The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 41 The Blue Moon Part 1

(Chapter song ‘Sugar' by Robin Schulz)


“Hold still.”

“Sorry. I’m nervous.” I scowl as Aster ties my tie.

He straightens the knot and pulls my collar down. “There. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.”

“I hope so. This is a game changer, man.” I slap his arm. “Thanks for backing me on this.”

He shrugs. “I can’t really stop you. Yeah, it’s strange for you to be actually fated at all, but if you get two, I’m not judging. Fate did it.” He smiles.

I shake my head. “Had to happen at some point. Thanks to her, my life will be amazing. Yours too.” I grin.

“No. My life will be crazier.” He chuckles. “But I think crazy is part of a Betas job description.”

“That’s right.” I point to him.

“Oh, slugger.”

I hear a precious voice and turn. My jaw goes slack as they come down in matching dresses. Both my favorite red. Shiny, tight satin. Low-cut fronts and very short.

“So many curves.” I mumble as their long legs step down the stairs. They’re both wearing red, strappy heels.

Their hair is curled around their shoulders and they look absolutely stunning.

They reach the first floor and stand in front of me.

“Well.” Dia says.

She lifts her hand and spins Sophie around. Sophie then spins Dia.

I take a deep breath to calm the heat that's climbing in my suit.

“I…um…Oh God.” I can barely breath.

They giggle and walk to me. I wrap my arms around their waists as they plant kisses on my lips.

“We could just stay in.” I suggest.

“Naw. No way. I’ve never been and we're going.” Dia eyes me.

“Me too. I’m not missing out on this. I had to spend last year in the hospital!” Sophie smirks and crosses her arms.

I laugh. “Ok. We're going.” I turn to Aster who’s hair is slicked back and he cleans up nice in a suit. “You ready?”

“Lead the way, Alpha.” He motions to the door.

I escort my ladies out of the house and step into the moons increasing blue light. I can feel it. This is amazing.

We drive through the city of Axelridge and it’s buzzing with blue moon fever.

We all need this after the events of the last year. Between the earthquakes, lycans, demons and mafia hits, this little pause to feel great is something we have to do.

The driver of the limo I rented stops in front of the Axelridge Hammers stadium.

I get out and help each lady. The press breaks into a frenzy as they snap pictures and shout questions.

My angels wave and I have an ear to ear smile as I pose with them both. They kiss my cheeks and the cameras go nuts.

Another limo pulls up and it’s Finns. I watch it carefully as it stops. I hold my breath because this time last year I was bleeding on this red carpet.

The door opens and Finn steps out. I blow out my breath as Ben helps April out.

They also pose for pictures and Finn messes Ben’s hair. Now, 15, he still holds that same teenage attitude. He elbows Finn and Finn wraps an arm around his son. He’s so proud. I would have never imagined it.

He stops, shows off April for the camera and kisses her. She’s looking so good in a silver glitter dress that goes to the floor.

I clap for them as he spins April around. The Luna of Axelridge. Finn beams as he joins us at the door.

“Looking good, bud.” He side claps me and pulls me into a bro hug.

I thumb over my shoulders. “They look good. I pale in comparison.” I preen.

“Claudia. Sophie. You’re both looking beautiful.” Finn acknowledges.

I told Jax and of course everyone else knows now. After the bombardment of phone calls, they all accept it, but jealous as hell.

“I love the dresses!” April swoons.

“So do I.” Ben mumbles looking like a deer in the headlights.

“Eh!” Finn scowls and covers his eyes.

“Hey!” Ben growls and rips his hand off.

“Eyes off, kid.” I smirk. “These are your Aunts.” I warn.

“Wait? How does that work?” Ben questions.

“I’ll tell you when you’re older.” Finn leans to him.

“I am older. Tell me now.” He says.

“Let’s go.” April pushes on him.

“No, mom. I wanna know. How does Uncle Marcus get two…” He says as April drags him into the ball.

Finn chuckles and shakes his head. “He’s not going to like the answer to that.”

I laugh too. “Who knows? Maybe he’ll get two as well.”

“I doubt fated mates are being dished out like yours on the regular, but you’re right. Who knows? Anyway. Good luck and I hope the moon comes through.” Finn shakes my hand. “You ladies have fun tonight.”

“We will.” They say in unison as they lock arms at the elbows.

“You better have had your Wheaties this morning. You’re going to need it.” Finn snorts.

“A double helping.” I bust a gut as I grab my ladies and walk into the ball.

It’s decorated to the nines as always. In all the teams colors and colored spotlights everywhere. The ice rink is covered in a floating wooden floor for the dance floor and some tables. The rest of the arena has tables scattered and outside has a bunch on bars and concessions before you reach Hammer street.

The DJ is rocking out the bass tunes and I can’t help but dance with my ladies. They wiggle their cute asses to the music as I search for Jax.

“EH!!” Jax throws his hand up and stands from his table.

Audrey stands and squeals. “You two look absolutely gorgeous!!” She runs to the girls and hugs them both.

