The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters 1)

The Book of Azrael: Chapter 49


Liam came around the corner carrying a few books before placing them on the table. ‘Cameron’s senses are heightened even for us. It is a small gift from the god that molded him and another reason he was let go from that rank and fell under my leadership.’

‘So he is pretty much an excellent tracker. Good to know,’ I said, turning away from the balcony and the view of the mountains. ‘So, what do you have here on the Kings of Yejedin?’

‘Everything,’ Liam said, shuffling through the pile of scrolls and papers he had pulled from the massive stacks that surrounded us. I had seen libraries before, but this, this was something else. The shelves reached to the ceiling and wrapped around the room. Stairs made of the same red and gold I had seen in his dreams led to the upper levels and walkways crisscrossed overhead. 

He was studying a book, pacing as he read. He waved his free hand, calling forth more scrolls and papers. They added themselves to the stacks on the large stone table in the center of the room. I smiled at his careless use of his power and as if drawn to it, turned back to the balcony.

‘Your mountains and trees glow with a color I am not sure I have ever seen before. They seem almost iridescent. It really is gorgeous here. I wish I could see more, especially at night.’

‘I’ll escort you back another time,’ he said absently.

I turned toward him, a bit annoyed that he said it so casually. This place was special—sacred. I could feel it in the pulse of the planet and smell it in the air. But he just so casually offered to bring me back here for a visit, as if he brought monsters and the mortal enemy of these people and this world here all the time.

‘Oh yeah? How are you going to do that when I am locked up? Are you planning on kidnapping me once this is done?’ I never forgot about what could happen at the end of our arrangement.

He placed the book down on the table, running his finger along a section while reaching for another scroll. ‘Well, Kaden has the book now, so we will probably be at this longer than expected. I suspect we will be back here more often than not.’

I walked over to the table, worrying my lip and suddenly unsure of myself. I was shocked and knew I didn’t belong here, but the wild beauty of this place called to me. I ached to explore it more, to explore it with him. My voice was low and unsure, but I forced the words out anyway. ‘I would love that. To see the stars from here. I want to know if it’s just as pretty as your dreams.’

His head lifted and regarded me. ‘It will be done.’

Liam didn’t seem to be in a joking mood, and I didn’t blame him. So I didn’t say anything else as I sat in one of the large hand -carved chairs. I reached forward and picked up a book, the cover plated with gold, and opened it. The pages felt rough against my fingertips, the brown tint telling me it was made differently than the paper I was used to. I suspected it was sturdier and impervious to the effects of aging. I could make out one or two words, but that was it. I flipped through, looking at the pictures which was little help. I placed that one down before grabbing another, both of us working in silence.

‘So do I get my own estate or something if I’m queen?’ I asked into the quiet, not realizing I had intended to ask the question.

He glanced up, furrows of concentration between his eyebrows. ‘I am not sure. I would assume you would be half ruler of the Yejedin realm,’ he said, sinking into a chair.

‘Cool. I get my own realm.’ My nerves were shot and unease hit my gut once more. ‘Does this make us actual enemies now?’

Liam’s eyes softened as if he knew why I was asking. ‘No, you’d still have to best me.’

I gave him a small smile before picking up a large beige book. The wear and tear on the pages made it seem ancient. I flipped it open and a large beast greeted me. It was drawn in gray ink, the image somehow raised off the page. I ran my fingers over it, noticing this beast had plated armor covering its body. It had no legs, just a flowing fanned tail. Its mouth was agape, displaying hooked razor -sharp teeth. The words written below the drawing were foreign to me, but one stood out. Ig’Morruthen. 

‘Is this what I am?’ The words left my lips on a whisper. I didn’t look up, just continuing to stare at the page. I heard Liam approach, the heat of him warming my suddenly cold body as he stopped behind me. I flipped through several more pages, all different beasts drawn in painstaking detail. My heart sank with each new image. Some had more teeth or claws, others had long tentacles, while others had no facial features at all.

Liam reached from behind me, grabbing the book. I turned to look at him over the back my seat. He closed it with one hand, his features turning soft. ‘In a way, yes. That is what you came from, but you are not the same, Dianna.’

‘Do you think I will grow horns like that? That crown thing? What if it makes my forehead permanently big?’

His smile was gentle as he ran a hand across my forehead, his fingers gently combing my hair from my face. ‘It is already large. What else could happen?’ 

I grabbed another book and swatted at him. He chuckled low in his throat and backed away. I held the ancient tome like a weapon as I glared at him. ‘I’m being serious.’

