The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters 1)

The Book of Azrael: Chapter 33

SHE HAD HER HAND UNDER HER FACE, THE PRESSURE OF IT PUSHING HER CHEEK SLIGHTLY UPWARD AS HER HEARTBEAT SLOWED. Sleep claimed her, a few dark, wavy tendrils of her hair covered half of her face as she lay facing me. How is it that she looks exquisite even as she sleeps? As I moved, carefully adjusting my arm beneath the pillow, I noticed the yellow flower in the small glass of water she had set on her bedside table. A smile tugged at my lips. It was something so small and yet she’d held it as if it meant something. An unknown feeling pulled at my gut and I thought about where I had gotten it from, knowing I could find her a thousand more that were even better.

This is how the world ends.

The words echoed through my subconscious and I closed my eyes tightly. I did not sleep, pretending I was so she would not worry and actually drift off. I was restless and frustrated. I did not know the correct term to describe exactly how I was feeling, but I knew I could not sleep. I did not want to relive the blood, the fire, and the chanting.

This is how the world ends.

Over and over, the damned dream haunted my waking hours, and now I had these very confusing feelings for her that had been added to the emotional turmoil. I sighed, turning on my back and staring at the ghastly decorated ceiling. My fingers danced, tapping atop my chest. No, I couldn’t see her like that, I wouldn’t allow myself too. I’d told myself after the dream that I would distance myself, keep it professional.

I turned my head toward her, watching as she slept peacefully. I knew I had been foolish to think I could stay away from her. My chest had tightened when Drake had grabbed her into a hug. Then I was getting dressed down the halls and I felt that shift in her. It was slight but there, like a small pinch of pain and sadness. When I saw her distress and his hand on her, I knew I would make his death slow and painful.

I almost ripped him to pieces then and there, yet she had calmed me. She had been doing that a lot, just by being there. She was nothing like the creatures from home, not even a little bit. She claimed to not be as caring as her sister but she was. I lay there, watching her sleep until that voice floated into my head once more. I eased from the bed and watched as she shifted, reaching and curling into the pillow I had placed where I had been laying. Once I was sure she was settled and not going to wake, I slipped quietly out of the room.

‘You’re good at that,’ Drake said from where he was leaning in a doorway about halfway down the hall. ‘Lots of practice sneaking out of women’s rooms, I assume?’

I strode toward him as he straightened. ‘Where is he?’

‘How was the nightcap after your little date? You like the garden? You know there are spots so far off, not even we would hear it if you decide to fuck her out there.’

He straightened as I strode toward him. I was at least a foot taller than him. I glared down at him, the silver rings vibrating on my fingers, itching for me to summon one of the weapons. I could end him in mere seconds, turning his remains to nothing but ash upon the wind. The only thing that stayed my hand was I knew the woman sleeping a few feet away would never forgive me. ‘I have killed men for less. So make no mistake, if she did not care for you, I would have turned your body into embers for how you speak to me.’

He smiled, a slow curving one, letting me know he found my threat humorous and was not intimidated.

‘What are you doing here, Drake? What do you want?’

He nodded toward the ceiling. ‘Ethan wants to see you in the study. Come on.’

I said nothing as I followed him into a large foyer. A few heavy and overly ornate benches and small tables sat in groupings, surrounded by thick foliage. A vampire couple sat deep in conversation, but fell silent as we passed. They sat up straighter, their eyes going wide. They didn’t say anything until we were across the room, but I heard the whispers regardless. 

The World Ender

I shook my head as we started up the marble steps, clearing the images that always followed when I heard the title. We emerged at the top of the stairs and looked around. This area didn’t seem to fit with the rest of the mansion. My eyes narrowed as I studied the paintings hung on the walls. It looked like these were portraits of ancestors, dating back decades. I heard stirring below us as the other houseguests began to awaken. I counted twenty five heartbeats here but could feel the essence of forty-one Otherworld vampires here.

‘You have a tremendous number of guests here.’

‘Yes, the ones under my brother’s rule who are terrified of Kaden’s retribution feel safer here with us so Ethan opened the doors to our small and modest mansion here.’

I found Dianna’s pithy comments did not bother me, but with him I had images of ripping his tongue from his face almost every time he spoke. Instead, I kept my mouth shut and nodded as he stopped before a set of large, onyx double doors. What appeared to be a reptilian head was carved into the doors, the lines of the creature curling toward the handles that Drake gripped and twisted. He held the door open with one hand and invited me into the spacious room. Several comfortable looking couches and chairs were arranged in small groupings. Every wall was lined with bookshelves that soared to the second floor. There was a spiral staircase at the back, the railing trimmed in gold.

