The Arrangement

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Two

Just run.

Run as fast as you can.

Find Alpha.

Tell him…tell him…

It felt as if he had been running for days on end when it had only been a few short hours. There were no breaks, no slowing. If he didn’t get to his Alpha, he could lose his Luna and the Pack’s heir.

He had to run.

Just run.

Just keep running.

Over hills, under logs, through the rivers, through the bushes he ran. His paw was raw, his body scratched from the trees and the thorns and bushes. It stung, but he could not stop, he would not stop.

He had to run, run, run.


Dylan stumbled onto the Packs’ camp, naked from just shifting to his human form.

Guards were upon him instantly, shoving pants at him and then dragging his exhausted body. He wasn’t worried about being thrown into a cell. The other wolves would be able to scent the Pack he came from and know he wasn’t a threat.

“I need to speak to Alpha,” he panted out.

He was taken to a tent, and when he was taken inside, he saw all the Packs’ Alphas inside.

His Alpha.

He needed to speak to his Alpha.

He had to know.

Had to know the dangers his Luna and heir were in.

Had to tell him.

“Dylan, why are you here?”

He heard the familiar voice of his Alpha.

“Benjamin attacked the Pack, started killing the pups. Luna turned herself in to stop it. He’s going to hurt her. He….the baby.”

His Alpha gripped his chin harshly. “What baby?”


The Alpha pushed him back to the guards that had delivered him to the tent. He stumbled back into their awaited arms, ready to drag him away with their Alpha’s command.

“Get him food and water, then take him to a tent to rest.” Another Alpha from farther back in the tent ordered. The two guards nodded, and Dylan was taken away from the tent.

He didn’t pay much attention as food and water were shoved in his face. He gulped the water down first before moving onto the food. He ate a small portion of it before shoving it away and was taken to a tent.

All he saw was the cot and fell face first on it. he was asleep before his face hit the pillow.

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