The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters 1)

The Book of Azrael: Chapter 34

IT HAD BEEN A FEW DAYS SINCE MY MEETING WITH ETHAN AND DRAKE. A few days ago I found an excuse to not be near her. I had stopped sharing a bed with Dianna, and I hadn’t known a single night of peace since. I tried to sleep alone, and ended up ripping a hole through the wall as I woke. The positive side was it was facing the forest, and I repaired it before anyone was aware. They assumed an earthquake had shaken the castle, never suspecting the god upstairs. No one questioned it, no one but her.

This is how the world ends.

This is how the world ends.

This is how the world ends.

I missed the nights when Dianna would comfort me, her hands rubbing down my sweat soaked back as I rocked. I kept my eyes tightly closed, hoping the energy behind them did not rupture outward. Unafraid of the power I held barely in check she remained close, whispering to me that it was just a dream. She would repeat the words like a mantra, trying to soothe me.

I hadn’t told her I was no longer dreaming of Rashearim falling. The dead whispered to me, over and over, always ending with her corpse and its burning eyes. If it wasn’t that I was dreaming of her beneath me and my body buried so deep inside her, I could almost feel again. That frightened me more than anything, and I did not know how to tell her that all my dreams were about her now. So I stopped sleeping again and escaped to my room the second she was distracted, refusing to answer my door. I knew she wanted to help and was frustrated and confused by my behavior. I didn’t want to hurt her and she couldn’t help me, no one could.

At first, she seemed angered at my avoidance, but then she allowed Drake to distract her. Their laughter seemed to grate on my nerves, and so I retreated to the study. Ethan did not bother me there, no one did. That was where I stayed, reading, researching, and checking in with the Guild, waiting for word of where we needed to go next.

The days dragged on, and I grew restless. I decided I needed to exert some energy that did not involve more busted lightbulbs or electrical equipment malfunctions. There was a gym in the very lowest parts of the castle, and when I was not reading or strategizing, that was where I ended up. When that stopped working, I would run the entire perimeter for hours to keep the voices at bay. It helped some, but not enough.

Never enough.

The screen on my phone flashed before Logan’s face came into view.

‘Anything?’ I asked as a greeting.

He shook his head and held up a book. ‘Same texts as we had on Rashearim. The only ones that could even remotely be seen as dangerous are the ones that describe how our weapons are made and work. They are nothing of dire importance. There is no point in knowing how our weapons are made if there isn’t a god to make them.’

I sighed in frustration, rubbing a hand over my sweat-drenched face. The birds chirping in the overly dense foliage. I’d run until my legs wanted to give out before I’d stopped, picking an isolated place to call Logan.

‘I know you’re annoyed, but what about the witch?’

I shook my head and turned toward the small mammal that peeked at me from a low-hanging branch. ‘We have heard nothing, and so we wait.’

‘Which you hate.’

I nodded. ‘Yes, very much. What about the map?’

He closed the book, the world spinning on the screen as he moved around the study. ‘I sent a few new recruits to the locations pinpointed on the map. They are just all old abandoned mines and empty caverns, nothing is there.’ 

I spoke an ancient curse that had Logan smirking into the phone. ‘I haven’t heard that one in a while.’

‘I wish for this to be over. If he is as old and powerful as everyone says then what is taking so long? If the book of Azrael is real, and that’s a big if, then why has it been so difficult to find, even for us?’

‘Knowing Azrael,’ he paused, ‘maybe he didn’t want it to be found. If the God Xeohr made him craft this book, maybe he had strict orders to not speak of it.’

‘You think Xeohr ordered him to make it?’

‘Possibly. Azrael did not make items with any real power unless he was coerced. You know the whole, too much power in the wrong hands, type deal. Maybe what’s inside is that dangerous.’

I rubbed my temples. ‘You give him too much credit. He was waist deep in the same perversions we were. He was one of us, even if I could not get him away from Xeohr, but he too pretended to care about the words and lessons the gods preached.’ 

‘That’s true.’ Logan’s laugh echoed through the forest and forced a slight smile to my lips. ‘Why don’t you ask the dark-headed beauty you’re stuck with? Maybe she knows something?’


My smile fell and he noticed too.

Logan moved once more and I waited for him to settle behind one of the desks. ‘You know, I overheard her sister on the phone with her, complaining about you not sleeping with her anymore.’

I groaned and lowered my head, rubbing at my forehead. ‘That does not mean what you think it means.’

He laughed. ‘Oh, come on. This is the same old story we heard for eons. The great love them and leave them Samkiel.’

‘Do not compare Dianna to any of my past conquests.’ I snapped my head up, the phone flickering to black before returning to normal. I let out a breath, trying to contain the damaging power rippling beneath my skin. ‘It is not like that between us, and I will not speak of it again.’

‘Fine. Enlighten me then. What is it like because the last time we spoke we were all on the same side? Ig’Morruthens were bad, we were good, and now we are what? Working with them? Like the traitorous gods before us?’

My gaze flicked away from the phone, remembering just how fast Rashearim fell because of that betrayal.

‘Listen, I’m not questioning your rule, and I’m not being a dick. Neverra and I like Gabriella, but Dianna? Out of all the women in the entire universe you could choose to scratch your centuries-long itch, don’t let it be her. Hell, call Imogen. We all know she is more than happy and waiting.’  

‘I do not need anything scratched, and Dianna is not like the Ig’Morruthens from our time. She is different. You’ve seen it.’

