The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter 24 - A wild night


All heads turned in Nessa’s direction as she emerged from the Alpha’s office with Marcus in tow. She bit her lip trying to suppress the urge to smile. The curious stares and hushed whispers only confirmed what she suspected. Everyone thought she had an earful for the disrespect she had shown towards a pack order official. What they really wanted to know is what punishment Alpha Ned’s found justified. Little did they know how wrong their assumptions were. Alex was family first, Pack Law second. And Marcus - well, Marcus was about to become family.

Nessa met the onlooker’s eyes and made them quickly cast down their eyes and squirm at being caught ogling her. Of course, Marcus noticed and pretended his low chuckle was him clearing his voice. How others did not recognize the Alphas’ attempt at keeping face, she was not sure.

Michelle and Nicole were sight for Nessa’s sore eyes. At least with them around, she did not have to pretend there wasn’t anything going on with the Blackwood Alpha.

Nessa simply didn’t feel like answering questions about family. Nicole’s plan to go for drinks downtown made perfect sense. Ness made her way towards Nicole parting people with solely her presence.

“Can we go now?” Nicole pleaded.

“Michelle,” Nessa inquired about the final part of their trio.

“On board,” Nicole announced as Nessa’s phone vibrated. She quickly glanced at it.

“Stop biting your lip!”

Marcus’ text made her grin and look around. As their eyes locked she smiled brightly at him only to bite her lip on purpose. He shook his head and pretended to talk with Cameron.

“Wait till I get my hands on you!”

“Can’t wait!” Nessa texted back as she enjoyed feeling his hands all over her body.

“Ness, I’m going for my jacket. Michelle should be coming any time now,” Nicole informed her as she headed to grab her jacket.

“Sure,” Nessa answered just as her phone vibrated again. She scrolled on the message and read ‘I have to mingle for an hour’ then continued talking to Nicole, “I’ll wait for Michelle.”

As Nicole went upstairs, Nessa headed towards a quieter place away from people’s traffic, texting Marcus, “Mingle, or people will begin to think you’re courting Cam.”

A quick reply followed, “I resent your implication!”

“FYI, we’re ditching your party.”


“I’m telling you as a courtesy. Don’t wait up!”


“Miss me already?”

“Cameron is coming with you. It’s not up for discussion. My scent is still on you!”

“Fine, but if we hook up it’s not my fault!”


Nessa giggled and eyed the furious Alpha. It was so easy to rattle him and quite frankly, she liked the possessiveness she read in those caps, as well as in his eyes. It was what mates were supposed to be to each other - caring, overprotective and good natured.

“Yes, Grumpy,” she texted back.

“Yes, Alpha, you mean.”

“Oh, why thank you!”

Teasing Marcus was one thing but the Alpha in him - another. Nessa was prepared for possessiveness, but she did not expect to receive a text message with one word only.


She smiled texting, “Chill. I’ll come see you when we come back. Plus you can always text me.”

“There is plenty of alcohol here. Why go elsewhere?”

“Nic wants to get laid and apparently the company here is lacking in that department.”

“Not all are as lucky as you.”

“GROWL,” it was time for Nessa to steal his expression and capitalize it. It was that or an emoji sticking its tongue out. She opted for the growl. They were wolves after all.


Nessa laughed at his message, stealing a glance at him. It was indeed amusing to see how happy he was for getting the last word in their texting. She could let him have that. She smirked as she scrolled up the messages. If someone had told her she would be practically bickering if not insulting an Alpha, she would have labeled them insane. Then Marcus came and torpedoed himself into her life. Was that even a word? For someone who was striving to make a living out of words, she should know. She grinned at the messages and stepped towards the door, colliding in a wall of muscle. She looked up and smiled as she recognized the person who must have stepped into her way.

“Researching? Or is your current company due to a person of interest?” Joel asked instead of a greeting. To anyone else, his rough and rowdy appearance, even in the black suave tux he was wearing, would inflict any other response than the one that Nessa had. She just laughed at him and reached out to hug him. He hugged her back eyeing the surroundings, which made her chuckle. Some things never changed. “Girlie, you’re supposed to be intimidated, not giggly when meeting a ranking Pack Law Official!”

