The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Thirteen | The Fox And The Two Minx's

She grunted, her back landing on the earth’s floor in a painful way as she felt her fox whimper inside of her mind. Harvey growled at Grace as she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“I thought you said that you knew how to fight?”

Bella groaned, sitting up while rubbing her head. “I can... in my fox form.”

“Seriously!” Grace complained, throwing her hands up in the air before she rubbed her temples. “I had a plan, and now I have to change it! The plan was good too!”

“Your plan was stupid.”

“Your face is stupid!” She fought back, Jesse throwing his hands up in defeat while Sherry hummed.

“Form a fist and try to hit me,” Sherry instructed, her blond hair falling into her eyes as she brushed it off. “I have trained kids, and for my own sake, I cannot be bothered with Harvey’s tantrum if you got hurt.”

Bella giggled, looking over towards the boys in amusement as she noticed Harvey’s glare directed towards Sherry. He did not like the idea of her training, he wanted to stay in bed with her and cuddle, but Bella wanted to get out and be with the people. She had watched the warriors and children train together the whole time she had been here, and it was her turn.

Turning her attention back to Sherry, she got into position. Remembering the stances that she has observed before she threw her first punch, Sherry took a step back with an impressed look. “You learn fast!”

Bella beamed. “I like to watch!”

“Same girl!” Byron yelled before he grunted from Harvey hitting his head. “What? She will never understand the joke!”

She softly frowned, turning her attention to both Grace and Sherry to find them shaking their heads. She wanted to know what the joke was, but from the way Jesse was laughing, maybe she was lucky to be so naive.

Balling her fists again, she got into position. Sherry attacked first as she dodged and struck back. Her sudden blow gave her an advantage as she grabbed Sherry’s arm and twisted her around so that she would fall and land with a grunt. Bella’s breathing became a little ragged as her eyes widened in surprise before she stepped back and bit her lip.

“Did I do good?”

Sherry groaned, picking herself up, and she rubbed her shoulder. “How in the hell?”

“We should try two on one.”

“I think not!”

“Shut up, Harvey. This is not your decision!” Grace screamed back, a few warriors pausing from their own training before rolling their eyes and continuing. “Girl, you are strong. We just need to see how strong.”

Bella felt her eyes travel towards the ground. She has also seen what Grace is talking about, and it looked hard. Taking down Sherry was easy. It was not hard to observe a person’s mannerisms to find their weakness, but fighting two people at the same time? That seemed impossible.

But the thing was, it was not physically impossible to do. “I will try!”

Sherry stood and got into position, Grace doing the same as Bella felt like she was being hunted. Their eyes observed every little thing that she did while she was trying to do the same to them. And then, everything happened so quickly.

Both Grace and Sherry came at her at the same time. Their kicks and punches struck her in waves as she groaned and tried to block as many as possible. Her fox tried to enhance her instincts as she ducked from one of Grace’s punches and kicked out so that Grace would fall, knocking Sherry down with her as they both tumbled and swore.

Bella was still in her crouched position with her leg out as she was frozen in shock. She did not know how she had done that. The pain from their blows was so strong that her head felt like it was going to explode, and yet, they were the ones on the ground.

“Dude, your mate fights just like you.”

Harvey slowly nodded, his eyes never leaving her as she meets his eye contact. “That was amazing.”

His breathless tone sent a wave of pride through her as she grinned and stood. The girls were still on the ground while they tried to catch their breaths.

“We should try the library. This was... this was unexpected.”

Bella broke eye contact with Harvey, her curiosity spiking as she stared at the girls. “Library?”

Grace nodded. “We thought that we should have some girl time. No boys!”

“Do I get a say?” Harvey questioned, but instead of getting a response, he got glared at. “Fine, I will check on Liam and see how he is doing with Christy.”

“And I have Alpha work I was avoiding.”

Sherry growled. “Seriously! How did Uncle Zander give you his permission when you are so lazy!?”

Byron shrugged. “He knows my mate.”

Sherry grumbled, standing up while Jesse said goodbye and joined some of the warriors to do his own training for the day. Grace shook her head at both Byron and Sherry as she took Bella’s hand. “Come on, they will argue for the next twenty minutes, and then she will join us.”

Bella frowned. “You and Sherry argue with them a lot.”

“That, my dear, is because we are mated to idiots."

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