“Thanks, Rey.” Sophie smiles.

“Thank you. It was hard getting this one in a pair of heels though.” Dia laughs.

“I’m sorry. I’m not girly.” Sophie scowls.

“That’s why I love ya.” Dia kisses Sophie’s lips.

Audrey grins. “You two are way too sweet.”

“How'd you guys get stuck with this loser?” Jax thumbs at me.

I punch his arm and he cackles.

“Awe, Marc’s a sweetheart.” Sophie and Dia wrap their arms around my waist.

“Look who’s calling the kettle black.” Sophie arches a brow at her brother.

He sneers and makes a face at her. She sticks her tongue out.

“Ok, children.” Audrey giggles. “Sit down. We ordered wine.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Sophie grins.

“Load us up.” Dia says as I pull out their chairs for them.

I point to Jax. “Beer?”

“Duh.” He holds his hands out before sitting.

“Be right back.” I kiss their cheeks. “So hot.” I wink and they giggle.

I turn and dance my way through the party to the bar.

I slide up to the counter and motion for two beer to the bartender.

On my left, I see Griffin sitting alone.

“Hey, man. How come you’re sitting here?” I ask.

“I don’t know why I’m sitting here at all.” He growls.

“What’s up?” I lean on the bar and look at him with concern.

“Aye! That foul woman in my office! She’s insufferable, she is.” He scowls and takes a swig.

I sigh and hang my head. “Just ask her out already.”

“No! That’s the last thing I want. I want her to be taken by the fairies. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I wish they were real.” He growls and rubs the back of his blonde hair.

I laugh. “Griff, just calm down. It’s not that bad.”

“Not that bad? Ye know she had the balls to tell me I’m not a man!” He grits.

My mouth shrinks and my brows raise. “Really?”

“Aye! Said she has seven brothers so she’s a man expert. Whatever the hell that means.” He takes a swig. “Says her oldest brother’s some sort of nuero-surgeon or some kind of doctor. Says he’s smarter than me. Can ya believe it?! Me!” He thumps his chest and slumps over the bar.

“Ok. Griff. How many drinks have you had?” I question.

“5 maybe 10.” He grumbles.

“Maybe it’s time to go home and sit this one out.” I say.

He looks to the entrance of the ball and I look too.

“Holy shit!” My face fills with shock. There’s no sexy nerd. Just sexy.

Ivy walks in wearing a skin tight white dress with a slit that goes up her hip. She’s lost the glasses and is wearing contacts. Her lips are ruby red and she actually does have amazing blue eyes. Her black hair hangs over her shoulder and pinned on the side with a red rose pin. She’s also sporting a lot of mouth watering curves. I have more than enough curves, but my man Griff really needs that.

She looks our way and gives a little wave with a pleasant smile.

“There’s your chance, man. Go hit a home run.” I elbow him.

“I’d sooner be split in two.” He slams a twenty on the bar and does everything he can to avoid her as he leaves the ball.

“The man’s pride is going to kill him one day.” I shake my head as I grab the beers and head back to the bar.

I walk back to the table and hand Jax his beer before sitting down. “Where's Noah?”

“He has pack business. Something about someone not belonging there. He’s been getting weird gifts lately." Jax says.

“He has an admirer.” Audrey tilts her head.

Jax points to her. “Hacking a man’s computer to leave love notes is not romantic. It’s fucking creepy.”

“Wow? Really? When did that start?” I ask.

“After his playoffs. Started getting teddy bears, cards, baked goods.” Jax furrows his brow.

“Food? Wow. It sounds like a fan. I get weird shit all the time.” I shrug.

“Clearly you’re into weird. No offense, ladies.” He acknowledges.

“None taken.” Dia waves him off them goes back to taking with Sophie.

“Noah’s not. He’s freaked. So he’s investigating.” Jax says.

“I think it’s sweet.” April smiles.

“You think scaring the crap out of a guy is sweet?” Finn side eyes her.

“She may be just shy. This is how she’s expressing her interest.” April smiles.

“Or his interest.” Sophie smirks.

“Oh God!” Both Jax and I whip our heads to each other and shoot our brows up.

Finn chuckles. “That would be Noah’s luck to be stalked by a dude.”

“If he didn’t have bad luck…” I smile and shake my head.

Just then a loud explosion happened in the middle of the dance floor. We all snap our heads to the noise and the following screams of shock.

“I can’t be sure because of the beer, but…did a naked guy just explode in the air and fall on the dancefloor?” I point to the ice and look at the guys.

“I think so.” Finn says and stands up. He makes his way to the circle and Jax and I follow.


I push through and Finn is helping a naked Adam off the floor. He looks confused as he should be. What?

“What year is it?” Adam grabs Finns arms.

“2023. Adam? Where were you?” Finn asks.

“My time.” He looks around at the crowd of people. “Why are they staring at me?”

“Besides the fact that you just exploded in the middle of our Blue Moon Ball, you’re also bare assed naked.” Finn smiles.

Adam looks down at himself and I try not to laugh, but fuck it’s hard.

