The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 40

(Chapter song ‘All I Wanna Do' by Sheryl Crow)


With Brock getting the help he needs. The demon on the loose and my own issues finally dealt with, it’s time to pause and try to have some good times.

The Blue Moon is coming and I’m getting excited or at least as much as I can, all things considered.

With Eddie still out there, it’ll be hard to completely let loose, but I have ladies that need to be shown a good time. I have a really good feeling about this.

After my jog, I’m whistling as I walk up my street to my driveway. It may be daytime, but you can feel the moons magic growing.

I got up early and went for a run because I’m happy to be back in my pack and even more happy to have my angels with me. I couldn’t sleep, but didn’t want to wake the girls.

With a grin on my face, I walk through the front door and stop at the hall table. I pick up the morning mail and a toothy smile grows even more.

One, two, three, prefect invitations to the Axelridge Blue Moon Ball.

“Good morning.”

I drop the rest of my mail and shake the invites in front of my face as Aster walks from the kitchen. He hands me a coffee then takes them.

“They came.” He grins.

“Yep.” I hand him back the cup and take the invites. “You need to go through the Gammas of the pack.” I slap his chest and walk to the stairs.

“Why?” He asks my back.

I turn and lean on the banister. “You can’t handle both my Lunas, you can barely handle me.” I point to my chest.

“I’m not supposed to handle you.” His brow furrows.

I twist my lips. “Oh…right.” I rub my chin. “Want Beta?”

“Yeah, right.” He huffs.

“I’m serious. You’ve been with me since the beginning and I think you’ve earned it.” I smile.

“I can’t be Beta.” He laughs.

“Haven’t you already been doing that?” I tilt my head and look at him curiously.

“I…” He pauses then drops his head. “Damn.”

I laugh. “I’ll have the title papers on your desk after the moon.” I turn around and Starr up the stairs. “Find Gammas for my Lunas.”

“What about a Delta?” He calls up.

“You don’t need help. I believe in you!” I laugh when I hear a huge groan come from downstairs.

I walk to my room, place the invites behind my back and quietly open my bedroom door.

I lean on the door frame and smirk as I watch my sleeping beauties between my sheets. The suns rays light up their soft, naked skin and I heave a silent, satisfied sigh with a grin.

They’re sleeping so peacefully. It’s like a stunning work of art. It’d be a shame for someone to wreck it.

I run to the bed, high jump over Sophie and land in between them on my back. They scream as they bounce and I bust a gut laughing.

“GET YOUR BUTS UP!!” I yell as I shake the bed.

“MARCUS!” They yell and proceed to hit me all over as I cackle.

Claudia grabs a pillow and pummels me with it.

“Not the heavy artillery!” I grab another one and wind up. “Grand Slam!” I smack her with it and she screams.

Sophie jumps on my back. “Gotcha!”

I eye her over my shoulder. “Sure ya do.” I bounce on my knees and fall backwards. She groans under my back which only makes Claudia hit me more. Sophie attacks me with tickles and I tickle her back.

All of us are in tears with laughter.

“OK! I GIVE!!” I yell with my hands up.

We catch our breaths and I search for the invites. I gather them up and hand them out. “Pour vous, pour vous et moi." I smile as each of my babies takes one and opens it.

“I’m so nervous.” Claudia smiles as she smiles.

“Don’t be. I’m not.” Sophie throws her arm around Dia and wrap my arms around them both.

“Don’t worry.” I say as I kiss them both. It’ll happen. “Get dressed. We're going shopping.”

“No. We're going shopping.” Sophie motions between her and Dia. “No boys.”

I lean back. “I’m not a boy.”

“Yes, you are.” Sophie pushes me down to the bed.

“HEY!” I chuckle.

“You don’t get to see what we buy.” Dia smirks and hops off the bed.

“Fine.” I get up. “What color?”

“Red.” They say in unison.

“Good girls.” I kiss them both. “Hurry up. I wanna have a talk before you go.”

They look at each other as I leave.

I want to make sure we're all on the same page if the moon doesn’t do what I hope. Ultimately nothing’s changing. What that looks like, will be discussed when they get downstairs.

An hour later, I see them in the common room and sit beside Sophie. Dias next to her and I stare at them both.

“I have a problem and I wondered if you both could help me with it.” I start.

“What kind of problem?” Sophie raises a brow. “Who’s ass do I have to break.”

“What’s up, slugger?” Dia cuddles into Sophie.

I place my hand on Sophie’s thigh and look into their eyes. “See…I have this moon coming up and I’ve talked to both of you about it, but I think we need a group talk.”

“Ok.” They look at each other then me.

