The Arrangement

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Three

Emerson could hardly comprehend what was happening.

Benjamin had been keeping them busy so he could take Night Walker Pack and hurt his mate. His mate who was pregnant with his child.


She was pregnant.

They were going to have a baby.

That is, unless his father did something to hurt the baby.

No, he wouldn’t let that happen. He had to go home, liberate his Pack, save his mate and child. He would save them both. He refused to accept any other outcome. He would save them both, they would be okay. He would make sure of it.

Emerson stormed out of the tent, Sebastian following suit.

He called his generals forward. “Gather our wolves. Benjamin has taken Night Walker Pack. He has our Luna and heir. We leave in ten.”

His generals nodded their heads and then quickly dispatched to round up their Pack. He watched for a moment, to make sure that his men were moving quickly. He turned on his heel and marched toward his tent, where he only grabbed necessary things.

When he reemerged, he saw Sebastian and Ronan gathering their Epsilon as well. He understood why Sebastian would, that was his sister in danger, but why Ronan was helping was unknown to him.

“You would do the same for me,” was the only explanation Ronan gave him. He didn’t question him further.

It took them ten minutes to assemble, ten minutes longer than he wished. He did a quick observation, estimating how many wolves they had. He guessed about four hundred, mostly thanks to Ronan’s forces.

The other Alphas came to him, giving him a nod.

“We wish you the best of luck. The rest of us are going to stay, fight off any Rogues sent our way. We’ll tried to keep them occupied so they don’t realize part of our force is missing.”

Emerson nodded in understanding. One by one, they shook their hands then walked away, most likely to prepare the battle of the century.

He turned back to their small gathered force, waiting for him, waiting for orders.

“Benjamin and his Rogues have taken Night Walker Pack. He began to murder children until my mate, Night Walker’s Luna, gave herself up. By doing so, she has not only put herself at risk but our unborn child. The horrors awaited for her…We must stop that from happening. We are going to free the Pack, save our Luna, and stop Benjamin once and for all. He is not allowed to live. Go for the kill if you have the chance. If you find Luna Madeline, notify me immediately.” Emerson looked to Ronan and Sebastian to see if they had anything to add. They said nothing. He turned his head back to the wolves gathered before him. “Let’s go.”

They shed their clothes and shifted.

The three Alphas took the lead, the others falling behind them in rank. There would be no stopping. They would run and run until they made it to the Pack. And then they would fight and fight until they had won.

The beast was furious. The enemy had his mate an unborn pup. The enemy could and would hurt them.

The Alpha ran faster, pushing himself harder. He would save his mate if it was the last thing he did, for if she fell, he would be nothing and no one.

He had run.

He had to find her, save her.

He had to kill the enemy, and so he would.

The Alpha slowed as they neared the Pack. He stopped just out of range. As much as the Alpha hated it, the situation needed to be thoroughly examined. If they ran into it blindly, they would have little chance of succeeding. If they knew, knew how many, where they were, their strength, they had a better chance of succeeding.

With a silent signal, the beast sent his scouts.

He waited impatiently. The Alpha paced the area, no stopping to get water. He waited and waited for a time that seemed to take forever before finally, finally his scouts were back.

At least five hundred rogues, if not more. Several ran patrol, the rest were surrounding the market and House. Where a Pack member was, so was a Rogue. His scouts were unable to locate Benjamin nor their Luna without compromising themselves.

Their information was enough.

They would have to pull the Rogues away and engage them away from the Pack. The Alpha refused to put his Pack at risk of becoming collateral damage.

So the Alpha sent a small group of wolves, no larger than a hundred, to draw them to the opposite side of the Pack, where the rest of them would be waiting.

The selected few departed from their Alphas. Their instructions were to be swift and to go unnoticed until they had the attention of the Rogues in town. They couldn’t risk being discovered before then or their plan would crumble.