“I missed you, too!” Nessa replied. He shook his head at her and loosened his arms around her, but Nessa patted his back and stayed next to him. She covered a giggle at his reaction as a cough. He smiled at her as she continued, “Yes, Sir. I’m terrified!”

“That’s the spirit. Now do tell, what should I be concerned about in your research?” Joel asked, narrowing his dark brown eyes at her. He hadn’t changed much in the months she hadn’t seen him. Maybe grown bigger than she remembered, if that was even possible. The carefully arranged hair, sparkly eyes and shirts ironed to perfection were his trademark.

His question while vague played off his earlier statement. He knew she was in the pack house - whether he was keeping taps on her writing progress, or someone told him about her little reunion with Alex it didn’t matter. The fact remained that he was concerned enough for her to ask her.

“No. I’m fine,” Nessa replied. Their relationship while always strictly platonic did in fact start quite heated as Nessa ended up lapdancing for Joel, only to be hauled away to Pack Law by the cadet. It almost seemed like another lifetime when Nessa wrote Taken and considered exotic dancing research. Since she wrote about her experiences, every second of her life was a research.

“It was quite inspirational research plus I hear a good pay?” Joel teased her as he was well aware he was the first and only client she had danced for.

“Well, you heard Alex already had a meltdown,” Nessa informed him and then quickly asked him, “What are you doing here?”

His flirty expression disappeared the moment the words left her lips. His face was strained with stress when he replied with void expression, “I can’t discuss that with you.”

“Awesome. If you can’t discuss it with me then I’m not in trouble,” Nessa allowed logic to talk for itself. He wasn’t here because of her sequel to Taken. Therefore, Joel was here on Pack Law business concerning Blackwood or Marcus.

“Not with us. But…” Joel left eyed Marcus approaching them trying carefully not to attract attention. Before he was in earshot, Joel warned her, “be careful here. The Alpha is unpredictable with his own vendetta in mind. Stay out of his way and please don’t cross him or do something stupid to push his buttons. Even though I am on official business here, I can’t protect you or meddle in his pack business.”

“Your concern for my well-being is appreciated. Thank you but I think I’ll be alright,” Nessa assured him. Joel clearly wanted to follow up with a question but chose not to, his attention shifting to Marcus who was now closer. Joel would never admit he was curious or that he was fishing for information about Blackwood. She could tell he wanted to talk about something but chose not to. His decision in turn made Nessa curious about his motives.

This was what Pack Law Academy did to all its cadets. It turned them into overanalyzing must-know-it-all High-Ranking Wolves who had a very flexible interpretation of privacy. They pocked their noses where they saw fit, often disregarding any personal privacy expectations. Since Pack Law Officials lived a live under the media’s microscope, they extended the same curtesy to all of their subjects of interest.

The way Marcus and Joel regarded each other as if each expected the worst from the other left no doubts. Pack Law was after Marcus and the only thing she could pin point their interest in him was his widower status. They expected him to turn berserk.

“Joel, you know the Alpha?” Nessa asked Joel deciding that introducing them might just as well melt the ice or build a bridge between the two proud males beside her.

“Alpha Ned,” Joel acknowledged Marcus but kept his greeting very official and strict.

“Commander Rifkin,” Marcus returned the pleasantries in the same fashion. “I thought you were not going to join us.”

“I heard commotion. Heinsfeld family reunions tend to get rowdy,” Joel off-handedly explained keeping his eyes on Nessa.

“Family,” Nessa huffed shaking her head. “Sorry I can’t stay. But I’ll catch up with you tomorrow?” Nessa offered only for Joel to nod in acceptance. Marcus remained calm and collected, but his eyes shone a special kind of fury when he watched her depart.

Was he jealous of Joel? Nessa found she quite enjoyed this. Serves him right for not explaining himself and Danielle earlier.

Nessa joined Nessa and they waited for Michelle, who took her sweet time talking to her mate. Nessa’s phone vibrated. She quickly stole a glance at it.

“What the hell was that supposed to mean?”

“Joel’s a buddy. Nothing more. Pinkie promise!”


“Yes, Alpha! ;) *Wink emoji* ”

Don’t forget that Cam is coming with you.”

“Nah, he’s not.”

“Would you rather have me escort you downtown?”

“Yes! Then I get you alone in a dark corner and do unspeakable things to you…”

“One more word and you won’t join your friends.”