I choose my words carefully. “I want this.” I motion between us all. “I want all of this, all the time. I don’t care what the moon says. If I have to, I want to let you know. I’m choosing one of you or both. I don’t care.”

“You can’t mark a chosen mate, Marcus.” Dia shakes her head.

“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still have one. I love you both and I know this isn’t traditional, but if my feelings are any indication, it won’t matter if they have a mark or not, right?” I say as I study them both.

“You can’t, Marcus.” Sophie says. “The infidelity?”

“I know, but the way I see it is, if you two know about it and accept it, you shouldn’t feel the same.” I squeeze Dias thigh.

“Maybe.” Sophie says. “It’s risky if it works that way.”

“Maybe not for long. Jake Wallace got his second mate at the next moon. Maybe that’s what will happen, just whoever's not fated will have to wait.” I shrug.

“This is all so complicated. I just wish we knew what to do.” Sophie sighs.

I pet her hair. “I do too, princess, but that’s why I want to make sure you both know, this triple fate thing, it’s not ending. I want you both and I hope you both want me.”

“Are ya kidding? We love you to death, slugger. I really hope it turns out the way we want.” Dia smiles at me and I give her an air kiss.

“I agree with Dia. I just don’t want to risk anyone’s health.” Sophie says quietly.

“Awe, babe.” Dia wraps her arms around Sophie’s neck. “I think it’ll be fine. I trust us. We think it’s right, it’s gotta be.” She kisses Sophie’s cheek and Sophie leans into her hold.

I lean to both of them. “You two are smart, gorgeous and way too special to not be mine.”

I scoot closer to them. “So what do you say. Regardless of the moon, be my angels forever.”

“Forever.” Dia grins and looks at Sophie.

Sophie’s eyes float between us. “Forever.” She smiles.

I lean to Sophie’s lips. “My perfect angels.” I kiss her then kiss Dia.

My heart feels so full right now. I’m one hundred percent sure they’re mine.

“Go on. Get something pretty.” I smirk.

They giggle as Dia grabs Sophie’s hand and the almost bounce to the door.

I love everything about them. It’s not like one is missing anything so I’m compensating with the other, either. It’s just I get more than other guys. My chest puffs out with pride at the thought.

Now, I have to get to work and plan this night. I really need to figure out how to do this. I need this to go as smoothly as possible. Both my Lunas deserve an amazing Blue Moon and I need to make sure that happens.

I need my best friend.


I pull into the Oxford pack house and sit in his driveway.

I haven’t actually talked with Jax about this. I know he’s figured it out, but I don’t know how he feels about it. I shouldn’t care, but I still would like to hear it.

I just need to find my balls.

I press my lips together, get out of my car and walk to the door as it opens.

“What's up.” He crosses his arms and motions his chin to me.

“Nothing. Kind of just wanted to talk.” I stuff my hands in my pockets and waltz to the stairs.

“Come in, then.” He turns and walks into the house.

I blow out a breath and follow.

As I shut the door, I look around the rooms. “Where’s Rey?”

He walks to the kitchen, pulls out two beer and places one on the counter as I sit on a stool.

“She’s with April dress shopping.” He says before tipping his bottle back.

I smile. “Yeah. Soph and Dia are too.”

He tilts his head. “What are you doing?”

“How do you mean?” I raise a brow.

“You know what I mean.” He scowls.

I shrug. “I think…I’m fated to two women.”

“I knew it! Jesus, Marcus!” He throws his hands up, grabs his beer and swings it back. He points to me. “That’s fucking nuts.”

“I know it’s crazy, but Jax, I really do love them both and they really do love me.” I stitch my brows up and try to sound as sincere ad possible.

He leans his hands on the table top. “Yeah. That’s crazy. Do you hear yourself? You don’t get two. Most barely get one. What the fuck? You can’t go through with this. Not with my sister. She’s messed up enough.” He growls.

“Look.” I point to him. “Don’t you dare question my sanity, ok. As for Soph…She’s fine. Better now. Dia has been amazing to her and has helped her a lot. She loves Sophie. Sophie loves her. You can’t change that or bust it up.”

His brows come together more. “You cannot have two mates! It’s not done!”

“Jake Wallace.” I scowl.

“He has two wolves in his fucking head! It makes sense. You aren’t making any sense at all!” He sneers.

“Ok. I didn’t come to you for you to talk me out of it. It’s happening. I don’t care if you don’t like it. I love you like a bro, but you need to know when to step off.” I eye him.

He leans closer. “When it involves my sister, you better believe I’m going to all over your ass because of this. You’re setting her up for heartbreak, Marc. You can’t do this to her.”

I shake my head. “No. Fate will bond us. I’m sure of it.”

He scowls at me. “If you’re fated to Claudia, you need to cut Sophie loose. Do you even know the damage you could do to her?”