He gripped the book, but didn’t pull it away as he stepped in close again. ‘I am unsure of what you could be if I am being a hundred percent honest. You surprise me and are unlike anything I have ever experienced. So to answer your question, I do not know.’

‘That was nice.’ A small smile formed on my lips. ‘Sort of.’

‘I’m a nice guy.’ He smiled back.

‘In the bedroom maybe, but outside of it, not so much,’ I teased, playfully swatting at him again.

He dodged my attempt before releasing the book, his hand brushing over my hair once more as he stepped away. I noticed he kept the one with all the drawings. ‘Focus, Dianna.’

I looked through the book I held, to find it was about weapons. My mind still gnawed on the images of the fabled beasts, but I pushed it aside.

I propped my chin on my fist as I turned through the pages. Liam returned to pacing as he closed and picked up yet another book. ‘Most of these records have dates listing artifacts made, items long lost, or those locked away by my father. I am having a hard time pinpointing the last known files of Azrael, which is peculiar.’

‘They probably destroyed them,’ I said nonchalantly as I rested my cheek on my hand. I flipped another page, this one showing me a cool sword chain weapon. ‘The ones who knew about it. I mean, why make a god-killing weapon and then keep records of it on a planet where a god lives?’ I said, looking at him over another useless book. Liam had stopped and was staring at me. My eyes widened as he went rigid, and a smile formed on his face.

‘Dianna. Your intelligence is terrifying at times.’

‘Thanks, I guess.’

He looked toward the open sky behind me and then to the door ‘How do you feel about vortexes?’ 

‘Come again?’ I asked, closing the book I held and pursing my lips.

My screams eventually died in my throat as we landed softly on a thick rippling black mass. I pushed off Liam as I turned away from him and bent over placing my hands on my knees.

‘Never,’ I paused as I felt my stomach lurch, ‘do that again.’

‘I apologize, but I did warn you it would be quite a trip.’

I spun on him and quickly covered my mouth with my hand, trying to keep my last meal where it belonged. ‘Yeah, a trip, like a short one. I felt like we were being shot through the world’s largest catapult and then slammed at a full stop.’ 

He studied me, the silver lines on his skin pulsating. ‘Are you all right?’

I nodded once as I placed my hands on my hips. ‘Yes. No. Maybe. Just give me a minute so I don’t vomit.’

His face held concern, but when the thick black mass above us rippled next too, it had his full attention. It looked like we stood on the edge of the universe itself, purple, gold, and silver stars flashing across the velvety expanse.

‘What is this place?’

‘The creature we meet today is the last of its kind. Its species played a huge role in the mythologies of thousands of civilizations. They were known as fates. Hunted and slaughtered by others less than kind, my father made a home for the last one here. I was the only one to have access to this place, afraid the last fate would be eradicated. I had no use for him and no reason to harm him. As you recall from my memories, my attention lied elsewhere.’

‘Oh,’ I said, spinning in a slow circle as I tried to take in everything around me. The sky glittered with stars that seemed to dance slowly around one another.

‘Roccurrem I seek your counsel.’ Liam’s voice echoed off the empty space before dying. I reached out, grabbing Liam’s arm as several star-like masses passed overhead. He looked down at my hand and then back to me. ‘You are safe.’

‘Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.’

The expanse of black seemed to grow at one edge as all light rushed toward it. A silent pop echoed and a creature stepped out. It had form, but not. His entire being was made up of the galaxy-like atmosphere around us. He had no legs nor really any shape to his lower body. His entire form was nebulous, swirling and bending. Lights danced and floated around him as if he was made of the universe itself. Three circular black shapes spun where his head should be as he glided forward.

‘Samkiel, God King, World Ender, you seek guidance on information you have already obtained.’ When he spoke, it was whispered from every direction. His voice floated around the room and through me, going in one ear and out the other. I shuddered, creepy was an understatement. ‘And you bring a creature whose livelihood is death.’

‘She is not a creature and she is friendly.’ He stopped and looked at me over his shoulder. ‘Sometimes.’ 

My grip tightened on his arm, but he said nothing.

Liam pressed on. ‘I need to know what was in the Book of Azrael.’ 

‘You know already.’

‘If there is a weapon made to kill me, why do we have no archives of it? Why is there no mention?’

‘One whose blood runs silver took what you seek long ago.’

‘A god?’


Liam’s brows furrowed more, and I had to admit, the floating glowing thing seemed to be speaking in riddles, only confusing me more.

