The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 44

Clayton's POV

I woke early the next morning and gathered the trackers to go searching for my sister again. We didn't find anything — like all the other times.

After searching we went home and right away my wolf was freaking out about Rose's safety and health. I haven't seen her all day, so I decided to go to her room to see if she was there. But nope, she wasn't.

I panicked and ran downstairs - finding she is not there either, but I ran into Damon. Damon looks at me and says, "Everything alright alpha?" "Where is Rose?"

Suddenly, without having to have him answer, I knew exactly where she is. Strange.

He smiles at me, "Training." I let out a sigh of relief as that is what I thought, but soon I am not calm anymore as I realize who she is training with.

I growl before I quickly turn and run out of the house to the training center. When I get there I see Rose working on her Fighting skills as she throws punches at Drake and kicks him.

I feel proud of her as she punches him right in the jaw before he could dodge it. My little mate is learning to be a strong wolf. My proudness then fades as I realize — I wanted to be the one to train her.

I walk over to them and they both stop what they are doing. Rose smiles at me while Drake glares.

"Rose we need to talk." He smile fades as she says, "Can we talk in a minute? We're almost done with my training for today-" I cut her off from what she is saying.

"NOW." She then nods her head okay before she takes a step towards me, but she stops when Drake says, "Training after you talk, we still need to work on how hard you hit."

I growl as I say to Drake, "She trains when I say she does.”

Drake growls quietly before he says, "I am her trainer-"

"I am her mate.” I say to him as I walk over to him.

"Not a very good one if you leave her with all the work because you have to search for a dead body."

I grow! at him, "I am a good mate. You don't have a right to talk to me about MY MATE."

He growls back louder as his eyes turn yellow.

"You don't deserve a mate like her." He pauses as my wolf starts to take control.

"All you do is cause her problems and control her."

That's it. I shifted into my grey wolf and stalked towards him - but Rose got in front of me.

"Clay, it's okay, calm down." She says as her voice calms me for a second before I walk past her and growl at Drake.

Rose turns around to face us before demanding, "Clayton, I am not playing this game were you can attack people because of anger and I have to watch.”

Her voice held power - kind of like an Alpha's tone, but instead this one was a Luna's. I am shocked as I hear her use it for the first time.

I turn around and face her as she speaks again, "Shift back. NOW."

I obey her and run into the room next door before shifting back and getting pants on. Once I have pants on I return to the room and Rose turns to Drake before saying, "Can we work on training tomorrow? Besides, I'm not feeling all that well.”

Drake nods at her before glaring and me and leaving

Finally, the dickhead is gone.

Rose must have heard my thought as she turns to face me and raises an eyebrow.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" She asks slightly annoyed. "From now on you have training with me, no more of that Drake guy.” She stares at me for a moment and Damon mind-links me,

“Alpha, we just got a call from Blake's pack, he wants to speak to you." Just what I need; to talk to Blake. I growl at the thought of him as Rose shakes her head before saying "okay, no more training with him."

I then turn to leave to my office without saying bye to Rose or telling her what is going on.

Once I am in my office I grab the phone sitting on my desk and dial Blake's number. After a few rings he picks up and I hear his voice say, "Clayton. I am calling to ask if you have seen or heard anything from my son."

"What happened to your son?" I ask annoyed with the fact that he is calling me about this.

"I don't know. He went missing. None of my trackers can find him." "How could he go missing." I ask, still annoyed.

"He was taken by rogues. Clayton, please keep an eye out for him." "Alright." I said before hanging up the phone. I walked behind my desk and sat down in my chair. I look over at how neat everything is from Rose's organizing and I smile.

My smile goes off my face when I feel almost like I am going to throw up. I remember Rose said she didn't feel well, so I got up and ran out of my office.

Without having to follow her scent, I found her in the pack living room Next to her is an unpleasant pile of vomit while she stands there wiping her mouth. She looks at me as I say, "You're sick? How can you be sick? You're a werewolf! We don't get sick easily!"

I panic as I think that she could have something really bad.

"No, it's just from over eating I think. I've been depressed since Nicole died, and the stress of taking care of the pack has all caused me to over eat.”

"Over eating?! Rose, you blacked out the other day! Something is wrong!"

She starts to shake as she says, "Maybe I blacked out from to much stress? I don't know.”

Before we say anything else, I grabbed her in my arms bridal style and started carrying her to the pack hospital.

"Clay, I don't need to go to the pack doctor.”

"I think you do, so you are.”

Once we get there, I set her down and the doctor walks over to us. She looks at Rose and smiles, "How's everything going Luna?"

"Fine-" I cut Rose off, "She's sick."

The doctor then says, "Well, I can give her something to help with the sickness," the doctor then motions for Rose and I to follow her.

We follow her to a room and the doctor tells Rose to sit on the bed. Rose shoots me an evil look that tells me “I'm not sick dumbass’ and the doctor hands Rose a bottle with blue liquid in it.

"This should help with the sickness, anyways, let's get you a check up to see how things are going so far.”

Rose raises an eyebrow at the doctor, "A check up? I'm fine though.” The doctor just smiles, "Not for you, for the baby."

Rose and I stare at the doctor confused for a moment before the doctor finally gets it.

"You couldn't sense it?" The doctor asks.

All of a sudden it hits me as everything else fades away and I can finally sense the baby — Rose and I's baby.

"I'm not pregnant.” Rose says as her eyes widen.

A baby.

The doctor then says, "Yes you are Luna, I thought you knew. You showed all the signs - including Clayton."

I sat down in a chair near the bed Rose is sitting on.

"What?" Rose asks as she is shocked.

We're having a baby?

"Rosalind, you have morning sickness, you're eating a lot, you have darkened cheeks, and Clayton shows over protectiveness, being able to find you without using your scent, not wanting you to be around other males. I thought you two would know, even though others can't sense it yet."

"I'm pregnant.” Rose whispers as she looks down at her belly before looking at me.

Our own baby.

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