The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 4

(Chapter song ‘People I Don’t Like' by UPSAHL)


All I can do is stare. My jaw is slack as my eyes float between them. My logical mind can’t accept it.

“Ivy…” Griffin stands from his desk.

I point to him then the other one. “How?”

He walks around the desk and approaches me. I look around him with my eyes bugging out. The double comes around and I realize his shirt is covered in blood.

I point to the other Griffins shirt. “What the heck is going on?”

Griffin looks back then turns to me. “We don’t know. We're trying to solve it.” He says as he stands in front of me.

My brows stitch up. “This is impossible!” I say with shock.

He holds up his hand. “I know. I said the same.”

I motion between the two. “Which…” My eyes flick back and forth.

Griffin puts his hand on his chest. “I’m number 1 and that’s number 2.”

“Aye. He likes to think that.” The other Griffin scoffs as he joins our circle.

The one in front of me turns. “Shut up.”

“Make me.” He smirks.

Griffin gets in his face. “I did it once, mate!”

“Lucky shot.” The double says smartly.

Griffin raises his fist.

“ENOUGH!” I grab his arm and pull him back. I turn him to me. “Explain!”

Griffin groans. “Look. Something happened at the pitch. I don’t expect ye to understand it. It’s a very complicated situation for someone of your caliber to get.” He raises a brow and crosses his arms.

“I think I understand the cloning process, Griffin, but that generally involves an extensive laboratory, not a soccer field!” I look at him with confusion.

“Aye, lass.” He scratches his head. “We think it had something to do with the water.”

I turn my head slightly. “The water? Like pollution or something?”

He laughs. “What? No.”

“Don’t laugh.” I fold my arms and stand smartly. “If pollution can mutate fish, I’m sure, under the right circumstances, it could…double a person.”

He raises a brow with a smirk. “Really?”

“Sure. Why not?” I’m totally reaching, but there has to be some reason for this.

“I know yer not that thick, lassie. Not pollution. We're going through the pitch to find out what happened.” He informs.

I just keep staring at them both. “This is amazing.”

I turn to the double and analyze him closely while glancing at Griffin periodically as the double smiles. “Everything is just so…perfect.”

The double grins. “Thanks. Aye…When we’re done here, ye fancy a pint with me?”

My lips fall and pull my head back. “Excuse me?”

“Ya heard right. Come have a drink or two. We can talk about how perfect I am.” He bounces his brow as he stands with a cocky attitude.


“Oi! Cheeky bastard!” Griffin shoves himself between us, facing his double. I stumble back out of the way with a yip.

“Don’t yell at me. You wouldn’t so, I am.” The double looks Griffin over then leans around and winks at me.

I stitch my brow and cover my neck. I don’t exactly feel uncomfortable, but I’m not used to Griffin talking like that.

“You better stop acting the maggot if ye don’t want blood spilled.” Griffin growls.

That’s the Griffin I know.

“Try it.” His double touches nose to nose.

“GRIFFIN! Um…AND GRIFFIN!” I grab their arms and try to pull them apart.

“You be a damn auld fool and awful bold, ye are.” Griffin pushes his chest into his double.

“Yer weak arse isn’t so, one of us has to be." He wipes sweat off his brow and he starts to look a little strange.

I grab Griffins arm. “Stop!”

“Not this time, Lass.” He shrugs my arm off. “I’m done in with this one.” He growls.

His double leans in. “I’m not scared of no pansy.” He sneers.

“Remember, mate. You asked for it.”


He swings a punch and his fist connects with his doubles cheek. As soon as it did, his double pops like a water balloon and, what looks like water, splashes all over us.

I yelp and jump back. Water hits my head like a deep puddle that was splashed by a car.

Griffin covers his head as the wave of water falls over him. “WHAT THE FECKIN HELL?!”

I hold my arms out to my sides. I’m dripping wet and…maybe a little grossed out. My face fills with confused shocked as I stare at the soaked carpet.

Griffin lowers his arms, turns and I lift my eyes to him. My glasses are covered in water, but I can still see his face. My hair is soaked and locks are matted to my face. I feel absolutely awful!

He starts to smile and wraps his arm around his waist. He covers his lips and my face turns from shock to anger.

