The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 27

(Chapter song ‘Treat You Better’ by Shawn Mendes)


The whole interaction with Sky swam in my head as I walked into the penthouse.

I stopped in my tracks and my jaw goes slack.

Marcus and Sophie were cuddling on the couch, kissing. My cheeks heated and I had a weird feeling run up my spine. I wanted to run out of there, but I was glued to the spot.

He breaks the kiss and they look my way.

“Oh…um…” I put my purse on the counter. “Don’t mind me. Just stopping in for a shower.” I smile and try to get the heck out of there.

“Dia.” Marcus stands and walks over to me. “Where ya been? I’ve been…” He glances at Sophie then back at me. “Concerned…since the quake.”

“Oh. I was spending time with Sky. He’s so sweet. He was so worried. We stayed in and had a great time.” I wave him off and start for the stairs.

“Oh…sure. Good.” He follows me. “My dad is holding a meeting. He wants us there. It’s to go over the truce. We leave in a few days.”

“Sure, slugger.” I give a nervous smile. “Just let me know.”

I turn up the stairs and blow out a breath.

A million things went through my mind, mostly was seeing him with Sophie. My heart stopped and I felt that jealousy again. Watching him be so gentle with her made my chest ache. It felt like I wanted to jump in and get a kiss myself then reality smacked me. I’m the spectator. I need to stop thinking about being anymore than that.

I close the door to my room and lean on it.

I look down as I play with my fingers.

My heart felt empty before I got here, but when I saw Marcus' eyes, it filled right up.

Maybe Sky’s right. I am falling for Marcus. I would love to have a guy like him, but I’m a little late. Sophie has him.

Maybe there’s another Marcus out there. The problem is I don’t think I want another one.

As I tried to figure out what I wanted, a soft knock came from my door.

I turned, opened it and stared into big blue eyes.

“I…um…I couldn’t help but notice the fake display you put on down there and was wondering if you wanted to talk about it.”

I watched Sophie hold her herself and act uncomfortable as she stood in my doorway.

“What fake display?” I chuckle as I walk away, leaving the door open.

“Oh, you know. Pretending to be happy when you’re not.” She walks in and shuts the door.

“I’m not pretending. What makes you think I’m pretending?” I scoff and flop on my bed.

“I know because I’m the master of fake happiness. I saw it before you even opened your mouth. What’s going on, Claudia?” She sits on my bed at my feet and I look her over for some kind of trick. Why is she so concerned all of a sudden.

“Nothing important. Just couple stuff.” I mutter.

“You’re lying.” She leans to me and looks into my eyes.

I glance at her and look down. “Ok. Maybe it’s more than just couple stuff.”

“Tell me.” She insists.

I don’t know if I can trust her, but it would be nice to have someone to talk to about this.

So I told her. Obviously, I left out the whole wanting Marcus thing, but I basically told her how I think Sky has changed since the fake relationship started.

“What a dick!” She says as she sits straight with a scowl on her face.

“Listen. I get it sounds bad, but I’m sure he’s just having a hard time dealing with…”

“No. No way. Don’t you dare do that.” She leans to me and points at my nose. “You don’t deserve that treatment, Claudia. That guy’s an asshole and he’s never going to be what you want. Guys like that think only about themselves. You can do a hell of a lot better.”

I get up, walk to my open window and sit on the sill. Sophie sits on the other side with me.

I look out to the city and sigh.

“Leave him, Claudia. There's someone way better out there for you.” She whispers.

I give her a half smile. “I don’t get the fairy-tale like you. You’re Miss Perfect. Marc's lucky.”

She leans back and smirks. “I’m far from perfect, but you don’t need to be perfect to be loved the way you should be.” She glances at me then looks out to the city. “You’re gorgeous.” She meets my eyes. “You’re funny and smart. There’s someone out there right now, just begging for your time, Dia. Trust me.”

I laugh and glance out the window. I can feel my cheeks heat. I turn back. “Ya really know how to make a girl blush.”

“It’s true. They’re out there, waiting. Get rid of Skylar.” She leans on her thighs and picks something off her grey sweatpants.

