The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters 1)

The Book of Azrael: Chapter 48

LIAM’S EYES NARROWED HIS BROWS FURROWING AS HE STEPPED INTO THE ROOM. I was on my feet and backing away in seconds.

‘Don’t come any closer.’ I raised my hand and he stopped.

‘Dianna. It’s me,’ he said, raising his hands as if I was the one to fear. ‘Put the fire away, please.’

I looked down, to see I was holding twin flames. I hadn’t felt it or known I’d summoned it.

‘You destroyed Rashearim. That’s why they call you World Ender. It’s not just some weird egotistical name. You obliterated an entire planet with your sword. I saw it.’

Liam’s face dropped as his body stiffened. He realized there were no more secrets between us, no more lies. He knew that I knew everything,  ‘Yes.’

‘You slaughtered hordes of Ig’Morruthens.’


‘Is that what you would have done to me in the beginning?’

His eyes searched mine and I knew he would never lie to me. ‘If it was necessary.’ 

My heart hammered instinct overriding logical thinking. The beast inside me stirred for the first time, cautious of him. ‘Is it necessary now?’ 

‘No.’ He shook his head, a look of pain etching his features. ‘How could you ask me that?’

I clenched my hands, extinguishing the flames. ‘I saw your father die.’

For the first time since he’d entered the room, he looked away from me. I saw the flash of torment before he composed his features and could look at me again. 

‘That blade that I saw, the same one you wielded the night you saved me. I saw the agony in your eyes and heard the scream that shook the world.’ I stepped closer and his hand fisted as I looked at the silver and black ring. ‘I want to see it.’ 

His eyes met mine, and he didn’t say a word as he flicked his wrist, summoning the obsidian blade. Black and purple smoke danced within the blade itself, and I could feel the power of it from across the room. ‘It is Oblivion. The purest form of the ever after. I created it out of agony and grief and regret after my mother died. Her death was close to my ascension. They say you must go in with a clear mind when you forge your weapon. I did not. Sorrow is a powerful emotion, and one gods cannot afford to feel much less express. It is the same with love. It makes even the most powerful rash, erratic, and unpredictable.’ He spun the blade before it disappeared back into his dark ring. ‘My father’s death broke me. It is why I left. Why I hid away, and why I was the man I was when you first met me. What you witnessed was the end of Rashearim. The end of my home. No one else living knows what occurred that day, and I would like to keep it that way.’ 

I nodded, finally understanding. The tension in my shoulders loosening. ‘That’s what you see when you dream.’ 

‘Yes.’ He looked as if he wanted to say something else but stopped himself.

‘That’s why you hate that name so much. It is a constant reminder of what you’ve lost.’

He nodded slowly. ‘My father’s staff, the one you saw. It helped shape planets, heal others, you name it. Unir was known throughout the cosmos as the World Bringer and I, Samkiel, will forever be known as the World Ender.’

My eyes softened as the fear that had gripped me when I woke, released its hold. I had seen the fight and knew how they treated him. A part of me felt compassion for him. I should have been scared, or at the very least cautious and suspicious. He and his, had killed thousands of creatures just like me, and yet, here I was, feeling sorrow for him. I moved closer and his eyes raked over me hungrily, but I could see him bracing himself for my repudiation. 

‘Is that why you were so upset I died? Because your father had given his life for you?’

Another curt nod. ‘Among a list of many but yes I do not want anyone else to die for me. I have grown tired of it, and I am not worth it Dianna.’

His eyes slid away from mine, a look of disgust crossing his features. I knew it wasn’t aimed at me but at the painful memories I had dragged into the light of the day.

‘Liam. What are the consequences?’ He sighed and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. ‘I saw it in your memories. Resurrection has a cost. What will be ours?’

‘I do not know.” His eyes met mine again as a bright blue light lit up the room. I covered my eyes as Logan appeared between us. He took a moment to take in his surroundings before looking at me, his eyes lingering on my chest. A look of sorrow passed quickly before he looked away and I realized that he knew what had happened. He placed a pile of cream -colored fabrics on the bed and turned toward Liam. ‘I brought what you requested.’ 

‘Thank you, Logan.’

‘No problem.’ Logan turned toward me, a smile forming on his lips. ‘Well, are you ready to sneak into The Council and hope to the gods we don’t get caught?’

My eyes widened as I looked between the two of them. ‘Wait, what?’

‘This is a terrible idea. Why do we have to sneak in again? You are in charge of everything, just ask for the information,’ I whispered as Logan, Liam, and I hid behind a massive column. The whole thing was painted with several creatures and people I did not recognize. Not that I would recognize anything on this damned planet.

‘I cannot. If one or more knew Azrael had made a book that contained the information that could lead to my demise, and did not share that information, then there are people here who cannot be trusted,’ Liam whispered back, his breath tickling the hairs atop my head. Fair point.

Logan turned toward me, wearing the tight black pants suit that fit him like a glove. Rustic gold belts across his chest and shoulders formed a vest. A thin black shawl hung off his shoulders and moved with the wind. He had told me it was what The Hand wore when inside the council halls.

