The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 5

(Chapter song ‘Sleepy Maggie' by Ashley MacIsaac)


“Single file, please. To your right…Yes, follow the line…Find a seat and someone will be with you to take your blood. If you feel strange in anyway, find a medic and he’ll take care of you…”

We stand in a large warehouse that we cleaned up and turned into a large medical facility for the increasing number of clones.

Men, women and pups climb off trucks and busses, looking very nervous as they survey their surroundings. A lot are full of questions and we just don’t have the answers. We only know having them loose in the city is a bad idea.

The calls came in waves. Every three days. Almost like clockwork. Each round of people claim to have been cloned and look for help from us.

Whatever was doing this, was in the pipes now so, Finn put a bottled water order out and the entire city is in a panic.

Enforcers have been working around the clock to gather the clones and bring them here. Those who couldn’t be confirmed were both brought in. Once the clone failed, the original was released.

I help take names as they file into the building one after another.

“What’s going on?” A shy woman stops, looks to the warehouse and back at me.

I place a hand on her arm. “Don’t worry, dear. Everything’s fine. We just need to make sure you’re alright.”

“I don’t belong here.” She looks at me with confusion.

“We'll get you home as soon as possible.” I lie. “Just that way, lass.” I point my clipboard into the warehouse and guide her forward.

“Ok.” She says meekly, clutching the bag we gave her filled with hospital clothes.

In another 12 hours or so, this poor woman will be a puddle being pushed down the grate. I don’t see a point to upsetting her further.

“Hey! Stop shoving!”

I look across the way and two fellas are getting randy in line.

Jax runs over and breaks them up. “KNOCK IT OFF!”

The stress is understandable. These people have the brains of their originals so, in their minds, this is all kinds of wrong.

Some have claimed government conspiracy. Some, an outbreak of a deadly disease. Some just want to cause anarchy.

The Enforcers and Level 1 soldiers have been working overtime quelling bouts of panic and chaos.

I settle the last few I have and walk into the warehouse.

I glance at people sitting on cots. There’s hundreds. All as confused as I am.

I enter the temporary lab area we have set up. Jax comes in behind me and grabs a chart. He reads the paper and drops it on the table.

“Nothing?” I pick up the chart and read.

“Not a damn thing.” He walks out to the people. “They’re all healthy. No strange chemicals or any other foreign material in them. They’re just…clones.” He shrugs and folds his arms.

“Maybe that’s the point.” I mutter as I look at the perfect blood results.

He turns. “What?”

“I kept thinking…” I drop the clip board. “We've been trying to clone for decades, ya?”

“Right.” He stands in front of me.

“What’s the drawback on that?” I look up at him.

He thinks. “Uh…Growing them, I guess.”

“Aye.” I point at him. “What would the benefit be to have an instant clone?” I point to a group standing at the wall.

He looks out to the people. He sees the group all wearing Enforcer t-shirts. He chews his cheek. “An army.”

“Aye. Now, ya got it.” I smile. “They are so perfect that if they had to fight, they’d have the same skills as their original, right off the get. Also…Should they be captured, no one would know the better.” I hold up the clipboard and shake it.

“Leaving the original to infiltrate or continue fighting.” He turns back and smirks.

“It's bloody genius.” I cross my arms.

“And with their short lifespans, they wouldn’t be a threat to security.” He adds.

I nod. “I’m not totally convinced that’s how it’s supposed to be, ya? It seems mad to have a whole army only last for a few."

He rubs his chin. “You have a point.”

“I say, the waves come in threes, right?” I hold a hand out to him.

“Yeah. It looks like it.” Jax looks to the medics bringing another round of blood samples.

“We test the water in the pitch then.” I offer.

He contemplates. “I see where you’re going with it. We test at the next spike and we may find what’s causing this.”

“See?” I back hand his arm with a smirk. “You do have a head on ya.”

He points at me. “Don’t start.”

I laugh. “Let’s tend to these poor buggers.”

He shakes his head and we walk out to the warehouse.


It was hours after, that I finished cleaning up the last of the poor people who lost their battle.

I was soaked to the bone from holding hands and pups until the end and my heart couldn’t take anymore so, I had to leave.

