The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 13

Xaviers POV

I sighed as I stared at the heart rate monitor as it made it’s routine beeping sounds, hoping it would give me some indication as to when Blaine was going to wake up.

After she had passed out in my arms I could tell something was seriously wrong with her, there was very little that could make a wolf faint and none of them were good. I ran as fast as I could back to the pack hospital where Dr Tessler and her team were already waiting for us. I had stayed in constant contact with her, telling her everything I knew so that when we got there she knew exactly what she needed to do.

It had turned out that Blaine had gotten a massive infection in her thigh which was causing her own body to attack itself. It was uncommon for something like that to happen to one of us but unfortunately not impossible. The doctor thinks it had something to do with the wolf’s claws that had attacked her, that they may of had something in them so that when he cut her it had imbedded itself into her skin. it was probably just a bit of dirt or something but it still worried me.

I had thankfully gotten to her in time and thanks to the staff at the hospital quickly attaching her to drip antibiotics and fluids she was slowly starting to make a recovery, it was all just a waiting game now. I had made myself comfy in the corner of her room, making sure that I was nearby just incase she woke up and needed anything.

“Knock Knock” I heard from the doorway and looked over to see Anna and Jax entering with a sleeping baby JJ in her arms. “We just wanted to stop by and see if there had been any changes” Anna said as she adjusted the sleeping baby in her arms.

I sighed “nothing’s changed since you guys last came by” I shrugged.

Anna looked at me sympathetically as she leant against Jax who was standing behind her with his arms around both his mate and child. Seeing someone whos mate was harmed or in pain at all always pulled on the heart strings of others who had already found their mate, it was as if they were imagining themselves in our situation. That kind of pain always made you want to reach out for your mate for assurance, assurance that their mate was in fact okay and unharmed.

It tugged at my heart as I watched the two of them being able to interact with each other. I mean it wasn’t like I deserved anything like what Jax and Anna had, I had thrown the right away to feel sorry for myself the moment I drove my mate away.

“It wasn’t your fault man” Jax said as he came over and slapped me on the shoulder, as if he was somehow reading my mind.

“Yes it was” I sighed as I ran my hand down my face, having not slept since I had brought Blaine in yesterday afternoon. “It’s all my fault, she wouldn’t have run away and put herself in danger if I had just manned up and not acted like a total jerk to her”.

“You’re right” Anna nodded as she came and took a seat next to me “it is partly your fault, but you have a chance to now make it right, so don’t waste it” she explained as she smiled over at me.

“But how do you knew she would even want me back” I sighed in defeat.

“You just have to ask yourself whether she is worth the effort” Anna smiled as she stood back up. “You can make this right Xavier, you just have to try”.

“But where do I even begin?” I asked the both of them, not even knowing how to start apologising for all the crap I’ve said to her.

“Well you can always start with an apology, you’d be surprised how far that can actually go” Anna suggested.

“That and food, more specifically junk food and chocolate” Jax piped up as he smirked over at Anna “food always seems to work with this one over here” he laughed.

Anna just rolled her eyes before looking back at me, not bothering to warrant that comment with a response knowing that he was one hundred percent right.

I smiled as I watched the two of them interact, hoping that I could have something like that some day.

I hope you enjoyed it!!

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