‘You guys got this. I’ll distract Imogen and the other council members. Just play the part and remember, the less talking the better.’

My eyes narrowed as I whispered back, ‘It’s not my fault you guys gave me less than an hour to learn your language.’

Several footsteps approached, echoing through the great hall. It was an opulent, wide -open space. It sat in the shadows of mountains that soared into the sky, they were much larger and more majestic than anything I had ever seen. The trees in the surrounding forests were tall, the foliage lush, and the colors breathtaking. The ceiling was open and framed all the galaxy above had to offer. Everything here was brighter, clearer, sharper, and I wanted to admire it more but we had a job to do.

‘She is coming,’ Logan said to Liam, looking over my head. ‘I’ll distract her as long as I can but hurry up.’

Liam pressed his hand to the small of my back and I leaned into his touch. He had touched me at every opportunity since I woke in that tiny room. Granted, it was not in the same fun way as before, but more that he was afraid I would disappear if he wasn’t touching me.

I watched Logan approach a small group of celestials. They parted as he joined them, and then I saw her. Her blonde hair was braided on the sides and she wore a beautiful white dress. It was sheer but not see -through. When she saw Logan her eyes lit up, her smile making her high cheekbones raise. She was even more gorgeous in person than in Liam’s dreams. Dammit.

I memorized her form and called forth the power needed to change. A moment of concentration and I looked just like her, clothes and all. I looked at Liam who nodded his approval and ushered me around several more columns. Our soft soled shoes whispered over the glossy marble floor.

Once we were out of sight, we picked up the pace, jogging through the maze of corridors and staircases. Despite our exertions, his voice was steady as he said, ‘Third floor holds the council chambers. We just need to get past the few guards there and we should be good. Logan double -checked that there are no meetings today.’ 

As we hit the second floor, we stopped running. We strolled calmly so as not to draw attention. I waved at a few celestials as we passed and Liam nodded in their direction. Their eyes almost bugged out of their heads as they saw us, which I assumed was from Liam’s new look. I don’t think anyone here has seen him with short hair. Plus, the cream -colored shirt and pants assembly made his tan skin seem to glow, the silver lines that traced the shape of his body, shining through the thin fabric. 

We passed through several massive rooms, weaving between thick columns as if we were in no hurry to reach our destination. Liam suddenly changed direction and pulled me into a passageway hidden behind a red and gold trimmed curtain. I slammed against him, my nose bouncing painfully against his hard chest. 

‘Fuck,’ he said, holding the curtain back so he could peer out. He scanned the far side of the room as if he’d spotted someone.

‘Liam, you cursed. Where does the book follow all the rules guy learn to talk like that?’ I teased quietly as I poked my index finger against his chest.

‘Probably from the dark -haired, foul -mouthed woman whose vocabulary screams indecency.’ He glanced down at me for a split second, a grin tugging at his lips before he went back to peering beyond the curtain. I turned, our bodies pressed so close that I nearly groaned. I took a deep breath to gain some control and peered beneath his arm. 

A tall, muscular, brown -skinned celestial in the same uniform that Logan had worn smiled down at a woman in an off-white jumper. Okay, so he was a member of The Hand I hadn’t met yet. Gods, why were they all so beautiful? His hair was dreaded and pulled back in a thick double ponytail that spilled down his muscular powerful back. Blue lights, the mark of the celestials, ran along his arms and neck, toward his piercing eyes. Eyes that twinkled as he laughed at something the woman said and they turned to leave.

‘He is a member of The Hand. Why are we hiding? Are you worried about him seeing us?’

Liam shook his head. ‘No, I’m not concerned about Xavier. I’m concerned about the one who rarely leaves his side.’

We came out from behind the thick curtain as Liam nodded toward the large staircase.


Liam started to say something but was tackled from the side. I heard the air leave his lungs, followed by a deep resonant laugh. I spun, flames dancing on my palms. My eyes widened as I watched a blonde man lift Liam off the floor, his feet dangling above the ground. He picked him up so effortlessly, as if they weren’t the same size.

‘Cameron. If you value your job and life you will put me down.’

Cameron. This was the one Zekiel had mentioned in Ophanium. I remember Liam saying something about him as well. I closed my hands into fists, snuffing out the flames, and put them behind my back.

Cameron dropped him, and Liam glared at him, adjusting the front of his shirt.

‘Did you think you could sneak into the great halls and I would not scent you?’ 

Scent? My lips turned up processing what he said. Could he smell Liam through the entire building? Could he smell me? Uneasiness hit my gut. On the plus side Liam and I did not have sex or anything even remotely close before we came here and on the downside would my ruse even work on Cameron? I think I might like this one if it wasn’t for the fact he might ruin what we were here to do.

He laughed once more drawing my attention back to him. He wore the same clothes as Logan, but I already knew he was a part of The Hand. His fair skin flushed a shade of pink at his excitement seeing Liam. His blonde hair braided into a thick mohawk that flowed down his back swayed from setting Liam on his feet.

