The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter 25 - Combustion


For someone who took pride in his intelligence, Marcus surely acted on impulse. Yet, he couldn’t deny the satisfaction every time his fist connected with Brandon’s face, bathing in his blood, breaking the bones which lay in its way. He managed to work up Brandon’s face fracturing his facial bones over and over again. No matter how fast the regeneration and healing occurred; Marcus’ fists were there to restart the process over, and over again. He would have kept on punching him, had it not been for the chains draped around him to restrain him.


Silver was one of the disadvantages of welcoming Pack Law under your own roof. For werewolves they had a perverted addiction to the irritating metal. His skin was sizzling under the chain, filling the room with the scent of a roast. But even that didn’t stop him from kicking the lout once again before he let himself be hauled to the opposing corner of the room.

Silver didn’t bother Marcus as much as the state of his once-organized office. His eyes narrowed, regrettably lingering over the broken couch. Ashes and hell, he spent so many nights breaking in the darn thing, making it almost comfortable to sleep on. His back started protesting at the idea of buying a new couch and restarting the process. Oh wait, the pain was from the silver chains falling from his shoulders to his waist.

Pain was never the same after he lost Emma. Physical pain paled in comparison to the sickening knowledge his happiness was over. He avoided reminders of his life with Emma hoping that would ease the longing. Sleep was the worst. Marcus would wake up hoping everything was nothing but a nightmare, only for reality to settle in with the unforgiving truth. She was no more. Yet he was there, doomed to a meaningless existence.

He had avoided the Alpha’s wing, opting to use his office and the piece of junk, lying on the floor broken into two by Brandon’s body. His only source of comfort was gone.

But now, he had Nessa.

Would she want to remodel the Alpha’s quarters? He hoped so. It was time for that bedroom and wing to be associated with joy, not sadness. His thoughts about Nessa, brought his attention to her brother, who was closely guarding him. Marcus glared at him, the tension between the siblings becoming easier to explain. Nessa was mad at Alexander which only meant one thing. Alexander knew about her rejection, yet never set Brandon straight. Worse, Marcus got the nagging feeling Alexander hadn’t even been emotionally available to comfort Nessa, much less taken her away from Brandon’s reach. That would be the course of action of any self-respecting relative, familiar with the situation. And he was her older brother! How could he leave her to that pompous brat? He wondered if Rifkin would allow him to get a go at his Enforcer.

Oh, well, Marcus never asked permission and he was sure as hell not going to start now! He pivoted on his sole, bracing through the pain as the silver sunk deeper into his skin, executing a perfect uppercut into the pup’s face. Blood rushed out of his nose and Marcus smirked with satisfaction. He deserved it just as that silly trash, calling himself an Alpha!

Another set of silver chains was thrown over him and Marcus hissed. Damn, there was only so much he could take before he got pissed off. He grabbed the chains and threw them back into the general direction they came from. The Enforcer growled and tried to protect his face from the silver with his gloved hands, only to have the weight of the silver chains crush him in his abdomen. Marcus grinned.

Honestly, he hadn’t meant to throw the chains with such great strength. Not really! As Nessa would say, pinky promise. Goddess, that woman was amazing!

Her presence in his pack house alone gave him additional strength. Mated Alphas were always stronger than unmated ones. It held true for Choice mates much to Marcus’ surprise proving what it wasn’t the bite that sealed the claim but the choice to connect and to belong to someone. Nature protected and nurtured matings. His sharper senses and physical strength were there to protect his mate, Chosen or Fated. Nessa had woken up the beast in him and he was set on living for her. He was yielding real strength once more because of her! Not that he cared for the power. He was influential and strong on his own.

Now all he wanted was her. Power could always come and go, but companionship and love – those were the things worth living a life for.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm down, reminiscing on what happened mere minutes ago. All hell broke loose as his first punch broke the dipshit’s nose.

