The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter 7 - Relevations


Marcus woke up content but alone. He reached to her side of the bed, only to discover she was not there. The sheets were cold and her scent was stale. Disappointment was a strong word, but Marcus was pretty close to experiencing it. Mornings were supposed to be reserved for snuggles and recaps of last night’s activities. What could possess Nessa to leave him alone in bed? His mind drew grim possibilities of attacks, urgent health issues or meetings. There was a reason why she left him and it just became its obsession. No point in staying in bed then.

Marcus rubbed his eyes, then blinked his eyes twice as he focused on the digital clock. The red eleven-ten could not be right. It was surely broken as Marcus was a morning person. His duties started at latest at seven o’clock each morning. Eleven-ten was a blasphemy. His eyes narrowed willing to see different digits.

Eleven-eleven, Marcus read.

Definitely working.

He ran a hand through his hair, trying to stir his sluggish mind awake. His stomach growled in defiance, reminding him while last night was pleasurable, it was surely taxing. Their dinner was long forgotten the moment things escalated.

He absentmindedly reached for his clothes laid out neatly on a chair. They smelled fresh and looked washed. How long was he out for?

Marcus often joked he slept with one eye open. It didn’t sit well with him he missed Nessa’s departure from his bed, or that he slept through the whole washing and drying cycle of his clothes.

Nessa had tired him out. That was the only reasonable answer. That and the mad-sweet satisfaction in matching one’s gusto completely. She had, and he intended on showing her just how much his body desired her. After first getting some real food, of course.

Marcus tracked the coffee scent to the kitchen. By the looks of the empty keurig pods in the trash, Nessa was on her third coffee for the day. But if not in bed where could she be?

The silence submerged the apartment with a sense of dreadfulness. He shortly contemplated the idea she might have snuck out in the middle of the night to avoid the dreaded “morning after” routine. Just when he was convinced he had her figured out, his heightened senses picked up her steady heartbeat in the living room. He found her in the little living room’s sofa reading. He moved and childishly flopped on the sofa next to her. His head leaned against her shoulder as he inhaled her scent which matched Blackwood.

“You deserted me for this?” Marcus tried to convey hurt though his voice, but he couldn’t stay angry at her for too long. She laughed at his theatrical pout.

“Sleepy head,” she had run fingers through his hair. “I need to graduate.”

Nessa gave him a once over before pecking his lips. Marcus liked being on the receiving end of such affection.

“Last night was amazing. Thank you, tiger,” she whispered against his lips.

“Wrong species,” Marcus growled disapprovingly. “If it was that good, then maybe next time you won’t sneak out of my bed.”

Nessa looked amused for a second, then chuckled, shaking her head.

“Buddy, the bed is mine,” Nessa replied, before Marcus silenced her with a kiss.

He didn’t like being called buddy or the implication their hook up was casual.

“So there will be a next time?” Marcus finally realized she hadn’t argued against a possible ‘next time’.

She brushed her nose against his.

“That depends if you are you up for it,” she suggestively looked down his frame.

It was Marcus’ turn to laugh as she hungrily looked over his chest, shamelessly checking him out. When her gaze stopped at his boxers, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively Marcus knew he was under her spell.


Nessa’s eyes lingered on his frame, counting her blessings of having him all to herself. There was no awkwardness. He had made it clear he expected to find her in his bed - as if the bed was ever his, Nessa rolled her eyes at him. And if the outline of the cotton boxers was any indication he missed her. His decision to parade his abs demanded her attention. Nessa blushed as she couldn’t help but ogle him.

“All yours,” he offered himself as he noted her blush..

She snuggled closer to him, her hand gently patting his cheek. The light stubble tickled her finger tips, and reminded her of a small electrical charge that zapped between them. For once hair did not put her off or made her scream bloody murder.

“I would love to stay and play, but I need to get ready and go out soon,” Nessa regrettably told him.

“Why?” He shot back at her.

“I have a lunch date with Cam,” Nessa said and as his expression darkened, she quickly explained. “Not a date-date. More like a meeting with Cameron. He’s the Beta?!”

She half-explained, half-asked him. Marcus’ offended glare was enough to make her explain even further.

“Some friends are coming over next weekend to visit me. Cam has to grant them a stay. Oh, well, you know technically it would be the Alpha to give them permission to stay over, but I really don’t think we’d bother him with that. My girls possess risk only to their credit cards,” Nessa gave him the well practiced speech. Everyone told her Alpha Ned could care less about her girlfriends, but she still wanted to put on a good foot forward giving him the customary heads up.