“Was that a no to the alone part or the unspeakable part?”

“Continue to tease me and you’ll end up chained in your room.”

“With fluffy pink handcuffs?”


“Fine, Grumpy! Fluffy black handcuffs will do just fine!”

Hitting sent she smirked as she heard a growl that could only belong to Marcus. In retrospect, she should have thought better than to tease him, but she just couldn’t stop herself. It was addictive to be this provocative and carefree while yielding so much power over her Alpha.


Only because Michelle found her mate, didn’t mean she had to turn her life upside down to accommodate him. She most certainly did not require his permission to spend time with her girls. If he expected he would control her daily activities he had another thing coming. His job as mate was to be supportive of her. That was what mates did for each other. Michelle refused to be one of those girls, who bailed out on her friends just because she was with somebody.

Not that the stupid oaf had hinted to her they were together. No. In fact, he didn’t say much. How could he when his mouth hung open as he awkwardly kept on staring at her every time they ran into each other. At first she had found it adorable, but as he continued doing it, she planned on sitting him down and going over the fact mates were forever so he didn’t need to doubt her devotion to him. Oh, well, and if that didn’t register, she just planned to seal his mouth with hers. That would help with his confidence she was his. Michelle smiled proud of herself that she was already being a very considerate mate.

Luckily Nessa, the sweetheart that she was, finally took charge of the situation. Michelle grinned at the recollection how her best friend called Vincent over only to push him to sit beside Michelle into the comfy sofa and left with, ‘You’ll thank me later’. Surprisingly the big mountain of muscles had let Nessa manhandle him without so much of a word of protest and theatrically slumped down onto the couch next to her. A steamy make out session later, Michelle was more than thankful. Nessa always understood people even when they didn’t know themselves.

Afterwards, well, everything else ceased to exist. There was only his touch, his lips and him that occupied her world for the rest of the afternoon. Feeling him so close next to her had surely sparked her interest into investigating his body. Needless to say that her anger had quickly melted away under his big, calloused hands. Damn, he felt so good. Michelle grinned. She really had to try to speak and get to know him better. On second thought, she might do that after she investigated his body more thoroughly. After all, they were mates and she knew they were a match made by the Goddess herself.

So if he chose to be a sour lemon about her spending some time with her girlfriends, it was his problem. It wasn’t like she sneaked out on him to cheat with a random dude or something. She was out with her girlfriends. He surely wanted to see her happy now, didn’t he?

Simply because she didn’t check up with him before leaving didn’t mean she was avoiding him or hiding her outing from him. He hadn’t even asked her for her evening plans. Then why did she feel so guilty going downtown with Nic and Nessa? The feeling intensified the moment she laid her eyes on his muscular frame.

The thunderstorm look on his face definitely rattled Nessa to the point where she almost dropped Nicole in Michelle’s hands. It was amazing how Nessa withstood Alpha Ned’s intimidation but chickened in front of his Third in Command. Michelle decided that was a sign of a huge respect towards her mate.

“Hello, ladies,” Vincent greeted them in front of the pack house.

“Relax,” Michelle instructed Nessa then looked at Vincent’s narrowed eyes. He wouldn’t hurt her even if he was upset. Would he? Michelle was almost certain of it, but decided not to push her luck. After all, she could see the situation from his perspective as well. Here she was, partying with her friends without him. She could see why he would feel neglected. His eyes were changing their shade under the moonlight and his anger was rolling off him in waves.

“Imagine my surprise when I decided to surprise my newly found mate with a romantic evening only to discover she was not in her room,” Vince growled.

“I am not an object to stay put where you left me. Secondly, we ditched the party and went for some drinks – it was dead anyway. Nothing to worry about. Relax. Plus my scent repelled every were in the vicinity,” Michelle felt better explaining it all.

“Then why can I smell a male’s scent?”

“It’s from Nic,” Michelle sighed and pointed at her friend who was supported between herself and Nessa. Nicole was flat out drunk, while Nessa and Michelle were on the tipsy side. Booze and Bane in drinks would knock a human out and allowed shifters to experience the full effects of alcohol.

“I hope you didn’t drive.”

“Cam drove us back,” Nessa answered and Vince shot her a silencing glare. His attention again refocused back on Michelle.