“She is mine,” Marcus growled and convinced himself his reaction was justified. His wolf simply responded to the claim another male tried to lay on their Chosen.

Nessa might scold him for resolving his arguments with his fists but in the instant he heard the words come from Brandon’s lips, his wolf surged and demanded blood for the offense. Truth be told, even if Marcus wanted to leash his wolf, he couldn’t have. Mating was sacred and Marcus was offended by the way his Chosen had been treated.

The following punch as for her.

“She has everything she needs,” he spat only to wince as Brandon’s fists landed in Marcus’ right side.

Now that made this fight personal and there was no going back.

A quick sequence of two left punches in Brandon’s ribs yield a satisfactory crunch and a sharp exhale on Brandon’s part.

“For cheating on her,” Marcus explained.

Nessa had silently suffered because of the man in front of him and his wolf demanded justice for that. It was the punishment that further emphasized the message his fists delivered. Nessa was taken.

“For sleeping with her,” Marcus didn’t care Brandon and Nessa were fated mates. As simple as day, Marcus knew he was jealous without a reason, but he could not stop.

Marcus quickly repeated the treatment on the right side as it was Nessa, his Love, was hurt by someone who had no right to even breathe in her presence.

Before the facial bones had time to heal, his left fist collided once more with the jaw of the make-believe Alpha.

“…for rejecting her,” Marcus could care less it was Brandon’s rejection which brought Nessa to his life years later. Marcus only saw the hurt such action afflicted on his mate. Humiliated, crushed, unwanted. Marcus felt justified punishing the wolf in front of him.

Marcus wondered if a couple of uppercuts were enough punishment for rejecting your Fated. The photo of Nessa as she joined the pack came to mind. Puffy eyes, sad expression. That lout deserved everything and more. Another set of perfectly executed uppercuts were necessary.

Marcus continued listing Brandon’s offenses, “... for not being a proper Alpha to her…”

Marcus now knew why Nessa was pulling extra shifts at the diner, working herself into an early grave for a job that paid nothing. The dark circles beneath her eyes, the worry etched on her face, the silly old car she was resuscitating in order to go back and forth to work. She needed the money as her Alpha never took care of her. Everything made sense and infuriated him even more, causing his fists to work their magic on the cads’ face and upper torso.

Marcus growled, “…for insulting her….”, kicking Brandon in his groin. It was unforgivable to sleep around after you found your mate. To do it right after you had been with her, now that had to hurt tremendously. Never mind the betrayal, Nessa had to keep it bottled down as to not disturb the Alpha’s happiness! Outraged, Marcus’ punch collided one more time with his cheek bone “…for being a whimp.”

He could have kept on pummeling him and enumerating all his offenses – big and small, had it not been for Rifkin himself who separated them. A moment later silver chains restrained him.

Rifkin initially entertained by the fight, soon sobered up recognizing it as it was - a beating. Brandon was hardly an opponent. The spineless creature in front of Marcus put up a laughable attempt to defend himself. Marcus knew right there and then that had it not been for Rifkin, he would have killed the poor bastard. That of course, would be the punishment Brandon deserved, had it been up to Marcus to decide.

Marcus wanted Brandon to feel the same amount of pain as Nessa did from the rejection and the humiliation it carried. The only reason why he decided exposing the truth was not worth it, was Nessa. She would have to relive it over again. Marcus would never do that to her. She had chosen to keep her rejection private, and Marcus wanted to respect that.

It didn’t mean that he could not bring the neighbouring Alpha a peg or two down. Brandon needed a lesson, not just an easy way out. Death was too easy, too clean! Marcus made his decision - Brandon needed to live, knowing what a gem slipped through his greedy fingers. Marcus was fortunate the said-gem landed in his pack. He wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

The expressionless exterior of the Pack Law Commander shattered by what Marcus interpreted as satisfaction. In that instant Marcus understood the familiarity between Nessa and Rifkin. Joel Rifkin knew the details about Nessa’s rejection and silently approved Marcus’ justice. While the individual was partial, the Pack Law Commander soon got a hold of his emotions.