“I get you’re worried.” I say.

“I’m not worried, Marcus. I’m pissed. Pissed that you’re either this stupid or you’re thinking with your dick. You need to choose.” He says sternly.

“I can’t, Jax.” I shake my head and whine. “I just can’t. I love them both so much. They accept it. They’re both mine and they want to be.”

He tilts his head to the side. “They both agreed? Marcus…is this like…some harem thing?”

“What? No.” I scrunch my nose at the thought. “It’s just them. I looked it up and it’s called a polyamorous relationship.” I smirk.

“Poly…” He scrubs a hand down his face. “No. That’s not…”

“It’s normal, Jax. It’s normal for me. Regardless of what you think, everything says this is right. Don’t fight me on this. I know what I’m doing. I will protect both my girls with my life. I don’t play favorites. We all love each other equally. This isn’t some sick kink, alright.” I lay it all down for him. I’m not going to let him tell me there’s something wrong with me. “I would love to have your blessing on this. For Sophie’s sake. She still needs you and lord knows, I do too. But if you can’t accept it, I will walk away with Sophie.”

“This is unreal.” He grumbles.

“This is me. Take it or leave it.” I say.

He looks down. “Let’s just see what the moon says before we go off half-cocked, ok?”

“I already know what it’s going to say. Which is why I’m here. I don’t know what to do when it comes to marking them.” I say as I pick at the label of my beer.

“You want to talk to me about marking my sister?” He growls.

“I don’t mean that kind of talk!” I scowl back. “No. I mean, should I have a big romantic thing with both of them? Should mark one at a time? I mean, marking both in one night would be hot as fuck, but I want it to be special. I need some advice or ideas.” I say.

His jaw drops. “Wait. You…You sleep with both…at the same time?”

I blink at him. “Of course, I do. Most nights.”

He stares at me.

“What?” My brows raise.

He presses his lips together. “You realize how unfair that is?”

I chuckle and hold out my hands. “I can’t help that Fate likes me more.”

He growls and goes to punch my arm and I flinch away with a cackle.

He shakes his head and sips his beer. “I don’t know what should do, Marc.”

I rub my chin. “I would love to be there when they mark each other.”

“Excuse me, what?” His brows shoot up.

“When they mark each other. I really think they’re fated too.” I smile.

He leans close to me. “Who the fuck did you pay off?”

“I didn’t…” I laugh.

“Bullshit! You did something. No guy on the planet is getting that.” He points to me.

“I am. What can I say?” I hold my hands out and smile.

He rubs his nape and I can see the struggle he’s having on his face. “I don’t know what to tell you, bud. I planned my marking out so I could focus on Rey and making her feel good. I don’t know if I could do that with two.”

I twist my lips. “You’re probably right.”

I know when we're all in it, it’s hard to make everyone feel great fully. Maybe I should plan a special night for each of them and let them have a private moment to themselves.

“Look. Whatever happens, just take care of yourself and those girls. You need to do the right thing here.” Jax pops the cap off another beer.

I scrub the back of my hair. “That’s the thing. I don’t want this to end.”

He folds his arms on the counter. “It may have to, Marcus. You know what mark sickness does. You can’t have another woman around if you have a fated mate.”

I lean on the counter and roll my bottle between my palms. “No. I know. I’m not even thinking that. It’ll happen.”

“As much as I don’t want to say it, good luck. I may be a tad jealous, but Rey drives me insane and I don’t think another woman would make it better.” He smiles before tipping his bottle back.

I chuckle and shake my head. “Fate must believe I can handle it.”

“Wait until they sync up. You’ll regret it you said that.” He snorts.

I burst out laughing and tap the neck of my bottle to his.

“Seriously, if you want it special, I think marking each on their own would do it. Then you can make them feel like they are really part of this thing.” He advises. “You show them how you care for each one, not just them both. Save the tag teams for later.” He winks and smirks.

“You realize you just called your sister a tag teamer.” I laugh.

“Dude!” He drops his bottle on the counter top and glares.

“Don’t yell at me, you said it!” I laugh even harder.

He shakes his head. “Ok! Enough about my sister.” He points to me. “You just love her right or I’ll kick your ass.”

“No worries about that, man. I’m madly in love and nothing’s taking that away from me.” I grin.

“Better not.”

I slap the counter. “Ok. I gotta go. I got some planning to do.” I side clap him into a handshake.

“Sure. I’ll meet you there at 8.” Jax slaps my back as he escorts me to the door.

“We'll be there.” I smile and wave as I walk out to my car.

Now to pull this off.

I have some ideas, I just hope it’s enough. These girls deserve everything. I will give them everything.

I’ll spend my whole life making them happy.

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