The Amethyst Pack (Book 1)

Chapter Chapter Fifteen

“You died…” I murmur in shock.

“What?! What are you talking about?” They said in shock.

“The hunters…They killed you all! You died! You all died! I’m dreaming! The witch is playing with my mind again!” I cry out as my hands hit my head.

“What have they done to you Serena?” Daniel murmurs as I look at him in shock.

“What…Done…I…” I murmur.

Sebastian…Magic…Liar…They are alive!

“We need to get out of here Serena…You have no idea what you’ve done…The people you’ve killed…” He says.

“What the fuck is going on down here little wolf?” Thomas snarls from the doorway as he and Sebastian come into the room.

Sebastian wraps his arms around me as he kisses my neck.

“Get off of her you prick!” Daniel growls pulling against his chains angrily.

“Do you want me to get off my love?” He smiles at me as I feel the love for him grow again.

“No, I love you touching me” I smirk as Thomas turns to me too.

“NO! Serena! He’s using you! He’s using magic! You’re better than this! Listen to your wolf!” Daniel shouts.

“Are you ours little wolf? Have we used you? What do you feel for us?” Thomas says as he bites into my neck as I moan against them.

“I am theirs. I love them Daniel” I moan.

“NO! Serena! Focus! You don’t love them! Craig is alive and you’re killing him! Every touch, he can feel it! You’re killing him!” Daniel shouts as Thomas snarls and turns to him.

“Shut up!” Thomas punches Daniel hard as blood spurts everywhere as Thomas licks it off his hand.

Daniel is alive…So why can’t Craig be…Your mate…remember the truth…

I turn to Sebastian in his arms and smile before knocking him unconscious, his power floods out of me as I remember everything as I shift and turn to Thomas, ripping him to shreds quickly as I stare at Daniel in shock.

I shift back again and undo his chains as I hear the murmur of Elise and the others upstairs.

“Shit” I growl as I mange to get his chains undone.

“Serena we have to get out” Daniel groans, he’s weak.

“I…The only way you are going to end up getting out is in a body bag if we aren’t careful” I murmur.

“You have to come with me” He says wide-eyed.

“I can’t…” I can already feel Sebastian.

“Why?!” He asks.

“Shit! Shift now! Run…Don’t look back and don’t fucking come back for me!” I growl as my eyes glow purple as I order him.

“I…Serena!” He growls as he shifts and looks at me with concern before running out as I follow closely behind, shifting myself to make it look like I was following him, but getting in the way of the vampires that had noticed his escape.

“What the fuck happened?!” Elise cries out in anger as I watch Daniel get away, no one could catch up to him.

“I don’t know” I cry out as I feel Sebastian’s power flood out as he pops up next to me.

“Sebastian? What happened?”

“This little wolf decided to move against me” He snap as he slaps me hard as I growl out from the ground.

“You said you had her under control!” Elise shouts.

“I will…She won’t do it again” He says as he grabs my arm and hauls me to him, kissing me hard as his power floods me.

“Mmmm, Sebastian, can we go play now?” I smirk as I jump into his arms.

“What just happened little wolf?” He asks.

“What do you mean? I’ve only just come downstairs…” I mumble a little confused.

Focus…Daniel is alive…Focus my wolf growls as the power fades and I gulp…What the fuck was Sebastian doing to me?

“SERENA!” I hear a voice shout in my mind…Someone was trying to link with me…I could feel the hurt in their voice.

“We have work to do little wolf, we can play later…” Sebastian smirks as I begin to feel sick to my stomach as I realise I was in his arms.

He must have noticed though…

“Maybe we can have a quickie” He winks as he takes us to the bedroom, pinning me to the bed as power floods through my body.

I try to fight against it.

“Sebastian…No…” I murmur as he kisses down my body.

“Shh, this will feel amazing baby” He says.

Baby…No Craig calls me baby…Craig…

“SERENA!” I hear that voice again…Craig…He was hurt, this was hurting him!

“GET OFF ME!” I shove Sebastian off me as he glares at me.

“Come now little wolf, I thought you loved me” He says his head cocked to the side in confusion as he walked towards me again.

“We have work to do right? We…we can play later…” I try to smirk lustfully.

“You remember don’t you…You are powerful little wolf…I will have to try harder…” He smirks as he flails his hand in a sweeping motion before kissing me and touching me all over.

“Mmm, Sebastian…” I moan.

“Do you love me little wolf?” He asks as I look at him confused.

“What? You know I do” I kiss him deeply as he smirks.

