The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Annihilation

My heart was so full. I have no clue how I was able to hear him or if my mind was just playing tricks on me but his words gave me the strength to power through. I quickly got up and examined the room. There were two security cameras in the corners and a steel door on the far end of the room. I knew we were being monitored so the chances of me getting every girl unlocked before someone showed up would be slim but I knew I could do it. I slipped the cuff off my ankle and ran to the door, butting one of the beds up against it so I had the chance to get everyone free from their restraints.

It took me 5 minutes to break them all before there was a loud banging on the door and shouts coming through a speaker. All the girls were scared but once I got them calmed down I made them all huddle in a corner while I positioned myself out of sight from the camera and kicked the bed from the door. Instantly two burly men came running in and with one swift kick I managed to knock one down causing him to slam the back of his head on the doorframe rendering him unconscious. The other one turned to check on him when I pulled my knife from my thigh holster and stabbed him in the jugular.

I had to keep reminding the girls to keep quiet and while I did I tied both of the guards up and sat back waiting for more to arrive and just like I expected there was another one walking through the door. He had a gun in one hand and a walkie talkie in the other and before he could press the button I stepped behind him and broke his neck. I threw his body on top of the others and proceeded to usher girls out the door. We made it down the hall and two more men came running towards us. I stood there waiting for them to get close while pushing the girls into a room so none of them could get captured again.

"Don't move and no one will get hurt." Said the first guy.

I smiled and proceeded to walk up to him as he drew his gun and aimed it at me. My speed caught him off guard and soon I had rushed forward bending his hand at a hard angle and taking his gun from him. The other guy was shouting for me to drop it when I quickly pointed it at him shooting him between the eyes then turned back to the first one firing one in his head as well. The girls had become hysterical so I had to calm them down again.

"Listen, if you want to get out of here alive, I suggest you quit making noise and let me help you. There is a trap door just down this hall. Once we get to it I want all of you to go through it and run into the woods. There is a man named Tanner who is waiting and he will help you but you have to trust me. Ok?"

They all shook their heads and followed me further down the hall. Once we made it to the door I shoved them through and watched as they all disappeared. I only hoped no one was waiting for them on the other side.

I closed the door and continued down the hall. There were only 4 rooms in this entire building but the blue prints showed a secret door leading to a basement. I found a bookshelf and started pulling books off to find the lever when it moved to the left revealing a staircase. On the way down I noticed an oxygen valve and a propane bottle, probably used for a back up generator. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard voices and saw four men counting cash at a table. I had to make a decision fast so I cranked the valve on the propane tank and hit the emergency shut off to the oxygen. I ran up the stairs and took the trap door exit just like the girls before me and once I was out I took one of the guns I had from earlier, kicked the pipe next to the wall and ran for the woods telling everyone to get down and cover their heads. Turning around I aimed for the leaking pipe and fired one shot.

The explosion was so loud that my ears were ringing almost immediately. I couldn't see from all the smoke and the embers that were flying around from the fire had singed my wig. I looked up from where I had gotten thrown down to see the girls huddled safely on the ground in the woods coughing and crying. I tried to get up and crawl over to them but my leg felt heavy and wet and the shooting pain that was traveling up my thigh made me scream out.

I stopped to exam it when I felt Tanner pick me up and carry me to his truck. It wasn't until then that I noticed another man there with a van to collect the girls and bring them to the hospital on pack grounds. I reached down to my leg and felt something sharp sticking out. I cringed at the burning sensation in my calf as I pulled out the object and blood started gushing from the wound.

"Fuck Mila what are you doing?" He said as he ripped off his shirt and tied it tightly around my wound.

I stared at his beautiful, sweaty chest as he made a knot in the material acting as a tourniquet around my leg. "I'll be fine, Tanner. It's just a little cut."

"No it's not. It's a huge gash, Mila. I'm taking you to the hospital to get it looked at."

I internally panicked. I couldn't be treated at the hospital, the doctor would surely realize what I was and I couldn't chance getting caught just yet. I still had the biggest job of my life to do and I wasn't going to let anything else get in the way of it.

"NO!" I blurted it out a little louder than I wanted to. "I mean, I'll be fine trust me. I need to go see about the girls. I want to make sure they're alright and get them home safely."

"You need to get that looked at Mila. It's pretty deep and can get infected pretty quickly if it isn't cleaned properly."

"I have a first aid kit with antiseptic spray and antibacterial ointment at my condo. I'll clean it and bandage it up. I'll be as good as new in a few days. I'm ok. Really!" I said as I held onto his arm for balance as I stood up and started limping towards the van.

He came behind me and threw my arm around his neck as he helped me walk over. "You're hard headed, you know that?" His toothy smirk had my face heating up.

We walked towards the van when one of the girls ran over to me engulfing me in the biggest hug I'd ever received. I didn't know how to react so I patted her on the back while trying to keep my balance.

"Thank you so much, all of you." She said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

I smiled and she turned around getting into the van with the others.

"How did you get the van here so quickly?"

"I told you before, the WBI has been watching this place for a long time." He winked at me then picked me up and brought me back to his truck.

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