“Do you realize how much you mean to me? I know you for less than a day, and I already love you! Do you know I almost had a heart attack when I couldn’t find you?” Vince questioned.

“Oh, how sweet. He loves her!” Nicole announced in her slumber. Nessa quickly put her hand around her friend’s mouth.

“I love romantic evenings. Next time, don’t forget to actually ask me out. You see, I am a busy woman,” Michelle playfully teased Vincent moving into his physical space. It wasn’t like she was trying to intimidate him. On the contrary, she wanted to apologize for making him worry the only way a wolf knew how - by showing submissiveness. Not that it would happen again. Michelle was a very independent woman herself and loved her independence. But she also loved the way his strong arms encircled her and his mouthwatering scent.

“Don’t give me reasons to worry. I’m already old enough and certainly don’t want to expire before I get to know you,” Vince mumbled into her hair, inhaling her scent. “As for asking you out, I would have, but I thought you’d rather like the surprise.”

“Oh, now this is so sweet,” Michelle replied.

“Make your mind,” Vincent playfully scolded her he then buried his nose into the crook of her neck. She giggled in his arms at the sensitive contact. “Don’t do this ever again! I can’t lose you now when I just found you!”

“Ohhh,” Nicole exclaimed.

“I would appreciate some help,” Nessa asked breaking the moment between the couple. Nicole was pulling at Nessa and demanding to sit on the floor.

“Will you be a champ and help us?” Michelle asked Vince who sighed. For good measure Michelle added, “I’ll make it up to you!”

“I won’t forget!”

“I would hope not,” Michelle winked at him as he rubbed his nose against hers. Then he let her go and helped by picking up Nicole in his arms who was protesting for a while but then conveniently relaxed. As they were walking into the Pack House, Alpha Brandon came into their way.

“Is everything all right, Gamma Vincent?”

“Everything is under control, Alpha,” Vince politely replied. Michelle noticed how Brandon’s eyes lingered on Nessa’s body and then returned to Vincent.

“I see you are quite busy. May I borrow Nessa for a moment?”

“No,” Michelle and Nessa both replied in one voice. Brandon narrowed his eyes at Michelle expecting her submission as his current Alpha. For once Michelle didn’t have to play a cowering she wolf to stay in his pack and bravely met his eyes from the safety behind Vincent’s shoulder. Brandon grit his teeth and then his eyes moved to Nessa, expecting a reply.

“Alpha, I am tired. I’m sure that we can talk tomorrow,” Nessa dismissed him. Michelle didn’t like how Nessa felt the need to explain herself to the scum in front of her, but since it wasn’t her place to get involved, she didn’t say anything.

“I am afraid it’s urgent,” Brandon insisted.

“I am afraid it has to wait a couple of hours. Goodnight,” Nessa dismissed him.

“Dear, let me remind you, you are not speaking to an Alpha,” Brandon tried to guilt her in talking to him.

“Maybe it is wise for the Alpha to join us too?” Michelle asked out loud for everyone to hear. Her words were vague not point who the Alpha was - Marcus or Juliet, but either way they insulted Brandon none the less.

“Michelle, I would suggest you remember I am still your Alpha, until your mating is complete. Besides, I don’t see a claim on you. Are you sure you not counting your chickens before they hatch?” The threat was well masked and dulled by his words. Vincent must have picked it up as well, as he glared to the Alpha in front of him who questioned their mating bond.

“Alpha, the claim and our mating will come in due time,” Vincent was polite as his station needed but the look in his eyes had changed to murderous. “Now if you would excuse us,” he said and walked around Brandon without waiting for his reply. Michelle and Nessa followed him closely.

“We’ll speak tomorrow, Nessa,” Brandon told Nessa as they passed by.

Nessa bit her lip in order to stay quiet. Michelle hoped she would tell him to stick his talk where the sun didn’t shine, but Nessa was too big for such pettiness. The silence befell the group until they arrived at Nicole’s bedroom. Michelle and Nessa stayed at the door frame as he deposited Nic on her bed.

“The nerve that pompous ass had,” Michelle tried to use her most silent voice but her anger at Brandon made her words louder than she expected.

“You should not antagonize him in public. You know how he feels about his recognition as Alpha, and you just waved Juliet or Marcus at him,” Nessa whispered.

