The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter 6 - A flirt


(back at his office in Blackwood)

“Someone is happy,” Cameron taunted.

“Someone should mind his own business,” Marcus cautioned his Beta, signing off on the expenses for Lee’s black tie party.

Footing the bill was by far the easiest thing about this event so far. If only Lee had taken the initiative to select and ship everything to Blackwood, they wouldn’t be doing this annoying back and forth. Marcus hardly saw the decorations, flowers or napkins of any party and could have cared less about their color, designs or patterns. If the price tag was any indication, this soiree was promising to be nothing short of lavish.

But all Marcus could think about was Nessa. Would she be there? Pack function of this magnitude was bound to attract many pack members. He was excited to see Nessa dolled up for it. But blindsiding her with the truth of his rank was not his intention, which only meant he had to see her again.

Preferably today.

Ideally, In the next ten minutes.

The more time they spent together, the more he wanted to tell her the truth. But rank never came up in their conversation and it wasn’t like he could casually mention he was Alpha Ned. Who was he kidding? While his mind knew the title should have been mentioned along with his name, his heart fought against the idea. Marcus hesitated as he was never before this scared of losing someone to his station.

Cameron knocked on the desk, catching Marcus’ attention. Marcus eyed his Beta, realizing they were alone. His estate manager Ashley was long gone, busy preparing the Pack House for the glamour Lee required.

“I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time. Keep doing what you’re doing. Or should I say whom you’re doing?” Cameron suggestively waggled his eyebrows at Marcus.

If it was someone else other than Cameron, the flat stare Marcus gave him would have been enough to make them squirm. However, his Beta was immune to such a scrutinizing look. Worse, it seemed to intensify his curiosity.

“It’s a girl, right?” Cameron inquired.

Marcus wanted to laugh at the question but the seriousness etched on his Beta’s face stopped him. Open gay relationships were customary in the werewolf society. Fate choose your mate and you didn’t ask questions or dwelled on who your mate was - you wholeheartedly accepted them.

As the silence lingered, Cam smiled brightly at him.

“It’s always a girl. Good, good! I was beginning to worry about you.”

It was pointless trying to keep things private. Cameron always found a way to find his answers. Marcus couldn’t even be angry at this intrusion of his personal life. Cameroon was the named heir of Blackwood, and was to assume the Alpha duties, should Marcus go berserk. Authority was only second to paperwork in Cameron’s most hatred list. The prospect of a true-born Alpha Heir was the biggest gift anyone could have offered Cameron other than his own mate.

“Are you done?” Marcus snapped at his grinning Beta, who was preparing to continue his interrogation. “Did you invite her?” Cameron continued with his line of questioning.

“Are you volunteering to draft me an invitation?” Marcus asked, hoping the threat of paperwork would deter Cam’s curiosity.

“What century do you live in? Just call her up and invite her, or better yet do it in person,” Cameron suggested. At Marcus flat expression, Cameron waved him. “Tell me her name, and I’ll do it for you.”

The warning growl sounded from deep in Marcus’ chest. It only made Cameron relentless.

“So she is special,” Cameron smiled approvingly seeing jealousy in Marcus’ behavior than the simple frustration. “Now, I really want to meet her.”

Cameron was a dog with a bone.

Pun intended.

“She will be at the party,” Marcus vowed more to himself than to Cameron. “Now, I will go over the reports from the training grounds. Quietly.”

Cameron raised his hands in surrender, fighting against his wish to say something on the matter. The Beta chose to exit the office, making a bow a bow in front of Marcus before shaking his hips in a suggestive matter. Marcus shook his head at his theatrics. If only life was that simple.

Marcus focused on the reports laid before him. His Gamma had made progress with the training of all wolves over sixteen. They were passing his physical readiness tests and were ready to defend the territory with the help of some seasoned enforcers. It allowed Marcus to take an elite group of warriors with him, without sacrificing the security of the pack. The assassination of the Blue Moon’s Alpha was looking more realistic and Marcus couldn’t wait to smell his fear when he saw them.

So far so good.

Marcus put the report aside and picked up another, detailing the number of rogue sightings near his borders. The alarming rate of their increase confirmed what Marcus’ already suspected. The rogue stronghold was in the unclaimed territories between Blackwood, Pack Law Headquarters and the Royal Guard territory.

Marcus had no illusion who they would attack. Blackwood had prepared more than a few surprises for them. They were actually unintentionally doing Marcus a favor. While everyone was watching them, anticipating their move, Marcus could procure allegiances under the radar. There was a threat and as any good Alpha he was reacting. Only few knew, his actual target.

Recently, Marcus had to admit, he was distracted. His focus was wavering and his mind kept wandering back to one beautiful brunette. Alpha Aaron Stevens wasn’t much of a looker, nor brave enough as Nessa to face an Alpha like Marcus head on.


His heart raced, remembering her admission of venturing in the unclaimed territories on her runs to Rover Grove. It only took one rogue for a run to become deadly. He reached for his laptop, logging into the system and absentmindedly pulling her file, searching for her phone number. She was his breath of fresh air and he would be damned if he lost her.

Every Alpha kept a dossier on each of his fellow pack mates. It made life a lot easier when someone requested permission to enter his territory to visit family. The system easily verified the blood-ties between the visiting werewolf and the pack. It also gave Alphas knowledge of the skill-set everyone had. He could keep a closer eye on trouble makers, identify potential conflicts and effortlessly manage key pack positions.

His eyes darted over Nessa’s file. The attached photo did not do her any justice. She was perhaps too vibrant to be captured on film. Her curly brown hair was pulled in a ponytail and it looked wet, her shirt was off-green-off-brown color he couldn’t quite decipher. Unlike the person who he met and knew, this Vanessa in front of him carried a cloud of sadness in her brown eyes.

His eyes darted on Cameron’s comment, “Puffy eyes, stuffy nose. She explains it as an allergic reaction to new beauty products she recently tried.”

Although werewolves were healthier and recuperating faster than humans, they weren’t spared from allergies. Or maybe the manufacturers intentionally didn’t disclose the trace elements of silver in their products. His attention returned to her photo. She definitely looked lost, her eye-lids puffy as if she had cried her eyes out but nobody listened. Her eyes were vacant as if the life was sucked out of her.

Bad break up? Problems at home?

He tried to guess.Life had taught him reasons and motives were hard to uncover, which made it even more entertaining to try to guess them. Whatever it was, she was now feisty enough to put an Alpha on his place. She was flourishing under his protection.

Financial problems?

