The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 26

(Chapter song ‘Why Do You Only Call Me When Your High’ by Arctic Monkeys)


During the last few weeks, I groveled. Groveled like my life depended on it. For a lycan, that’s a big fucking deal. Males are a big concern for us when they’re mad. I didn’t want to hurt Skylar. It just happened, like I said. I made it clear to him everyday that I loved him and only him though Marcus lives in the back of head rent free. It doesn’t matter though. Vegas won’t happen again especially with the pretty princess around now.

You know, when it comes to them, I think I’m handling myself pretty well.

Seeing Marcus and Sophie together everyday, gets my lycan going. It’s disturbing. It's taking everything to stop her from taking control. Lycan jealousy isn’t a pretty thing. Not that I’m jealous of them, I’m actually jealous of what Marcus does for her. He listens and cares for her. I see how he helps her and I see how Sophie seems to be getting better because of it. Marcus really is a special guy.

I know, with a bit of work, I can have that for myself through Skylar. I bet he’d turn out even better.

As we lay in bed together, I trace my fingers around Skylar’s chest muscles, I look up at his eyes. He’s not really looking at anything which means he’s thinking. It may be a great time to plant the seeds of romance into my handsome man.

I prop myself up on my elbow and smile. “Let’s go out to dinner.” I suggest.

He glances at me. “What? Uh…Yeah, ok.” His eyes turn away.

I twist my lips expecting a little more excitement. “There’s a 5 star restaurant downtown. We could go there.” I say as I kiss his chest.

He looks at me. “Do I look like I'm made of money?” He scowls.

My face falls. “Well, I thought it’d be different. Ya know, we could dance and be romantic…”

“Romantic.” He huffs a laugh. “You? Give me a break.” He gets up and throws his boxers on. “I’ll order pizza.”

I lean on my knees. “Ya don’t want to be romantic with me?”

He looks in the mirror and pulls his hair into a man bun. “There isn’t a bone in your body that’s worth that kind of romance, Dia. Why spend money on fake shit? See that’s your problem. You live in delusion. Girls like you don’t get romance. You’re not that level. Sorry, babe. It’s the truth. If you were up the scale, maybe.”

My face flushes and my chest clenches. I swallow. “Ya don’t think I’m worth a fancy dinner?” I whisper.

He turns around and comes back to the bed. He sits by my legs and leans on my knee. “Babe. You should just be grateful I saved you from the streets. That alone is worth way more than wanting to be a 10. You’re a 4 at most. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you, I do. It just means you don’t get spoiled like the other girls. You have to work harder and prove you measure up to keep what you got. Sorry, baby. You’re just not valuable enough.”

I lower my eyes and try to hide my trembling lip. His words hit me. Inside, I feel myself being crushed by them. I thought about then I think about Marcus.

I raise my eyes to him. “Other guys like me.” I mumble.

“Who? The ball player?” He laughs and stands. “Dudes with money don’t like you, Dia. They like your pussy. That’s all you’re good for. You can go and cry to them if you want. I couldn’t give a shit. My options are never ending, but remember, none of them will treat you as good as I do. You’ll be tossed to the streets faster than you can get your panties back on.”

My eyes sting as I blink at him.

“Don’t look at me like that.” He furrows his brow. “Don’t blame me for your standing. Not everyone can have the kind of life you want. You may be a princess, but that’s in name only. You don’t actually get to act like one.”

He walks over to me and kisses my forehead. “I’m sorry for the hard truth, but it had to be said.” He taps my temple. “Learn something.” He stares into my eyes for a second then leaves.

“No olives!” I yell out the bedroom door with a scowl on my face.

“I’m ordering. I choose what you eat. Shut your mouth!” He yells back.

I fold my arms on my knees and stare into empty room.

Maybe he’s right. I don’t have perfect hair or face like Sophie. I don’t have that personality that makes people want to be friends. I don’t carry myself like princess. For a moment, I felt like one with Marcus, but maybe Skylar’s right.

I’m sure Marcus is just playing the fake relationship. Getting some of what he wants, but none of it’s real.