“I know but it felt so darn satisfying telling him off. The effect that Alpha Ned has on people is amazing. No wonder why you are so happy here. Having an intimidating Alpha surely is a plus, Brandon was scared shirtless,” Michelle giggled.

“I know you want to lash out at him, but he’s still an Alpha. Technically, your Alpha, and you made him look incapable in front of a neighbouring Gamma,” Nessa replied in a hushed tone.

“You told him off, too.”

“You darn well know that it is different,” Nessa quickly told her then added. “You should not be left alone tonight!”

“Oh, please. I’d like to see him try to retaliate,” Michelle boldly announced.

“You are bolder than usual when you have drinks. Vince will have to stay the night with you!” Nessa told Michelle in a firm voice.

“Simply because we are mate and he is mouthwatering doesn’t mean we’ll mate tonight,” Michelle childishly pouted.

“Michelle, you know I mean you shouldn’t be alone tonight. I would rather sleep in my own bed and Nicole is out, so you’ll have to do with him,” Nessa explained just as Vincent locked the door from inside and then softly clicked it shut, looking at the two she-wolves in the hallway. “Michelle is rather bold when she is tipsy.”

“I’ll stay with her,” Vincent didn’t need much persuasion. Nessa nodded at him in an approval. There was no doubt he overheard their conversation. Michelle sighed. Nessa hugged Michelle then mouthed, ‘You’re welcome’ to which Michelle stuck her tongue out. As Nessa disappeared into her room, locking the door behind her, Vincent followed Michelle down the corridor to her room.

“You know, I can take care of myself,” Michelle started.

“Then are you simply plain old suicidal,” Vincent concluded as he pushed his way into her room, his eyes darting at the darker corners and then allowed her in, locking the door behind her.

“You can stay the night, but we are not having sex, so don’t even think to seduce me,” Michelle announced changing topics.

“Michelle,” Vincent shook his head at her.The disapproval in his voice wasn’t directed about the no-sex part. It was directed at her and she felt weird. Was she being unreasonable? No. She just wanted to get to know him better before they jumped into things. He wouldn’t blame her for that.

She took a deep breath and let her hair down then pulled out her nightgown from her travel bag only to frown. Why did she have to be a girly girl and pack her girly girl’s nightgown which was lacy and almost entirely transparent? That was what you get when you pick lace over cotton! Michelle pouted. No way was she wearing it tonight. Not with him in the room. She loved pampering herself with cute things but she did not want to test his restraint. She decided to wear a t-shirt instead. It was a quick and easy solution.

Now what was proper decorum - did she let him sleep on the couch, floor or allow him to share her bed? Her bed in Blackwood was a King sized one and she barely utilized a quarter of it. She turned around to ask him, only to discover him shaking his head at her. Seeing disapproval on his handsome face was more painful than anything he could have said.

“You can’t hope to distract me with provocative outfits when you clearly know that back there was not how you talk to Alphas. Even if they are Alphas by marriage. What were you thinking?”

“He had it coming,” Michelle replied absentmindedly and then continued, “Just so you know, I like girly things and I was considering wearing a T-shirt just so this is not weird.”

He quickly reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. His sculpted torso was at full display and Michelle found her mouth watering at the sight. Once he noticed her focus on him, he flexed his arms to show off his body under her inspecting gaze. Greek Gods did not hold a candle to him. She was one lucky she-wolf. She thanked the Goddess for her choice. He leisurely threw his shirt towards her and she had to summon all her will to follow the flying object and to catch it before it fell. She would have died on the spot if he had said anything about her gawking at his body.

“I just put it on and I am sure it will cover more than enough,” Vince told her then quietly sat down on her bed. “Now which side do you want?”

“Fine, I’ll wear it. But you are not sleeping on the bed.”

“Michelle, don’t be ridiculous,” Vincent said her name in a warning way. She couldn’t help but tremble as she heard her name on his lips. Damn, he was making her hot and bothered. Again. It was definitely not helping her resolution to keep things proper, PG rated. “I’m too old to sleep on the floor and too big to fit on the couch. So which side?”

“I am serious, we’re not sharing my bed and you’re not old.”

“Fine, I’m only thirty seven. And yes, you may sleep on the couch if you want,” Vince rephrased her words choosing the side closest to the door.

