The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

Chapter 216

As much as I try to prepare myself by pulling on my most efficient PA Emma face none of it truly prepares me for the blast of sickening pain when I am finally faced with one Marissa Hartley. Walking down the stairs and into the dining room I don't take in the beautiful room, elegant settings, or wonderful smells of food. I just see the girl with the long, curled, brown, highlighted hair. The seductive, Latino looking face with sensual lips, wearing an overly tight floor length animal print dress, fully emphasizing her bust, curvy figure, and undeniably compact baby bump protruding at her front. I also can't ignore the way her eyes devour Jake hungrily as he walks in behind me with a guiding hand.

She exudes pure sexual energy, every movement calculated for maximum impact, hips swinging and cleavage swaying. Her pouting and hair flicking mannerisms all made for pure seduction.

I hate you so much I want to smash that center piece right into your face.

I glare at her icily, our eyes meeting for a moment, and I catch a glimmer of smugness. She has no qualms about meeting me dead on and even licks her lips in the process. I feel nothing but revulsion and sou scratching hatred for her.

"Jake... Emma." Her low husky voice purrs our names as she slips effortlessly into a seat ushered by Sylvana, sliding down gracefully and never once taking her eyes from Jake as he settles me into my chair. I glance at the steak knives in front of me and wonder if Jake would mind if I stabbed her in the face with one.

The waiting staff nearby are laying glasses of wine down on the table. I note that both the glass before her and I are full of fresh orange instead, an inner smugness washes over me and I wonder if she will even notice.

See, you think you have something over me, Marissa, I have a secret that you're going to hate more.

I catch Jake watching me, carefully, as he slides in beside me. Neither of us has said a word since walking in here. I catch his eyes going to the ridiculously sharp cutlery, a slight hint of a smirk draws across his face. He obviously knows where my brain has been heading and I raise an eyebrow at him as if to say, What? He just shakes his head with a smile and leans in to kiss me behind the ear.

"I love you, but please don't stab her while we have witnesses." The low husky tone, followed by his chuckle, sets a smile on my face and I'm even more smug at catching Marissa scowling our way. Her eyes narrow at Jake's affection, and she twists a fork in agitation.

Arrick appears, casually, with a new, non-descriptive girl in tow; a mirror image of the little thing who annoyed me so much last time we were here. He says his hellos, passing smiles and introductions, when Giovanni Carrero saunters in greeting us all unemotionally. I suddenly feel a little more uncomfortable when he's here, that steady sharp gaze seems to devour this scene, the polite greetings as though he's walking into a business meeting and not seeing his own flesh and blood. Everyone sits, including Sylvana, and there is an almost fake politeness in the atmosphere as quiet chatter and light idle conversation begins.

I glare at Marissa as we're served. This is a family dinner and she's been allowed to join in. Sylvana is trying to bring her into the fold of the family to send Jake a clear message. She wants him to fix this and ensure her grandchild is not kept from her. She wants Marissa to feel like she's a part of this, and belongs here too, so in the future she will want to bring her child here.

My heart plummets at just how much I hate her presence in this home with these people who are supposed to be my family one day. The realization that this is how it's going to be, that this isn't just about her, Jake, and I, but it's about all of us and what these people will be in her child's life. That tug of emotion rises, hitting me hard, swallowing down the pain that threatens to consume me suddenly.

Jake slides his hand over mine and pulls it to his mouth kissing my knuckles, softly, pulling me toward him a little. He bridges the gap and pecks me softly on the cheek whispering "I love you" as he pulls back. He senses the change in me, senses that I'm feeling emotional, and like always, he's there to ground me. I can't help but smile at him adoringly. Green eyes locking onto mine, so many messages translating in one tender look. My heart rising a little that I have him and she never will, not in the way she wants him.

I catch Marissa watching us with a glare of sheer hatred in her eye as the death grip on the fork she's holding turns her knuckles white. It only strengthens that inner feeling of triumph and I smile toward her almost salaciously.

"So, I hear there's some news you have for me, Jacob?" Giovanni cuts in smoothly, across the chatter, as the starter plates are slid before us by efficient house staff. I flicker up catching both men's eyes locked across the table, no sort of emotion or message on either face. They are acting like they always do, like two men in a standoff, trying to be polite. Try as I might I have never really understood how they can stand this relationship. Jake never seems to want to try to fix things and Giovanni never seems to make attempt either.

