The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Twenty | Burning Burdon

Xenia stared at her plate of food. None of it seems remotely appetising as she sat on her bed with her back against the wall. Her mind was running with all sorts of mixed thoughts that she tried to untangle with no use, she had to deal with the fact that her brain was a chaotic mess.

Thinking about Grace turned her stomach into knots. That kid had crawled herself into her skin and is now permanently there to stay. Xenia could not help but feel protective of her now as she considered adopting her. Grace was the cutest and strongest little girl she had ever met, and she wanted to watch her grow into a powerful woman that Xenia knew she would grow into.

Then there was Jesse, the little Werefox that she could not help but think was adorable. Jesse and Grace’s pairing was perfect when she thought about it. Grace was abandoned and Jesse just lost his mother and sisters. Yes, he still had his father, however, they both had the same thing in common. The feeling of being lost and alone.

She pushed a pea with her fork as she placed her face in her hand, Vincent crossing her mind yet again as she tried to push him away, but he seemed to keep coming back. The more she tried to pretend that she was not bothered by that look he had given her, the more it pecked at her brain.

Growling in annoyance, she threw her fork down and placed her plate on her side table before stuffing her face into her pillows. The soft fabric went against her skin as she counted. Trying to manipulate her brain into thinking of sheep or cows as she heard a slight knock on her door.

Not thinking about it, she told the person to come in. Keeping her face in her pillows while her door opened and re-closed again. “Are... Are you trying to sleep?”

His voice broke through the silence as she felt herself freeze. It was becoming a habit for Vincent to appear when all she could think about was him and yet, she still allowed herself to try and ignore him.

Unless he was standing directly in front of her with no escape.

“No, I was just thinking.” She responded, finally sitting up as she crossed her legs and hugged a pillow to her chest for comfort. “What do I have the pleasure to be greeted with you this fine evening?”

The hint of amusement crossed his eyes while he fiddled with his fingers. Biting his lip as Xenia held back a growl of arousal. He just had to do that while she was sitting on a bed, his eyes avoiding her before he finally spoke. “I... I need to tell you something. Something t... that I should have told you a long time ago.”

She frowned, tilting her head in curiosity as she leant over and patted the end of her bed. “Come sit and tell me then.”

He was hesitant at first, his body swaying for a few seconds before he came over and sat down. His scent hitting her in seconds as she was wondering if she were getting sick, she could not smell him from a distance and that was concerning. “I... I uh, I do not know how to start.”

She smiled softly, sensing that this conversation was going to be a lot more serious than she originally thought. “Just start from the beginning.”

He slowly nodded, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped with nerves. “My mother was a rogue; she was rejected by her mate and ran from her pack. She spent three years on the run before she was captured, captured by A... Alpha Gary.” He paused, his eyes watering as Xenia leaned forward, the look in his eyes and the tears breaking her heart in seconds but he still continued after regaining his composure. “She was imprisoned and was assaulted by him for a full year. Beaten and broken, unable to speak before he... ”

Xenia placed her hands into his own, cupping them as she rubbed her thumb over his palm. “You do not have to continue if it hurts too much.”

“No, I have to.” He quietly sobbed, a few stray tears escaping as she wiped them away. “She fell pregnant with me after many assaults from him. She tried to hide it but once she began to show, the angrier he got, and the beatings got worse. S... She died giving birth to me three months early because of the abuse.”

Xenia wrapped herself around him, his body stiff as she felt her own eyes tear up. That poor woman did not deserve the things that had happened to her. “Once I was born, I became the bastard child of Alpha Gary. His mate refused to accept me as her stepson and started the beatings first, it did not take long before the rest of the Pack joined her. If they did not comply, they were killed.”

She felt herself growl in anger, his arms wrapping around her as she found him trying to comfort her. Xenia smiled as she could not believe that he was doing that despite the fact that this was his story. “You know that I plan on killing that asshole and his whore, right?”

Vincent nodded, a small laugh coming out from the way she said ′whore’. “I know.” He whispered before he continued. “I was rejected and thrown away from the moment I was born. Treated lower than a normal Omega until you saved me. I... this attack, your attack is all my fault.”

Xenia pulled back from having his head shoved into her chest and forced him to look into her eyes. “Never say that again!” She growled, drying his face while his green eyes watered. “None of this is your fault. If you are thinking that these attacks are because that bastard wants you back, then he can think again!”

“He will never stop,” Vincent replied back, his head hanging low despite her hold on his face. “He will keep sending his rogues and remaining Pack members until I come back to him. I was his only child and despite me being a reject, he still wanted me to be Alpha. T... To watch me fail.”

She could not believe her ears, anger, and sadness mixed into her system as she looked into his broken eyes. After everything, he still wanted Vincent to be Alpha? He still wanted to torture him just like he did to Vincent’s mother. Xenia refused to accept that. She refused to allow him to go back and be a punching back.

That was never going to happen again.

“You listen to me, and you listen to me good!” She commanded, guilt hitting her gut as she realised her stupidity over the look he had given her. It all made sense now and now, she felt like an idiot. “These attacks are because of a heartless Alpha and his greed. You will NEVER go back to him; you will NEVER be a puppet to his own sick game. You belong here, you deserve happiness and to be loved. You deserve the title of the male Beta, and you deserve to be with me. I need you with me! Scares and all, I will never leave your side and even if I did, Jack would grab me by the ear and force me back.” She joked at the end, his smile making it worth it as she leaned in and kissed him.

This one felt different, it felt more passionate and warmer. It had so many emotions of love and care that she felt like her heart was going to explode and she did not care.

Xenia learned something about Vincent that she will never take for granted. He was the strongest, bravest man she had ever met and as they kissed each other she knew she loved him. Her emotional confusion was full of doubt and fear because she cared so deeply, and she loved him so hard that it hurt.

He was never leaving her, and she was going to make sure of that no matter what.

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