Michelle immediately reconsidered her options. The couch looked rather uncomfortable.

“Maybe sharing a bed is not as bad idea,” Michelle informed him.

“I thought so,” Vince concluded and started taking off keys from his trousers then reached his belt to strip down to his boxers. Before Michelle could stop him he was already undressed and pulling the covers aside. She gasped. He gave her a smile then casually told her, “I’m glad you’re enjoying the view. We are just sleeping tonight, so wipe that grin off your face, or I would not be held responsible!”

There. He was thinking about it. Michelle smirked and quickly got under the covers. He pulled her to his chest, possessively wrapped a hand around her. Michelle chuckled as she felt his fellow poking at her.

“If you don’t stop moving, you’ll be in trouble,” Vince whispered into her shoulder before he pecked her neck. Michelle wondered what she should reply for a while.

Did she want something to happen?

“What if I reconsidered?” Michelle asked.

Vincent’s even breathing answered her back.

So much for tenacious Third in commands! Not as tough as nails as he would have depicted himself. She would remember to point that out to him in the morning.


Nessa wondered if Marcus missed her. She certainly wished they could have spent more time together dancing at the party or just talking. They needed to talk about Alex and Pack Law. They were looking into Blackwood and although Marcus probably already suspected that, she felt the need to warn him personally. Or so she told herself to justify the need to see him again. She would not allow her mind to wonder if he was sleeping alone.

Darn, jealousy! It only took two words from his lips ‘Chosen mate’ and Nessa convinced herself she had the right to inquire about his sleeping arrangement and go possessive on his ass. She blamed him for all this. He was the one who first recognized they were mates.

After leaving Michelle in Vincent’s care, Nessa wondered where was Marcus sleeping tonight. They were mates and if anyone asked,,, she could always say she had urgent information for the Alpha. Nobody would question her or prevent her from reaching the Alpha in a timely fashion as they didn’t want Alpha’s Ned wrath on them.

“His stink is all over you,” the rumble scared her and made her jump. She recognized the voice all too well and caught herself just before she tried to sniff her clothes. Brandon walked out of the shadows.

“It’s none of your business whose scent I carry,” Nessa flatly responded.

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Brandon argued calmly.

“And you – delusional,” Nessa added trying to go around him but he blocked her way with his body. Since Nessa didn’t want to touch him, she took a step back.

“I don’t like Cameron. He is a rake. You need someone more settled,” Brandon lectured her.

“You realize that you are the last person who should give advice, don’t you?” Asked Nessa and before he could resolve to anything she continued, “It took me a while but I moved on. You should do the same.”

“He cannot compare to…”

“He is better,” Nessa corrected him. It didn’t matter than he suggested something romantic with Cam. The hurt from the rejection made her lash out and point she was better off without Brandon. The apparent rage on Brandon’s face proved the bond with your Fated just didn’t disappear all together. By some wicked sense of irony, she could still feel the tie to him, but it was much lighter now she wasn’t in denial. They would have never made a balanced couple. Not the way Marcus and she did.

It surprised her Brandon thought she was involved with Cameron. Perhaps the close friendship they had could be misinterpreted as something romantic to those who never had a best friend from the opposite sex.

Cameron was a natural leader, a Beta to a pack in a way that even now Brandon would never compare. It was his duty to oversee the pack members and to welcome new arrivals. While Alphas strategized and planned for the future; Betas handled the day-to-day business, which meant ensuring everyone was looked after. Simply because Brandon’s Beta Yanis was not handling his responsibilities, didn’t mean all Alphas took upon themselves Beta duties.

Nessa scrunched her nose. But she couldn’t blame it all on Brandon. Roger Grove’s Rank structure was messed up. Juliet was the Alpha, and although Brandon had the title, he continued to run most (if not all) of the Beta duties. Yanis, who was groomed for Third in Command was promoted to the post of Beta. The ranking system shifted as her world spun off it’s Brandon axis that night. That night, when everything changed.

She shook her head chasing away the hurt as the memories threatened to come flooding. She had moved on. It was a bitter memory. She had Marcus now.

“Or maybe you’ve forgotten?” Brandon proposed and pressed his body closer to her, only for Nessa to flinch away from him.