‘There are no gods left. Even if one erased the archives, there would be a trace. Azrael died on Rashearim long before I destroyed it. How did Victoria even get her hands on it without dying too.’ 

‘Secrets are long buried in your family, World Ender. Long before your creation. The celestial of death had a master, a master who foretold the great demise. The texts you seek were written and hidden to maintain balance. For if the realms bleed, chaos will return.’

‘Because of her resurrection?’ I watched his throat bob as he spoke.

Those floating heads danced to the right and then back, spinning toward the left. ‘No.’

‘Does her resurrection—‘ He stopped, pain spreading across his face. ‘Is she okay?’

I hadn’t realized he was that worried about my return. It surprised me that he would ask this creature about me instead of focusing on the book. I squeezed his arm lightly as the creature in front of us spoke.

‘You worry about an abomination soaked in death. How interesting’

‘She is not an abomination.’ Liam seethed.

‘She is and cannot die by normal means. You resurrected nothing.’ 

It was my turn to speak up. ‘So, I’m not going to be a weird, decaying zombie or anything?’

Several of the heads swiveled to the right and then left as if confused by my question. The floating mass around it expanded slightly before returning to normal. ‘You are Ig’Morruthen, a creature made for destruction. You are an agent of death, despair, fire, and chaos. The ancient ones before you made worlds shudder, made gods tremble, and Primordials ashamed of their creation. You are a beast of legend, and yet, you wear a suit of flesh and tissue.’

That seemed to enrage Liam. He stepped forward and I tightened my grip, stopping him from moving further from me. ‘She is not a creature, and if you speak to her like that again, there will be no more fates left in this universe or the next.’

His head swiveled and stopped as if he too was as shocked as I was. ‘Very interesting, indeed.’

I shrugged, squeezing Liam’s arm once more. ‘Ignore him, he gets cranky when he doesn’t eat.’ Liam smiled briefly before turning back towards the creature as I went on. ‘How do we find out what’s in the book?’ 

‘You will know soon enough.’

‘How are the Kings of Yejedin still alive? How did they make it past the seals on the realms after The Gods War?’ I could feel Liam’s frustration and hear it in his voice. He had a point, this creature spoke in riddles.

‘Your family is full of secrets, Samkiel. Secrets that far outstretch this world.’


The swirling mass around it seemed to shine brighter before dimming. ‘You are the key connecting the ones seeking revenge. There must always be a Guardian. Unir perceived the end, knew the consequences, and proceeded ahead. Realms were locked and your death will open them all. It is foretold. Chaos will return and chaos will reign. You have seen a fraction of it.’

Liam went rigid, a shuddering breath escaping him. My grip on Liam’s arm tightened slightly.

‘Seen it? How has he seen it?’ My eyes darted between them. ‘Are you talking about the nightmares?’

‘He sees how his father and his father before him do. Distorted as it may be, it still rings true. The realms will open again.’

‘But if they open that means Liam will die.’

‘So it is written so it shall be.’

‘No.’ I looked up at Liam, his gaze focused and far away. Whatever floating head guy meant, it had struck a chord deep within him. My hands tightened enough to make him look at me. Pain flashed there ‘As long as I am here nothing will happen to you. I promise and I don’t need a pinkie for it.’

The smile he forced was barely recognizable as I turned back towards Roccurrem. ‘Can you give us some good news or something?’

One head seemed to look at me as the others continued to spin. I immediately regretted opening my mouth.

‘The prophecy remains. One falls, one rises, and the end begins. It was foretold and will remain. One carved from darkness, one carved from light. The world will shudder.’

I felt the room quake as Liam’s power seeped out from him in waves. ‘Was this all part of another godsdamned test?’

‘A test indeed but to solidify the realms. That is how it is and how it shall be. The universe needed to see. Needed to know.’

‘Needed to know what?’

The room shook once more and those floating heads spun counterclockwise and then back. ‘You are running out of time, Samkiel.’

I let go of Liam’s arm as I stepped forward, no longer concerned about the swirling creature that spoke in tongues. ‘Is that what you do in this mythical land? Speak in riddles the entire time? How are you any help?’

‘Dianna.’  Liam’s voice was but a whisper as I turned, seeing the anguish that shone behind those silver eyes.

‘You don’t know everything.’ I turned back, my anger rising.

‘It seems the King of Gods has found a new home.’ The creature’s form shifted, a head swiveling and speaking to me as the other two agreed in unison.

