The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Tanner’s POV

I was fuming when I noticed how dilated Mila's pupils were. She took one of those pills while I wasn't looking. That sneaky little wild wolf. Did she understand how dangerous that was? She could have just acted high but no she had to defy me. You better believe when she gets out of there she will definitely be punished for it. I picked up her limp body and walked over to the front of the building where a guy in a cheap suit smiled at me with evil glinting in his eyes. He was the type of person you avoided at all cost and here I was about to give him this beautiful girl on a silver platter. I gritted my teeth and walked over plastering on my fakest devilish smile.

"Hey man, I hear this is the drop off."

"You heard right. What do we have here?"

"Found her at a bar, I could have kept her to myself but I knew I could probably get a good bit for her after my buddy told me about this place."

I passed her to him and instantly felt my wolf coming alive. He didn't like this and neither did I but we had to figure out what was going on inside.

"Thanks, man. We should get a pretty penny for her." He whistled then Mila coughed. Laughing he said "I think we have a lightweight. Snake will have your money then you can leave. Nice doing business with you." He said then turned and walked inside the building.

Another man approached me and handed me an envelope stacked with cash.

"You're lucky, this is the best one we've had all month." He pointed to the envelope and said "There's 15k in there make sure you keep your mouth shut and we won't have any problems."

He turned and walked away and I shuttered as I thought about what he said. After I handed Mila over to that disgusting piece of shit and got my money, I jumped in my truck and took off down the road. We had been watching over these fools for at least a year but never had any proof of what they were doing. Whoever was leading this operation had done everything they could to stay under the radar. They even had surveillance on the WBI. We suspected an insider but no one could tell for sure.

I drove behind the building but I couldn't shake the feelings I was having. My stomach was a mess and I felt like I would puke at any moment the further I got from that wretched place. Then out of nowhere I got hit with a ton of emotions. I was worried that this plan of hers wouldn't work. I was sad for the girls in there. And I was terrified that Mila would get hurt. Once I made it to the spot where Rory was parked, I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes.

Please be careful, Mila. I'll be waiting for you in the woods behind the building.

I knew it was a long shot trying to mind link her, I mean we weren't in the same pack or even mates for that matter, but I just hoped that if I was sincere enough that she would somehow hear my words in her head.

I got out the truck and walked over the where Rory was. He had the van ready for in case her insane plan just so happened to work and she did in fact get all those girls out but we also had backup standing along the entire perimeter to make sure nothing went wrong.

"Do you think this girl can actually pull this off?" He said with skepticism in his tone.

"Yes I do. And do I think she will cause a huge mess? Absolutely!"

"So why let her go in there blind? Does she really know what goes on in there? Hell we don't even know what they're doing to those girls. We can guess but no one who's been inside has ever come out or lived to tell about it!"

"I didn't want to let her go in but she drugged herself before we got here and I couldn't turn around or they would have been suspicious." I spat out the words like they were burning my mouth.

Sending her in there was a mistake but we couldn't chance blowing this entire investigation that we've worked so hard on. I wanted to go in with her but the asshole Snake told me once the money was exchanged that I couldn't take part in the rest. Apparently the bidders are extremely important people and I didn't fit the mold to be able to take part in it. I had to fight the urge to grab him by his scrawny neck and throw him across the parking lot so I got back in the truck and hoped she could handle this.

My phone buzzed with a text. I opened it to see it was a group message from the other Alphas that I had enlisted help from. They were all in agreement that this needed to end tonight and had no problem sending in reinforcements if the plan didn't go well. They knew this was personal for me. I may not have been able to save Olivia but I was damn sure not going to let anything happen to Mila. Even if I blew our cover, I would do anything to make sure she got out alive.

I ran my hands through my hair trying not to think about what was going on inside but the feelings I was having were making me sick. I've never been involved too long with one girl, hell I've never been involved at all other than the hit it and quit it type but Mila was different. I don't know why but there was something special about her, she just left me wanting more. She was perfect, sexy as fuck, sassy, smart and she knew I was an Alpha but she didn't care. She respected me but she didn't let me push her around, she was strong and independent and I knew that she could handle this task, I just didn't want her to.

"So are we waiting for a signal or something?" Rory asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"No. She said she was going to send the girls out of that trap door over there. I don't know how long she will be but we better be prepared that it could take a while. As long as those Limo's don't show up we are good."

I knew the girls would be safe overnight, just like they were every night but once that limo showed up in the morning, we were screwed. The mystery man who was in it always showed up then left with all the girls behind him in an unmarked bus. He had to be the mastermind behind all of this because you could almost feel the fear coming off everyone around that place when he showed up. We still never knew who he was because there was never any contact made except for phone calls and the car was different every time with covered licence plates and blacked out windows. We just had to make sure we did what we needed to do before daybreak.

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