“So how formal are things in the pack?” Nessa questioned.

He raised his eyebrows at her.

“Oh, come on. You would know. Tell me,” Nessa pleaded while playing with the ends of his hair.

“How formal were they with Brandon?”

“Honestly, I never bothered asking for a stay when I went back,” Nessa confessed then pressed a finger over his lips when he tried to lecture her. “Things in Blackwood are more structured. So are you an Enforcer or something here?”

Marcus raised an eyebrow at her at her fishing question. She smiled and ran her finger over his brow, making him relax it.

“I saw the scars on your back.”

“So only Enforcers can get scars?” Marcus retorted. Couldn’t she sense his Alpha?

“Gee, not an Enforcer then. Fighter?” Nessa questioned, trying to think if there were ranks that didn’t like each other. The Trackers were always friendly with everyone as their keen scenes were highly valued. Enforcers were the backbone of any pack, they provided security and safety. The Fighters were the elite warriors who often infiltrated human governmental agency to help keep shifter existence as nothing but a myth.

“Why not the Alpha?” Marcus suggested with a strained voice.

Nessa laughed. His Ego was overinflated now.

“Then I’d ask what did you smoke and why didn’t you give me some?”

“What? Wait… You don’t think I could run a pack?” Marcus asked offended.

“I’m sure you could. You sure have your very serious and bossy moments. The dark, silent routine with the raised eyebrow – I can definitely see it working for you,” Nessa confessed then took a deep breath, “The thing is Alpha Ned is the Boss. I am sure he’d take offense from the words of an Interrogator?”


To say he was impressed by Nessa’s loyalty to her Alpha Ned was the understatement of the year. Her praise warmed his heart with its honesty. For all she knew she was just talking to another pack member. Yet she skillfully questioned his rank, showing that she was far better with words than any Interrogator he knew. Few shifters were blessed with an uncanny ability to weave words together and to untie tongues without the subject of such interrogation to become fully aware of the intrusion.

So she was staying loyal to her Alpha. Good girl! The thought keep running through his head.

“I do that, too.” Marcus admitted. Alphas held everyone accountable and knew in great detail the responsibilities and duties of every single pack member.

“Of course you do,” Nessa agreed pinching his cheeks, obviously taking his admission as a jest..

“Your confidence in me is touching,” Marcus sarcastically replied to her. His irritated tone did not phase her one bit.

“And you like my touches….” Nessa taunted moving a finger tip from his forehead down to the tip of his nose.

He quickly restrained her and tickled her, until she begged him to stop. Marcus enjoyed having her body trapped under his weight.

“You’re already part of the pack. The Alpha acceptance meeting is just a formality,” Marcus told her only to see her rolling her eyes on him. “Fine, don’t believe me. But could you do me a favor and lower your guard down, and tell me what you sense from the mindlink.”

“Oh, about that,” Nessa started fidgeting in his arms. “I am not sure if it would be wise to do so.”

“Continue,” Marcus urged her to explain herself. She just couldn’t stop after such a vague explanation, especially now that he wanted to know all of her...

“Let’s leave it at that I’m not my wolf’s favorite person right now.”

Her short reply only made him even more curious to get to the bottom of things.

“Because of us?” He guessed.

“She’s actually quite fond of you,” Nessa confessed surprising him. The small smile he kept on his lips was now a full grin he couldn’t control. Her cheeks colored under his keen look.

“Nessa, Nessa, what did you do?” Marcus asked in a sing-along voice.

“Me – nothing,” Nessa theatrically waved him off.

“Nessa,” Marcus pressed.

“Fine. She is majorly pissed off I still haven’t done something,” Nessa said and then looked at him after delivering such a cryptic answer. “If I open my senses, I’m afraid she’d take over. She can be quite unpredictable.”

Marcus kissed her forehead and then whispered in her ear.

“So you are saying you can’t be held responsible if she drools all over my naked body or humps me?”

Nessa immediately elbowed him. His training quickly kicked in and restrained her hands in his and gently maneuvered to trap her underneath his body. Her leg almost immediately looped around his hips and he grinned, placing a kiss on the side of her neck, which made her giggle in his arms. He breathed down her neck and if the goose bumps were any indication, she was quite ticklish.

“You’ll be the death of me,” Marcus confessed.

He kissed her and started pulling at her clothes. She was awfully overdressed. She tried to stop him gently patting his fingers away.

“I can’t be late,” Nessa resisted his touch.

He kissed her neck and warned her, “Your wolf will be furious if you fight me on this.”