He remembered the clunker she drove. If he could only find a way to help her get a better vehicle, then he would be really happy. The only problem was Nessa was proud and independent enough to get offended by such a gesture.

His fingers automatically dialed her phone number. Would she pick up?

The phone rang once… twice…. Marcus was about to hang up when her winded voice greeted him.


“Hello back at you,” Marcus greeted her.

“Do I even want to know how you got my phone number?” Nessa inquired, making him chuckle.

Now that was the Nessa he was used to dealing with.

“Let’s leave it at magic,” Marcus replied not being able to hide his smug smile.

“Okay,” Nessa’s reply was more of a question than an answer.

“Any plans for tonight?” Marcus asked, hoping it sounded casual enough not to betray how much he missed being around her.

“Green Eyes, are you finally asking me out,” she teased and for a second Marcus considered what it would be like to be with someone in that way.

“I think it’s about time for me to earn my keep,” Marcus jested back instead.

“Quite presumptuous to believe the option is still there,” Nessa flirted.

“Careful, girlie. You are close to breaking my heart,” Marcus quickly replied.

“And we wouldn’t want that, would we? Fine,” her attempt to do a mock surrender was amusing. Marcus grinned wider when he heard her question. “What are you cooking?”

“Steamy things,” Marcus replied sneakily and was rewarded by her laughter. “I take it you approve. I’ll bring groceries and see you around seven?”

“Sounds fantastic. See you then,” Nessa hung up, and got back to her work at the diner.


(at Nessa’s apartment)

Four hours later, Marcus was serving the meal he had prepared for Nessa. She had insisted on helping and Marcus enjoyed every second of it. Somewhere between peeling the potatoes and cutting the vegetables, they teased, joked and went as far as tossed diced veggies at each other to emphasize their opinions. Conversation was always easy with Nessa, who settled in a supervising capacity enjoying some wine while Marcus took over her kitchen.

Once the salmon was baked, Marcus wondered if he should just pile the veggies beside it or try to arrange them. He was always at a loss there.

“Oh, come on, let me see,” Nessa pleaded, her hands landing on his waist as she tried to nudge him to move. Marcus must have taken a minute too long to decide, making her suspicious of his cooking. The little she-wolf decided to check up on him. He chuckled, realizing he didn’t give a crap about her questioning his cooking, just as long as she kept her hands on his body. He used his torso to prevent her from seeing the plates. His secretive move making her even more curious.

“Marcus, I can help,” Nessa explained, her hands circling around his waist, as she tried to leverage her body weight to make him move. “Seriously now. Move!”

Marcus wondered what it would be like to feel her hands over his skin.

“Shit,” Marcus berated his own mind as certain part of his body made itself known. He hunched over, trying to get her hands as far away from it as possible. Her front was now fully pressed against his back, making it even harder to compose himself. Marcus tried to focus on the irony of that.

“I’m earning my keep.” Marcus replied.

“Marcus,” her tone was supposed to be argumentative but in his current state of mind Marcus found it sexy as hell.

“Ness, go turn the TV on.”

Whether it was his snippy reply or the Alpha power seeping in his instruction, Nessa reluctantly agreed, but not before she negotiated.

“Fine. Be this way. Then I am choosing the movie.”

Marcus liked her strong will. Nessa didn’t coward in front of him. He secretly hoped, she was just as worked up from their proximity as he was. Her hands lingered for a moment longer than necessarily then she headed towards the living room.

“Do you need another beer?” Her voice came still too close for comfort. When he quickly looked over his shoulder, she was inspecting the beer bottle he drank from. A moment later, he knew it was a mistake as his mind drew images of her finishing his beer, then having her lips around…

Marcus couldn’t let his mind finish that sentence. He was not some prepubescent pup with a crush. He was a grown man. An Alpha. He had some restraint.

“Yes,” Marcus told her, watching her closely as she opened the fridge to fetch him a cold one. There was no bending over or any provocative moves on her part, yet Marcus knew he needed an ice-bath to curb his own wicked desires.

He summoned the picture from her file, trying to guess what made her outgrow her teen small country look, and to drive into womanhood, becoming a sophisticated yet down to Earth she-wolf. Everything about Nessa was friendly, inviting and settled.

Truth be told, Marcus didn’t know what he was doing in her apartment. He was not her mate and could not settle down. He had an Alpha to execute, a Fated mate to avenge. It felt like a betrayal to the memory of his mate to think about someone as much as he thought about Nessa. But when was it okay to move on? Was it a certain time frame or after his revenge? Was it even possible to do so?

Marcus bid his tongue as he watched her move in the living room. It wasn’t fair to Nessa to be pulled into his sour existence. He had revenge on his mind, and doubts in his heart. He was nowhere near being able to offer her a relationship, just a selfish companionship with an increased risk for her safety. He knew he had to stay away from her, but his human was under her charming spell, unable to deny himself whatever she was willing to give him before her mate showed up. Marcus felt jealous of her Fated. He’d show up eventually and Marcus would be alone once again.

Was it even worth it?

This beautiful like-minded and fun person was not terrified of him. On the contrary, she was eager to push his buttons, jest and challenge him six ways until Monday. He enjoyed her free-spirit. She never sought gain from knowing him. Hell, she didn’t even have any inclination of who he was. One thing was certain. She enjoyed getting to know plain Marcus, trading stories from childhood pranks and skinned knees.

Marcus absolutely hated her Fated, whoever the little bastard turned out to be, he was lucky. One day, this beautiful person would bring all the cheer and laughter into his life, and Marcus would not be able to do anything about it. There was no stopping the mating pull. Marcus hoped he would not be alive to witness her falling in love with someone else. It would surely kill him.

Was he developing a thing for her? His new found jealousy only served to prove it.

Damn, she got under his skin so fast.

Marcus dumped the vegetables on the plates a little bit too forceful, making them rattle.

“Are you okay?” Her voice came over the TV chatter.

“Yeah,” Marcus responded, grabbing the plates and walking into the living room. She was sitting on the sofa - one foot dangling down to the ground, the other tucked underneath her. When she saw him, she smiled and exchanged a cold beer for a plate. Marcus sat down beside her, resting his plate on the coffee table.

He could not allow this to go any longer.

“Nessa, I have something to tell you,” Marcus started.

Her eyes were already on him even before he spoke, bathing him in her undivided attention, making her mirror his decision to put her food down.

He took a sip of his beer, trying to find the courage to reveal his title, when she interrupted him.

“I never had a gay friend, but it’s cool. Seriously,” Nessa told him, relaxing into his side.

