The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 12

Blaine’s PoV

I had been walking for what felt like hours, my feet were aching and my ankle and thigh were screaming at me to take a break, but I didn’t. I knew that Anna would have noticed that I was gone by now and that she may be looking for me, I couldn’t stop just in case they caught up with me. There was no way I was spending one more day in that pack.

I was also in no mans land, rogue territory, and if I showed any sign of weakness out here I was toast. The items in my back pack was reason enough for someone to come and kill me. On any other day I would of laughed and told them to bring it on but I definitely wasn’t in any state to fight.

I sighed as I swiped the small amount of sweat that had gathered on my forehead before I tied my unruly lions mane up into a loose bun on the top of my head. Having curly hair was sometimes a blessing and a curse, when it worked it worked but when it didn’t boy was it a bad hair day.

I sighed again as I gave into my body’s demands as I took my backpack off my back and sat down against a tree. It wasn’t particularly warm out today but for some reason I was sweating up a storm. I took a bottle of water out from the confines of my bag and took a huge gulp of it to try and help rehydrate myself, what was going on with me?

I cringed as I accidentally brushed my arm against my stitches, I’m pretty sure they should have at least healed enough to not hurt that much by now.

Just when I was about to lift my leggings up and over my leg to have a look I heard a rustle in the bushes not to far from me and I instantly froze. This was not good, I wasn’t exactly the most popular wolf in the rogue community, not that there really was one, it was more of a dog eat dog world if you could excuse the pun.

My family and I had killed a lot of rogues in my lifetime and it had made a lot of wolves angry, angry that we had killed their friends and ‘pack mates’ even if it was for self defence.

I tensed as I heard the footsteps coming closer and closer to me. I mean maybe I would get lucky, maybe this was just one of Xavier’s pack mates who had caught up with me? I mean it wasn’t like I was moving fast enough to get to far, that’s why I didn’t shift in hopes that they couldn’t follow my scent.

Unfortunately luck wasn’t on my side and I felt the breath catch in my throat when I came face to face with someone I wish I never had to see again.

I was instantly taken back to a time a few years back, when I still had my family around me. We had been just about to move on from our current location when we were ambushed by a few rogues, apparently they were looking for money or food or something. Anyway long story short my brother, me and dad had ended up killing all but one of them as my mum looked after my little sister.

I had been injured pretty bad by one of them which made it easy for him to slip through our fingers and make his escape. It turns out that the others guys he was with were his brothers and he vowed to get his revenge on us for killing his family, dramatic I know.

I hadn’t seen or heard from him since and to be honest I kind of forgot about him but looking at him right now as he stared me down I could tell he hadn’t forgotten about me.

“Well well well look what we have here...” the man growled as he took me in, semi passed out as I leant against the tree for support. I don’t know what was wrong with me but I felt like I was coming down with some sort of fever, I was still sweating buckets but now my body was violently shaking, as if I was cold. Now was seriously not the time to give up on me body I thought.

“Who are you?” I managed to get out, hoping I could fake innocence but I knew it was a lost cause.

“Oh you know very well who I am sweetheart” the guy sneered as he started to advance on me.

I stood up as quickly as I could, not liking the height advantage he had on me when I was on the ground. When I stood up though a huge wave of nausea hit me and I stumbled as I lost my footing.

“You don’t look so good princess, here why don’t you take a seat” he laughed before he struck out and punched me in the stomach. Normally I would be able to shake a blow like that off but this one hit me so hard I staggered backwards, causing me to trip on a root and falling on my side hard.

I cried out in pain as my thigh took the brunt of the fall and before I could blink I felt the guy leap on my back and pin me down to the ground. If I was being honest this wasn’t the way I was expecting to go, I thought I’d at least go down fighting and living up to the reputation of the red heads fiery nature but I guess not.

I groaned as the guy twisted his hands into my hair before he smashed my face into the ground with enough force to bust my lip open. “This is for my brothers you piece of crap” he growled as he smashed my face into the mud again.

My brain started to drift out of continuousness as the shivers continued to wrack my body, causing me to violently shake. At least if I passed out I wouldn’t be awake for the pain of being hit in the face again.

I spat out the twigs and mud that managed to get into my mouth that was mixed with the blood from my cut up lip, I must look like a treat right about now, at least no one was here to see it.

Just as the guy started to put pressure on my neck, I’m not sure what he was planning to achieve seeing as he was putting the pressure on my spine and not my windpipe, I heard frantic footsteps running towards our direction. Great, must be one of this guys new friends not wanting to miss out on the action or something.

“Who the hell are you?” I heard him yell from above me and I quickly looked up, shocked that this guy didn’t know the wolf that had just entered the scene.

When I looked up my heart got stuck in my throat... it couldn’t be “Xavier...?”

I don’t really know what happened after that as my brain started drifting in and out of continuousness but when I suddenly felt myself being lifted into the air I stirred enough to notice the tell tale signs of the sparks that crackled beneath the surface of my skin. Xavier has come for me, and he had saved me.

“Don’t worry Blaine I’ve got you” I heard him whisper in my ear but it sounded like my ears were clogged up with water as I barely heard what he said. “Crap Blaine your burning up, don’t worry Dr Tessler is on standby for when we get you home, she can fix you up in no time” was the last thing I heard as I drifted to sleep to the sound of Xavier’s rapid heartbeat.

Just what you’ve all been waiting for, Xavier NOT being an ass to Blaine 😂 I hope you liked it 🌟🥰🌟

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