‘Yeah, I saw her bend her shape with mere shadows, saw her blow up an embassy, killing how many mortals? Oh, and I also saw her shove a blade through the skull of one of her own.’

I was growing frustrated and he knew it. ‘We cannot think that way anymore. Do you know another reason Rashearim fell? The gods that turned used the Ig’Morruthens. They worked with them to slaughter almost all of us. So, yes, she has helped me and has continued to help me, but that is it. No matter what you, or the others, have concocted in that head of yours.’

‘Hey, I didn’t say the others thought—’

My gaze narrowed, knowing well how frequently they all spoke. ‘I know you. I know you all.’

‘Okay, fair. We just worry about you. You’ve been gone so long, Liam.’ He paused, running a hand over his face as he sat back. ‘But you are right. They definitely had an upper hand over us. Whatever you say we will follow, you know that.’ 

I knew in the morally thinking part of my consciousness that it came from a place of caring, but there was so much he did not know. There was so much he had not seen from her, from me. He assumed I was still the same as I was before, but Samkiel died on Rashearim the second it was reduced to dust and rocks. Also, he was not completely unjust. My feelings, or what I felt for her, seemed to change. I cared for her, and learning more of her seemed to make me realize we had more in common than I assumed. Being around her was easy and there were times I did not feel like the feared king I was rumored to be.

‘She was helping me with my nightmares.’

He sat up slowly, swiveling his head from side to side as if making sure no one else was in the room. ‘Nightmares? Of Rashearim?’

I nodded. ‘That and what happened after I sent you all away.’

‘You mean after you forced all of us from our homeworld while you stayed and fought.’ 

I lifted a single shoulder as if it were nothing. ‘The planet was erupting. None of you would have survived.’

‘Well, you didn’t give us a choice on that.’  

‘No, no I did not. Your life and that of the others are not expendable. Zekiel’s death is another thing that will haunt me for the rest of my very long life.’ 

Logan ran his hand over his face. I knew the loss of Zekiel cut him deep.

‘There is another thing,’ I said, deciding to confide in this man who had stood by me for centuries, even when I repudiated his loyalty.

Logan focused on me again. ‘Oh?’

‘I feel I’m developing the same sight my father and grandfather had.’

‘Seriously?’ Logan’s eyes widened in shock.

‘Yes. I remember them telling me of their dreams and visions, warning me of what I may one day face. They were of the future to come but not whole and not always clear.’

‘Yeah, they were so utterly terrifying that your grandfather was almost driven insane by them.’ He leaned forward ‘What did you see?’

I could not tell him that I dreamed of her. I didn’t even want to admit it to myself, so I told him the other part of my recent night terrors.

‘The world ending. Just as Rashearim did but also different. The sky trembled with the same massive beasts. I saw a king, his throne and armor made of horns. I saw the living dead, but I don’t know what any of it means or how to stop it.’ 

Logan’s eyes darkened with fear and despair as he shook his head, placing a single hand over his mouth. ‘Damn.’

‘Damn is right.’

That all too familiar ache returned to pounding in my temples, and I sighed. The light flickered on the desk. I stretched, looking at the stacks of books surrounding me. I’d hidden away, burying myself in research as we waited for word from Camilla. Ethan’s library held items dating back to the beginning of civilization itself. I had not found anything that mentioned the fall of Rashearim or the celestials that took refuge here while I rebuilt the remains of our world.

If the information Ethan had given me was accurate, and Kaden was indeed as old as he said, then the beginning of civilization could give me clues. The mortals had ancient stories of mythical beasts. Maybe Kaden was an Ig’Morruthen that had escaped the Gods War and landed here, planning to rebuild his ranks. But the ones here had to be a subspecies. I had read and reread about firebirds that danced across the sky, skinwalkers who lured their victims to their deaths, and even dragons. All of them fit, and yet none of them fit completely.

Footsteps approached and the door to the study slowly opened. I did not need to look up to know who my visitor was. A plate was set on top of the open book I was reading.

‘Look, I made you something. See the face? It’s grumpy like you.’

I kept my gaze down, my forehead resting on my hand. The plate had a thin brown cake-like disc with red round half sphere items forming its eyes. The mouth was made out of some white foamy cream and was turned down in a frown. I looked up, watching Dianna put her plate down and shift a stack of books off the desk. She pulled over a large chair and sat down.  

‘Very funny.’ I shook my head and pushed the plate aside before returning to my book.

‘Yup, exactly like that.’

‘I am not grumpy. I am busy.’

Her fork dinged upon her plate as she cut a piece of her food and took a bite. ‘You’re not sleeping either.’

I closed the book, knowing I could not focus with her around. ‘And how would you know that? I thought you and your friend would be too busy catching up to notice?’

They’d been catching up, indeed. There were several times I’d stumbled in on them in the middle of a joke. As soon as I entered, their laughter would die and tension would fill the air.

She lowered her fork, and leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs. ‘Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it was that random earthquake, or that they’ve had to hunt down issues with the electricity three times in the last few days. Or maybe a clue is that you have been avoiding me and haven’t asked me to stay with you in two weeks.’ 

Two weeks? Has the sun set that many times? Her leads were taking longer than promised, and we still needed that invitation before we could continue our search. In the meantime, I had been trying to piece together the mystery that was her maker. 

‘Your observations are bothersome.’

She made a face, a breath leaving her nostrils in a snort. ‘Why because they are right?’

Yes, I said to myself, and continued to reach for another book.

‘You can’t ignore me forever. Now eat.’

