The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Twelve | A Sleepy Puppy

Bella jolted up from her deep sleep, her heart racing as she held off a whimper. Her eyes looked around the room in confusion before her brain finally kicked in and caused her to sigh in fear, a pillow being grabbed and hugged towards her chest as she hugged her knees up against it.

She hated nightmares. They were always so vivid and scary. Her childlike self always tried to shake off the dream, but deep down, she knew what it was. She knew what it meant, and no matter how many times she was told that it was not real, she knew it was. She knew that her dream was her reality, and she hated it.

Laying back down, she stared at the ceiling. The light shade was a little blur in the darkroom, but with her enhanced vision, she could make out its shape. She felt cold and alone, her body shivering as if she just wanted to be held. The day’s events were fun. After everyone was goed, they all left and got themselves cleaned up, and they all made dinner and ate together. Christy was more relaxed, and Liam was confused about her behaviour before she told him that it was Bella that helped her.

Christy was doing better than expected for a human. Bella was told, growing up, that humans were overly sensitive and can get easily triggered by the smallest of things, whether it be what you had said to a simple facial expression, and she found that oddly annoying. Humans needed to get over themselves, but Christy was different. She was calm and collected. She listened to everything Bella had told her without any complaint or judgement, and she even stayed.

Sighing, Bella stared at her door. She wanted Harvey. She wanted him to hold her, as all she wanted at this point in time was a hug. She did not like knowing that she had become reliant on him, but she had nobody else for comfort. Talking to the others felt different compared to talking to him. He was better than everyone else to her personally, but she was never going to tell them that.

Finally making up her mind, she kicked her blankets off and hopped out of bed. A small chill from the early morning hit her legs as she shivered and made her way to the door. A small yarn escaped her lips before a yelp replaced it.

Harvey’s slumped body was leaning against her wall in the hallway, small snores coming from his lips as she could visually see that he was uncomfortable. At first, all she could do was stare. His dark hair had fallen on his face while his hands were in his lap. His legs were keeping him steady but were slowly failing him as his body was slightly leaning. Even in his sleeping state, she found him attractive. Her emotions were a confusing mess, as well as other things that she did not understand. That burning feeling inside of her stomach that travelled down further made her question her own health every time she was around him.

She then thought about the day she caught his parents trying to eat each other’s faces. The way he stuttered and avoided her question made her wonder if that was what mates do. It looked gross, but as she crouched down and eyed his own lips, she wondered how it would feel. Shaking it off, she sighed and removed some hair from his eyes, her touch causing him to stir as she smiled at the sound.


He groaned again, leaning into her hand as she used her other one to shake him. “Wake up, you sleepy puppy!”

“Did you just call me a puppy?” He sleepily questioned; his voice was groggy, and she felt another shiver run down her spine from his voice.

“You are a puppy.” She commented, finally seeing his tired, brown eyes stare into her grey ones. “You need to sleep in a bed.”

He slowly nodded. “My wolf keeps making me sleep on this floor every night.”

His admission made her eyes widen, her heart skipping a beat as she helped him up. “Do not do that! There is a bed in here. We can share it.”

Her naivety caused him to smile, but he still allowed her to pull him into her bed that was actually his own. Her scent had taken over his room as she missed his smell in it, his pillows were covered in his scent, and now they just smelt like her. “You are too innocent for your own good, Bells.”

Her ears perked at his sudden nickname before she wrinkled her nose. “I am getting better! I figured out how to use the bath, and Christy said that she will teach me how to make my own clothes that will fit me!”

His eyes flickered from brown to black and back to brown again from her words while she hugged the blankets and pillows around herself. “Oh yeah? And what type of clothes is she planning on making?”

She pouted. “Clothes, what other clothes are there?”

“Inappropriate ones.”

Her pout deepened. “I don’t get it!”

He chuckled, shaking his head while lying down next to her. “Why did you let me in here?”

A sad look crossed her face as a small whimper escaped her lips, causing him to jump and tend to her in worry. “I had a nightmare and wanted a hug.”

His eyes softened, his lips slightly parting as he wrapped his arms around her small frame and pulled her into his side. The warmth of his body calmed her as she heard his wolf softly growl from her touch. “Can I meet him?”

“Meet who?” He questioned, his voice sounding softer as tiredness took them both over.

“Your wolf.”

She felt his hold on her tighten while she wrapped her arms around his waist for comfort. “Fernis is complicated, Bells. My father had the same issues as me, and I know that if I allowed you to talk to Fernis, he will try to make you do things you are not ready for, and I do not want to hurt you. I cannot allow myself to hurt you like that.”

The way he spoke caused her to stare up at him in concern. Her heart felt like it was in her throat while she listened. “You would never hurt me, Harvey. I trust you.”

A small smile formed on his lips. her eyes closed just as she felt his lips softly touch her forehead before sleep took over.

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