“I love him.” I look away.

“You love the idea of him. You love what you think he can be in your mind. You love being in love. That’s it. But if you love the wrong one, you’ll never know what the right one feels like.”

I turn back to her. “What does the right one feel like?”

She leans back. “Um…it feels like…being listened to. Being felt. It feels like no matter how fucked you are, they’re always in your corner. They’re there to pick you up, but remind you that you screwed up and need to fix it.” She leans to me. “They look at you and don’t see flaws. They see potential. They want that for you, but you know what most people miss?”

“What?” My brows stitch up and I swallow.

“Most miss that they have to work at it too. They fight the change because they know they have to admit they aren’t as great as they think they are. People like Skylar, they will fight tooth and nail to not change. One day it’ll bite him in the ass. The last thing you want to do is crash with him when that happens. You do you. To hell with him or anyone else.” She leans her head on the frame. “I learned that one the hard way. Don’t do the same thing.”

I stare at her and think no one’s ever talked like that to me before. She’s touching me in places I didn’t know existed and I think I like it.

I know I’m not perfect, and yes, I have a lot of work I need to do on myself, but this truth…is it possible?

“Dia. Any person would be so happy to be with you and treat you with the respect that you deserve. I may not know a lot about you, but I can see the heart you have. It’s a gift and it’s rare. Don’t throw it away on a man who will never appreciate it.” She locks eyes with me and my heart stopped. I thought she hated my guts, but she’s so…

I don’t know what came over me, but in a split second, I grab her cheeks and slam my lips on hers. She made the cutest little oomph sound as I asked for entrance.

My tongue met hers and I felt her melt in my hands. My thumbs gently stroke her soft cheeks as our lips glide together.

My heart rose rapidly and the heat of the experience was causing so much excitement in me, I didn’t know what to do with it. She tasted amazing and her softness was exactly what I saw on the couch with Marcus.

I’ve never kissed a girl before, but in the moment I wasn’t kissing a girl, I was kissing a beautiful person who opened me up and connected with me on a deep level.

Something I’ve craved my whole life.

I don’t expect anything, except maybe some awkwardness going forward, but right now, I don’t care. I needed her lips and I wanted to feel more than what she gave me already.

Her hand lands on my cheek and her fingers thread into my hair as I deepen the kiss.

I slow down and pull back just a little. It was a mind blowing kiss and my body tingles all over from her touch.

“Thank you.” I mumble on her lips.

“You’re welcome.” She smiles.

I clear my throat and take a deep breath. Leaning back, I feel that awkwardness set in. “So…um…”

She smiles again and looks down at her fingers. I see a faint pink color on her cheeks.

“Um…sorry…I just…got caught up…” I stutter.

“No…” She looks up at me. “I-Its totally cool. I wouldn’t have…if…”

“Yeah…OK…So…I guess I have some work to do.” I sigh with a smile as I try to change the subject back.

She leans back on the window frame. “I think you just need to find that one person who will love all of you. Find someone that completes you and makes you feel good. Someone who won't dare to break your heart.”

I chuckle. “If you weren’t a girl…” I lean to her with a smirk. “Miss Smooth Talker.”

She laughs. “I’m a Dupree. Smooth talking is in the genes.”

I chuckle and shake my head.

“There’s a person out there who will treat you better than he can. He’s probably closer than you think. He will give you what I know you need.” She smiles sweetly.

“How do you know what I need?”

“I know what you need because I need it too.” She looks into my eyes.

I slowly nod. “You know what we both need?”

“What?” She asks.

“Wine.” I hold a hand out to her. “Let’s go.”

She slaps her hand in mine and we go downstairs to empty the wine over more girl talk. With Marcus in bed, we spent a long time talking about all kinds of things, though I felt when it came to her, there’s still a lot of mystery. It was intriguing. I tried to get her story, but it was spotty and she was holding a lot back. You’d think I wouldn’t be interested, but you know what…

Nothing peaks my interest more than unraveling Sophie Dupree. She’s right. I do need someone who gets me…

And I think I just found her.

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