I have a gaff, but the reality is, they’re just people caught in an unfortunate situation. I do feel sorry for the loss when one dissolves. Especially, the kids. They don’t deserve it.

Still, I come back to help clean the place up and wait for the next until we can stop it.

As I push the floor squeegee across the concrete, my chest feels tight as the water falls into the sewers.

I walk back to the start and hear heels behind me.

I turn and Ivy is standing in the doorway of a private area we had made.

“Aye.” I drop the squeegee and start to push. “What ya want?”

She steps in and minds the puddles. “Just checking in.”

“I’m a bit busy, lass. Ya got a point?” I glance at her and shove the water down the grate.

“Griff, I know this isn’t a great time…” She starts.

“No, it’s not.” I lift my eye to her.

She watches me clear the floor. “I was hoping we could go over my results. There’s been some new activity…”

I stand and lean on the handle. “I think I have more things to worry about than the dirt rumbling.” I motion to the floor.

“I-I know. I just…” She blinks at me.

“Just leave me be, ya? I’ll tend to ya when I have time.” I mumble and go back to cleaning the floor off.

I was expecting her to leave, but instead she drops her stuff at the door, takes off her heels and grabs the spare squeegee.

“What you on about?” I watch her walk to me, turn and drop her squeegee by mine.

“I’m helping. People lost their lives. You shouldn’t be doing this alone.” She starts to push the water.

I look her over like I don’t know what I’m seeing. “Thanks.” I mutter and push.

We cleaned the floor up then made sure all the cots had clean linens.

I drop a pillow on a cot and stuff my hands in my pockets. “I…uh…”

“I’m happy to help, Griff.” She smiles.

I give her a half smile. “I’m glad ya did.”

I motion for the door and guide her out, picking up her shoes and stuff on the way by.

I may be an arse to her most times, but that’s only because she’s got a stubborn streak on her that rubs me the wrong way. When I see things like this, I tend to think…

Maybe I would like a pint someday.


As we wait for the next wave to come in, we met in the Hub for incoming pictures from the new and improved ‘Pig'.

Jax and Marcus made her waterproof and turned her into a remote ROV.

Finn turned on the holographic screen in the middle of the circle.

As I wait for the images, I happen to glance beside me at Eddie’s empty seat. With all that’s been going on, we haven’t been properly talking about that. I almost feel like everyone is avoiding the subject.

I move my eyes from Eddie’s spot to the one being occupied by Ivy.

I watch her leaning on the table and looking so attentive behind her glasses. I don’t want to entertain her, but I wouldn’t mind having a go at least once.

There’s just so much about her that drives me batty. How she talks back. How rough she is. I call her Lass, but some days she doesn’t act like one. At least, not in my mind.

If I’m to claim a Colleen for myself, she must be perfect. She gotta check the boxes, mate. If she doesn’t, then I won’t go for it.

Aye, she checks most. Mostly in the looks, but her attitude turns me off and boils my insides. I can’t have that.

As Finn talks, I watch her run the end of her pen across her jaw as she pays attention. I know one thing, I wouldn’t mind a taste of that neck, though.

I feel my teeth sink into my bottom lip as I watch her tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.


“Aye.” I quietly respond. I didn’t realize the lass had my eyes in a trance.


I whip my head to Finn as he looks at me like I just joined the living.

I glance around the table. All eyes are on me. “Aye.” I clear my throat and sit up.

Noah snickers beside me and I back hand his arm, quick.

“Sorry, drifted off. Continue.” I mutter as I turn on my computer.

“I asked if you could open section 7.” Finn requests.

“Sure. Just, uh…one minute…there.” I type and open the security protocols.

As the door to the section slowly slides open and the water pressure equalizes, I look to the screen and can’t believe what I’m seeing.

In the dank water, shadows dart around the Rovers lights. The pig rolls into the section, it’s light is being reflected of the debris floating in the water. It rolls around floating cabinets and boxes. The place looks like an undiscovered archeology site.

A bunch of shadows briefly cross the light and swim off.

“Is that?” I point to the large blue panel in the center.