Marcus choked on the beer or his saliva, he couldn’t even spare a moment to think about it.

“Of all of the things that could cross your mind, how on Earth, would you come up with that conclusion?” He questioned absentmindedly putting his beer down, focusing his attention on the she-wolf beside him.

“You cook deliciously, dress up fabulously, hang around with me… You know, there is just so much an ordinary guy can do. And hands down you’re amazing. So there you go. You have to be gay. But I am cool with it as long as you don’t change completely and become irritable, old prune on me,” Nessa finished, reaching out to pat his knee in encouragement.

Marcus was stunned.

There were so many things wrong with her little speech but at the same time, she called him fabulous and amazing. He could bet she did not even suspect how much she was stroking his Ego. Who wouldn’t fall for a woman, who thought so highly of him?

His initial stupor gave way to his want for her. He reached out and pulled her towards him, crushing his lips against hers. She gulped in surprise at his assertiveness. Marcus didn’t hesitate for a second and shot his tongue in her mouth. He needed to feel her, to taste her. Nessa froze in his arms, but then quickly responded to his kiss, wrestling his tongue for dominance. She was more than a willing participant. He grinned against her lips, seating her over his lap. He needed to feel her soft body against his. His hands massaged her lower back and then cupped her bottom as their lips were locked in a passionate duel. Her fingers roamed through his hair and tugged him closer.

Goddess, how much he wanted her!

He needed her…. badly…

He could not stop himself. He knew that he had to break off the kiss to explain himself, but he could not muster the strength to do so.

So cowardly, he selfishly followed her lead.


As soon as she finished her little speech his face stilled. He was motionless.


Then he swiftly pulled her closer to him, crushing his lips onto hers. The sudden movement caught her off guard. Was he really kissing her? She gulped and felt his tongue pressed against her lips, teasingly persuading her to allow him access to the depths of her mouth. Her surprise wore off as his tongue slowly explored hers – stroking, encouraging her to give into the kiss. There was no doubt, it was really happening. Finally. And it wasn’t a peck, but what promised to be a very enjoyable make out session. She returned the caress, only to find him deepening the kiss, then slowly retracting his tongue, leaving their lips flush against each other.

He was giving her an out. Stop here or let it progress?

She eagerly slipped her tongue between his moist lips in search for his, while her fingers snatched and tugged at his hair. If he was offering, who was she to deny it? In fact, she had imagined it so many times, that she owed it to herself to know if the reality could match her imagination.

The corner of his lips curved into a smile as he kept the steady pace of their kiss. Nessa was amazed at the sensual way their lips worked together. Who knew lips could move in such a slippery dance? She had kissed before, but never with such burning intensity. Then there was this urgency in her, to take as much as he offered, because she knew she would always want more.

Need more.

As if in response to her need his hands gripped into her sides and seated her onto his lap. Nessa squeaked against his lips, her fingers clutching his shoulders to keep her balance. Marcus’ hand fanned around the back of her neck, steadying her, prohibiting any distance between them, and allowing him to deepen the kiss further. As if she had any plans to stop anytime soon.

Marcus felt amazing underneath her. Not only did he smell so deliciously, his taste was divine. His tongue was a slippery thing that teased to no end, while his lips applied just enough pressure to awake the hunger in her.

Nessa smiled against his lips, cupping his face in her hands before they ultimately slipped into his hair, increasing the pressure between their lips. She wanted to indulge in experiencing everything he was so willingly giving before he could change his mind. Before it was too late. So she held onto him for dear life.

His strong hands trailed down her back, massaging the tense muscles and finally fanned across her behind, squeezing her jean clad ass into his hands then pressing her into the bulge of his pants, proving that he was anything but gay.

If he could openly make her aware of his hard on for her, he surely wouldn’t mind if she went further, would he? Nessa gently rubbed herself against it. His hands immediately gripped into her waist and roughly pressed her even further into his excitement, ensuring she was more than welcome to do as she pleased. Which she did, and felt him enlarge as their caresses became bolder, if that was even possible.

The hunger in her was insatiable.

She needed more, wanted more.

Had to have more.

Her hands traced his shoulders and tugged at his shirt. He pulled it off effortlessly, breaking the kiss only for a second. His lips then snatched her lower lip, gently biting into it. Nessa was never much of a biter, but his nibbles made her want to return the caress. She hungrily launched at him, trying to capture his lower lip between her own. He swiftly outmaneuvered her, keeping her lower lip between his. The more she fought to capture his lower lip, the more dominant his became.

Food long forgotten, her focus was on the candy before her. He was a good kisser, playful, persistent and infuriatingly hot. Nessa still couldn’t believe she was having the best make out session of her life in the middle of her own living room with a demigod she hardly knew, yet felt completely at ease in his presence. How else would she explain her desire to feel his skin and taste his lips? He was there to cook for her and to earn his keep but if he continued praising her body with his affection, Nessa was certain he wouldn’t need to cook next time.

Nessa gave up chasing his lower lip and relaxed, submitting to his kiss. What was the point of wrestling for dominance when she was perfectly fine with the building pressure from deep within her? His lips trailed down a kiss from her lower lip, across her chin and jaw line and attached themselves to her neck. Nessa moaned, feeling him suck the delicate spot where she once bore the mark of her true mate. Thinking of her mating with Brandon should have been a bummer, yet she found it liberating judging his insufficient performance. Juliet might have taken him away, but she blessed Nessa with the opportunity to experience orgasmic kisses and whatever else Marcus was willing to share with her.

Marcus attentiveness kept her body ignited, as he nibbled her skin, irritating and smudging his saliva all over her creamy skin. As long as no skin was broken and no blood was exchanged, the mark would be transient sign for his dominance and possession over her body.

If submission got him going, Nessa was more than ready to give it to him. She lifted her head up while bringing her groin into his lap, exposing more of her neck to him and silently surrendering to his touch. The neck was one of the most defenseless spots for a werewolf. Once sliced, it was hard if not impossible to heal on its own. Exposing your neck in submission was the ultimate obedience one showed in the presence of higher ranked werewolves. It was a sign of respect to a powerful wolf. A gesture fit for an Alpha. It was a show of good faith proving loyalty and trust in accepting one’s dominance by willfully putting yourself in the most vulnerable position.

Marcus growled his acceptance, tugging and nipping at the area. He was possessive, assertive and boldly taking reign of the moment, bathing in her submission. If she knew that submitting to him would make him even more attentive to her, she would have done it a long time ago!

