The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 45

Rosalind's POV

I stare wide eyed at the smiling doctor. I then look down at my belly slowly and whisper to myself, "I'm pregnant.” I look up at Clayton to see tears in his eyes.

He stands up, walks over to me on the bed, and looks me in my blue eyes with his chocolate ones. He doesn't say anything as he starts to cry.

“I-I'm so sorry Rose."

"For getting me pregnant?” I ask. All I can think about is that.

He shakes his head no, "For abandoning you to find Nic. She's dead, I can see that now. God Rose, I hurt you."

As the words 'l hurt you' came out of his mouth he was full on drowning in tears. I felt his pain of him finally realizing his sister is dead and that he was being a jerk, but I was being bitchy too, I wouldn't try hard enough to help him with his loss.

"Clay, it's okay. I'm sorry too, I didn't try hard enough to help you. You lost your only family-" he cuts me off. "No, I didn't. You are my family," he pauses and looks at my belly. "Both of you."

The doctor then clears her throat, "Now, let's check up on that little one."

I slowly nod my head okay and lay down as I am shaking. Clayton notices how much this scares me as he grabs my hand in his and mind- links me,

"You'll be alright princess, you're never going to get hurt again, not even by me.

The doctor then gets some gel stuff and starts an ultra sound. On a screen it shows a little shape of something that hasn't fully developed yet.

With werewolves, our babies start to develop a lot faster than human's so we are only pregnant for 5 months — half as long human's are.

The doctor then says, "Everything looks good so far."

Clayton then asks, "Can you print that out as a picture?"

I look at him while he is still crying.

The doctor says sure and soon she hands me a picture of what was on the screen. I examine it and then touch my hand on my belly.

"We're going to have our own pup.” I say as I hand the picture to Clayton. He doesn't look at it as he lays it down on the bed next to me. He then leans down and wraps me in a hug.

His touch relaxed me and actually made me happy.

As Clay and I walk back to the pack house we talk about how we are going to tell everyone.

"Should we just wait and let them find out later?" I ask.

"No, you're parents are going to want to know right away." Clayton tells me.

"I don't know how to tell them." I say to him as we walk inside the pack house.

Clay mind-links me so the pack members don't over hear, "How about we plan a big way to tell everyone? A party, or a dinner with everyone there, something like that.’

I'm surprised with how well Clayton is taking this. He really is excited if he wants to celebrate it. I smile at him before he says, "You go get some rest, it's getting late.”

I raise an eyebrow at him, "I'm not tired, plus I haven't ate any dinner yet." I say as my stomach growls. Clay just turns around and walks away.

So he is going back to grieving and ignoring his pack and 1?

I sigh and walk up stairs to Clayton's room nervously.

I now know how those teen girls from 16 and Pregnant feel when they just find out they're having a baby. I shouldn't be so worried about this though, a lot of female werewolves, especially Luna's, end up pregnant at young ages — it just how the werewolf world runs.

Once I am at his room, I sit on top of his bed. Soon, I smell Clayton and he opens the door with a tray of food.

I look at him, "What are you doing?"

He shrugs, "You were hungry, so I made you food.”

I can't help but smile as he sets it down next to me and sits down across the bed.

"I can get myself food you know."

"I know." He says before he stands up, kisses my cheek, and leaves the room.

After I ate I watched some tv but I slowly fell asleep.

I see two small packs of all male wolves as they stand facing each other in the light of the full moon. Two men stand in front of the groups of wolves that must be the Alpha's — one with light blonde hair that looks kind, the other with dark hair and looks cruel.

Suddenly, the two groups of wolves attack each other, until the pack belonging to the Alpha with blonde hair wins.

The full moon shines bright and out comes a beautiful girl with hair as white as the moon itself. She walks over to the Alpha with blonde hair and speaks,

"You have won, your pack will be given another leader. This new leader will not be a male like the others in your pack and the ViciousAsh Pack — instead, they will be female and she will be called a Luna. Also, she will be a mate to you."

"Luna is a female leader of a pack, but what is a mate then?" The Alpha with blonde hair asks

"She will hold half your soul and you will be half of hers."

The beautiful girl then turns and the moon shines bright again, and soon she is gone.

The pack that is under control of the Alpha with dark hair, and that I assume is the ViciousAsh Pack, growls angrily at the pack that defeated them.

The Alpha with blonde hair smiles proudly, but his smile fades as he sniffs the air and his eyes turn black, "MINE." He growls before he runs off into the woods.

The members of his pack stare at him confused and so does the ViciousAsh Pack. The Alpha with blonde hair then returns with a beautiful girl that has brown hair and looks to be the same age as me. All of the wolves in both packs stare at the girl wide-eyed, before the Alpha with blonde hair's pack lowers their heads in submission to the girl. While the ViciousAsh pack growl at her.

The Alpha with dark hair then walks over to the girl and the Alpha with blonde hair.

"She is one of us?! But she is a female! No females are werewolves!" He growls.

The alpha with blonde hair growls back, “The moon goddess has rewarded my pack, she is my mate and my pack’s Luna."

The Alpha with dark hair then turns and walks away.

Everything goes black and I can't see anything, but soon I see the pack that belongs to the Blonde haired Alpha all sitting around eating in a cave. All the men admire their Luna and talk to her as a small child sits on her lap — but the happiness of them all fades when a loud and rumbling growl makes it way out of the forest and into their den.

The Alpha with blonde hair jumps up to face the Alpha of the ViciousAsh Pack as they emerge from the woods. The Alpha to the ViciousAsh pack walks over to the other Alpha and says, "It's been a year my friend,” he then looks in the den and smiles a weird smile at the Luna's daughter.

"past is the past, so I ask, may we join you for a meal to create peace?” The kind blonde Alpha let's them and all the members of both packs sit around in the den.

The Alpha of the ViciousAsh Pack looks over at the tiny girl no older than one and smirks, "You have a lovely daughter. Father is a wolf and her mother, she is the first born of a true full werewolf."

Everything goes black again, but soon it comes back as the Alpha of the ViciousAsh pack leaves the inside of the den and walks outside over to the Luna as she plays with her young daughter just at the edge of the cave. The Luna turns to grab something quick, but when she looks back the Alpha to the ViciousAsh pack has her infant in his hands.

The Luna screams and moves quickly to get her child out of his hands. The kind Alpha that heard her scream runs out of the den, when he gets there, he finds his mate's blood spilled on the ground but her body gone, while his tiny daughter lays on the ground crying.

I jump up awake when Clayton shakes me slightly.

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