He points to the moon through the retracted roof of the stadium. “How long?”

Finn looks up. “A few hours. Why?”

Adam looks around. “There’s still time. Where’s Astrid?”

“She said she was going home, but that was over a week ago.” Finn informs.

“Gotta go.” Adam smiles and blurs out so fast, he knocked me into Jax’s arms and we almost both fall.

“What the fuck?” Jax growls as he pushes me back up.

“I have no idea, man. I hope he finds Astrid though.” I grin.

“Good luck to him.” Jax claps my back and we walk back to the table.

The ball resumed and we all partied, laughed and drank.

Finn gave his annual pack speech and the moon was only minutes away from its peak.

“I want to dance with my ladies.” I smirk and hold out my hands to them.

Sophie and Dia take my hands and smile as they rise to their feet.

I lead them out to the dancefloor as ‘Sugar by Robin Schulz starts to play.

I circle and rock my hips as I dance around them.

I dance in between them with Sophie facing me and Dia at my back.

“Follow me, Angels.” I grin.

I rock and step to the side, snapping my fingers as I bounce coolly.

I swing my hips as I step back and they follow. Sophie laughs as I grab her hip and rock her with me. Dia wraps her arms around my neck and I hold her to me as we dance back and forth.

I spin around and get them to face forward.

I point to the right and we sway to the beat as I snap.

“Yeah, sexy. Do it.” I smile as Dia as she twirls, walks to me seductively and gets back into line.

We dance and rock back the other way. I cross my feet as we walk then spin. I face backwards and dance out. I point to Sophie. “Come on, baby.”

Sophie waves her body in a turn as she swings her hips and I lick my lips. “So hot.” I smirk and dance up to her. I grab her head and kiss her.

I grab their hands and the dance around me. I pull them in to me and kiss them both.

The crowd around us hoot and holler.

“YEAH, MAN!!” is shouted from several guys and I burst out laughing.

They dance together as I dance around them, proud as a peacock. I point to guys in the circle who call me out.

“YOU WISH!” I laugh. They laugh too.

I pull Dia in and grind with her to the bass and Sophie is on my back. I lean back and kiss her.

I look up as the room gets brighter with the deep blue color from the moon.

It just about hits its peak and I have stop.

It’s happening. I feel it. Oh my God.

My air is gone. The air pressure drops to the floor and my skin electrifies. Dia and Sophie stop dancing and they both smile.

“You feel that?” I flick my head between them.

“Holy crap.” Sophie pants.

“D?” I smile at her.

“I-I can’t believe…” She looks down at her chest.

“Believe it, baby. I was never wrong.” I laugh.

My body temperature hits the roof and I have to undo my tie.

My heart swells and like an elastic band was exploded out it hit Dia.

I point to her. “MATE!!”

She laughs and bounces around. “MATE!!”

“Wait. What?” We turn to Sophie.

She looks at her chest and looks to Dia. She points. “MATE.”

Dia feels it. “Holy shit!” They run to each other and kiss.

The crowd around us burst into claps.

I feel Sophie and Dia in me. All their emotions, but there’s something else. I stop and tick my head. “Soph.” I feel it snap and I can’t believe it.

She turns to me and holds her heart.

“Mate.” I tilt my head and growl.

“Mate.” She giggles.

I rush them both and pull them into a group hug. I hold Dias cheek and kiss her as the mate bond snaps in its triangle from me to Dia to Sophie then back. The three of us in a bond forever. No one can take this away from me. My angels are truly mine.

I kiss Sophie with everything I have.

“I love you both so much.” I say as I pull their foreheads to mine.

“I love you, too.” Dia smiles as she starts to tear.

“I love you both, too.” Sophie chokes.

“You’re both mine and I promise, there won’t be a day where you won’t be my most treasured possessions. You’re my Queens and I will make sure you never feel less than that.”

“Awe.” They both swoon and kiss my cheeks and lips profusely.

I grab their hands. “Come on. We gotta tell the guys.”

I take a step and the floor starts to vibrate.

I stop and the girls hang on as the shaking becomes worse.


People start to scream as a quake builds in the stadium. They fall over each other in a panic.

The walls crack and the roof twists. Chunks of the stadium break off and hit the floor, landing on tables.

I can barely see anything as we’re shaken and try to avoid being trampled.


“MARCUS!!” Sophie points up and I look to see a huge piece of the roof fall off and come crashing down.

“MOVE!!” I shove them off the dance floor as concrete hits the floor around us.

People scream and run like a stampeding herd to the exit, but there’s so many, we can’t get through.

I’m knocked on my ass and my girls are sucked into the crowd.

“MARCUS!!” I hear Dia scream as I avoid being crushed to death.

Light fixtures fall and the walls give. The roof on one side falls under its crumbling support.

The shaking starts to recede. I’m covering my head and curled in a ball as the last pieces of the building falls and settles in the floor.

A chunk lands on my legs and I scream out in agonizing pain.

The place is dark and the people are crying. Shouts for friends and family start.


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