I point him. “Don’t.”

“I'm sorry, lass. Ya look like a drowned rat.” He chokes back his laughter.

“GRIFFIN!” I stamp my foot in the puddle under me and ball my fists.

I rip my glasses off and try to find a dry piece on my shirt to clean them off. “This is so freaking gross.” I put my glasses on roughly and glare at him. “What were you thinking?!”

He laughs and wipes the water out of his hair. “Aye. I shouldn’t have…popped him one.” He looks to the floor. “He was annoying anyway.”

“How can you be so insensitive?! A man just died!” I yell and throw a hand to the floor.

“He wasn’t a lad, mate. He was some curse or something.” He raises his eyes to me. “I’m happy he’s gone.”

“A curse?” I cinch my brows up.

“Aye. Some magic. Obviously, it didn’t last long.”

He looks me over and a sly smirk crosses his lips.

I tilt my head. “What?”

He tries to stifle a smile. “You…um…” He takes in a breath and looks like he’s trying to contain himself. “White shirt.” He points to my chest.

I look down and my blouse is soaked through. My bra is clearly visible. “Hey!” I scowl and wrap my arms around my chest.

He laughs. “Hang on.” He walks around to a closet. He opens it and pulls out a sweater with Axelridge Bulldogs on it. He throws it and I catch it.

I grumble as I throw it on. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it.” He squats down and touches the floor. He brings his fingers to his nose. “It’s just water.”

“Thank God for that.” I roll up the sleeves of his sweater. He glances up at me. “I-I mean, it’s still horrible.”

“Don’t mourn him, lass. He was an anomaly, of sorts. The question is why did he pop?” Griffin leans his arms on his knees and chews his lips.

I lean forward. “You punched him." I nod and lean back with a smug tone.

He looks at me and stands. “Aye, but I was defending you.”

“I don’t need defending.” I look him over as he steps closer. “You were jealous.”

He looks at me with confusion. “You liked that cheeky talk, did ya?”

“No, but…” My jaw goes slack.

He raises a brow. “But, what?”

“Well…He was you so…” I motion a hand to him.

“Aye. Don’t mean anything. Best be sure, that cheeky talk would not leave these lips, lass.” He stands in front of me and crosses his arms. “I wouldn’t waste my breath.”

My face twists into annoyance. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means, that imposter was defective, clearly. It’d be a fine day in hell before I’m as bold as you like.” He smirks.

I point to his face. “He may have been bold, but at least he didn’t have the manners of a swine!”

“Swine?” His brows raise. “Aye, I’m not following, bird. I’m plenty nice.”

“Hardly.” I growl.

“You just don’t like the truth.” He taps my nose. “I’m honest. I call ‘em like I see ‘em and I’m telling you, I wouldn’t ask ye for a pint of my life depended on it.”

I jut out my chin. “Good. I wouldn’t accept, anyway.”

The corner of his lip ticks up. “Oh, ya would.” He scrunches his nose and nods.

“Oof! Now, who’s cheeky?!” I thump my finger on his chest and push on him.

“Hang on!” He scowls.


We turn and Finn is standing in the doorway. He looks to the puddle then us.

We both point to each other.

“He did it.”

“She did it.”

I whip my head to him. “What?!”


“He just…popped.”

“Like a bloody balloon.” Griffin stands with Finn as they stare at the dark spot on the floor.

“Griffin punched him.” I side eye him.

“Listen, lassie…” Griffin turns to me.

“Griff…” Finn stops him. “You shouldn’t be punching…uh…yourself.”

Griffin points to his chin. “I can have a go at my own chin, mate. Especially when he’s a dirty arsehole.”

“There’s the pot calling the kettle black.” I snicker and tick my head as I look to the floor.

“You are on my last nerve.” Griffin points to me.

I turn to him. “You don’t like the truth?”

He takes a breath and shoots daggers at me as I smirk.

“Ok. Griff, enough.” Finn holds up a hand. “We need to figure this out.”

I turn to Finn. “I noticed before Griffin…assaulted himself…” Griffin glares at me and I raise a brow to him. “The double was sweating and looking strange. Like he was struggling to keep together.”

“He was breaking down?” Finn furrows his brow.