She moved the book that I was using as my distraction and pushed my plate in front of me again. It was my turn to scowl, but I pushed the books aside and brought the plate closer to me. I picked up the fork, but a piece, and took a bite. I glared at her as I chewed and swallowed before asking, ‘Happy?’

She smiled before starting to eat again. ‘Tell me why you aren’t sleeping? More nightmares?’

Yes. Nightmares about your end.

I swallowed another bite of the sugary breakfast she’d brought me before saying, ‘I am not tired. I just do not wish to sleep. If what they say is true, we have limited time to find this book before he does.’

She stabbed at her food. ‘Yeah, and waiting on Camilla to accept the invitation is taking longer than I had hoped.’

I nodded, hoping to change the subject. ‘So, why does this Camilla hate you so? Another friend, not a friend.’

‘Try an ex-lover.’

I felt that tinge of heat again, the same I felt when Drake placed a hand on her. I’d never felt it before and did not know what it meant, only that I did not like it. Even her speaking of being with another, created a feeling in my gut I did not recognize. I knew of what she told me before but hearing about his extreme attachment towards her and yet he allowed someone to get that close to her. ‘Kaden permitted that?’

A small laugh escaped her. ‘He didn’t care about my relationship with Camilla. He was actually going to give her a seat at his table, but she cared deeply about me, and that he did not like. So, he exiled her because I begged him not to kill her, and Santiago got her seat instead. I never told her what I’d done so he wouldn’t kill her, but it’s too late now. She assumes I undermined her, and was responsible for her loss of power. I haven’t spoken to her in ages, Kaden wouldn’t allow it. She hates me because she thinks I didn’t fight for her and chose to stay with Kaden. I mean what we had was great and fun, but I didn’t love her, not like she loved me. My decision could never be anything else anyway. I wouldn’t risk Gabby.’ 

Her words echoed parts of my life, leaving me awestruck that we could be so different and have so much in common. I knew all too well about past lovers who felt more for you than you did for them. I knew how horrible that could make one feel.

‘You are risking her now being with me, are you not?’

‘It’s different with you.’ She paused as if catching herself and finished chewing a small bite before saying, ‘You are the only thing Kaden fears.’

‘You never told me the story of how you ended up in Kaden’s grip. Just that you gave up your life for your sister’s.’

Her expression went blank and I saw the shadows in her eyes before she looked at her plate and shrugged. ‘It’s a long story. Maybe another time.’

I nodded, knowing better than to push her. She would tell me in her own time.

‘Do you like the crepes?’

I nodded as I took another bite, chewing and swallowing before I said, ‘Is that what they are called? They are divine. I think sweets, as you call them, may be my weakness.’

She chuckled. ‘So he does have a weakness. Your secret is safe with me.’ She winked before taking another bite. ‘Be thankful that Gabby taught me how to cook because otherwise, this would be disgusting.’

I took another bite. ‘You cooked breakfast for the entire estate?’ Although, my question was more in reference to the vampire that followed her every move like a Vennir hound in heat.

Dianna shook her head, snorting slightly and covering her mouth. ‘No, just us. You give me way too much credit. I am not that nice.’

She continued to eat, completely unaware of the impact of her simple statement. A small smile played on my lips, and I found myself relaxing for the first time in weeks. It was so easy to speak with Dianna and I had missed being able to do so. The weight of the world seemed to lift from my shoulders when I was near her. As good as that felt, it was a problem if I intended to leave once this book, real or not, was retrieved. Ethan’s words bounced around in my head once more, and I bit back the pretty words I wanted to say to her.

‘Gabby is a good person, and I mean that. Mortals and creatures alike give off a certain energy, a true form, I suppose. Some call it the soul, whereas others refer to it as an aura’

‘You can see that?’ she interrupted, her eyes going wide. ‘You can see people’s souls.’

I did not know if I’d upset her or misspoke because she sat very still, staring at me.

‘Yes. It depends on the person or creature, and I sometimes have to concentrate, but I can see most.’

She placed her fork down and propped her elbow on the desk, resting her chin on her hand. She leaned in, fully engaged. ‘What does Gabby’s look like?’

‘Yellows and pinks, vibrant and warm, kind of like her.’ I placed my fork down, grabbing the thin white paper cloth she’d brought and wiping my mouth.  

She beamed. ‘Yeah, that sounds like her. What about mine? What do I look like?’

‘Very similar.’ I did not want to tell her the chaos that danced around her, even now. I did not want her to feel less than what she was. Hers was vibrant, yes, but it was a mix of reds and blacks with a hint of yellow. It was pure, swirling chaos like the edge of the universe itself.

‘Cool.’ She smiled, popping one of those small cherries in her mouth.

I cleared my throat. ‘I heard you speaking to your sister earlier. How is she?’

Her eyes seemed to sparkle at my question as if no one had ever asked her that before. I did not mention what Logan had told me. Her phrasing or what we shared, or did not share, was no one’s business regardless.

‘She is great actually. She was able to work in the medical department at the Guild with some of the celestials there. So she is more than happy. Thank you.’ She reached out, placing her hand atop mine. A frisson of awareness wound through me at her touch, calling to something I had thought long dead. The sensation caused the hairs on my arm to rise and I wasn’t sure if it was from a sense of alarm or a desire for more. I moved my hand from beneath hers, reaching for my fork once more. Her body tensed and she slowly withdrew her hand, but she did not say anything as she too returned to eating.

