today. They made me feel like Gwen and I was a part of the family.

“Let’s get you in your dress and I’ll help you with your makeup.” I thought I saw a photographer taking some pictures of us and my dress but I was so caught up in the moment that I didn’t pay attention. I put on my outfit and everyone just smiled.

“Oh sweetie, you look beautiful!” Caroline got teary-eyed and I could tell they were hiding something from me, but I did a twirl for them and I admit the burgundy brought out the red in my hair.

“Now your turn! I want to see you all dolled up! These Christmas pictures are going to be so much fun!” The ladies laughed and Gwen peeked her head out and came out of her dressing room shyly.

“Gwen… when did you get so grown up…” I hugged her and I was just in awe of her. Running away from home, staying here for me, taking charge of her own life. When did she get so smart!?

“I learned from you.” We both started crying tears of joy. The other ladies joined the hug before getting their outfits on. “Alright, alright enough sentimental stuff let’s get ready. I don’t want to keep the guys waiting.” After makeup and jewelry were done with everyone, we all walked in the snow flurries. I was wearing a shimmery berry pink eyeshadow, brown eyeliner and mascara, pearl-like highlighter, and a similar berry pink lip stain. The jewelry I was given as a gift from Caroline, Mia, and Raven was an opal necklace that had a snowflake separating the two stones, snowflake dangly earrings, and a snowflake bracelet. Gwen was given blue topaz snowflake earrings, a matching snowflake necklace, and the same bracelet as I was. I felt so nervous and excited, but it was just pictures. Why was I so nervous? We made it back to the packhouse and Mia had a glazed look on her face.

“The guys are already waiting for us outside with the photographer, so let’s go.” She had a big smile on her face like she was going to burst. I took a deep breath as they led the way to the photoshoot. The snow started falling harder, and it was more than just flurries. It felt like I was in a snow globe. The ladies led us to an evergreen forest and it looked more beautiful covered in snow. I saw his dad, brothers, and him in a navy suit, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Kieran! I’ve missed you!” I kissed him and was so thankful this was a lip stain so he didn’t have smudges all over him.

“I’ve missed you too, but you look beautiful.” I blushed at his compliment.

“You look handsome too. Should we get this photoshoot started?”

“It already has…” He smiles at me and I’m just confused. I heard the photographer already taking pictures.

“What do you-” Connor gives him this little box, and he gets down on one knee. The family hoots and hollers and I just get teary-eyed. “What are you doing?”

“Selene… ever since that day I met you in the forest there hasn’t been a day when you’re not on my mind, or I’m talking about you, or with you. I want you… I want all of you… you and me… every day.” Thank gosh for water-resistant mascara! Mia wipes away my tears for a second and lets Kieran get back to his speech. “Will you be my luna… will you marry me?” He opens the box, and it’s a beautiful white gold rose ring that has some kind of amber-like stone on the leaves, the center, and on the sides of the rose. The rest was covered in diamonds.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” He got off the ground and kissed me in the snow! The rest of the family hoots and hollers at us as I show off my new ring. “How did you keep this a surprise?” I asked him through my tears of joy.

“I had some help. Nature provided the snow, Connor and Conrad helped me with the lights while you were at the spa, I went to the jeweler this morning while you were dress shopping, and the ladies kept you distracted for me.” I looked at all of them in shock and they just laughed and gave me hugs.’

“WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!” They all shouted happily at me. I looked at Gwen who was smiling at me too.

“Did you know?!” I asked Gwen in shock.

“Of course I did. He asked me, Liam, and Jude for your hand a few days ago.” She smirks at me and beams with pride that she kept this a secret.

“A-a few days ago!? And you kept this from me!?” I squealed at her. She and I never kept secrets from each other!

“And ruin this surprise!? Heck no! I wasn’t going to ruin your big day, but there’s someone who’d like to see you. Come on out.” I see Liam and Jude come out from the trees in a similar navy suit.

“What are you guys doing here!? How did you know where I was??” I hugged them through my tear-stained face.

“Gwen told us what Kieran had schemed up and we couldn’t miss this!” They smiled at me and hugged me again.

“What about mom and dad?? They’re not going to ruin things for us, are they?”

“Well, since they wanted you to get married since you turned 18 I don’t think they’ll care. Besides, we’re the ones here not them so they missed out on getting to know an amazing woman.” Liam is beaming with pride and so is Jude. I hear Kieran’s crunching footsteps through the snow and wraps an arm around me.

“I couldn’t agree more.” He wraps an arm around me and kisses my cheek. I can’t believe I’m engaged now!

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