‘That doesn’t make sense either, you know his world is destroyed you floating ass!’ I snapped going towards Liam and placed my hand on his arm. ‘Let’s go, Liam. There is no help to be found here.’ I was over this place and over that creature.

Roccurrem’s voice echoed once more off the empty space, everywhere and nowhere at once. ‘There will be a shuddering crack, an echo of not only what is lost but what cannot be healed. Then, Samkiel, you will know this is how the world ends.’ 

I stopped with my hand on Liam’s arm, turning around slowly. I was ready to throw as many fireballs as it took to make it shut up, but it was too late. The creature said no more as it melted into shadows, its body returning to the backdrop of the galaxy and away from us.

The library rushed at us as we portaled in. Pages from the open books we’d left behind fluttered from the force of our entry. The trip back was less nauseating, and after a few deep breaths I had regained my equilibrium. I turned toward the open balcony, the suns still high in the sky. We must have only been gone for a few minutes.

‘Why didn’t we go to the floating man in the first place instead of wandering all over the world?’ I asked.

Liam paced back and forth his hands raking through his hair. ‘One, he speaks in past, present, and future so half of his information either happened or will happen. Two, I did not think the book even existed, much less that it was important.’

I nodded and worried my lower lip. ‘Okay, fair. So what’s our next plan?’

Liam shrugged as he continued to pace. ‘I do not know.’

‘What do you mean you don’t know?’

He stopped abruptly, placing his hands on his hips as he tilted his head back. He stared at the ceiling as he spoke. ‘I saw it. This is how the world ends. That’s what the dream said. The same dream where I saw you—‘ He stopped, lowering his head to look at me. I saw the sheen of tears in his eyes.

‘Liam?’ My voice was soft, questioning

‘I saw it. The sky ruptured just like Rashearim. War was what Logan said when I first returned, and I thought we would never see it again. I thought the worst was behind us and I could rest, but I was so wrong.’ He started to pace once more. ‘I am always wrong or off by a few seconds. I was not fast enough to save my father. Instead, he died saving me.’ His voice cracked, and I flinched at the sound. for the first time since I’d met him, he seemed unsure and raw. He waved a hand toward me. ‘I definitely was not fast enough to save you. What am I doing, Dianna, besides fucking everything up?’ 

‘Liam.’ I stepped forward but he recoiled from me.

‘That is all I am good for. They call me World Ender for a reason. I guess that is truly all I am good for. Now Onuna will fall. What’s two right?’ A harsh self-deprecating laugh escaped him, and I knew I was losing him. Every emotion he’d kept buried was threatening to break free and tear him apart. All that grief and depression was rearing its ugly head.

The room shook and I stumbled back but caught myself. The rows of shelves lining the walls vibrated as every object not attached to something levitated.

I looked around as the tremors slowly built. ‘Liam. I need you to calm down, okay? We will figure it out together, like we always do.’

‘There is nothing to figure out, Dianna. It cannot lie. Everything it spoke about will come to pass. Do you not understand that?’

I threw my arms up. ‘Fine, then we face the end of the world together.’

I hoped I could break through the echoing void that was trying to claim him. The birds in the nearby trees jolted from their perches and took flight as the ground shook again. I was terrified that if he didn’t breathe or calm himself down the whole building would fall.

‘I failed.’ I heard him whisper. ‘Again.’

‘No, you didn’t.’

‘Yes, I did! You heard it. I had one chance to have that damned book.’ His voice rose an octave higher. ‘I failed because I chose you over the book, over the world. I was selfish because of you. You crawled beneath my skin like some parasite. You have infected me and it has cost me the world. So now, I have to prepare armies once more for war. War, Dianna.’ 

I felt my cheeks blister as my heart beat jumped in my chest. I was angry and pissed and sad for him, all at the same time. ‘You are right. I was not worth it.’

‘That is just it, Dianna. To me you are worth it, and that makes me the most selfish bastard and the most dangerous god to ever exist. I did it in a second, without thinking or worrying about the consequences, and I would do it again and again. What I feel for you is overwhelming and I cannot stop it. I do not know what I am doing. Do you understand that? I have the weight of the entire universe on my shoulders. I had a plan, and then you crashed into my life, making me ignore all reason. You make me trek through Onuna, taking me to places with loud music and overly sugary treats. You make me stay at castles with pretentious vampires. You make me laugh, make me smile, make me feel. You make me feel normal and allow me to forget that I am the sole ruler because you see me when you look at me. I hate it, Dianna. I hate that I have known you for what others would consider mere minutes. In the grand scheme of things, our time together means nothing. I have known and bedded others longer than you have been in my life, and yet, I felt nothing but fondness for them. I hate that you affect me so much, that you care so much, when I do not deserve it.’ 