An ember lit up from the chair in the middle of the room as Ethan looked toward me. ‘You smoke?’

I shook my head. ‘No.’

‘Not even for fun, I presume?’

Memories flashed back to Rashearim centuries ago when Logan, Vincent, Cameron, and I would sneak away from training to indulge in illicit remedies for what they considered fun. Mild remedies that made the pressure that was put on me and others seem less.

‘Not anymore.’

Drake snickered. ‘I knew there was a bad boy underneath all that animosity. Why else would Dianna be drawn to you.’

‘She is not drawn to me. She is helping me,’ I corrected him, cutting a seething glance his way. His grin only grew as he passed by me, putting himself between Ethan and me. He was protective of his brother, staying by him like a shadow. He also was highly protective of Dianna, as well. Although, I assumed his motives where she was concerned were very different. His scent drastically changed when he was near her, making me feel some emotion I could not explain.

Drake reached for a brown cylindrical object on the table near his brother and flicked a small silver box. A flame burst as he lit the tip of the brown cylinder, puffing on the other end, smoke wreathing his face.

‘Cigars. That is what they are called,’ Ethan said, watching me closely.

‘Mind reading is a lucrative practice. One that takes time to develop if one has the gift and skill,’ I said, narrowing my eyes on him.

Drake chuckled, a small puff of smoke escaping his lips. Ethan only shrugged. ‘Ah, yes. It can be. Lucky for you, only a slim few in my world possess it. It is one of many skills my father passed down to us, but our ability is not nearly as strong as what Alistair wielded. I may catch phrases, flashes of what you think, but nothing as powerful as he was. Alistair was the last true mind bender, and Dianna turned him to ash.’

‘Is that why you summoned me here? For idle chit-chat regarding matters I am already aware of?’

He chuckled under his breath. ‘Yes, although I expected you sooner. Drake informed me that you and Dianna were enjoying the gardens.’

Drake’s feline-like grin spread. It seemed he was more of a shadow than I knew. He obviously kept tabs on everything that happened here, and he did it well enough that I did not sense him when Dianna and I departed earlier this evening.

I felt the heat in my hands as my temper rose. ‘You, like your brother, forget who you speak to. I apologize for you being under the assumption that what I do, or where I go, is in any way your concern.’

Ethan stood in a fluid motion. His predatory gait as he strode toward the dark wood desk was proof that the modern vampire had evolved directly from the four legged beasts I remembered. They were a mix of feline and reptilian, quiet and sneaky. They were a perfect predator and one my ancestors despised.

‘Your hate for us is not displaced, you know. We are not that fond of you being here, either,’ Ethan said, obviously reading my mind again.

‘That is intrusive and beyond rude, no matter who you are.’

Ethan smirked. ‘My apologies, Your Highness. It is just time is of the essence and it is more expedient.’ He placed his cigar in a small glass dish on the desktop and waved me over. I stopped next to him as he flipped on a small light, illuminating several pages and a large map with dots on it.

‘Drake was able to snag a few items out of Kaden’s lair before he caught on to us.’

I nodded once, my eyes scanning the map in front of me. ‘So this was another reason why you stopped showing up to the meetings Dianna told me about?’

‘Yes, one of them. The other was the danger in his lust for power far surpasses our fear of you.’

‘I do have a question. Obviously Drake is not dead. How is it that Kaden saw his death? What part did Dianna play in the illusion?’

Ethan nodded once and said, ‘Yes. It was a ruse they formed once she found out we did not show for the last meeting. Kaden wanted my brother’s head in retaliation for me not showing yet again. Dianna could not kill him, so they devised a plan. My brother is popular with a few witches who happily developed a cloaking spell. His death looked and appeared real, but it was not. It is the same type of spell that protects this home of ours.’


‘I meant what I asked you earlier at dinner. I want a deal.’

Ah yes. The question he proposed while Drake and Dianna spoke freely. Completely unaware of the separate telepathic conversation at hand.

My lip curled in disgust. ‘I will not share blood with you.’

‘I told you they made a blood deal,’ Drake said from behind me.

My shoulders tensed but I kept my focus on Ethan. Had Dianna told him that? If so, why did it make me uneasy? What else had she shared with him? I shook the thought from my head, trying to ignore the emotions it aroused.