“I told you I have to meet Cameron. I can’t be late.”

He pushed his arms against the couch and hovered above her, his eyes shifting as he let his beast edge closer, the Alpha dominance seeping through is words.

“I’m your Alpha Ned.”

There was no going back.

“I’m Alpha Marcus Edwards. I’m telling you to stop worrying about your acceptance or your guests. Now would you please relax?” Marcus told her.

She looked at his eyes for a long minute waiting for any indication he was joking.

“What can I do to prove it to you?” Marcus offered. “Short from going to the pack house and showing you that I am not lying to you? Because let’s face it I kind of enjoy where I am at right now.”

He let his body rest against hers, keeping her in place and showing her just how much he wanted her. She patted his sides asking him to move and reached for the landline. He compromised by handing her the cordless landline but refusing to get off his delicious position over her.

“Call to Cameron, get him to acknowledge you as his Alpha on speaker,” Nessa instructed. “You can’t coach him into saying it.”

“I don’t know if I should be pleased with your loyalty or upset you trust Cameron over your Alpha,” Marcus wondered. She playfully swatted at his chest, her fingertips lingering against the plates of his chest. “Fine, fine, don’t beat me, I’ll do it.

Marcus held most of his weight off her by bracing against the sofa.

“Cameron speaking,” Cameron’s voice came through the speaker.

“Hey, man. I found myself in a pickle. I need you to say out loud who you are speaking to right now,” Marcus greeted.

“Marcus, are you all right?”

“Peachy. Just say my full name. Anytime now, while we are still young, man.” Marcus replied and looked at her.

“Marcus Joseph Edwards. Boss, you better tell me if you are in trouble,” Marcus grinned smugly at Nessa at the acknowledgement.

The moment she heard the name, her shock overtook any other expression on her pretty face. Before Marcus could explain, she slapped him hard across his face. He instantly restrained her hands, shifting his weight to hold her in place. She was furious, and itched to inflict bodily harm. There was no trace of the playfulness she displayed earlier.

“Breathe. Look at me, Vanessa! Breathe.”

Nessa closed her eyes and for a couple of long minutes didn’t say anything. Her fists eventually relaxed, but Marcus could feel the tension in her forearms. She was still furious with him.


Her broken voice and the fact she refused to make eye contact with him broke his heart.

“I’m selfish,” Marcus confessed. “I enjoyed our banter a little bit too much. When you didn’t recognize m as Alpha Ned, it allowed me to be just me. No titles. No past. Obviously, my title changes things for you.”

Hurt flashed through her eyes, before he noticed how watery they were as she stared up at him.

“For me?” She snapped, her jaws grinding as she tried to control herself. “I never cared about titles. But don’t you see how being an Alpha complicates this?”

She pointed between herself and him. At his surprised expression, she tried to push him off her.

“Just leave,” she continued trying to stand up and break the intimacy of his hold on her.

“Nessa,” he called to her, trying to calm her down.

“Congrats, you banged me without using your title. Happy now? Could you please leave me alone now,” Nessa’s words were full of disappointment. And somehow that affected him deeper than he imagined possible.

“It was never about banging you. It simply happened, two consenting adults enjoying each other’s company. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to see pity on your face every time you looked at me,” Marcus felt the need to set the record straight, seeing tears falling through her closed eyelids. When she opened them more tears floated in her eyes, but she pushed through them.

“Why would I pity you, Alpha? You are witty as hell, and firm in all the right places. Hell, you can even cook! I have all the reasons in the world to want you, not pity you. If there’s a pity, it would be you giving me a pity fuck.” Nessa kept going at it.

It hurt him to hear that she did use his title. The fact she didn’t even try to hide her pain made him feel twice the idiot for letting things progress this far. What was he thinking, he wondered. She saw all she wanted to see but chose to ignore the elephant in the room.

“My mate died in my arms, because I was not home to protect her,” Marcus broke the dreaded silence between them. He expected compassion but what he did not expect was a cold glare.

“At least you had love. Mine rejected me,” Nessa spat.

Marcus was shocked at her revelation. A withdrawn wolf would explain how she couldn’t feel his Alpha dominance, nor heeded to an Alpha command.

The moment she pressed her hands against his chest, he allowed her to sit on the sofa, while he still hovered over her legs.

She picked up the phone from the floor where it had landed after she had slapped him.

Everything made sense now. All the signs were there and he simply chose to ignore them. No wonder why his wolf was perky around her or why hers was fond of him. They were beginning to establish a bond. Against all odds, his wolf has chosen his new mate. And she was majorly pissed off at him.

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