Quickly and quietly, the wolves made their way to clearing where they would make their stand. The stood in formation, waiting for their enemies to come running towards them.

It didn’t take long for the Rogues to show their muzzles. The wolves who had led the Rogues there quickly joined ranks.

The Rogues stopped several yards away, gathering, waiting. Waiting for their acting Alpha, or some wolf of high power to step forward. A red wolf stepped forward, larger than most of the Rouges there.

He wasn’t the Alpha’s father. The one wolf he desired to kill above all others. He would kill this Rogue and any other Rogue that stood in his way of finding his mate. His precious mate whom he valued above all others. His mate who was in terrible danger.

The Alpha would find her, yes. He would find her and then kill all the ones who ever laid a hand on her. Make them suffer terribly. He would make sure of that.

With a growl, the Alpha commanded his wolves to engage, the Rogue leader did the same.

All at once the wolves were rushing to each other, teeth bared. They collided into each other. They pounced onto each other, each trying to sink their teeth into the other. A few were lucky, able to tear out their opponent’s neck. But most weren’t. They were clawing and biting, trying to inflict terrible damage upon one another.

The Alpha headed straight for the Rogue leader. Any Rogue that tried to engage with him was left on the ground missing their throats. The two wolves jumped for each other, their bodies colliding with each other midair. The two of them fell, the Alpha on top of the Rogue, trying to get to his neck. The Rogue managed to push him off him. The Alpha didn’t give the Rogue a chance to recover. He pounced right on him, trying to dig his claws into him. The Rogue bit at his shoulder, managing to pull out a chunk of flesh. The Alpha roared.

The Alpha dug his claws into the Rogues side, tearing up his flesh. The Rogue tried to put up a fight, but he was losing blood quickly. His efforts became weaker and weaker. The Alpha delivered the death blow by tearing out his throat. He spit out the chunks of fur and flesh in his mouth. He licked his mouth clean of the blood.

The Alpha raised his muzzle in the air and sniffed. Blood, lots of blood, but also something else. The Alpha’s sire. He was close. Close by. Most likely watching as the battle played out.

The Alpha followed the scent of his sire. He wasn’t going to let him get away again. his sire had harmed his mate, taken his Pack, and killed pups. His reign of terror was at and end. The Alpha would make sure of it.

He crouched low to the ground, in attempt to keep himself hidden, not that his sire wouldn’t be able to scent him. His bleeding wounds would give away his scent almost immediately. But the Alpha wasn’t concerned about that. His focus was on avenging the dead his sire was responsible for.

He followed the scent through the grass and into the trees.

Close, so close.

Something jumped out of the tree and landed in front of the Alpha. His sire, in his human form.

His sire had a smirk on his face, taunting him. “Hello there son. Nice to see you again after all these months. Your pretty little mate is so feisty. I don’t know how you put up with her.”

The Alpha growled. How dare he talk about his mate!

“You came at the most unfortunate time. I was just about to carve out that pup of yours when the alarm sounded. Too bad I have to kill you before you’ll get the chance to see your pup. Oh well, plans are always changing, we just have to go with it.”

The Alpha pounced onto his sire before he could say another thing. The Alpha was strong, yes, but so was his sire. He threw the Alpha off him and shifted into his beast. Alpha against Alpha. The fight of all fights. Whoever won this won the war. And the Alpha was determined to kill his sire. He would kill his sire. He had too.

They circled each other, analyzing weaknesses and strengths. The Alpha knew that his sire would use his wounds against him. He knew his sire had a weak spot on his back leg.

The Alpha was the first to attack. He jumped, claws out and teeth bared. He was unable to get a hold in his sire however. His sire swiped his paw at him, clawing his face. he was lucky the claws missed his eye, though it was so, so close. The blood dripped into his eye. He had no time to wipe it away however, as his sire attacked.