“Possibly. There’s a species of jellyfish. The immortal jellyfish that breaks apart when it feels threatened. Granted, it does that to renew its life, but essentially, Griffin could have threatened him enough that he just…exploded.”

“Don’t blame this on me, Lass.” Griffin points to his chest.

“Well, I wasn’t the one being a barbaric bully.” I say snidely.

“Barbaric bully!!” He growls and steps to me.

“Griff!” Finn slams a hand on Griffins chest and pushes him back.

The corner of my lip ticks up as I watch him seethe at me. Somebody has to say it.

Finn rubs his forehead. “Ok. Let’s pretend for a second that Griffin didn’t cause the clone to explode. Why would he?”

“He wasn’t stable.” Both Griffin and I say at the same time. We glance at each other then look to Finn.

“So, whatever caused this isn’t stable then.” He turns to Griff with a weird look on his face.

“What are you thinking?” Griffin squints his eyes at Finn.

“Come with me.” He smiles.


After about an hour, we're all in a lab staring at a glass of water.

“This is from the water that’s flooding the soccer field.” Finn points to the glass.

Griffin looks around the table. “Yeah so?”

Finn leans on the table. “Go ahead. Dip your finger in.”

“Uh, no way, mate.” Griffin puts his hands up and shakes his head. “I just got rid of a right git. Forget it.”

“Fair enough.” He turns to Jax. “Touch it.”

“What? Hell, no!” Jax scowls.

“Come on. I want to prove something.” Finn grins.

“You touch it.” Jax throws a hand to Finn.

Finn stands and crosses his arms. “I’m Head Alpha. I’m too important to clone. That’s why I have guinea pigs like you.”

Jax narrows his eyes and sneers.

“I'll touch it.” Marcus reaches for the glass. “It could be…interesting.” He bounces his brow at Jax and smirks.

Jax grabs his hand and pulls it away. “No! No way!”

“Why not?” Marcus cinches his brow as he crosses his arms.

Jax turns and points in his face. “I know what you’re thinking. Your sex life is weird enough.”

“That’s not what I was thinking.” Marcus shoves Jax hand away.

Jax raises a brow.

“Ok…that’s not totally what I was thinking.” He smiles.

The room groans.

Finn turns to the other side of the table. “Noah?”

Noah chews his lip and looks to the glass. “What the hell.”

He reaches out and hovers his hand above the glass. He eyes us all. “You guys know what you’re doing right?”

“No.” Jax snorts.

“Yes, Noah. I have a theory and I’m pretty sure it’ll be OK.” Finn nods.

Noah blows out a breath and dips his finger in the water. He slams his eyes shut and waits.

We watch as nothing happens.

“WHAT?” Griffin throws a hand to the glass.

Noah slowly opens one eye and looks around. He opens the other, removes his finger and looks to Finn. “No other me?”

“Nope. You’re in the clear, buddy.” Finn slaps his arm.

His lips fall. “Damn. I was hoping.” He rubs his nape.

“It’s not craic, mate. You don’t want it. Trust me.” Griffin shakes his head. “Let me.” He reaches out and dips his finger. Again, nothing happens.

“Marc!” Jax growls as Marcus reaches out and dips his finger.

He looks around. “Damn, there goes that plan.”

Jax punches his arm and shoots him a look.

“So, I guess we can conclude that whatever happened is gone now.” Finn scans the table.

“I still want to find out what happened.” Griffin says as he leans on the table with his hands.

Jax motions to Finn. “I have the lab analyzing the water in Griff's office. Maybe that will tell us something.”

“Sure. In the meantime, let’s get this city back to normal.” Finn says as his phone dings.

He pulls it out and opens it. As he reads, his hand covers his lips. “Shit.”

“What?” Jax asks.

He throws his phone down and hangs his head as he leans his hands on the table.


He raises his head, presses his lips together and ticks his head. “Doppelgangers are popping all over the city.” He says with a defeated, shaky tone and hangs his head again.

The Alphas look at each other with wide eyes.

“Great. The city be filled with right eejits, now.” Griffin crosses his arms and slams his hand in his face as he shakes his head.

I turn and give him a look.

His eyes meet mine. “What?”

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