The room fell silent again. It was not her fault, nor did I want to hurt her. I just was not used to how I felt around her and her touch set a place inside of me I’d long thought dead aflame.

‘Why do you and your sister always repeat that same mantra?’ I asked the question in a rush, not wanting our conversation to end.

A single brow raised. ‘What do you mean?’

‘At the end of your calls you always say, remember I love you. Are you afraid she will forget?’

She snickered softly and folded her arms on the table. ‘Oh no, it’s like a goodbye, I guess. My parents used to say it every day before they left. Gabby and I picked it up and have said it since we were young. I guess it stuck. It feels especially important given the work I do now. It’s just in case I never came back, which I know sounds kind of morbid.’

‘It’s not. It’s nice. It is something for you two to share.’

Her smile returned slowly. ‘Thanks.’

I was about to ask another question when the sounds of footsteps approaching derailed my train of thought. The door slammed open and both of us spun toward it.

‘There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.’ Drake snapped as he entered and stalked forward. I had grown to hate his devilish grin because I knew it was always directed at the vicious vixen sitting in front of me. He wore a pair of loose black pants but no shirt, flaunting his muscled chest and the expanse of taut brown skin. As he knelt next to Dianna, I noticed his hands were taped. She sat back and angled her body toward him, her smile bright. My chest ached, and I found I did not like sharing her attention.

I scowled at him and said, ‘You need to come with a warning.’

He glanced at me and smiled, completely unoffended. ‘Thank you.’

‘That was not a compliment.’

Dianna laughed, and I felt like I had been punched in the gut. I hated the way they smiled at one another. I wondered if she thought of his perfectly flawless skin, if she dreamed of it. Would he let her touch it if she wanted to? It was not like mine, marred and scarred from the battles fought throughout my lifetime. Sure, I might have been taller and my muscle definition was more pronounced than his, but I would never be the flawless creature he was.

Dianna’s eyes seemed to dance when he entered the room. The stories and legends from my past may hail me as some magnificent being, but with Dianna, I felt a small nudge of self-consciousness. What if she preferred men like Drake? Even though I knew I should not care, nor should it bother me, it did on some basic level. I hated the playful slaps of her small hand. I felt those were reserved for only me, and yet, she did the same to him. She laughed, truly laughed when he spoke or made some crass comment. I’d only heard her laugh one time like that with me. Their laughter died when I entered the room, and I did not know why it bothered me so much but it truly did.

‘Ready to get hot and sweaty, cutie? I’ll stretch you out before.’ He grinned suggestively at her and my blood boiled.

I could not tell if they were past lovers, and I refused to ask. It was not my place, and I shouldn’t care, but a part of me hoped he had never laid a hand on her naked flesh. It was a ridiculous notion. Dianna was not mine and we were only associates—acquaintances—friends. But if that was the truth, why did my heart ache? The muscles bunched beneath my shoulder blades as my hands clenched into fists and then released. I was being ridiculous.

Dianna stood and gathered our plates as Drake rose. ‘Sure, let me change clothes and I’ll meet you downstairs.’

‘Where are you going?’ I could tell by the way they both turned and stared at me that the question came out rough and a little aggressive. I hadn’t meant to ask, but I had to know.  She had just gotten here, and now he shows up and she is off once more.

‘Drake has been helping me keep up with my training over the last few weeks. Which you would know if you bothered to leave this study and looked for me.’

Drake’s eyebrows went up, but he did not interject. At least he wasn’t a complete idiot.

‘I told you we needed to gather any and all information we can find on Kaden while we wait for Camilla to either accept or deny the invitation. That is why we are here.’

‘What is that supposed to mean? Have I not been helping?’

‘As of late? No.’

Her nostrils flared, and I knew I had hit a nerve of some kind. We had been getting along well, but coming here seemed to stir up something inside of us both. ‘Well, if you had bothered talking to me, instead of shutting me out, you would know that you won’t find anything written about him in a book. But no, you would rather ignore me.’

‘I am not ignoring you.’

She scoffed, her grip on the plates tightening. ‘Are you sure about that? When is the last time we had an actual conversation besides me bothering you, and you responding with a grunt or the word no? Or, how about when I go to your room and you won’t even open the door?’

I closed my eyes and rubbed at my forehead, that damn pounding starting once more. My voice was anything but kind when I said, ‘I will not share a bed with you any longer when to do so gets me lectured by creatures far beneath me thinking I have ill intentions toward you.’

The room shook before going eerily still, and I thought my power had broken the leash again. But when I opened my eyes and looked at Dianna, I realized it was not my wrath I felt, it was hers. I glanced up, her anger etched into her sharp features. White wispy smoke coiled beneath her nostrils as she glared at me. The last time I’d seen her like this was just before the room exploded in The City of Arariel.

‘You have been avoiding me because they think we are sleeping together?’ Her words were short and clipped.

My eyes went to the overly affectionate man at her side, ‘Have your precious friends not told you what they have said to me regarding you?’

Drake’s eyes went wide as Dianna’s head spun toward him. He held up his hands in mock surrender. ‘Hey, Ethan and I both were just looking out for you.’

The plate in her hand shattered, scraps of food and shards of the delicate plate falling to the floor. ‘You two are like overbearing brothers.’

I smelled the fire even though she hadn’t yet summoned the flames. Drake did too and took a step back, his eyes darting toward her now clenched fist. ‘Who I fuck, or don’t fuck, is none of yours or Ethan’s business. You put everyone here at risk because you are so concerned with protecting me.’ 