As his lips slid against her neck, his tongue left a wet trail over her skin, making her body sizzle with delight. His hands encircled her waist and snatched the ends of her shirt. His lips lost contact with her skin for a brief moment to allow the fabric of her shirt to slip over her head.

“They are even better than I imagined.”

Nessa chuckled at the awed look he gave her chest as his outstretched hands still held her shirt to the side. It was nice to see him as invested in her as she was into him. She wrapped her hand around his neck, bringing his face into her chest. His eyes widened as she shamelessly offered him her breasts. At his surprised face, she pressed her breasts into his face, evoking a deep growl of appreciation to vibrate through his chest.

She was playfully teasing him, giving into his demands and allowing him to do whatever he pleased with her body. He wasted no time as another growl of frustration came from deep within him, and quickly hugged her, shifting their position and pressing her into the couch as he laid his body on top. Nessa giggled into his hold as his face planted itself in the valley between her breasts and he eagerly breathed in her scent. Her laughter ceased as she felt his wet lips connect with the rounder surface of her breasts, just before his teeth slowly scraped over the sensitive skin, leaving another mark on her body. She sought his body with hers, demanding more.

Instead of giving it to her, he placed a peck kiss over the spot and then teasingly exhaled, letting her skin shiver with anticipation as his large hands easily unhooked her bra clasp, letting her rounded breasts slip from their confinement.

Marcus adoringly looked down at her and in that moment, Nessa noticed the shift of the green eyes into the earthy-moist green ones of his wolf, which held equal lust. His physique was towering over her, and quite intimidating. But she was immune as she had already seen the undeniable longing on his face. His enjoyed looking at her, mapping her nakedness. Suddenly the rounder hips and fluffier sides ceased to matter to Nessa as she knew he liked every inch of her. Nessa smiled, and took her turn to appreciate the mountain of muscle and heat above her, silently willing him to continue.

And he finally did. He cupped her left breast, while his lips descended onto her right. She moaned unsure whether his hot lips or cool saliva were to blame for the incredible feeling that started from deep within her core and spread throughout her body. His long fingers gently started massaging her breast then rewarded her with a light twist of her nipple, enticing a moan from her. He continued kissing her other breast, while his right hand slipped from her left breast towards her jeans’ front, undoing the button and proceeding to unzip them.

His hand quickly made its way between the denim and the lace of her underwear. He traced the skin on her hip before giving a short tug at the denim. It proved difficult to undress her with one hand, as his left palm was pressed against the couch, supporting most of his weight off her body, preventing him from crushing her under his muscular frame. He also must have realized it as he pulled back, sitting awkwardly between her legs then tugged harder on her jeans with both hands.

Nessa chuckled at his impatience and lifted her bottom bracing her weight against her shoulders. Her feet pressed flatly against the plates of his chest. His eyes darted at her feet and then a smirk tugged at his lips as he openly took in her bottom. His hands helped the denim slide down it, lingering on it. Nessa eased her bracing and lowered her butt into the couch, reminding him he needed to move. He pulled the jeans down her thighs, and then lifted one of her ankles off his chest, passed the jeans though it and gave it a kiss. He then placed it back on his shoulder and proceeded to do the same with her other one.

Nessa smiled as she watched him undress her. Never before had anyone taken so much time to simply admire her body. His attention to her spoke louder than anything he could have ever said.

This was not going to be rushed, wild quickie.

He was going to take care of her.

All of her.

And she just couldn’t wait to see what he did next.

His hands stroke her calves as he was openly gazing over her thong covered heat, and then narrowed, zeroing in on the moisture spot of the material. His eyes trailed up to her chest then held her eyes. Nessa knew there was no point of hiding just how turned on she was. He could smell it in her scent change, heart it in her pulse, and now see it on her creamed undies. It was his doing.

He wasn’t bad on the eyes. In fact, the broad shoulders, and strong muscles she shamelessly eyed were chiseled down to perfection. His chest was rising and falling quicker than normal and she took pride in knowing she affected him just as much as he did.

She shamelessly ran a finger down his chiseled chest to his impressive abs then hooked a finger over the waistline of his jeans. She glared at the material and pointedly questioned, “Aren’t you overdressed?”

He chuckled at her insistence and started undoing his own jeans. Nessa grinned as the muscles of his body coiled from the movement, and she relaxed, appreciating the view. If it was not for the pure adoration he emitted as he was removing his jeans, she would have been intimidated by the large mountain of muscle over her small frame.

His growl focused her attention to his face. He was glaring at her hand cupping her breast. Was that menacing growl really needed? She rolled her eyes at his possessiveness. If he wasn’t touching her, then nobody could? She decided to give him a lesson and gently tapped against the rounded globe, making her skin bounce to her touch. His eyes watched the motion with profound interest, silencing his growl.

Good boy.

She continued to tease him as she slowly traced the areola of her breast then pivot her index fingertip against the hardened nipple.

He released a frustrated sigh, his eyes darkened with lust to the point where she didn’t know if it was Marcus or his wolf in charge. She would go with his wolf, as Marcus’ mouth hung open, letting some of his saliva drool, which was a typical behavior for one in wolf form. While some drool might be a turn off for some, Nessa found it sensual. The big bad wolf she barely knew was openly admiring her, proving there was nothing wrong with her. She kept a small smile on her lips, encouraging him to do as he pleased. As the seconds passed and he was still frozen in space, she winked.

“Hurry up,” she pointedly told him as he had stopped undressing in favor of glaring at her hand. That sprung him in action and he discarded both his jeans and underwear in one swift motion. She giggled at his enthusiasm. Her laughter died down when her eyes fell on his member.

She figured that he would be on the larger side as he was tall and overly bulky, but she hadn’t thought he would be that big… or thick for the matter. He must have caught her excitement and he pointedly held it firmly in his hand.

“You were saying?” He cockily asked her, stroking himself as she continued teasing her nipple.

Nessa wetted her lips.

Oh, this would be a night to remember!


The moment her finger traced the darker skin of her breast, Marcus lost the battle of wills with his wolf. Nessa saw the shift in his eyes but held his gaze regardless. She was the perfect mix of boldness, sass and shiness. Wolves had long ago avoided challenging Marcus for dominance. A wolves with nothing to live for than his pack were dangerous. They were not afraid of dying and were exceptional at playing cards.. They were playing the bluffing.

His wolf had never been docile, but a beast, long before becoming a vicious monster. Even his own Fated was uneasy around his wolf, fearing he’d take over. Marcus expected Nessa’s initial surprise at his size to morph into fear. But it never happened. She continued caressing herself, as if it was no big fucking deal to have a frustrated wolf over her. The little minx had even had the audacity to wink at him.

