The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter A Little Shopping Never Hurt

After my talk with Finn, I felt like a ton of bricks were lifted off my shoulders. And his confession to me made me sad but he was right, my feelings for him weren't the same as his for me. Then the whole guardian thing? I never knew that existed but then again I never did get the whole Lycan history lesson from Romero or Damon. I added that to my mental list of things to ask them, when I heard a knock on my door.

"Mila? Can I come in."

My body trembled from his deep voice and I knew things between us were deepening. I didn't understand what it meant for us but I knew I wanted to make it last as long as I could, even if our time was extremely limited.

"Come in." I said as I slipped on my nude flats.

"Are you ready to go?" He said as he opened the door.

"Yes." I said breathlessly as he walked smoothly across the room, wrapping me in his arms and planting a kiss on my lips.

I could feel every emotion he had poured into it claiming his stake over me. My legs nearly gave out under me but his strong hold kept me firmly in place. He released my lips then stared deeply into my eyes. Neither of us said the words that were hanging between us instead we both stuffed them down deep never to imerge again.

He grabbed my hand and led me down the stairs out the door and into his truck.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he helped me in.

"Well if we're going to a ball, then you need a gown and I doubt you have anything in your closet that is appropriate." He said with a small smile pulling at his lips.

I clutched my chest and gasped as I said "Excuse me, sir? I happen to have a lot of appropriate clothes."

He chuckled and said "Oh really? So that dress I ripped off you last night was appropriate?"

I blushed as I remembered the material that barely covered me and the way his fingers easily tore through it. I clamped my legs together when I heard him growl deeply besides me. I looked over to see his eyes darkened and his hands gripping to wheel tightly.

"Put the kitty away, wild one. We have a dress to shop for and even though I would love nothing than to pull you across the console and let you ride my dick, we don't have time for it." He spoke through clenched teeth as I fidgeted next to him in the seat, sure to have soaked through the material of these leggings.

I closed my eyes and took a few cleansing breathes as I could feel my wolf slowly return to her corner brushing up her tail as she fought to throw us over to his side and fuck him until he changed his mind.

Thirty tortuous minutes later, we pulled up to a beautiful building with glamorous dresses lining the store front windows. He opened my door and led me to the entrance where an older lady with a clipboard ushered us in.

He hugged her tight and placed a warm kiss on her cheek before saying "Mila, this is my Aunt Barbara. She owns this shop and has set up a private fitting for you. I'll be right next door looking at tuxes. If you need anything let her know and I'll come right over. Now go have fun and pick whatever you want! Accessories included!" Then he turned around and jogged quickly to the other store before I could even protest.

His Aunt grabbed me arm and helped me into a dressing room where three other attendants came running with hands full of colorful, puffy dresses. My eyes began to dance at the thought of getting to try everyone one of them on. Then she clapped her hands and said "Ok ladies, we don't have much time." As she grabbed the first one and shuffled me into the room.

Two hours later I had finally decided on a dress. It was a blush form fitted dress that tapered into a mermaid bottom and had intricate gold leafing patter along the bodice and trailed down to my feet. I added a pair of nude pumps and a modest pair of tear drop earrings. She had just zipped up the garment bag when Tanner came through the door with a bag of his own and handed it to her.

Then he turned to me and said "Your salon appointment is in 5 minutes so let's go." He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me out. His fingertips dug into my shirt and I could feel the heat beginning to spread down to my pussy again. I fought hard against the flames shooting from his hand and kept my head high as we walked a few stores down to where I would be getting my hair and makeup done. Again he shuffled off as I was led to a chair and sat down.

After the stylist was done curling and teasing my hair and placing enough bobby pins to make a bridge, the makeup artist was fast at work caking on foundation and smearing on eyeliner, shadow and lipstick. I felt like a Barbie doll getting primped and pampered but I would be lying if I said I didn't love it a little. Who couldn't get used to be treating like royalty?

I was just about done when one of the receptionist walked over to me handing me a piece of paper then walked away.


I have arranged for a car to bring you back home and your dress has already been delivered to your house. I wanted to be surprised from your makeover today so I went home to get ready. I'll pick you up at 8:30! I can't wait to see you.

The Beast

I smiled at the thought of his eyes wandering my body as I walked down the stairs of my condo all decked out. The receptionist cleared her throat, snapping me out of my daydream, alerting me to the car waiting to take me home. I thanked everyone and made sure they received a hefty tip then walked outside to where the driver was waiting. He helped me in and took me straight home.

Once I arrived my dress was hanging in my closet, pressed and ready to go, along with my shoes and earrings. I knew I couldn't take a shower or a steamy soak in the tub so I settled for a quick sponge bath making sure to freshen up the important areas and made sure everything was smoothe and silky to the touch. I spritzed myself with perfume and slid on my dress along with my shoes and earrings when I heard the doorbell.

"Come in." I hollered from the top of the stairs as I waited for him to open the door.

He came through and the instant his eyes caught mine, my breathe caught in my throat and my heart stopped. He stood there with his jaw on the floor and his eyes bulging from his head, speechless. Imagine that, you managed to keep even his smart mouth closed!

I chuckled as I carefully descended the stairs and stopped right in front of him.

"Is this appropriate enough?" I twirled around so he could see all sides of me before I grabbed both sides of his jacket and gave him a peck on his lips.

"Absolutely gorgeous, Mila! Let's go!"

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