“Just leave me alone, Brandon!” Nessa dismissed him and pushed past him only to collide into his body as he tried to prevent her from leaving.

“You’re going to submit proper documents and return to the pack. That Beta is not for you.”

Nessa laughed at him.

“You are no longer my Alpha. So I am not obligated to do anything I don’t want to. Now please move out of my way,” Nessa leveled voice did not halter.

“Just watch me. I can submit a request with Alpha Ned.”

“Good luck,” Nessa bid sarcastically wondering if he would be stupid enough to involve her Alpha in this. She then quickly back tracked to her room, giving up on finding Marcus if it meant she could avoid her stalker. She quickly locked the door, just in case the pig tried to reason with her again. What was he thinking? He had banished her from his life first then from his pack and now he wanted her back? Something was seriously wrong with him if he thought she would be follow in line.

Nessa fumed over how he had tried to leverage physical contact and their Fated connection to make her agree to come back to the pack. Whether he was still harboring some feelings for her or was doing everything because of misplaced possessiveness, Nessa didn’t care. She was done with him and got angry at herself for even sparing a moment to think about the whiny little brat.

Nessa decided to go for a shower to wash off the disgust she had for the pig.

She wondered if Marcus would want to stop by later.


“Alpha, I have a request to make,” Brandon announced as he settled in the couch. Finding Alpha Ned drinking by himself in his study so late at night was not surprising. A widower didn’t have the pull to be with his mate. Alpha Ned’s crooked tie was loosened suggesting he was done with his official duties. He was now just the man behind the title. Maybe catching him tonight was ideal. He would hardly deny a request from another Alpha. He might even rejoice at the opportunity to get rid of a trouble-maker and to secure the alliance he so zealously pursued for over a month.

“What can I do for you?” Alpha Ned asked rather lazily before offering him a drink. Brandon gladly accepted the glass of scotch. He was beginning to appreciate Alpha Ned’s accommodations. His office was a man cave, something that Juliet would have not allowed him to do.

“I have been talking to Nessa. She is thinking of rejoining my pack. I gave her my blessing and here I am, speaking on her behalf,” Brandon started. Ned raised his eyebrow at him and took a gulp of his glass, prolonging the inevitable. They both knew he would agree. It was just a matter of time and him saving face. He would try to negotiate to appease the Alpha in him, but they both knew it was a win-win. From then on, it was a battle of Egos, confidence and authority.

“Why the sudden change of mind?”

“Your Beta has been tirelessly pursuing her. His using his rank to harass her, and she can’t find it in herself to come to discuss the matter with you. So here I am,” Brandon explained and drank from his glass. Ned kept his relaxed position buying some time. Brandon smiled this minor obstacle would be easily handled.

“Is he?” Alpha Ned asked.

“I’m afraid so,” Brandon replied.


The answer sounded even louder in the silence that followed it.

“No?” Brandon repeated. He had surely misheard. His heart skipped a beat. But no, Alpha Ned could not disagree. He was probably denying the allegation of his Beta’s wrong-doings. Alpha Ned did need his allegiance after all. Wasn’t he clear enough that it would be a personal favor and as such would undeniably bring the packs closer?

“No,” Marcus repeated.

As he didn’t elaborate, Brandon asked, May I know why?”

“He is not imposing his attention on her.”

Ah, Ned was simply in denial.

“How would you know that? It’s not like Nessa will go against your Beta,” Brandon made his point.

“They are friends. Closer than I would like, but friends nonetheless. She would do anything for him and he admires her. There’s nothing going on there,” Alpha Ned concluded.

“You don’t understand. She is the novelist Raven Devenheart. You don’t want attention from Pack Law because of her stories, considering…”

“I don’t appreciate your implication,” Ned warned. Alpha Ned was too short-tempered with Brandon but his defensiveness only confirmed he had plans that Pack Law would not approve. It was a public secret Alpha Ned planned retaliation,, setting himself on a path to hunt down the executioners of his mate.

“Your Beta is a rake. He bailed on your party to stalk the girls.”

“He went to keep an eye on them.”

“He is harassing Nessa yet you sit here defending your Beta!” Brandon voiced his anger.

“I’ve been considerate but my hospitality has boundaries,” Ned warned.

Brandon interrupted, “She’s not his, she’s mine!”

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