Joel Rifkin had almost looked proud. Satisfied.

Marcus smiled. That only proved, his Nessa was the ultimate ray of light and hope that bonded everyone into a tight circle.

He was fortunate to have HER and to be HERS.

Marcus didn’t care what Pack Law had to say about the fight. He would brace through the imposed punishment. Nessa was totally worth it.

Marcus took a deep breath and focused on the sounds of the night – crickets and fireflies. Damn, he should have not allowed her to go downtown without him. Sneaking out with her and spending the evening in her company should have been the way his evening ended. Marcus craved her reassuring touch. Even her scent was enough to make his night.

“Alphas, can I count on your cooperation for peaceful discussion?” Joel Rifkin asked.

Marcus automatically nodded. Parley after the work he had done on Brandon was quite welcomed. He only wished he could link Vanessa so she could see his masterpiece but as always Nessa had her barriers up or was her wolf buried that deep inside her subconscious she could not access the mind link? Marcus didn’t want to speculate but one thing remained clear – she was unreachable and texting her to come downstairs would raise too many questions.

Marcus wondered if she would want to see Brandon like that. She had the right to glow at his defeat after all the pain the pompous ass had caused her. Nah, knowing Nessa, she would feel guilty she was indirectly responsible for this fight. That still couldn’t dampen the satisfaction Marcus felt. He mind-linked Cameron to bring Nessa downstairs to his office. She needed to have a closure and this was the perfect occasion. His thoughts were interrupted by Joel’s voice.

“I want to hear both of your recollections of what transpired here. Alpha Edwards, you are the host so I would assume you would not attack your guest without provocation. In your words, what happened here, Alpha Brandon?”

“Friendly disagreement transpired, but all is good now,” Brandon manned up and replied. If his face hadn’t been beaten to a pulp, he could have sounded convincing.

“All is good,” Marcus agreed, a smiled threatening to move his lips upwards.

“Isn’t the gym downstairs?” Joel questioned unclear whether he was teasing Marcus or mocking Brandon.

Marcus chuckled at the impartial stand of the Pack Law Commander. He could see why Nessa liked him.

“Alpha Ned’s Beta is taken with Vanessa and I spoke, having her best interest in mind. We disagreed on what’s best for her,” Brandon caved in under Rifkin’s gaze.

So much for being an Alpha.


Being called to attend a Pack Law meeting felt like being called into the principal’s office. Part of the punishment was the public humiliation; the walk of shame, if you will, to and away from the office; the anticipation of scolding; and the knowledge everyone knew you were called in.

It brought memories she rather not remember. Yet her mind wandered to the last time she was investigated by Pack Law. Were they here for her? Joel would surely had warned her.

Her escort consisted of four brutes who seemed too eager to complete their task than to give her time to change or to mentally prepare herself to meet the shifter authority. She couldn’t believe they hauled her out of her bed and into the hallway, inconsiderate to even allow her to grab a robe. Her Pooh t-shirt and shorts in combination with her furry bear-paws slippers did little to soothe her once she was told she was summoned.

Joel would have an earful of how his men manhandled her. Oh, she was sure he was going to make them sweat it. The little piece of information was enough to calm her. Besides, it was late enough at night and there was hardly anyone still awake to witness her not so graceful wobbling descent down the stairs and in the Alpha’s office. Nessa could bet Marcus was going to have a field day with her outfit. Knowing he would be there relaxed her somewhat and further dissipated her anger. He would be there for her.