“Hurry up,” her voice showed slight irritation.

Frustration, Marcus corrected himself, and a hefty dose of expectancy he would be naked by now.

She glared at his frozen hands at the belt of his jeans. He immediately complied, discarding both his jeans and boxers in one move. She giggled at his enthusiasm only for it to be cut short as soon as her eyes landed on his shaft.

Marcus looked at her flushed face as he caught her staring. He was more than well endowed and he knew what effect his body had on his partners. His massive size spiked initial excitement, only to be replaced by fear of being hurt.

It was no secret that werewolves had increased libido. It was true even more so for males. The more powerful the werewolf, the bigger the carnal desires. It automatically meant Alphas had it worst. It was nature’s way to ensure the strongest and fittest survived and reproduced. Knowing the mechanics behind it, didn’t make it any less frustrating when you didn’t have a partner. The saying, “A mated Alpha, a happy Alpha,” was based on this very same fact. Stress and duty were constantly on the Alpha’s mind and they needed to unwind in the arms of their mate. If they weren’t mated, it only made them prone to rash decisions and mistakes. Hence why after Emma’s passing, Cameron had become much more involved into the Pack Business than it was suitable for a Beta.

Marcus cleared his throat, expecting her excitement to wear off as she realized sex could be painful. And it would be, if Marcus didn’t know how to arouse her or how to control himself. This was the part which he loathed – having to explain himself, and the reason why he seldom changed bed partners.

Her lips parted as if she was going to say something, then a smile of pure appreciation spread over her lips. Her face shone with excitement with no sign of fear. He couldn’t believe that the she-wolf in front of him was fully accepting his intimidating body, just as she had understood his growls, may they be of frustration, approval or anger.

She was in tune with him.

So in tune with him, she had Marcus worked up than he cared to admit. Never before had he been so close to an embarrassing finish even before they had started. He didn’t need his wolf to butt in his thoughts or try to surface again.

“You were saying?” He cockily asked her, stroking himself as she continued teasing her nipple. He was giving her one last chance to reconsider and voice out any concerns.

She was at a loss for words. Her tongue darted over her lips to moisture them in response.

Marcus didn’t know if she fully recognized just how provocative her gesture was for both him and his wolf, who was ready to pounce at her and eat her alive.

Hell, even Marcus considered briefly at giving in and taking her right that very second.

Damn her!

He needed to teach her a thing or two about hungry testosterone filled Alphas.

“Do that again and I can’t promise I’d be able to control myself. It would be rough,” he cautioned her letting some of his Alpha voice seep into his husky voice.

It was a fair warning.

The only warning he would give before things got heated.

He expected her to heed to his advice. But then again he should have known better. Her smile full of mischief told him she took his words as a challenge. Before he could react, the minx placed her finger against her lips shushing him, then parted her lips, sucking in her own finger. Her eyes never for once drifted away from his.

Marcus watch in utter trance as her lips engulfed her finger, only for it to pop out of her mouth a second later. Her tongue swiftly lapped at her finger, while she purposefully let a little moan of delight escape her lips. Even though Marcus knew she was just teasing him, his wolf read it as a preview of what they could do. He needed her lips around his throbbing shaft. His firm grip and strokes down its length weren’t enough.

Whatever possessed him to think he could hold back, warn her about himself or his wolf was wrong. She was a seductress, fully aware of what she was torturing him, and brazenly provoking his wolf.

The moment he hesitated whether he wanted to take her or let those lips of hers show him a good time, her other hand moved over her body and dangerously neared her groin. He knew what she was about to do before her fingers disappeared under the fabric before a heartfelt moan passed her lips.

Damn her!

He was dripping wet. All his previous playfulness vanished.

He wanted her.



Marcus made it so darn easy to tease him. His eyes were openly admiring her body. Being able to inflict such a primal desire in him made her feel wanted. It empowered her. She tested her newfound boldness with a finger. Watching him pause mid-stroke, eyes widening as her finger sunk in her wetness, felt naughtier than the moan against the intrusion of her finger. It was not ideal, but it would have to suffice until he was ready to take over. She had no doubt that he would at some point. The question was when.

And oh, boy, did he want her.

His grip had tightened as he gave himself a hard stroke. He was dripping and she immediately recognized just when his wolf surged taking once again and lunged at her, ripping her thong off with sharp nails. Once second she heard the material rip, the next she felt his finger substitute hers and in a blink of an eye, her finger was now in his mouth.

His longer digit quickly found her sweet spot and swept over it, massaging it, making her writhe under his touch while his mouth sucked the remainder of her moisture off her finger.


His gruff voice demanded as his finger curled, making her shiver every time the pad of his middle finger pressed against her spot. His thumb rubbed her clit, while his finger tested the elasticity of her tunnel.

“Hm,” she agreed enjoying his finger play.

The pressure felt amazing, but it wasn’t enough. He lowered his head and as his lips brushed against her pearl, before his tongue swept at it. Nessa felt good. She could be so close, yet so far away!

Did he really want to taste her that badly or was it just to prepare her for what was to come? Either way, Nessa was perfectly fine letting him slowly build up the pleasure with his incredible rhythm.

She wanted him….

….preferably right freaking now…

“I want you,” Nessa told him. His moist green eyes she now associated with his greeted her. She smiled at him, “Now.”

“Enjoy this first,” Marcus told her, inserting now two of his fingers, continuing to produce waves of pleasure as his tongue lapped at her core.

“Don’t make me beg you,” Nessa moaned as his rhythm intensified.

The hum of his chuckle only made her tighten her thighs around his head as her muscles clenched. Her hand slipped into his hair and gave it an upward tug, showing him she wanted him to move.

He lifted his head only to breathe over her moist sex, “Beg.”

“Marcus,” Nessa argued. As his lips connected with her core, his tongue flipping her excited bud as he kept thrusting his fingers into her, bringing her closer to her peak. “Please.”

“That’s it,” he hummed against the throbbing pearl and proceeded to flick it with his tongue. As his tongue swept over and over again, massaging her softly or shooting inside like a spear, she finally let go and gave into him, letting him pleasure her body the way he saw fit. It felt good. So damn good, that no words could describe it.

As the tremor of pure pleasure spread through her body, she pressed his head into her groin, demanding more, which he gladly gave, increasing his rhythm, until she could not hold it anymore. Her hands tugged harder on his hair as her body violently convulsed under his attentive care.

Wanted. Treasured. Cherished.

That was how she felt.