"I have a couple of things I need to tell you, just not here right now." Jake's voice betrays a slight edge in his tone and his father instantly smirks. The irritating Carrero smirk that shows they are undeniably related despite their very different appearances, neither looking away, the air almost sizzling with tension. I catch a nervous flinch in the corner of Sylvana's eye and start to feel a little uncomfortable too. Giovanni is one of the most unreadable people I have ever met in my life. He gives no inkling to what he's thinking or feeling, ever. An amazing poker face and never seems to have any other moods apart from this one or yelling at staff. Even in his family's presence there is his usual, air of authority and emotional distance. It's a little chilling.

"Yes, later, when we don't have guests." Sylvana warns with a tone of authority and throws a smile at Marissa sitting to her right. It's a reassuring smile. Giovanni is at the head of the table and doesn't acknowledge Marissa at all. He doesn't even look her way, keeping his dark set of eyes focused on me, I begin to tremble.

"Emma? I hear congratulations are in order." Giovanni raises an eyebrow at me, and I choke hard on the piece of broccoli I put in my mouth. My eyes dart around the faces at the table and Jake tenses. The ripples of anger from him surging, instantly, because I've been put on the spot by a man who rarely acknowledged my presence the last time I was here. I can feel Jake's whole body change like lightening. "Ummm." I falter. Stammering because I have no idea what to say.

"Jake told us you're his VP now, because you have a good business head and could do a lot of good in the future of our company." Arrick cuts in, with a knowing smile, and I get the same edgy tone from his voice that Jake has. I notice for the first time the same cool look he gives his father. Arrick is obviously the family mediator when it comes to this volatile relationship, moving in to easily diffuse whatever this is. I smile at him gratefully, warmed to him instantly.

"I'm undecided if that's what I want anymore. I need to take some time to evaluate my career." I return quickly. Jake seems happy with the answer, Arrick smiles encouragingly, and everyone sets about the food in front of them.

Jake relaxes and starts digging into his food with his fork. I can't help but glance at Marissa directly across the table and she's watching him under her lashes as she digs into her food. The whole atmosphere is tense and weird, nothing like the last time I was with these people. All that friendly energetic chatter and cozy banter is severely lacking.

"Actually. No. I meant the fact that he's buying you a house next door." Giovanni drops the bombshell and Marissa's head almost snaps off; with the speed she spins toward him. Sylvana gapes at him, in anger and throws him a look that can only mean she's got some serious words for him when they're alone. Jake stiffens, his fingers tighten around his glass mid-way to his mouth.

"Why wouldn't I? I intend to marry her one day so of course I'm going to buy us a house where we can raise a family and settle down." Jake's tone gives nothing away. I could almost kiss him when I see that bitch's lower lip wobble. Jake is obviously used to dealing with Giovanni, and plays his part effortlessly, never giving his father a hint of being rattled at all. The constant power struggle between father and son that I have witnessed a million times at work.

I try to swallow down the ravioli I've jammed into my mouth, but the ability has deserted me. I gulp down orange juice to dislodge the lump in my throat, trying to calm my pounding heart and clammy palms. This dinner is tense, and I just need to get through it before the dramatics with Marissa commence. I wish we had eaten upstairs after all.

"Well... seeing as you've already made a start with reproducing, I think it's a great idea, especially so close to home." Giovanni smiles toward him with an evil glint in his eyes. My heart rate quickens and my stomach drops. I really do wonder why Giovanni hates me so much. This is obviously a remark to hurt me, maybe he dislikes Jake looking to make a future with me. Giovanni obviously disproves of Jake marrying his ex-PA.

Oh my God. Ground please open and take me now.

"Yes. I'm sure when he gets weekend access to our child a house here will be great seeing as I intend to move back home for the first few years." Marissa flutters her lashes, deviously throwing Jake a sexy smile, hiding nothing of her malicious jibe. All I can do is gawp at her and what she's saying, the fact she intends to become a more permanent, closer thorn in my side by moving back here. Consumed with an inner rise of anger and heartbreak, dueling to get on top of one another. This is not how a new home is supposed to be received into our lives. I catch Jake frowning at her from the corner of my eye and know he's thinking the same thing.

Marissa moving here was never part of the plan at all.0000☐☐☐☐

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