“Fish.” Jax says with wonder.

The rover rolls along the flooded section of the tunnels and it's surrounded by lake trout. All swimming about like they got no care in the world.

“They just moved in now, didn’t they.” I say as I scan the video.

“This proves there’s a breach to the lake. They shouldn’t be in there.” Finn crosses his arms and watches fish swim by the visual.

The rover rolls from room to room. Papers, and other things bounce off it as it moves forward. One thing I do notice is the chunks of wall falling off periodically like erosion is being sped up 1000 fold. The place is degrading fast.

“Look.” Marcus points to the side of the video. “Steer it that way.”

Jax uses the remote to turn the rover to where Marcus pointed.

“Damn hole in the floor.” I stitch my brow as the video wanders through the dark green lake water.

Fish enter and exit out of the hole like they own the place as the rover gets close.

“Careful!” Marcus growls and sits up.

The video shakes and the concrete under the rover disintegrates. The video spins and its lights flicker as the rover falls down to the next level.

“Shit.” Jax says.

“Give me that!” Marcus rips it from his hands. “I knew you'd fuck it up.”

Jax snarls as Marcus hits a button on the remote.

The rover spins then straightens upright as Marcus moves the paddles on the remote. The rovers light steadies and it starts to move forward.

“What?” Jax points to the screen and looks at Marcus.

“Jet propulsion.” Marcus grins.

“How did you reduce the weight?” Jax glares.

Marcus shrugs. “I may have removed some stuff.”

Jax turns his chair and leans to Marcus. “What did you remove?”

“Nothing important.” Marcus side eyes him as he pilots the rover.

Jax juts out his chin and his eyes fill with anger. “You took out my mini launcher, didn’t you?”

“Mini launcher?” Finn asks.

“Torpedoes.” Jax responds. “Marc?”

Marcus sits up. “Why does the Pig need torpedoes?!” He throws a hand to the screen

“In case I want to blow stuff up!! I told you that!” Jax throws up his hands.

“You armed that thing with explosives?” Noah points to the screen.

“Not a lot.” Jax glances at him.

“Six city blocks worth.” Marcus glares at him

“WHAT?” Finn leans at the table.

Jax turns to the table. “It’s fine, ok. It was just a precaution in case we had to fight.”

“Jax.” Finn presses his lips together.

“Shut up!” Marcus barks and we all look at the screen.

The rover dives down to a hole in a wall. The concrete has crumbled big enough to fit fish through. The video focuses through the hole and it looks like an old hydro section of the city. The entire floor is gone in the room on the other side. Marcus tries to get through, but the rover is too big and the wall isn’t giving way.

“Shit.” Marcus backs off and sends the rover to find another way.

Jax leans back and crosses his arms. “Would be nice to have mini torpedoes right about now, wouldn’t it?”

“Shut it.” Marcus sneers.

Marcus lands the rover on the floor and brings up a map of the infrastructures. “That’s the center of level 6. There’s nothing under it.”

“There is something.” Finn hits some keys with brings up a whole 2D picture of the island above and below the lake. “The small island.”

Axelridge almost literally mushrooms off the small island underneath. The odd support column was built as the city grew and branched out, but the center was never reinforced.

“So, I was right.” Ivy sits up and glances at me. “The island is failing.”

“We need to check the center support. If it’s eroded inside then we do have a large problem. Yes, that makes Dr. White’s theory right.” Finn sits and leans on the table, rubbing his forehead.

“We need to think about evacuation.” Noah advises. “If anything, to stop the clones.”

He hits some keys and brings up video of the warehouse. “This was 20 minutes ago.”

“Oh my God.” Finns jaw falls.

The rest of us stare bug-eyed as we witness the warehouse being taken over by hundreds of cloned people.

Finn stands. “Get out there and take Level 2 with you. Noah, send out emergency broadcasts for everyone to stay indoors.”

“Got it.” Noah starts and sends out the messages on his phone as he walks.

We all jump up and head for the door.


I stop and turn to Ivy. “I’ll be back, lass. Just sit tight.”

She nods and Finn grabs my arm. He pulls me out of the hub and we run to gear up.

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