But why would they call her to a Pack Law Meeting? The sequel to “Taken” was nowhere near done and Pack Law was already appointed time proofread it before publishing. The list of her offenses included trespassing, offending a visiting Alpha, insubordination, threatening a Pack Law member – damn she was on a roll. But every single one of her offenses fell under the jurisdiction of her alpha. She knew Marcus would come up with rather ‘creative’ punishment which would be borderline inappropriate for anyone other than her. She could picture him punishing her… That might be entertaining to say the least! Vanessa smirked at her new-found confidence. It was all his doing. He was her team mate. Her mate. As much as she didn’t want to admit it – she liked the sound of calling him her mate, which only served to prove she was getting comfortable with the idea they were mates. She belonged somewhere. She was wanted.

Nessa took a deep breath just as the two guards slung the doors open in front of her. She was prepared for a court hearing, for a public scolding, but this…. She took in the devastation in what used to be Marcus’s office mere hours ago. Joel was casually sitting behind the remnants of a desk, while Marcus and Brandon were sitting on chairs in front of him, glaring at him.

What the hell was going on?

Her eyes immediately landed onto the silver chains around Marcus and glared at the gloved guard holding the chain. She couldn’t believe it was actually Alex. If Joel’s face was less stern, she would have demanded Alex to unchain Marcus, mayhap accompanied her demand with a couple of choice words. Surprisingly, Marcus did not even make any attempt to avoid the chains. He was just sitting there calmly allowing the silver to burn into his flesh. Damn, it smelled like BBQ in there and the moment she realized it was Marcus’ skin, her stomach wanted to spill. As soon as the doors opened, heads snapped at her direction.

If the devastation in the room and the chains on Marcus weren’t enough to leave her speechless, Brandon’s face did it. Or should she said – what used to be his handsome face? Oh, Goddess! He was beaten to a pulp! She gasped unintentionally at the grotesque slight, covering her mouth with a hand. If this was any other time, she would have actually savored the moment. This was what he deserved, yet she didn’t feel victorious.

No. She was worried. Her eyes immediately moved to Marcus. Only an Alpha could inflict such damage. The silver laced over his body confirmed, he was the offender. The only possible reason why Marcus would go wolf on Brandon was if he found out their sordid past.

A part of Nessa was proud of Marcus for defending her honor, no matter what her inner-feminist voice said about males going ape on each other. She felt understood and for the first time ever, she didn’t feel blamed or ashamed of her rejection. She had someone in her corner. Unconditionally. That was what mates did.

A small smile pulled at her lips as he did not have any distinct injuries from the fight. Not even a broken nose! Impressive! Her Alpha mate surely lived up to his reputation. She was in owe in front of her Hero!

The more sensible part of her wanted to lecture him and to pull his ear for getting himself in such a tricky situation with Pack Law over old news. She did not want to be in the way of the plans Marcus made to avenge his True mate. He needed closure and Nessa was not going to stand in the way. If anything, she wanted to help. Her rejection could not jeopardize it.

Yet, he had acted in her defense, however misinterpreted it was, risking everything he had worked for so far for her. The contradiction made perfect sense to her.

She wondered if he fully understood the implication of beating Brandon.

“Thank you for joining us, Vanessa. You see, you sparked quite the tension here,” Joel pointed out the obvious thus confirming her suspicion.

Marcus knew. But how? Joel would have never told him. Could Brandon have been arrogant or stupid enough to actually spill the beans in front of nobody else, but her Choice Mate? It was as simple as writing on his tombstone, “Here lies Brandon, Alpha of the Rover Grove Pack. Died out of stupidity.”

She made a beeline to Marcus’s side, shooting a glare at Alex who was sporting a broken nose. After a nod from Joel, Alex released the silver chain around Marcus.

“I’m so sorry,” Nessa started quickly apologizing for being the reason for Marcus’ current state.

“Nessa, stop!” Marcus commanded using his Alpha voice.

Nessa recognized the voice, but it had no effect on her. Her wolf was not there to respond to the hierarchy of the pack. However, Vanessa stopped. She didn’t want to irk Marcus any more than he was already itching to break free and probably pummel everyone in his way. Still she wasn’t afraid of him.

Alpha Ned or Marcus, he was still her mate.