‘Dianna!’ I said, my voice sharp.

‘What does that mean?’ Drake’s brows furrowed, obviously oblivious to my earth-shattering nightmares.

‘And, you,’ she said, turning on me. Her eyes locked with mine and I watched the anger fade, only to be replaced by sadness and that was so much worse. ‘You couldn’t even tell me? After everything, you suddenly couldn’t confide in me? I am so sorry you find me so repulsive that the mere mention of fucking me makes you avoid me for weeks.’

I surged to my feet, planting my hands on the desktop, several pages of text floating to the ground. I held her gaze and growled, ‘Do not place words on my tongue. I did not say that!’

She took a step forward, coming up against the other side of the desk. ‘It’s how you act!’ A ring of red started at the edge of her irises and then flooded them, suffocating the rich brown. ‘Apparently, their opinions mean more to you than my feelings. So I am done. I am done trying to be your friend. I am done trying to help you with visions of your past, and I am so done with caring. We have to work together, but I am not doing this weird back and forth shit with you anymore. We’re not friends Liam. We never were.’ She pushed from the desk, and without a second glance toward me and the massive hole she just punched through my chest, she left.

Drake turned back to me and placed his hands on his hips as he sighed. ‘She’s fine. She just needs to cool off, you know?.’

My jaw clenched as my lips formed into a thin line. ‘Out.’

His eyes lit up as a mocking smile curved his lips. He lifted his hand in a small salute and followed Dianna from the room. As soon as the door closed and he left the room every object and piece of furniture burst into a thousand shards.

I did not see her the next day, and I was pretty sure she’d kept to herself that day. The sound of her laughter was absent in the castle, but her words rang in my head, and that upset me more than I cared to admit.

We’re not friends Liam. We never were. 

I would be lying if I said my eyes did not dart toward that study room door every time I heard footsteps. The hope that it would be her, throwing another crass comment at me, refused to waver. Maybe she’d forgotten to tell me something and needed to remind me how much of an asshole I was. I thought my eyes would burn holes through the door that day, but she never came.

I had not taken her feelings into account, only mine, I suppose. I agreed to a friendship, and yet, I’d treated the ones I loathed with more respect. She had helped me more than she knew, and I treated her unfairly. She was right. So, I decided to speak to her, and try to make amends.

The clothes lent to me here were of higher quality than the ones I’d first received upon my arrival. I changed into a pair of long black jogging-style pants. The long-sleeved shirt was meant to fit snugly, but it was tighter than I liked. My ability to summon fabrics was out of my reach since I had not slept, so I had no other choice but to wear what was provided. It was taking me more power to control the visions that plagued me and to stay awake.

I sighed and left my room, taking the steps two at a time. I passed a few house guests who either ran from me or ducked and whispered to the ones closest to them. I continued on my way, using the connection I refused to acknowledge to track the fiery female. A loud thud followed by a grunt from a man in pain had me heading down a large foyer toward the noise. There she was. 

‘Why are you taking your anger out on me? I apologized,’ Drake moaned from the floor as I entered. It was the same gym I had used before, only this time destruction was quite evident. What caught my eye first was the many black circle splashes on the concrete walls. The smell of fresh flame told me half of them were created recently, the other half maybe a day old. The large red pad covering the middle of the floor was signed in spots. The two humanoid dummies that sat on the far wall with half their faces and parts of their bodies melted off. Ropes hung from the wall closest to me, the ends black and frayed. The only thing that seemed untouched were the large mirrors covering the wall, an assortment of metal bells and circular plates lined up before it.

My eyes stopped roaming when I focused on Dianna. Her clothes were not any I had seen her wear previously. They clung to her sleek figure, hugging the lean muscle and small curves too well. Her shoulders, arms, and midsection were exposed. Her hair was tied back in a high assortment atop of her head, the tip dancing between her shoulder blades. She was breathtaking, but still beyond angry.

‘Finally, someone else you can beat up.’

Drake slowly picked himself up off the floor, holding his side. Holes were signed into his clothes in various spots, proving she had not held back. Good girl.

‘Go away.’

That stung.


‘I don’t have any new information, and I am busy, so go away.’ 

She tried to throw my words back at me only with more venom. Drake hobbled toward a row of benches, sitting far out of the way.


Flames tickled the tips of her fingers as she stared at me. ‘You step onto this mat, and I’m fighting you too.’

Very well. I looked down, and deliberately placed one foot on the mat. I looked up, holding her gaze in an unspoken challenge. She saw it and launched.

Dianna’s fist swung for my face, and I pivoted to the right, letting it drift by. She spun, swinging her elbow for my chin next. I leaned back and it failed to connect. She threw a combination of punches and jabs, all of them missed which only frustrated her more.

‘If your intentions are to hit me, you are doing poorly,’ I said, deflecting another punch.

‘You are so annoying,’ she said, throwing her leg in an upward kick.

‘I came to apologize.’

‘Fuck off.’

She circled around the ring, her fists raised and held close to her body. There was no laughter in her today, no quips, and no jokes. She was all untempered rage that she barely contained. She moved like a large feline predator, sizing me up. She was calculating, dangerous and exceptionally impressive. 

‘I don’t want to hurt you.’ She breathed

‘Says the one who can’t even touch me.’

