The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter The Bog Announcement

We arrived at the hall, along with dozens of other couples, and shuffled through the doors. The place was absolutely stunning. There was sheer white material with twinkly lights hung from the ceiling and ending in a puddle on the floor. It gathered together in the middle of the ceiling where a beautiful crystal chandelier hung, casting rays of colorful light all over the room. There was an enourmous dance floor and a 7 piece orchestra set up in the corner. Along the other side were endless tables of food and a bar full of drinks.

We walked further in and straight to the bar where Tanner ordered me a champagne and himself a scotch. We mingled with guests and even danced a few times. I could tell he was enjoying himself butI couldn't shake this feeling I was having. Tonight everyone across the continent would find out who the new Werewolf King would be and then I had to figure out how to kill him. My mood suddenly changed and Tanner could feel it.

He looked down at me and said "What's wrong? Are you not enjoying the company?" He smirked and twirled me around the dance floor.

I smiled and said "Yes of course I just feel a little light headed. I think I need some fresh air, too much champagne."

The song ended and he lead me to the French doors leading to the massive garden outside which was also elegantly decorated to match the interior only it didn't need a ceiling of lights when the sky was so bright and full of shiny stars. The lawn was neatly trimmed and the flowers were in full bloom and in the center of the yard there was a raised stage, which I assumed was where the announcement would take place.

I surveyed the area and noticed tons of secured gates with more guards than I've ever seen in one location, armed with guns and walkie talkies, standing around the perimeter. I took my time assessing the best way out once my time came and I needed a quick getaway. The plan was already in place and Julius had given me the rundown. Once the announcement was made I was to shift and run through the crowd straight for the King, kill him then make a run for it. Since I was a Lycan there was nothing that would really harm me in the process so I was virtually immune to anything they had as far as weapons.

I stood there "admiring" the scenery when I felt a tingle rush down my spine. I turned and saw Tanner staring at me as I walked around the garden.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I said making my way back to him.

"Absolutely breathtaking."

A blush crept across my face as I realized he wasn't talking about the landscaping and the closer I got to him the darker his eyes seemed to appear. My heart fluttered at the look in his gaze and it only made me hurt more and more, knowing that this would be the last time I would see him. I reached out to cup his face when a trumpet sounded alerting everyone at the party that the time was near. Suddenly people were rushing outside to get a spot near the front as the announcement would be made.

Tanner grabbed my hand and pulled me with him but somehow we got separated as the swarms of guests hurried onto the lawn. I felt a crushing pain in my chest as we became seperated but I knew it was for the best. I couldn't be by his side at that moment and I didn't want to see his face after what I was about to do. I quickly rushed through the crowd to the back and slipped away into the darkness as the others prepared for the most important declaration of the century.

"Attention, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we are here to celebrate a new King. For centuries we have had dedicated leaders protecting our kind, giving us hope to freely live our lives in the eyes of supernaturals and humans alike. We have upheld certain agreements to such accomplishments and look forward to what the future brings. The selection of such a prestigious position doesn't come likely. But the choice instead, was sealed at birth for these particular men. The Moon Goddess specifically created them for this position before they were born and kept their secret identity hidden until just the right moment. The King must possess a strong leadership role, he has proven himself to not only his members but also his alliances among other attributes. But the most important is that he has not found his mate, until the Moon Goddess has declared so. For on the night of his announcement, he shall receive a branding from the deity herself sealing his fate along with his one and only, goddess chosen mate. They will be united together for eternity and nothing shall ever break this bond. Once he has found his beloved he and her will be crowned at the coronation ceremony and begin their ruling in the Ultimate Kingdom. The time is near and once the clock strikes midnight, the Moon Goddess will shine down and wrap her rays around the chosen one and lift him into the air, embossing him with his brand."

Everyone began looking around as the anticipation of the area took on an ultimate high. People were buzzing about who it could be and the unmated females were hoping they would become the new queen. I ducked down low in the bushes and listened carefully for the first sign of cheers. The clock read 11:58 and my nerves were at an all time high, my adrenaline was pumping so powerfully I was sure anyone around me could hear it swishing through my veins. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears as I slowly started to search the crowd for Tanner. I just needed to see him one last time, to make sure he was safe.

Suddenly, the sky brightened so intensely that people were shielding their eyes from the blazing rays. Complete silence ensued as a white ball descended from the sky and a female figure hovered over the crowd. Everyone in attendance dropped to their knees, as did I, showing respect to our most high goddess. She waved her hands causing a Hurricane force wind to whip around sending leaves and flower petals flying through the air as a man from the crowd was pulled into the stream.

They stayed like that for a while as we all became mesmerized from the beautiful scene before us but soon my arms began to tingle and my heart sped up to a undetectable rate. My body shivered as an electric sensation ripped through it causing me to fall to the ground in pain. I cried silently, lying in a fetal position as my arm burned so badly it felt like my flesh was being ripped off. Without warning there was an eruption of cheers bellowing from the lawn and as I tried to get up I heard the man from earlier start to speak.

"The Moon Goddess has chosen. Please allow me to introduce your new King, William Reeves."

I felt my wolf rush to the surface suddenly and the entire world stopped as she screamed in my head MATE!!!!

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