“Marcus,” she moaned as the tornado of emotions rushed through her, and she slowly began to spiral down. When she finally came back to her senses, she became aware of her hands pressing his head against her groin as his tongue still hungrily lapped against her folds, drinking her dry. She blushed, easing the pressure with which she was holding his head, relaxing her thighs. He gave her one last open mouthed kiss, before he lifted his head off her trailing kisses on her skin, as he made his way to her lips, dipping his tongue into her mouth and allowing her to taste herself on his lips.

“Rosy cheeks suit you,” he then told her rubbing her cheeks with his thumb.

“Shut up,” she smiled in his arms then slowly moved her hand to encircle his member, which was brushing against her thigh, “I wanna taste you, too.”

He groaned.

“Another time.”

Nessa was ready to pout but as he aligned himself with her, she finally realized why. She had managed to work him up so much that now he couldn’t wait to proceed further.

“If you laugh, I am going to spank you,” he jokingly warned her.

That didn’t sound that bad at all. Nessa wondered what she should do next. Did she really want to return him the favor and suck him senseless or did she want to feel him? Or would it be nicer to provoke him, taking her chances with a hopefully sensual spanking.

“Promises, promises,” she whispered.

“You’ll be the death of me,” he told her, lifting her leg and looping it around his hip then he pressed into her. Nessa shifted her hips, allowing her feet to press into the back of his strong thighs, nudging him closer.

He raised an eyebrow at her.

She flashed him a smile and explained, “What? I’m helping.”

He slowly thrust into her, letting his tip part its way teasingly slow. He felt very warm as he slowly dipped into her. He would advance then back out slightly before he proceeded again, going a little bit further. He was teasing her, allowing her juice to coat him and easing himself into her. And boy, his rhythm was enticingly slow. She found her pelvis gyrate against him, trying to take more of him in, giving into the temptation to have him right away. He pressed his weight down onto her torso, restricting her movement. She looked at him with confusion.


His voice was rasp, holding her in place until she complied with his request. He was letting her get familiar with him, testing her limit. If he thought he could restrain her, he had another thing coming. Nessa smirked at him before she clenched her inner muscles around him, pushing him outward. He grunted into her neck as she clamped down on his member, showing him she was more than comfortable with his size. He instinctively pressed against the constriction, making Nessa moan in delight. He was stretching her tightened muscles, breaking through the constriction that she imposed and allowing her to feel just how hard he was. It felt good. So good she found herself reaching another peak as he continued exerting pressure against her. She finally relaxed underneath him, allowing her muscles to grip and quiver around him on their own accord.

Damn, he had her worked up.

She couldn’t wait any longer. She had to have him all.

Nessa pressed her feet into his thighs, and took the remainder of him in one fluid motion, making his tip hit the back wall of her tunnel with force, enough to make her whole body coat in sweat as his tip forced its way against her cervix. She exhaled loudly at the intrusion.

Marcus immediately stilled, backing out and allowing her muscles to relax against him. It was going to be hardly possible as they were firmly joined, her muscles gripping him and cramping against him, making her gasp. He hadn’t even started moving yet and here she was going wanton by his sole presence.

“Shit, you’re so tight,” he hissed against her neck.

Nessa chuckled, only to make them hiss in delight as her giggle made them fit even more snugly than before. Never before had she had anyone buried so deep inside her without resorting to some sort of acrobatics on her part. She wondered how it would feel if she did them with him inside of her.

Before she could try it out, she felt him withdrawing himself. She smiled at him, expecting him to push back in, while she noticed that he continued easing his way out. She locked her ankles behind him, restraining him.

“Where do you think you are going?” She whispered, not wanting to ask him the embarrassing question “Did you finish?” as she knew her disappointment will be easily heard. Even if he did, she was willing to work with him on the issue, though she never really felt his release.

He shook his head and his finger traced her cheek, making Nessa aware of the moisture there. Was she crying? He gently rubbed her cheek in a loving manner.

“Let’s give you more control on the depth, shall we?” He softly offered.

“Later,” Nessa dismissed him and pulled him back over her body, making him sink into her again.

She groaned. He felt so good.

His eyes never left hers and she closed her eyes, savoring the moment. He felt big. She slowly rocked her hips around him, getting a good feel of how he was stretching her nicely. She moaned as she tried a new angle of her body to his, which she found equally pleasing.

She felt full and it made her want to try so many things with him.

Damn, what was wrong with her?

She had never felt this hungry.

But then again she had never had such a stud in her bed.

Thinking of his perfect torso made her snap her eyes open in order to gawk some more at his body. He was picture-perfect.

What she didn’t expect was to be greeted with a very painful face.

“Are you okay,” she asked, hoping he would say no.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he told her and finally her sex-hazed mind put things into prospective. The grimace on his face wasn’t because she had hurt him. It was because he was trying to restrain himself.

She smiled at his concerned faced.

“Believe me, if you do something I don’t like, I’ll be the first to let you know. Now move or I’ll start thinking you’ve already finished without me.”

Nessa gave him a pouting face that made him chuckle. He cautiously relaxed his body over hers, leaving her time to stop his advance. Nessa kept an encouraging smile on her face. He had cared for her enough to put his needs aside and to give her more than enough time to accept him.

All of him.

“Wow!” She finally exclaimed as he fully covered her body with his.

“You okay?” He worriedly inquired.

“More than okay,” she bucked her hips into his, making his shaft flick inside her. She slowly started rocking moving side to side, nudging him to move. “Big boy, you do know, now you need to work it?”

Marcus kissed her shoulder.

“Oh, boy,” she moaned as another wave of pleasure rushed through her as he slipped in. He slowly begun rocking his hips into her, working a nice and steady stroke rhythm, “Marcus, this feels amazing.”

He smiled at her in understanding, kissed her forehead and began thrusting into her frame, picking up his speed. Her hands looped around his shoulders to steady her body at the force he drove into her. Her body shivered uncontrollably, matching the rhythm he set, her hands gripping his shoulders and back. She needed to hold him, as he continued diving into her with an admirable passion. A huge smile spread over her lips. He definitely knew how to work it!

Her body molded into his, revolving around his shaft, sweeping her into pure ecstasy.

He was all she needed.

All she ever wanted.

His grunts became louder and soon Nessa was panting as the warmth built up inside her finally made her burst into the pleasure which contracted every single muscle of her body in a powerful toe curling orgasm.

She vaguely heard his labored breathing as he increased his rhythm, drilling into her in search for his own relief. She could feel his peak as he sank deeper into her, giving her a harder shove, and the sensation of warmth from his seed. The discharged liquid made it easier for him to slide into her, prolonging both of their apogees.