I throw on one of Sky's band shirts and walk out to the kitchen. As I put the coffee on, I glance at Skylar sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels.

Skylar has done a lot for me. He’s kept me sane when my family attacks me for being alive. He’s put up with my attitude. I know he’s settled for me and has girls throwing themselves at him all the time. I really shouldn’t complain since he chose me to spend his life with.

I need to get my head out of the clouds. There’s no way a guy like Marcus could ever love me for real. Rich guys don’t waste their time with girls from the streets. I was stupid to even think it.

Besides, Sophie may be messed up, but she has something I don’t. Marc's heart. He sees something in her that I can’t touch. Whatever's inside her, I really can’t compete with. We may have had a tiny connection, but that’s as far as it goes. The sex was just…sex.

“Hey, have you scored any cash from the guy yet? There’s a guitar I’ve been wanting to get and I’m waiting on your payout.”

I turn and lean on the counter. I cross my arms. “No. He pays for everything. I don’t get cash.”

He turns his head to me. “Well, what are you doing about that? You’re not doing this for free, Dia. The plan was cash.”

I push off the counter and join him on the couch. “I can’t just make him give me cash.”

He looks me over. “I bet he would if you used your ‘skills' properly.” He flicks my t shirt and smirks.

My lips fall. “I ain’t no corner walker.”

“No. You’re not fucking him, but make him hot enough to want to. He’ll give you anything you damn well want. Including money.” He turns back to the TV.

I chew my cheek and look him over.

“No.” I get up and walk to the bedroom to get dressed.

“No? What do you mean, no?” He follows me.

“I mean, I’m not doing that to Marcus. He’s in this thing just like I am. He’s been patient, somewhat nice and a gentleman. I won’t do it.” I say as I throw on my shorts.

Skylar grabs my arm and turns me. “The plan was to fleece him. It’s the only reason I allowed you to be involved in this.”

I narrow my eyes. “Ya had no choice, Skylar. If I didn’t enter this, my aunt would tear ya to pieces. I didn’t do it for money, I did it to keep you alive.”

He studies my eyes. “No. That’s bullshit. You don’t care about anyone except yourself. You’re looking to level up. That’s why you won’t do it.”

“God. Get away from me.” I shove him off and grab my purse.

“It’s true, isn’t it? You’re falling for him. The restaurant. The casino. That was real, wasn’t it?” He follows me to the door. His tone is building in anger and I better get out of here before he blows.

“No, Skylar. I’m not falling for him. I love ya, but if ya loved me, ya wouldn’t ask me to do what ya want. You want that guitar, find your own damn money. I won’t use my body for your hobby.” I sneer at him.

He points in my face. “That hobby is your easy street. If you want that with me, you’ll work that ass the way I tell you to. And if you even think of falling for that guy, what happened the other day will be a thousand times worse.”

He growls darkly and I feel it deep in my heart. His eyes tell me he’s not lying about that.

“I’ll call in a few days. Ya have nothing to worry about, Sky. I’m a 4 remember.” I say with snark.

He leans close. “You better remember that. Don’t go thinking you can get better than me, got it?”

“Got it.” I grumble.

He grabs my hair and slams his lips on mine. For the first time in two years, I felt disgusted by his kiss.

I break the kiss and wipe my mouth. “See you in a few days.”

I walk out and slam the door behind me.

As I walk to my car, I think about what I’m doing. Somethings changed and I feel like a huge spotlight has been turned on lighting up my feelings and showing me the truth.

If I had to thank Marcus for anything, it’s making me see Skylar’s true colors. He was never this cruel to me before or maybe he was and I was just blind to it.

He's threatened. I felt it at the door. He’s trying to tear me down. Make me doubt myself. I see it now.

Marcus is man. Skylar knows it. I saw it when I told him how good Marcus had been through this arrangement.

I wish that Skylar would change, but all I see is his attitude getting worse. I think it’s time to think about myself instead of what he wants.

I’m changing the plan right here and now.

Instead of using Marcus for money, I’m going to use Marcus for something else.

To show me what real love is supposed to look like.

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