His sudden admission made me pause. My world shifted because what he felt for me I felt too. I had grown so attached to him. I cared for him more than anyone before him and it terrified me. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as I stepped in close, resting my hands against his chest. ‘Well, I hate it, too.’ My voice cracked. ‘I didn’t ask for this. To feel for you as much as I do. I mean, I honestly hated you at first.’

A small snort escaped him as he nodded, and tears spilled down his cheeks. ‘Same.’ 

‘Ass.’ I popped him gently, which only made my vision more blurry. ‘Look I get it I get that you would have had the book and the world would be fine. But how is that a choice? How? How is that you being selfish? What’s the point in all of this if these are the kind of choices you have to make?’

The room shook again and this time I reached up and cupped his face, forcing him to look at me. Tears and fear shone in those piercing silver eyes. ‘Hey, stop, look at me. I don’t care what that floating tool says. Liam, your father saw something in you that needed to be saved. He saw a future, and whatever it was, he believed with his entire being you would make it a reality. Your friends, they see the worth in you. It is why they are so loyal, why they love you, even now. You saved them without knowing it. You gave them a purpose beyond following. You gave them a choice, you gave them will, you gave them a reason to be. I’ve seen the memories. Liam, and I get that you think you failed, but you haven’t. You won’t.’

His voice was cracked, broken. A god, defeated and tired. ‘How can you be so sure? I’ve done it before.’

‘Because you’re strong and resilient. At times you’re a complete dick, and yes, sometimes annoying and bossy, but underneath all of that, you care. You love, whether you admit it to yourself or not. You are not some mindless creature, Liam, you never were. You don’t listen to what anyone says, and you shouldn’t. If these all -powerful beings that were above you really know everything, Rashearim wouldn’t have fallen. I don’t care what anyone says. Follow your heart, Liam. You have to. The world doesn’t need more of them, it needs more of you. I heard what your father said. What he told you. He wanted you to be better. Better than them. That means giving a damn, Liam.’ 

He shook his head slightly as I wiped his tears away with my thumbs. ‘I do not know what I am doing. I don’t think I can survive going through it again.’

My fingers made light passes across his cheek as I said, ‘That’s fine. We will figure this out together, okay? We will do our usual, where I come up with an idea, and you disagree, then we argue about it, until you eventually come around to my amazing foolproof plans.’ He huffed as if laughter alone failed him, but the tremors making the room shudder, slowly eased. ‘Besides, you’re one of the strongest people I know. You put everyone before yourself, even cold -blooded Ig’Morruthens who get on your nerves and drive you crazy.’ I smiled softly as I rubbed my finger across his cheek one last time.

‘You do not get on my nerves all the time. Sometimes you are mildly amusing.’

I smiled, dropping my hands from his face. ‘Mildly amusing, huh? I’ll take that. We will get the book back. I promise. Just don’t destroy this world, too.’

I watched as he took a few shuddering breaths, in and out. ‘I am truly sorry. I do not know why I cannot control it.’

‘Panic attack.’


‘I know it sounds crazy but that’s what it reminds me of. I used to have them when I first saved Gabby. I would wake up sweating, my heart feeling like it wanted to burst out of my chest. I kept thinking I hadn’t managed to save her and it wasn’t real. It was miserable, but I got through it because I had her. She helped me, and I’ll help you.’

He lifted his hand and ran his fingers through my hair. It was the same thing I had done for him on the nights when his nightmares overcame him. It was soft, soothing, and caring. ‘I do not deserve you.’

‘Definitely not. I know I don’t truly get it, but you have a million and something eyes full of admiration, looking at you for guidance. That is a lot of responsibility, to be honest. Even the strongest would falter under that pressure, Liam.’

‘You have no idea.’ He is quiet for a moment as his expression softens, his eyes roaming over my face. ‘I can’t do this without you.’

I sniffled and blinked back more tears, my cheeks still stained from before. ‘Obviously.’

I studied his features in the light of the setting suns. He looked tired even as his body glowed, as if he were soaking up the energy from these stars. I didn’t know how long he had been keeping the world in balance, but wouldn’t even a god grow weary?