Dianna moved again, this time with a punch and knee combo. I blocked with my hand but the force behind her moves caused them to sting. She was a hard hitter but still not accurate enough. She was trained, but not like me or The Hand. If she used her legs more, she would be quite effective. She had the length to reach her opponent, just not the correct skill. Not yet. She moved closer, throwing a jab that I ducked. It flew by my head as her other fist shot upward, aiming for my jaw. I caught her by the wrist and spun her into me. Her breath came in harsh pants as I held her with her back against me. I locked her wrists to the front of her as she tried to break free.

‘Your punches are strong but uncoordinated.’

‘Burn in Iassulyn.’

Drake’s laugh echoed in the background.

She tipped her head toward the sound, sweat dancing on her forehead. ‘Why are you laughing? I don’t see you trying to fight a god.’

Drake did not respond, but he did quiet down.

‘Ignore him. I wanted to apologize, Dianna, not fight you.’

‘There is nothing to apologize for.’ Her breathing stopped, and I felt her twist her wrists in my hand. ‘We’re not friends.’ 

‘Stop saying that.’

I felt her try to rotate her wrists so I squeezed them tighter. ‘I am sorry for how I acted and have been acting. There is too much happening at the moment with me, and I am letting things bother me. I allowed people who mean nothing to get to me. You have helped me tremendously since we first started, and I truly do appreciate it and you. I am sorry.’

She went quiet, some of the tension leaving her body as she stopped trying to free her wrists.

‘You’re mean.’ Her voice was barely above a whisper.

‘I know.’

‘And rude.’

A small snort escaped me, my breath moving a few loose strands of hair atop her head. ‘I know.’

‘Let me go.’

My grip upon her wrists loosened but not enough to set her free. Not yet. ‘I will once you say you are no longer mad at me.’

She sighed. ‘Fine, I’m not mad at you.’

I cautiously relaxed my grip on her wrists, releasing her hands. She took a step forward and spun, her fist shooting out too fast for me to deflect her strike.  I heard the crack both inside of my head and echoing in the room as blistering pain shot through my nose and outward. I reached up, cupping it with a single hand. 

‘What was that for?’ I asked, squinting at her blurry image.

‘For being a dick these last two weeks.’ She shrugged. ‘I feel better now.’

I pinched the bridge of my nose, the small fracture healing and the bone popping back into place. I would give her credit. She never surrendered. She reached up and tightened the band that held her hair back before rolling her wrists and taking up a defensive stance.

‘You still wish to fight? I apologized.’

‘Tired already?’ A slow smile formed on her lips and I felt the energy in the room change. Her eyes shone with that familiar red ember glow. ‘I told you I was training. If you’re done, Drake can replace you.’

I do not know why that comment made my blood turn to ice, but it did.

‘No, please stay. I would prefer to heal a little more before she breaks another rib.’ Drake said from where he was slumped on the bench. ‘Just please do not destroy this house. Ethan will kill me!’

His comment caught me off guard and gave her a window. I did not see her move or her shape fade, but I felt the displaced air wash over me as she reformed, her fist aiming for my head. I moved, her knuckles barely grazing the top of my shoulder. Before I was able to recover enough to react, she spun one lean leg, her foot sailing toward my head. I bent back as she corrected herself, but I was not quick enough to avoid her second kick. The center of her shin connected with my shoulder hard enough to sting.

Drake let out a congratulatory cheer, but we both ignored him. Dianna held her fists up, one leg in front of her, and her expression defiant and daring.

I rubbed my shoulder as the slight ache faded. ‘Your arms are less defined than your legs. There is more power there, given your hip to leg ratio.’

She looked down as Drake said snidely, ‘I think that’s his way of saying you have a nice ass. Which I agree with.’

We both glared at him, and he flung himself to the side. A fireball collided with the wall where he’d been sitting. Flames sizzled on the dark and singed stone.

‘Hey! What did I say about destroying the house, Dianna?’

He caught my glare and decided to shut up. ‘Ignore him,’ I said and turned back toward her. She was shaking her fists, extinguishing the lingering flames on her fist.

‘With your powers alone, you’re stronger than most of my celestials, but still not strong enough for The Hand or me.’

She scoffed and shook her head, her eyes threatening to incinerate me. ‘I don’t know. I held my own pretty well with Zekiel and you.’

‘I am not saying that it is a bad thing,’ I added, refusing to take the bait. I was not trying to argue with her. ‘I have trained for centuries, so have they. You have the right motions just not the execution. You were also trained by someone who probably did not want you strong enough to overpower him. You are already dangerous, Dianna, now let’s make you lethal.’

She squared her shoulders, the crimson glow of her irises easing as she nodded.

Days passed with still no word. Logan reported that there had been no suspicious movement or deaths. Despite that, or maybe because of it, I was on edge. Something felt off, but I was struggling to pinpoint what.

Dianna and I had trained every single day, but that was the only time we spent together. We didn’t speak of it again, but there was distance between us that threatened not only our partnership, but our friendship. She did not ask for me to join her at night, and I did not go to her. There had been a few times I’d stopped outside her door, my hand raised to knock, but each time I’d stopped myself. I kept telling myself it was better that way since my stay was not permanent. I could not get attached to her warmth and the comfort she brought me, even if I yearned for it.

Instead, I went to my room each night and lay upon the bed, staring out the window. I watched the moon fall and the sun rise, same as I had on the remains of Rashearim. As each night passed, that deep, dark hollow feeling in my chest she’d chased away, started to crawl its way back.

I circled her as she stood with her eyes closed and standing on one leg, the other folded at the knee, the sole of her foot against her thigh. She held her hands palms together at chest level.

Dianna opened one eye, maintaining her stance as she said, ‘If you let me use my powers I could show you just how quickly I could take you down.’