‘If I do this, it would be for Dianna’s sake, not yours. My allegiance is to the innocents, and you feed upon the innocents. What you do is forbidden, but Dianna believes you are her friends. Prove her right, and I’ll grant you your pardon.’

Ethan shook his head, a look of disappointment flashing across his face. ‘Very well. Is there some form of godly bond or oath that must be spoken or signed?’


Ethan’s brows drew together. ‘If not that, then how will I know you will keep your word?’

I tipped my head back, staring at the ceiling, frustrated that I needed to explain myself to someone once more. My patience gone, I met his gaze and laid it out for him in terms I hoped he would understand. ‘I could have this mansion you love so much raided and seized with one phone call. As a result you and every being here would be arrested. I can take the items you wish to give me. But because I made a promise to Dianna, I won’t do any of that. So that’s your assurance and the only deal I am willing to make.’

A slow smile spread across Ethan’s face. ‘Very well. A deal is set then.’ He glanced at Drake before saying, ‘She is something rare, that is for sure. No matter what Kaden did to turn her fully into a creature of hate and fear, she did not break. It’s that heart of hers. It may be a mortal heart, but it is stronger than anything he has encountered. She may feed, fuck, and breath like us, but she is not one of us. I think you know that deep down. She is different.’ 

I knew it. She had proved it repeatedly but I would not discuss her with these two vampires.

‘I do have a question though before we continue,’ Ethan said when I did not respond.

Irritation edged my tone as I regarded him. ‘What?’

‘You have no intention of staying, correct?’

I was confused by the question, but saw no issue with answering. It wasn’t as if it was a secret. ‘No, I shall return to the remains of my home once this is finished.’

‘Told you,’ Drake said, his previously teasing expression now hard and cold. The ember from the cigar matched the orange glow burning in his eyes, revealing the truth of his nature.

Ethan’s voice had lost all humor, his tone more serious than I had heard it, even when we were discussing the possibility of death and destruction. ‘Word of advice then, World Ender. Do not fill her head with pretty words. Do not make her beautiful gowns. Do not take her on midnight strolls through a garden, or give her hand-picked flowers. Kaden has fed her scraps for years to keep her in line. She is a woman, one who craves love no matter what she says. If you have no intention of staying or being with her, don’t court her and make her care. Don’t be the one to make her fall if you have no intention of catching her.’

I had no idea how I hadn’t spotted Drake in the garden. I hadn’t even sensed him. My temper rose and the lamp on the table flickered. My gaze narrowed, my voice filled with irritation. ‘Are you sure you are not in love with her?’

Drake’s laugh echoed in the room, just annoying me more. Ethan’s expression didn’t waiver as he held up his left hand. The intricate design signifying the Ritual of Dhihsin gracing his finger. ‘In case you have forgotten, I am happily married.’ He lowered his hand as he went on. ‘Let’s just say we owe her and want the best for her. We do not want to see her hurt any more than she has already suffered.’ 

‘Very well,’ I said.

I held my hand out toward the middle of the room. My skin lit with silver, the thick double lines formed along my legs, chest, arms, and underneath my eyes. The silver rings spun on my fingers as I spoke the ancient words of summons. A silver circle formed and the library shook. Items not secured were pushed back by the force of my power. A silver beam shot straight up and Logan and Vincent stepped out. As soon as they passed into the room I lowered my hand, and my skin returned to the smooth golden brown.

‘So that’s what you truly look like?’ Drake asked, his face impassive but I could see the instinctual fear of what I was in the depths of his eyes.

I did not say anything as Logan and Vincent walked toward me. They looked every bit the formidable warriors they were. Every bit of lethal strength they possessed, I had trained into them. A subtle change came over Ethan and Drake, their postures becoming defensive. They watched the newcomers carefully, unsure if they were a threat.

Seeing them relieved some of the tension I didn’t know I had been feeling here in this foreign place, surrounded by enemies. Logan was whole, and well beyond healed. Vincent, even if our last encounter was less than pleasant, seemed cheerful and happy to see me. I was surprised to realize that I had missed them as well. It was such a strange feeling after being so empty and cold for so long.

Their vibrant, glowing blue eyes scanned Ethan and Drake. They were on edge and had every reason to be. They had been trained to detect even the smallest threat and this place had set their celestial blood aflame.