Hold on.

When did he become HERS, she wondered!

And when did she start making a distinction between Alpha Ned and Marcus?

Marcus, because she refused to acknowledge him anymore as the vicious Alpha Ned, threw the chains aside. The way she froze in place at his command, did not go unnoticed by the weres in the room. They paled taking her frozen state as a result of his command.

Marcus held her gaze and explained shortly, “It’s fine, I can take on a little silver.”

“It is not fine. It is serious,” Nessa exclaimed at him.

He didn’t try to hide his amusement at her outburst and arched his eyebrow at her, challenging her to continue. She immediately looked down at the ground, recognizing his previous command as a caution for her not to get hurt.

So much for restraining her tongue! She had publicly scolded an Alpha. She blushed. Marcus smirked at her and she had to restrain herself not to hit him. She was worried for him and he was getting off on public dominance. Typical Alpha! She looked up. His arrogant smile grew bigger as he held her gaze in approval.

Nessa sighed. Marcus had silently given her the choice to declare their relationship as she saw fit. Foolish choice as she never cared about others knowing her business.

She looked at Joel for answers. He was safe. On her side and easier to read than Marcus.

Marcus on the other hand was dangerous. If he continued to look at her the way he did, she would probably end up smacking the back of his head and revealing their relationship. He was challenging her to make their relationship public. The stubborn Alpha was set in his ways.

“We are here to discuss whether or not it is appropriate for you to depart from Blackwood,” Joel explained.

Nessa gave Marcus a glare.

“What? Why? No,” Nessa asked surprised then immediately refused the notion, focusing her eyes on Marcus, biting back the ‘What did you do?’ question which was threatening to escape her lips. Questioning Alphas or Pack Law was a great offense. She had to mind where she was at.

“Relax, you’re not going anywhere,” Marcus’ confidence gave her a small comfort.

“You don’t have a say!” Brandon snapped at him.

Marcus took a deep breath and tried to calm down his wolf at the Brandon deviance. Nessa looked puzzled between them and then looked at Joel for answers, who took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts. Whatever he had to say, she already knew she wouldn’t like.

“Alpha Brandon petitioned me to look into the case to determine your living arrangements…”

“I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions,” Nessa interrupted Joel, who continued as if he had not been interrupted, giving her a stern look.

“He states you are under duress. Family bond supersedes any pack allegiance. In cases of duress, your protection is assured by your closest male relative,” Joel informed her. Nessa fumed.

“Sexist much,” Vanessa sarcastically replied glaring at Joel. “I make my own decisions, and I don’t need protection. I’m fine just where I am.”

“Vanessa!” Joel warned her about her emotional outburst. He squeezed the bridge of his nose, a gesture she knew well. He was frustrated and maybe he was beginning to develop a nice headache. Serves him right for poking his nose where it didn’t belong. Nessa couldn’t believe the audacity of the situation. “Fine. Would you be more comfortable if I guarantee your safety until we determined the facts about a possible duress or Alpha commands on you. Alpha Ned?” Joel prompted.

Alex cringed at the implication of the Alpha enforcing his will on her.

Nessa saw red.

“Duress? I’m going to show him duress,” Nessa promised, started to march over to Brandon and give him a piece of her mind, but a set of well tanned, muscular arms sneaked around her waist and held her into a hard chest. She would have fought against the restraint had she not recognized it was Marcus. A low growl sounded from Brandon.

“Get your filthy paws off her!” Brandon exclaimed.

“If I let her go, she’ll claw your eyes out. Normally, I would appreciate the entertainment,” Marcus shrugged uninterested. “But then Pack Law would have to impose a sanction on Nessa for assaulting a visiting Alpha.”