Liam carried the weight of worlds on his shoulders and was essential in maintaining the order of the universe. Without him, chaos would reign. That was what Kaden wanted and Liam was the only thing standing in his way. Liam carried that burden with no promise of it ever being lifted. I was surprised he hadn’t cracked sooner and said fuck it all. But I knew he couldn’t, he wouldn’t. He would fight until the last breath left his body.

‘The weight of the world,’ I whispered before I realized what had left my mouth.

He looked down at me, his face somber. He released me with a sigh and a brief half-smile. ‘That’s what it feels like.’

‘I’m sorry.’

He regarded me for a second as if the words surprised him. Shit, they surprised me too.

‘Don’t be. It’s my birthright.’

I snorted. ‘Which only means you had no choice in the matter.’ I forced a smile as he nodded.

‘In reality, yes.’

The images from the blooddream played back to me. The Liam from those dreams had been so carefree, but I realized it was because he was lost. He had been fighting against a destiny that was coming for him whether he wished it or not. I wished I could protect him, keep him safe, and help him.

‘Regardless of what happens or what you decide, I will stand by your side. I will fight this fight with you. You will not be alone, and I will do all I can to keep you safe.’

He closes his eyes briefly before looking at me once more. ‘You’ve already done too much. You risked your life for me to get that book. You saved Logan when you didn’t even know him. You helped me without a promise of anything in return. You fought one of your own to help save the world and gave your life in the process.’ he said, his eyes dropping from my face to my chest. The dress I wore for my Imogen disguise was a little loose in the chest area given our different sizes. It didn’t expose me too much, but you could see my sternum.

I knew he wasn’t looking at my breasts but at the almost invisible scar I still carried where my chest had been ripped open. A pained expression passed across his features as he swallowed. He lightly traced the mark directly over my heart and my body responded. It felt like a shot of electricity went through every fiber of my being. I shivered, goosebumps dancing across my arms and legs. It didn’t hurt, but his touch excited me more than any man who had ever laid hands upon me. I didn’t flinch from his touch but leaned into it, my breath catching. Liam had literally held my heart in his hands, and I would let him touch me in any way he wanted. 

I sucked in a breath, my voice shaky as I said, ‘But you saved me.’

‘Barley.’ He slowly pulled his hand away, clenching his fist as he realized what he was doing.

He lifted his gaze, his eyes roaming over me as if he were trying to memorize everything about me. It made me feel vulnerable, which was childish. I had been with men and women, but whenever Liam looked at me or touched me, it was as if I had never been with anyone. The mere sight of him set my blood aflame as if he stoked a fire deep in my soul. I wanted it to burn. I wanted more. I wanted him, and in this moment it felt like the attraction and desire I felt for him was reciprocated.

‘I thought I’d lost you.’ It was a whisper and his gaze flicked to mine as if he were shocked he had said the words out loud.

‘You know better than that. I am impossible to get rid of.’  I shook my head with a smile playing on my lips as I threw his words back at him. ‘like an infection.’

He didn’t laugh or smile at my words. He didn’t attempt a joke as his eyes bore into mine.

‘If that is true—‘ Fear shifted in his gaze into another strong and powerful emotion. ‘Then I wish for you to infect me.’

He slid his hand across my collarbone, the roughness of his calloused palm sending a bolt of electricity through my very being. I was caught in his gaze and could feel my pulse pound as his large hand wrapped gently around my neck. He tipped my chin up with his thumb and my lips parted in instinctive invitation. Hot, molten silver filled his eyes as his gaze dropped to my mouth. His throat bobbed as my core went liquid. I pushed to my tip toes as he leaned forward, neither of us caring about the line we were about to cross. 

We both knew we shouldn’t. There was no future for us, and there never would be. He was a Guardian, a savior. A protector of this realm and every realm in between and I was an Ig’Morruthen. I was the beast of legend he and his friends hunted. I was the monster under the bed. The one stories were told about to keep all divine beings in line. We were destined to fight until the sky bled and worlds shook. But when he touched me, cradled my face as if I was the most fragile, beautiful being in the world, I melted. I didn’t feel like a monster with him and I realized I never had. I felt his breath touch my lips and my body sang in response right as the door slammed open. Liam and I broke apart, both turning to face the unknown threat. 

Logan stood there, his eyes wild and rage snapping around him. ‘We have a problem.’

‘I assure you, I am fine now.’

Logan waved his hand towards the mess of the room. ‘No, not that. Neverra was taken and,’ Logan nodded once and turned his gaze on me, ‘Gabby is missing.’ 

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