He turned toward me, taking his time as he looked me over. I froze, nervous he had seen the fireballs I had threatened to throw at him or smelled I wasn’t Imogen. His head tilted to the side as he glanced behind me. A slow mischievous smile curved her lips. ‘Oh, I see. You all were playing another exciting round of hide the battle sword?’ 

A thick, rich laugh came from behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see that Xavier had returned.

‘Cam, you speak too freely. One day Samkiel will remove your head.’

‘No,’ Cameron smirked, ‘He likes me too much.’

‘Debatable,’ Liam said as he moved back to my side. ‘Where did you learn to speak like that? Onunian is not our predominant language.’

Cameron shrugged. ‘Logan visits often. He fills us in on what the mortals have been up to and brings us the best cuisine. Chocolate is damn near orgasmic.’

‘Ah,’ Liam said, grabbing my hand and turning toward the stairs. ‘Very well then. Imogen and I have other business to attend to, and I am sure the two of you have something you need to be doing.’

Cameron stepped in front of Liam and me, keeping us from moving. ‘Hmm, business. What business? I just saw her leaving with some members of the council and Logan who didn’t even say hi. What’s gotten into you guys? Imogen says that matters on Onuna are escalating. Logan has been visiting less. There have been secret council meetings, and your sudden return from your cave after centuries of being gone. The most surprising bit is this new look of yours. Is there something we should know?’

Liam and I froze, my mind spinning as I tried to formulate an excuse, but Liam beat me to it. ‘If there was, you would be alerted. Now move.’

‘Touchy touchy,’ Cameron said, and Xavier snickered quietly. ‘Imogen, you usually make him a little bit nicer after your rendezvous. What happened? Losing your touch?’

Cameron strolled close to me, his hands clasped behind his back. He stopped, grinning from ear to ear.

I felt my temperature rise as I clenched my fists, willing my fire to stay put. I had no claim over Liam, but their words rubbed me the wrong way. Would it be that simple, that normal, for him to fall back into his ex-lover’s arms? Was that why he wished to go home so badly? My chest ached thinking of such thoughts.

‘Losing my touch? Ridiculous. Why else do you think he came back?’ I gave them my best Imogen grin. I tried to remember how she moved from my short glimpse of her and prayed that my attempt worked.

Xavier busted out laughing, and Cameron grinned at me. However, Liam was not amused.

‘Enough.’ Liam tugged me toward the stairs. ‘We have more important things to attend to than your failed attempts at humor. Xavier, do not encourage him.’

Xavier held up his hands. ‘Hey, I can only do so much.’

Cameron winked at Xavier which seemed to only make the fearsome warrior smile more. There was a history between the two. I could feel it.

‘Be nice, Samkiel. I was only joking. It’s not like we see you—’

His words stopped, his smile fading as we walked past them. I didn’t catch it at first, but as soon as he was in front of me, I knew he knew. He had seen or felt something that told him I wasn’t who I said I was.

His blue eyes flared to a shade brighter as he studied me. Liam went stiff at my side as Cameron took not one but two sniffs at me. He scowled, all humor gone, and for the first time I saw how perfectly dangerous he was. Xavier appeared at his side, staring at me like I grew horns.

‘What is it?’ Xavier asked, touching Cameron’s arm.

It seemed to pull him from his death stare trance. Could I really fight two members of The Hand if I had to escape? Sure Liam was more open to the fact of an Ig’Morruthen helping, but they were not.

Liam slowly stepped in front of me, his broad back blocking the others from sight. ‘Cameron.’ It was a demand, not a question.

‘Your scent, Imogen. It’s different.’ Cameron craned his neck to stare at me around Liam. ‘You smell like spices.’

Xavier looked at me, narrowing his gaze. I had no idea what the obsession with scent was, but it apparently meant a lot to them both.

‘I brought her a present back after my last visit to Onuna. It’s a perfume,’ Liam said, causing Cameron to finally take his eyes off me. Just like that, a switch flipped. That fun -loving grin came back, and I could breathe again.

‘Oh, well that makes sense.’ Cameron shrugged and Xavier relaxed. ‘At least he finally listened to your messages. All that pining and unrequited love was getting on my nerves.’

Liam was done as he pulled me past them, heading towards the stairs. ‘Your job will be terminated by the end of the day,’ he called over his shoulder as we took the steps two at a time.

I heard Cameron whisper to Xavier, ‘Wait, he is kidding, right?’

‘Yes, yes, although you seem to love to antagonize him.’

‘It is a gift and a curse.’

I saw Liam roll his eyes, and I smiled, knowing he had picked up the gesture from me. ‘Both of you go do something productive for once. Now,’ I called out. Liam turned to me, his face a mix of shock and amusement.

‘Hey, Logan told me to play my part,’ I whispered.

I heard them snicker. I turned back briefly, and they were staring after us. Cameron leaned against Xavier. They were so focused, I swore they saw straight through my illusion. I gulped, the hairs on my arms standing. Regardless of their seemingly sweet natures, I could feel the power that radiated from them both.

And it terrified me.

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