Marcus pointedly explained allowing Nessa to realize just how much trouble she was about to get herself in. She was angry and didn’t think how her reaction would have been taken as. It was impressive to witness how Marcus managed to diffuse the tension without so much of an indication about their relationship. Even the way that he restrained her showed no favoritism, no intimacy, and no inclination what-so-ever about what she meant to him. Marcus showed political savviness few Alphas even recognized much less possessed. She didn’t miss how he downplayed Brandon’s threat to a mere suggestion, effectively pissing him off and resolving the situation. Pack Law could not interfere at this gently hidden insult. She was so proud of being in a relationship with such a smart male and turned turned on by his protectiveness. He wasn’t going to let her get hurt.

Joel held her gaze pointedly until she processed how Marcus saved her from her own recklessness.

“Alpha Ned?” Joel prompted.

Marcus reluctantly released her from his arms and at her confused face, shook his head.

“I, Alpha Marcus Joseph Edwards, release you from any and all Orders given to you in Blackwood and relinquish you from any Duties or Obligations to Blackwood pack. From now on, you are no longer a pack member, but a guest in my territory and you will be treated as such. Until the petition is resolved, your Allegiance shall lay with Joel Rifkin, Commander of the 3rd Battalion, Head Chair of Judicial branch of Pack Law.”

To say that she was surprised was an understatement. She was frozen in her spot, jaw gaping at Marcus. Before anyone could react, Marcus touched her arm and brought her back from her stupor. If she was angry at Brandon’s stupid petition before, now she was ready to commit murder right then and there, not caring about Pack Law’s presence.

“Now, don’t do anything stupid,” Marcus softly told her. His eyes found Joel’s over her shoulder.

“This is my pack. I chose where my alliance will lie and it is certainly not with Rover groove,” Nessa told Marcus only for him to smile at her possessiveness of Blackwood.

“You will always have a home here,” Marcus promised her.

“When this allegation is sorted out, you can petition to rejoin the pack. As of now, you’re under my Protection. Do you understand?”

“I can’t believe it!” Nessa shot a cold glare in Brandon’s direction.

“It’s for your own good,” Brandon felt the need to explain.

“Auntie Vera must have dropped you once too many when you were a kid if you think so!” Nessa didn’t hold her tongue back.

“Nessa!” Brandon growled at her, while she could sense amusement coming in from Marcus’ face.

“You couldn’t just let it go, could you? You little…”

She couldn’t finish as Marcus hand came over her lips in a gentle manner. He slightly tapped against her lips and she took the hint. Her off handed comment about being dropped as a child could have been misinterpreted, but surely her next words “thickheaded oaf” were certainly going to cause her a punishment of sorts.

“Don’t you touch her!” Brandon hissed, spitting blood and saliva. Nessa immediately stepped away from him and collided into the mountain of hard muscle behind her. Marcus stood his ground, allowing their bodies to come in close contact. She liked feeling him behind her back. It made her feel secure, even though he was no longer her Alpha, he was her mate. The growl from Brandon’s chest infuriated her. She couldn’t believe the nerve that he had to growl at her! Just as she was about to open her mouth and tell him what she thought he could do with those growls of his, Joel’s hard voice caught her attention.

“The allegation is that the Blackwood’s Beta has been harassing you and that Alpha Ned has allowed it to transpire. Also several questionable commands might have been given and placed on you.”

“Ridiculous!” Nessa exclaimed.

“That’s what I said! Do you know how much paper work this would be?” Cam’s voice came from behind her as he was escorted into the room. Nessa looked at Joel, “Brandon…”

“Alpha Brandon,” Joel corrected her.

“He is wrong,” Nessa pointedly avoided the title. “I don’t need saving. This case is pointless. I am not going to run to Rover Groove for advice or protection. I’d turn to you. And I haven’t. I’m good.”

“I know,” Joel reluctantly replied. “I can’t ignore a complaint from an Alpha without conducting proper investigation no matter what I think of it.”

“So that’s where all our taxes go to? Ridiculous accusations from grudge-holding thickheaded Alphas? Don’t you have Rogues to decapitate or something more productive?”

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