‘No.’ I stopped in front of her, my hands clasped behind my back. ‘You desired training, so we will train properly. Not whatever failed attempt you tried with Mr. Vanderkai.’

She sighed before closing both of her eyes.

‘Think of it this way. Your powers are phenomenal, but if you overexert and no longer have access to them, you are defenseless. You must know how to defend yourself and be aware of the boundaries of your capabilities.’

Dianna peeked one eye open. ‘I have never had any issues before.’

‘That does not mean it can’t happen. Trust me.’ I circled once more, stopping behind her this time. ‘I will teach you a technique my father once taught me.’

She turned her head, looking at me over her shoulder. She didn’t say anything, just nodded once and waited for me to continue.

‘Extend your arms out for me.’

She looked forward and complied. I moved an inch closer, the rich, spicy fragrance of cinnamon filling my nose. It was mixed with Dianna’s unique scent, and it was one I had missed dearly over the last few days. I shook my head slightly, pushing those thoughts away and focusing once more. 

‘I will not physically touch you, but you will see what happens once I start.’

She tipped her head back toward me, her face inches away from mine. ‘What does that mean?’

I raised my hands, my palms beginning to glow as they hovered over her wrists. Violet and silver light danced from me to her, tiny lines of electricity connecting us. Her eyes widened, but she made no move to pull away or stop me. I followed the lines of her arms, allowing the touch of my magic to lick at her skin.

She shuddered, swallowing hard before she said, ‘It doesn’t hurt. Not like before.’

‘That’s because I can control the intensity. If I wanted it to hurt, I could make it hurt.’

She glanced at me as if she was about to make some smart-assed quip but her expression closed down as she stopped herself. My heart clenched with disappointment as she looked back at her arm. ‘The movement under my skin. What’s that?’

‘That’s your power. See the shadows that bend when I pass? It is preparing itself to act to defend you against what it senses as a threat. It’s patient, just waiting for you to call it forward.’

‘Cool. Gross but cool.’

My gaze narrowed. ‘It is not gross. It is a part of you just as the light inside me is a part of me. It is you and it is not.’

Her eyes met mine before she nodded again. I moved around in front of her, my right hand hovering inches above her skin, her power following like a shadow beneath her skin.

‘My father taught me this mantra. It is very different from the one you have with your sister, but it helped me gain control and maintain focus. He labeled it as the main power source. The logic portion of your power comes from your brain.’ Tiny tendrils of her power followed as I moved my hand toward her head. Her eyes crossed momentarily as she tried to track the movement. ‘The emotion and irrationality from your heart.’ I trailed my hand lower, not touching, but my palm hovering over her breast. Her breathing hitched as the small shadows within seemed to dance and tease the sparks of my power. Something had changed. Her chest rose and fell beneath the sweat-drenched fabric of her top, my mind flashing to the dreams where I begged to touch. I took a steadying breath and focused once more. I moved to her side, tracing the line of her torso to hover over her belly. ‘And lastly, your anger, that fire you wield, comes from your gut.’ The shadows beneath her skin mingled with a vibrant red.

I pulled my power back into me and the light died as I moved my hand to my side. I heard her release a ragged breath, as if she had been holding it for too long.

‘Core, heart, brain,’ I said. ‘That is the main trigger of your powers. One cannot exist or function without the other. Decisions made with one and not the other two can be deadly. True masters of the skill can control and manipulate all three.’

‘Let me guess, you’re a true master?’ Her eyebrow rose as she placed her hands on her hip.

‘I have to be. My decisions cannot be based on what my heart tells me, no matter the cost. I cannot break or bend rules because I wish it. The universe would be unbalanced if I used my power for selfish reasons.’ 

Her eyes softened for just a moment before she lowered her gaze. ‘How do I control it, as you said?’

‘Center, focus, release.’ I paused as the appropriate word entered my mind. ‘Or, meditation as this world calls it.’

Her hands dropped to her sides as she nodded. ‘Okay, teach me more.’

‘Very well.’

We spent the rest of the evening on meditation. The practice helped to calm my erratic nerves and I vowed to utilize it more.

Every day we worked on something new, but on the fifth day, we returned to sparring. We had decided that every time Drake made a comment, he had to be the target. It shut him up, and eventually, he stopped coming.

On the sixth day, I showed her how to hold and wield a blade. She was absolutely terrible at it. She hated it and preferred brute force, and while she agreed it was a good skill to have, she complained every single second.

‘Show me how you fought Zekiel and lived,’ I asked, a wooden bo staff in my hand as I circled her.

Dianna held a matching staff and copied my movements, her body drenched in sweat and her breathing labored.

‘It wasn’t easy. He is fast, just like you.’

‘It’s a skill—’

‘I know, I know. It takes time to master.’

She charged. Wood met wood with a loud crack that echoed through the room. I pushed her back and she spun, correcting herself. She whipped it once more, aiming for my left arm. I moved, blocking the hit. No matter how many times she missed, she learned, corrected, and aimed a counterattack. She was determined, skilled in her own way, and resilient. A perfect weapon through and through, she refused to quit or yield. No matter how many times she bruised or hissed in pain when my weapon would connect.

As it did now.

My staff connected and her head whipped to the side. A small trickle of blood formed on her lip and she wiped it away carelessly. I lowered my weapon and rushed to her side.


‘I’m fine.’ She held up her hand, stopping my advance. I had noticed lately that she did not want me close to her. If she was hurt during our training she did not want my comfort or for me to attend to her. It wounded me just as much as it did for me to see her in pain. 