His body slowed down to a stop, his heavy breathing telling her he was spent.

“Wow!” Nessa awed at him, gently stroking his sweat covered back. Her hands traced the many scars on his back and the fresh claw marks she left him. Who said that he was the only one to get off at leaving love markings? She had never felt the need to leave her mark on someone else’s body. But with him, she found it quite endearing. Too bad his skin would heal over in another hour or so and erase them, even if she had actually drawn first blood.

She kept on rubbing her pelvis against him, trying to make it up to him for the blood spill. As he softened she gripped him with her inner muscles, milking him dry.

“Fuck, that’s nice,” his husky voice said.

She giggled, and lost her concentration. Kegel exercises were easier to do when you actually had something to contract against.

He kissed her shoulder in reply, bucking his hips into her a couple of more times for her sake, before he pulled out and shifted their bodies so that she lay on top of him.

“Thank you, big boy,” she pecked his chest as it was closest to her lips. His hands circled around her, keeping her firmly against his body, allowing them some time to calm down. His large hand cupped her butt cheek and gently massaged it.

“You sure you are all right,” he inquired with a leveled voice.

“Yes, but I might take advantage of your depleted state, and chain you to my bed. So that I can ravish you once again later on,” Nessa confessed.

“We can certainly entertain that fantasy of yours,” he agreed then admitted, “I have no intention of going anywhere.”

“Really?” Nessa exclaimed, moving her hand over his heart and feeling the steady beat. He nodded his head in agreement. “Good.”

Nessa smiled and snuggled into him, as the AC cooled down their bodies.


She was jolted awake by the awkward sensation she was falling. Her fingers immediately dug into the first thing they could find, as her eyes snapped open.

“What happened?” She quickly asked Marcus, soothingly tracing the fresh markings her nails left on his arms.

“We fell asleep.”

Marcus told her then proceeded to lift her up in his arms. Nessa snuggled into his broad chest, inhaling his masculine scent, letting him carry her over to her bedroom. A door opened, and he used his elbow to turn on the light. Nessa hid her face into his chest. Damn, the darn light was too bright, telling her it wasn’t her bedroom. The echo of the vent told her he brought her into the bathroom.

He gently let her stand on the tile as he made his way to the bathtub.

“You woke me up to tell me I smell?” She asked sleepily and stepped onto the bathroom mat to avoid the cold tile.

“You smell like you have been thoroughly loved,” he chuckled complimenting himself and looking over her naked frame.

“I’m cold. I am going to bed,” Nessa told him and pivoted around her heel to go out, while his large hands encircled her waist lifting her up into the bathtub. She looked at him surprised as he climbed into the bathtub with her, pulling the curtain shut.

“We’ll do that in a bit,” he told her lathering her shampoo in his hands and then hair, then worked the lather into her shoulders, rinsing it away. “Don’t you feel sticky?”

He asked her as his hand and cloth inched to her groin. It was embarrassing how right he was. Her cheeks flushed and she quickly reached her hand to snatch the washcloth from his hands, only for him to pull it back.

“Let me,” Marcus told her and without waiting for her reply, quickly moved her in front of him, hugging her from behind as he started washing her navel and groin area.

She took a deep breath, “This is weird.”

“So we can ravish each other, but not groom each other?”

He huskily whispered in her ear, making her ticklish. Marcus held her more securely against his body and worked up the lather around her groin more, washing away any trace of their love juice.

“Close your eyes. Let me take care of you, I won’t let go,” he told her and as she did he started soaping the rest of her body, paying particular attention to her breasts before returning to her groin.

“Last time you took care of me, we ended up being sticky,” Nessa mumbled.

“I don’t remember you complaining,” he devilishly smiled and eased her body into his, moving his hand from her belly towards her groin, cupping it. “I want to hear you moan my name.”

“That won’t be too hard,” Nessa chuckled as his skillful fingers started playing with her bud.

“This is my thanks if you will for earlier,” he told her, kissing her neck and shoulders, making Nessa’s inside roar in delight.

This had to be a Dream.


All of his good intentions evaporated the moment her body started molding itself to his touch. Her thighs slightly parted as he kept the pink bud between his thumb and index finger. It was remarkable how a small ball of nerves was responsible for her delightful sounds. His left hand fanned across her mid section firmly keeping her flush against him. His right hand continued its work slowly building the tension she needed. Her increased panting urged him to give her more and he cupped her sex, pressing the heel of his palm against her pubic bone, trapping the small sphere between the two, and freeing his fingers. He gently started gyrating his wrist up and down, which translated into long stroking motion against her sweet spot, causing her to moan his name.

He smiled at her and kissed her ear lobe, whispering encouragingly, “I’m here for you.”

His now freed fingers were ready to explore her. He dipped his middle finger inside of her and curled it back, feeling her internal front wall. The position of his body behind her and the choice of his hand and finger position made it incredibly easy for his finger pad to land straight over her inner bulb, making her torso tremble with pleasure. It was a fool-proof way to get her off, without too much effort.

What he didn’t expect was to find the way her body moved in his arms enticing. Her full breasts were rocking with every breath she took and it only made him imagine her riding him. That was something he would definitely want to experience.

For now, it was all about her.

She had taken him in without any reservation and although he knew it definitely hadn’t been the most comfortable position for her. He still remembered the force with which he had shoved in the end of her tunnel, stretching the last fold of her and pushing against her womb’s cervix. If that wasn’t uncomfortable, he only assumed how stretched she must have been at the base of his shaft. He had definitely gotten stiffer than usual watching her tease him.

His teeth clenched as he kept on rubbing the knobs of her desire. This little body he had in his arms had held him so tightly, it nearly made him lose it. It made his decision a lot easier than it should have been. He would have her again…and again.

A small smile formed on his lips as he bent down to peck her shoulder.

Damn, she tasted good but her scent was divine.

She smelled of him and arousal.

He grinned knowingly he was responsible for it all.

Slipping now both his middle and ring finger into her, he managed to exert more pressure and finally made her squirt as the waves of pleasure swept over her. He felt her body lax against his, while her walls clamped shut against his fingers. He could never have enough of the uninhibited sex with a partner like her. Her rounded buttocks pressed against his shaft and he found himself sliding over her moist folds. Damn, even this contact was enough to want to bury himself deep into her warmth. He regretfully pulled back. This was for her enjoyment.

He felt her reach forward and turn off the shower, then quickly pushed the bottles of different shampoos, conditioners and shower gels off the small edge at the head of the bathtub. Seriously, who needed that many?