He strips me of my clothes as he penetrates me hard as I scream out.

Once we’re done we clean up and head downstairs, his hand never leaves mine.


My wolf keeps repeating for me to focus again and again as I shake it from my mind as I feel Sebastian’s love for me spread across my body.

“Everything under control Sebastian?” She asks.

“Perfectly” he smirks as he kisses my collarbone.

“So, I thought we could celebrate your birthday tomorrow with going to the hunter headquarters…We found them…We can go find your parents” Elise smiles.

“My birthday…I totally forgot…” I murmur.

“It will be a day you’ll never forget we’ll make sure of it” Sebastian smirks.

Something didn’t feel right inside my heart…FOCUS

“We need to start making our way there today, we have a few new recruits to collect on the way, so you should be able to have a good run today too Serena” Elise smiles.

“Great! I so need a run!” I say happily, I missed running, feeling free.

Soon enough we were ready to go as Sebastian walked up to me smirking as he kissed me passionately and said he would meet us there as he nodded at Elise and I shifted.

“Let’s go!” Elise ordered as we all ran together.

“Serena! Can you hear me?!” I heard in my head.

“Who are you?” I reply.

“It’s Daniel…” He replies.

Daniel is alive…Your mate is alive…Remember…

“Oh god…What have I done?” I said back as Sebastian’s magic began to fade.

“You had no choice, now you need to tell me where you are and what’s going on? Before Sebastian takes you again” He rushed.

“We’re on our way to get new recruits, then to hunter headquarters…Daniel…How is Craig?” I ask, worry flooding me.

I could see Elise watching me intently as I darted through the trees, pretending to be playful in them as she smirks.

“He’s in a lot of pain right now…Sebastian made it so he could feel everything he does to you…” Daniel sighs.

“This is all my fault…” I cry.

“No, now listen, the hunters are working WITH your parents” He says as I growl out accidently as Elise steps towards me.

“Sebastian” She hisses as he pops up sitting on my back as I almost tumble.

“What is it?” He snaps.

“You tell me…” She says as I feel his power surge through me.

“Get them out Daniel!” I shout through the link before I lost him.

“Are you ok my love?” Sebastian asks.

“Yes, I’m hungry” I groan. Focus, he’s the enemy…

“Nearly there, little wolf” He says as he rides me. His touch was making my body ache in lust as his hands gripped my dark fur. But I was trying to resist in any way I could, pushing his magic away. But the more I pushed, the more it pushed back.

“What is that smell?” I grind to a halt as Sebastian nearly flies off of me.

“Where?” Elise asks as I smell the sweetest of smells I had ever smelt before as I padded through the trees.

There was a clearing up ahead as Sebastian jumped off my back as I surged forward carefully.

“Serena Baldo…I’ve been waiting for you” There was a man standing in the middle of the clearing, the smell, the sweet smell came from him!

“Who are you?” I growl as the others stay back a little from me.

“My name is Seth…I am a guardian…Now…how about we talk alone” He turns, and he is the most gorgeous being I had ever seen as he clicks his fingers and time seems to freeze as I turn to the others, they were frozen…

“What…How…” I murmur as I shift into my human form and poke Sebastian slightly as he doesn’t move an inch.

“Serena, enough games. You are in danger of making a very bad choice here” He snaps at me as I storm up to him.

“Choice! A choice! How is being controlled by magic a choice!” I growl.

“Your choices led you here and now only you can back out of it. If you carry on this path it will lead to destruction of the whole human race! Control your destiny! You are weak!” He snaps.

“I am not WEAK!” I shout at him.

“Then prove it! If you do not, then the whole world will burn, and you will become the monster you despise. The prophecy calls for a great leader who must make a choice between good and evil…To save the race that destroyed her world as she grew up or to kill them all…You have a choice, but I am here to say if you choose wrong, your family WILL die along with the humans…They WILL protect them with their last breath.” He says as I look at him in shock.

“How do I stop that…How do I save anyone…I’m just one little wolf…” I murmur.

“You are the child of a great alpha…You are the future! Become the alpha you are supposed to be! Now what will you choose?!” He says as a blinding light flashes and he disappears.

“What the hell was that?!” Sebastian shouts angrily as he storms to my side as I stand in shock.

I had just seen the last guardian…It had to be…

“Guardian…” I murmur as he looks at me in shock.

“Shift” He snaps as I shift back into human form as he drags me to him, kissing me, flooding me with power.

Become the alpha…Focus…They need you…

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