I stayed in my place as she continued to look at me. She wiped the remaining blood away as her lip healed. ‘See. All better.’

‘Let me look,’ I practically begged.

She held up her staff, pointing it at my chest, keeping me at distance. ‘I said I’m fine. Raise your weapon. Would you check on your enemy when you hurt them? No.’ 

‘You are not my enemy,’ I said flatly.

Pain flashed in her eyes, but all she said was, ‘Raise your weapon.’

Before I could respond, she came at me. I slapped her staff away, but it did not stop her, and she charged again. Had she learned nothing? I shifted, preparing to block yet another hit as she aimed for my side. The staffs connected once above our heads, then on my left, her right, and then again as she spun, aiming for my throat. With a hard upward swing, I knocked her staff from her hand. I had a second to thrust mine forward, but she was gone, only a thin layer of mist remaining in her place. I felt a heavy push on the back of my knees, and I fell forward. I had a second to process what had happened as her leg connected with the side of my face, causing me to spin hard enough to land on my back. I watched as she caught the wooden staff out of the air with one hand, thrusting the tip of it against the center of my chest.

‘That’s how I fought Zekiel.’ She panted, no humor in her gaze, only that same hard look she had given me since our fight in the study.

She had combined what I had been teaching her with her own moves, creating a unique and unpredictable style of fighting that had caught me unaware. She had perfectly performed a roundhouse kick that knocked me on my ass and now she held a weapon to my chest. She never stopped thinking, was always calculating and trying to figure how to turn a fight to her advantage. I was more than impressed with this beautiful, dangerous, magnificent woman. 

She tossed the wooden staff to the side before stalking over to the small towel and water bottle she’d brought with her. She came back and lowered herself to the mat. She did not bring mine, or offer to share anything with me. The slight burned me more than any flame she could wield.

I rose to a sitting position and brought my knees close to me. I rested my arms upon them and turned toward her.

‘It’s impressive. What you have absorbed in this short amount of time. You are a quick learner, even if you hate the way I train or me.’ I did not mean for that last part to slip out, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore how much this rift between us hurt. It was worse than any physical pain I had endured. 

Her eyes met mine before darting away quicker than I could gauge her expression. ‘You are definitely bossy when you train, but it makes sense.’ She stretched her leg out, bumping her foot against mine. The contact was the first she had initiated outside of the ring. She realized what she had done and her face dropped. She pulled her leg back and scooted a few inches away from me and I had to will myself not to reach out and drag her back to me. I missed her touching me. The playful bumps and her. Just her.

‘I do apologize for my actions lately. I am growing frustrated waiting, and it just has me on edge, I suppose.’

She shrugged as she folded her legs in front of herself. Her eyes darted down as she picked at her shoelace. ‘You don’t have to keep apologizing, Liam. Seriously, it’s fine.’

My brows furrowed as I turned to her completely. ‘Dianna. You keep saying that, but I really do not think it is fine. You—’

The doors behind us swung open and Ethan strolled in, Drake at his heels. As per their norm, they were both dressed in all black. However, Drake was over the top in a suit and red undershirt. He reeked of illicit activities and a small lavender fragrance. I didn’t care for either scent, but at least he didn’t smell of cinnamon.

‘Good news. The invite has been accepted.’

Dianna hopped to her feet, wiping her hands on the leggings that hugged her ass and legs. ‘Greet, when do we leave?’

‘Anxious to leave me already?’ Drake joked, but Dianna did not respond as she usually did. Maybe I was not the only one facing her wrath. Drake noticed and his grin dropped from his face.

Ethan’s eyes cut to his brother then back toward us. ‘Her condition is that she only wants me and a few members of my line. I feel she wishes to make peace since the world believes Drake to be dead.’

Dianna nodded once, folding her arms. ‘I don’t trust Camilla at all, but I can look like anyone. So, I can take Drake with me and—’

‘Absolutely not.’ That had every head turning toward me, but I did not care. ‘You will not leave me here while you walk into a trap, or worse.’

‘You can’t go with me. Not only would they recognize you, but you feel like a living live wire. Your power alone would alert them the second you stepped foot in the area.’

I didn’t care that we had an audience, and squared off with her. ‘How would she not sense you? Even if you change forms, Otherworld creatures may recognize your power. You are not like them. You are a step above, if not more.’

‘As insulting as that is, the World Ender has a point.’ Ethan sighed, shooting a look my way. ‘Which is why we have these.’

Drake stepped forward, holding a large engraved box. He opened it, revealing two silver chain-like bracelets.

I studied them, able to sense the power radiating off of them. ‘What enchanted item is this?’

‘The Bracelets of Ophelia,’ Dianna whispered as she looked up at Drake, her smile returning. My jaw clenched as I realized this was yet another thing they shared that I knew nothing about.

 ‘Please explain.’

Dianna’s smile dropped as she turned toward me. ‘They’re a treasure, to say the least, and extremely enchanted. They are strong enough to make any Otherworldly creature seem like a normal mortal. In short, it can cloak someone’s power.’  

‘A mutual friend let me borrow them,’ Drake added, looking pointedly at Dianna. ‘So please, be careful and return them. I would like to not piss her off.’ He closed the box and handed it to Dianna.

She met his gaze, a small smile dancing across her face as she took it from him.

I couldn’t watch her smile at him anymore and turned to Ethan. ‘So what is the plan?’

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