‘Here is what they have on Kaden at the moment. I want a member of The Hand with Gabriella at all times. I have been informed that Kaden is very motivated to reacquire Dianna, and I fear he will try and snatch Gabby again. That also means harder security.’

Vincent glanced at the vampires who were listening before saying, ‘I have already added a few things to our Guilds while you have been away.’

I looked at Ethan and pointed at the map. ‘Tell me of this.’

Fiery sparks swept across his eyes and I saw the edge of his fangs as he said, ‘The map pinpoints spots where he might attack. They are places he has frequented in the past. There are several caves that we think are of significance, but he seems to like being underground. Every place he has owned has had a dug out area somewhere.’

I nodded, and said to Logan and Vincent, ‘Keep track of those. They have a dossier on Kaden. Read it and report to me anything I need to know or if you find anything further.’

Logan nodded and gathered the folders and papers. He handed them to Vincent before rolling up the map. He said, ‘We haven’t seen any increase in attacks or missing persons. It seems to have gone quiet.’

‘What about the Book of Azrael? Should we be worried?’ Vincent asked, cradling the files and pages Logan had given him.

Logan and I shook our heads. ‘We saw him. He was dead, Vin. There is no way he made it off –world, much less wrote a book.’

Vincent’s eyes darted between us. ‘Why is Kaden so sure of its existence then?’

‘That’s what I am going to find out,’ I said as Ethan’s words played through my mind. ‘I believe he is hunting her, and if that’s the case, you should be safe, but I do not want to risk it.’ I clasped Vincent’s shoulder. ‘Just be diligent and keep them all safe.’

He gave me a smile and a quick nod. ‘Yes, my liege.’

For once that title did not haunt me, and I did not correct him. What was happening to me? Logan groaned and rolled his eyes. ‘Please do not tell him he is in charge! He has been a bossy, pain in the ass since you’ve been gone.’

I smirked, not having realized how much I’d missed them until now. Logan stared at me, his eyes going wide before he caught himself and cleared his throat and said, ‘We will be on our way. I’ll call if anything changes.’

I nodded and dropped my hand from Vincent’s shoulder. I opened the portal once more and watched them leave. After they had stepped through and vanished, I turned back to Ethan. The papers and books settled as the force of the power from opening and closing the portal abated. ‘You have my word that you and yours will be safe despite your involvement in helping us.’

I turned on my heel, heading for the door.

‘Is it true you wield the oblivion blade?’ Ethan called out.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to glare at him. ‘How do you know about that?’

Drake’s eyes danced between Ethan and me. ‘So it is true.’

‘Who told you about that?’ My voice was a mere whisper.

‘Kaden. He said it was a weapon forged for pure destruction and true death. Endless darkness for all eternity, no afterlife, no anything. The energy embedded in the blade could end worlds. Thus, your name, the World Ender.’

My jaw clenched. That weapon represented another part of my history I wished to forget. ‘And how would he know of such a thing?’ It was an impossibility, for no one that had seen it lived. No one but me—

‘He is old, Liam, old and powerful. He has been digging for information on you for centuries.’

My power spilled out, the doors behind me slamming open and vibrating against the walls. ‘Then he is well aware of what I am capable of,’ I said. I turned away, leaving the study and them.

The last thing I heard was Drake saying, ‘So that’s Samkiel. We’re in such deep shit.’

My feet barely touched the cheap rug, covering the stone steps as that all-encompassing feeling wrenched at my gut. My chest hammered at even the mention of that weapon and what I had done with it over the centuries. The sound of metal ringing against metal, blood drenching the ground, the way the roars and thunder split the air ran on a constant loop through my subconscious. How could he know?

I took a breath, nearly knocking a gentleman over as my shoulder connected with him. He yelped, rubbing at it as if he was shocked. I couldn’t stop the pounding in my head. I needed air, I needed Dianna. I made it back towards her room before I even realized where I was headed, I found myself outside her room. I stopped, my hand clutching the doorknob. My vision cleared, the pounding in my head subsiding. My breathing calmed and the tightness in my chest eased as I was able to sense her just beyond the door. Ethan’s words rang in my head.

Don’t be the one to make her fall if you have no intention of catching her.

I glanced up at that perfectly ordinary door and knew the woman that lay behind it was more precious to me than I wanted to admit to anyone, let alone myself. What was I doing? War threatened this world, and I was spending time in gardens. I was distracted again, distracted by her and what I felt. I couldn’t do it, not again, not here and not to this planet. So I lowered my hand, and I left.

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