He met him, jaws wide open, ready to bite down. the two wolves sunk their teeth into each other, claws digging into each other’s sides. They were each trying to rip out as much flesh as possible, trying to get a path to the other’s neck. They pulled themselves away when they realized they were getting nowhere.

They circled each other once more, seeing if they could catch the other off guard with an attack.

The Alpha quickly turned and jumped onto his sire’s back, his teeth clamping onto his back leg. The sire howled and tried to shake him off, but he held on. He bit harder, feeling the bones crunch between his jaw. Satisfied, he let go and sharply twisted his body, narrowly avoiding his sire’s open jaw.

However, the Alpha didn’t escape his sire’s jaws a second time. He clamped his teeth into his side. He tried to get out of his grip, but only managed to get part of his side ripped out. The Alpha roared in pain but didn’t stop to lick his wounds. He couldn’t stop. Not until he crushed his opponent.

The Alpha staggered a few steps away. He shook his head. The blood loss was starting to get to him. His head was feeling fuzzy and his vision was blurring. He had to finish this fast before he passed out.

The sire was unbalanced with the crushed leg. The Alpha knew he had to attack the leg, therefore throwing the sire’s weight off balance and then he would be able to go in for the kill. With a quick maneuver, he swiped his paw at the leg, causing the sire to howl in pain and teeter to the side. The Alpha took advantage of that. He head butted his belly, his sire falling over. His teeth clamped into his neck.

It was over quickly. Over quicker than he had wanted. But his sire was dead and that was all the mattered. This was all over.

He clamped his jaws around his sire’s neck and drug his body to the field where the rest of the fighting was. He dropped the body and howled. Other wolves, Rogues and Pack alike, looked to the Alpha and his dead sire at his feet.

At the sight of their dead leader, Rogues began to hit the trees, fleeing. Not all, some were stupid enough to fight, though they were killed almost instantly.

The Alpha shifted back to his human form, holding his bleeding side. He stumbled a couple steps. He looked around at the chaos round him. Blood and bodies littered the clearing. He stumbled away, scenting the air, on the hunt for his mate.

The moment he stepped foot into the town square, one of his Pack members quickly stepped in front of him, handing him shorts. “She’s in the cells.”

With those words, he took off running. His side had stopped bleeding, though his running had caused the wound to start bleeding once more. He wasn’t worried about it. he just had to get to his mate. He needed her.

When Emerson arrived, there were other Pack member down there, attending to their Luna. But one look at their Alpha and the moved back.

He growled loudly at the sight of her. Her back was ripped to shreds, her body covered in bruises. He moved to her and ripped open the chains holding her up. He caught her before she hit the ground.

His heart broke when she whimpered. He brushed back her hair and kissed the top of her head. “I got you. I’m here now, I’m here.”

He lifted his head and looked at his Pack. “I need a doctor.”

He gently picked her up, doing his best not to hurt her back anymore. He carried her out of the cells. He walked as quickly as he could to the infirmary without bouncing his mate around too much. He didn’t want to cause her any pain, anymore than she was feeling. He wanted her better, he wanted her better now.

The doctors ushered him into the closet room. He set her down on the bed, unsure of how to lay her. any way would be painful. Her back was in shreds and her front was covered in bruises. The doctor instructed him to lie her on her stomach so he did, his lip trembling. He took a step back as the doctors began to work on her, starting with the back and working their around her body.

A doctor approached him. “Alpha, I need to treat your wounds, before they get any worse.”

“As long as I don’t have to leave,” he said weakly.

The doctor nodded. She only led him closer to the wall so she would have more space to work on him. He sat down emotionless as the doctor worked on his side. He watched his mate. Watched as the doctors revealed more and more of her wounds.

It happened because he wasn’t there. He wasn’t there to help her. he wasn’t there to save her, and he should have been. He should’ve been there and he would forever hate himself for it.

Hate himself for as long as she bares her those scars on her body. It would be a constant reminder that he failed as a mate.

He failed her.

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