The Amethyst Pack (Book 1)

Chapter Chapter Fourteen

Soon enough it was time to go as Sebastian transported us to a safe spot just beyond the location as I shifted smelling out the area as I could smell the hunters inside and I wanted to rip apart every single one.

“It’s time” Elise smiles as I nod and take the lead as we surge forward to the building as sirens sound as we are noticed, but it was all too late for them as I broke through their glass doors and ripped apart the first three hunters I came into contact with as I noticed Thomas getting his fill of blood with a grin.

“Go my love, these people hurt your family” Sebastian says beside me as my rage builds as my paws pound against the floor as I surge forward once more to the next level as I’m shot at, but I leap over them, tearing their guns from them as they look at me in fear.

“My god…It’s her!” One says before I rip him apart with a growl.

“Enough! Serena!” A hunter shouts behind me as I growl, blood dripping from my teeth.

“Kill him…” Elise murmurs in my ear as she appears beside me.

“NO! I can take you to your family!” He puts up his hands in surrender as I look between him and Elise.

“Where are her parents?” Elise snaps.

“I’m not talking to you VAMPIRE” He snaps at her as I growl and step forward.

How dare he talk to her like that?!

“Tell us where the compound is where her parents are held?!” She shouts.

“I said shut it vampire!” He says as he gets out his gun but before he shoots I pounce on him as I bare my teeth at him, growling in his face as he looks at me with pure fear.

“I think she wants an answer, don’t you hunter” Elise snaps as I snarl in his face.

“Not parents…Lucien…He will find you” He murmurs as I back off of him in shock…Lucien…Lucien…No…He’s dead…

I shift to my human form as I stand above him.

“My family are dead…My mate is dead…Lucien is dead! Don’t play games with me hunter!” I growl out as he looks at me confused.

“No! What have they told you?!” He says as Elise flits over and snaps his neck as I glare at her.

“Sebastian!” She shouts as he pops up beside me.

“What?” He asks as he looks at me.

“My family…Are they dead or not?” I growl.

He comes to me and places a hand on my face as my rage begins to subside.

“The hunter was trying to use your family to distract you. They are dead…” He says as tears flood my eyes and he takes me in his arms, power flooding through me like a familiar feeling…Was this what love felt like?

“They all need to die…” I cry.

“Yes and they will pay for what they have done” Sebastian kisses me deeply as I jump into his arms and he pins me against the wall as he stands in amidst the carnage.

“We should go… NOW!” Elise shouts angrily as Sebastian lets me down and nods as we follow her hand in hand to the others as I look around and notice a small photograph on the wall…Of my parents…

But before I can look Sebastian has teleported us back to the house as he grips me tight in his arms.

“Mmm, I can smell the blood all over you little wolf” Thomas walks up to me as he licks my cheek and I notice the blood on his tongue.

“Oh for god sake…will you three get out of my sight” Elise rolls her eyes at us as the guys smirk lustfully as Thomas picks me up in his arms and flits to the bedroom with me as Sebastian pops up out of nowhere next to us.

Sebastian stands behind me as his hands glide over my sides as he lifts up my blood covered top as Thomas stands in front as he licks the blood from my body with a moan.

“Do you want us both little wolf?” Sebastian murmurs in my ear as I feel the lust spread within my body.

No Serena, stop it…They aren’t your mate…

Power…Raw lust…Ignore the wolf…My mate is dead…Sebastian and Thomas will take care of me…

“Yes…I want both of you” I growl lustfully as the smirk and strip me of all my clothes as their hands wander over me.

“Can I bite you little wolf?” Thomas smirks as he sucks on my hardened nipple.

“Yes” I moan as Sebastian plays with my hot bud.

Sebastian sits on the bed as Thomas lifts me and places me on Sebastian’s cock as I ride him.

Thomas then licks and nips down my body before getting to my thigh as he grips it with a smirk before biting into it hard as I scream at the pain.

Sebastian goes harder in me as he helps take the pain away as I moan against them both.

“You taste amazing little wolf” Thomas releases my thigh as I notice the bite heal quickly thanks to my fast healing as Sebastian turns me around for Thomas as they moan as they both fill me as I scream in pain at first before moaning as we all orgasm.

“He’ll feel that one” Sebastian smirks as he looks at Thomas as I hear him chuckle as I look at them confused.

“Who? What are you talking about?” I ask.

“Nothing my love” Sebastian says as he kisses me as he lays me down on the bed and covers me with the blanket.

“Get some sleep love” Thomas smirks before the both of them get dressed and leave the room as I drift off.

I’m in the café baking as I see Pauline walk into the kitchen.

“You’re killing your mate Serena! Wake up! There is magic! Resist it!” She says as I look up at her confused.

“What…My mate is dead…My family is dead Pauline…What magic?!” I call out.

“Sebastian…He’s…magic…Bad…Come…Home…” She flickers in my mind.

“Be gone witch!” Sebastian pops into the kitchen suddenly as she screams and disappears.

“Serena! Wake up!” I wake up to Sebastian by my side as I’m sweating hard as his eyes are white and hands are on my head.

“What the fuck?!” I cry.

“Shhh…They’re gone…I made them leave…I thought I stopped them…They’ve got some power in them…You’re safe here, I’ve got you little wolf” He says stroking my face.

“What was that? Why did they say I was killing my mate?” I ask.

“They are trying to get to you, they are using your pain against you my love” He sighs as he puts me into his arms as I feel a surge inside me.

“I love you Sebastian” I say as the surge gets stronger, the surge I was sure was love.

“I love you too my little wolf” He smirks and kisses me hard.

The next few days went in a similar way, both Sebastian and Thomas shared me, we destroyed hunter bases and had more fun. Sebastian never left my side he was always touching me somewhere on my skin. I couldn’t get enough of his touch either as the surge of love flooded my body felt so good.

Elise had said we were close to finding their main hideout and I was beginning to get anxious about it as I wanted to free my parents, they were my only family left…

Sebastian had left me alone for a few moments to talk with Thomas and Elise as I made my way slowly downstairs. That was when I heard someone in the basement, everyone else was in the kitchen as I quietly made my way down, listening at the door.

I could hear a heart beat thud, chains clanking and a growling as I tried to open the door, it was locked…Being a wolf I used my strength and managed to bust it open…Only problem is…The others might have heard it.

“Who’s in here?” I ask as I walk in.

“You know full well who is in here you vampire bitch!” The person growled…The person smelt like a wolf as I flicked the switch for the light as my gaze landed on the figure on the ground, chained up and beaten.

“Serena!” They called out in shock.

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