Before he knew it he found himself seated on it, which would have been comical if he hadn’t seen her kneeling in front of him. She swatted his hands away from his penis then gently encircled it with her small hands.

“And this is my thank you to you,” she said before her head went down his length. He hissed as he observed how much she could take into her mouth, before coming up for some air. She smiled at him noticing his stare and held his eyes, as her tongue swept around his tip. As she pulled back he gritted his teeth at the stretchy drool she left on him. She really knew how to get him rock hard.

Her lips gently glided up and down the side of his shaft as she held him firmly with a hand before she finally decided to reward his tip again. As she took him in her mouth, her tongue swirled onto the backside, making him shiver bucking his hips into her mouth.

He half expected for her to pull up, but instead she slowly relaxed her grip onto him and allowed his tip to touch the back of her throat. Was she really offering what he thought she was? Her hand slowly patted his thigh, giving him permission to thrust against her. His hands quickly found their way to her head and fisted her wet curls.

She had given him one of the best heads he had ever had, but this? This was just too incredible to be compared to anything or anyone else.

This had never happened before!

He gently moved his hips into her as her hands relaxed against his lower abs, showing him how far she was comfortable with. It only took him a couple of thrusts and he was ready to explode.

“Nes, I’m close,” he told her not sure if she would want it happening inside her mouth.

In response, her cheeks dipped as she sucked him down. That was all that it took for him to burst. He felt her gag against him pulling slightly back before her tongue dipped down and she swallowed. In doing so she irreversibly massaged him and caused another eruption from him. His breathing was labored as he watched her tongue lap as his pleasure continued with short power bursts.

He kept on pushing her hair away to see her lips, clamped down onto him.

With a final peck, she pulled back and licked her lips, “You taste good.”

“Who are you?” He asked in awe, making her blush.

“A very pleased woman,” she told him standing up and turning on the shower again.


His surprised face was priceless. It was a treasured moment that would keep her warm and cozy for years to come. She had made the big bad wolf purr. Maybe she had taken things further than even she had expected, but in all honesty, she got carried away in her desire to do something special as thanks for being attentive to her needs. And oh, boy had he taken care of her. Actually, it was the best. Even if she didn’t have a lot to compare him with, she knew he had outperformed both her sorry excuse of a mate and even Cole, her ex human boyfriend, who had never gone down on her.

Marcus had given her a treat. It was only fair to return the favor. After all, those steamy scenes she had spent days researching and writing for ‘Taken’ had to come in handy. Judging by his enthusiasm, he had loved every single touch and caress.

She smiled at him and pecked him once again, before licking her lips.

“You taste good.”

“Who are you?” He asked in awe, making her blush.

“A very pleased woman,” she told him standing up and turning on the shower again.

She then offered her hand to urge him to stand up. He accepted it and stood up in trance, wordlessly showering while never taking his eyes off her. Nessa enjoyed his attention. Once they were done showering, Nessa gave his bum a last longing look before stepping out of the shower and quickly wrapping a green towel around her body. She opened the linen closet and pulled a fresh towel for him, cringing at the choice: a fluffy pink towel she personally loved, and a yellow towel with polka dots she had stolen from a hotel on a dare. The color choices definitely proved she lived alone and didn’t expect male guests any time soon. Even as things with Cole progressed, he had never stayed over.

She decided she really needed to expand the color option with a more manly color even if Marcus and her never happened again. Her body still tingled with excitement for all that she had shared with him. She had finally been able to let go, be free and uninhibited with Marcus. It proved she was ready to live once again. She was ready to accept Brandon’s rejection out loud, if only she was alone in the bathroom. Nessa smiled at the revelation. He had no control of her. In fact, she felt pity for Juliet who had willingly given up on her fated, bedding the fool, who underperformed and under delivered on all accounts.

She quickly snatched the pink towel and handed it to Marcus. She wanted him to feel spoilt, and she knew a little pink wouldn’t scare the stud in her bathtub. His eyes kept on following her every move as she then pulled a spare toothbrush, leaving it on the counter for him.

Nessa smiled as she caught his eyes, trying to hold back a yawn. The adrenaline rush from her climax was wearing off, and she was sleepy. She brushed her teeth, closing her eye lids for just a second too long. She heard him walk over then felt his warm body press into her back, before he kissed her shoulder snatching his toothbrush. She smiled at him in the mirror then finished brushing her teeth. As he started rinsing, she left him, heading in her bedroom. She pulled on fresh undies then rubbed some body lotion in her skin, aware of his presence. She turned and caught him staring at her from the edge of the bed.

“I am too sleepy to do anything else,” she honestly informed him and pulled on her nightgown before she remembered he had nothing to wear. She tiptoed, trying to pull down a sealed container with clothes. She might have been mad enough to steal her older brother’s most prized possession – a signed soccer jersey. She hadn’t thought of the jersey until now and it only seemed fitting she’d give it to Marcus. Alexander would surely piss his pants if he were to know how she had given it to someone.

She hadn’t seen him in years. Although it still hurt he had not been there for her during the first days of her rejection, when all she ever wished for was someone to beat some sense into Brandon’s thick head, she knew she would love seeing him again. Of course, first she would make him writhe under her wrath and beg for her mercy. Goddess knew how much she missed him. She secretly hoped Pack Law had managed to give him a backbone and integrity he desperately needed.

“Aren’t you coming to bed?” His husky voice startled her.

“I am searching for something you could wear,” Nessa told him over her shoulder, and she heard him stand up from the bed and approach her. She thought he would use his height to help her with the sealed container. He lifted her in his arms, carrying her to bed, and on the way stopping to instruct her.

“Turn off the light.”


“I don’t need anything but you,” Marcus told her and she rolled her eyes at him but nevertheless turned off the light. He carried her over to bed placing her on top of the bed sheet, “Do you have a preference on sides?”

“I roll around…. a lot,” she said and got under the covers on the furthest side from the door, saving him the walk over to the other side of the bed. He nodded and pulled up the covers, slowly discarding his towel. Nessa eyes darted to his body. He was going to sleep naked beside her. Before she could make a joke about his state of undress, he got into her bed, swiftly pulling her closer to his side. Nessa smiled as his hand comfortably moved over her thigh, then slid under her nightgown to finally rest on her bottom.

“I never picked you for the snuggling type,” she told him, making herself comfortable in his arms. Just before she could fall asleep, his voice caught her attention.

“I’m with you,” he confessed.

She patted his chest and breathed in his woodsy scent, before sleep took over.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.