The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 34

Clayton's POV

After the whole singing embarrassment, I went outside for a fighting session with my best fighter, Hunter.

I swing a punch and hit Hunter right in the jaw. I then punch him again but this time in the nose. He stumbles back a bit.

Normally he does better at blocking than this, he seems to be out of it today.

"Hunter," I say as he looks around.

"Hunter," I say again and he looks at me. "Yea?" He says.

"What's up with you?" I ask him. He shakes his head, "I'm not sure Clayton, my wolf is just acting up."

"Your wolf is acting up?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Yea." he says pausing and sniffs the air. His eyes snap in the direction that Ella is coming.

I smile at Ella as she looks at me and starts walking closer to Hunter and I. She then looks at Hunter and freezes, right then Hunter growls "Mine."

He runs over to her with a huge smile on his face while Ella stays standing wide-eyed.

"What's your name?" Hunter asks as he studies Ella's face.

"Ella, what's yours?"


After a awkward moment of silence I clear my throat and they both look at me.

"Ella, I know Hunter is your mate and all, but we've got training to do.” "Clay, is it alright if Ella and I go for a walk and get to know each other better?" Hunter asks, I sigh before saying, "Okay."

They both smile and walk off.

I shake my head and chuckle. That was awkward, for me anyways.

I get a drink of water from my water bottle and pick up my shirt right as Rose walks outside and makes her way over to me.

I smile, "Hey beautiful,” I tell her as I kiss her cheek. She smiles, "Hey ugly.”

I frown, "Ugly? And here I thought you loved me.” I pout and she laughs. "I'm just kidding.” She says before giving me a kiss.

When she pulls away I already miss her soft lips being pressed against mine.

"Where's Hunter? I thought you guys were having a fighting session?” She asks.

"Well, Hunter found his mate.”

Rose smiles a wide grin, "Oh my god! Really? Who!"

"Ella." I tell her.

Rose frowns slightly before asking, "When you said you and Ella were friends, did you guys-" I cut her off, "No, Ella is like a sister to me, never have I ever thought of that.”

Rose smiles again but her cheeks turn a slight red color. "Oh." She says as I chuckle at Rose and her cute little jealousy.

"I almost forgot! I came out here to tell you that my dad wants to speak with you." Rose says.


"Alright, let's hope he doesn't try to kill me." I say to Rose. She laughs like its a joke but it wasn't. I hug Rose and kiss her forehead, since she is shorter than me, before I pull my shirt on and go to find Damon. When I do find Damon, he is standing by the Northern Boarder waiting for me. I walk over to him and say, "Rose told me you wanted to talk.” Damon growls, "Alpha Clayton, did you mate my daughter last night." He asks/demands.

"Yes." I tell him proudly. Mating with Rose was amazing, and I am not going to lie about it. I honestly wouldn't care if the whole pack knew, it would just state that she is mine and never to be touched by ANY other male.

"She's six-teen Clayton! What the hell were you thinking!" He says anger. I growl at Damon, "I was thinking that she is MY MATE. It would've happened eventually.”

Damon's eyes flicker between black and green.

"I know you are angry Damon, she is your little girl, but just remember what it felt like when you mated Lacey." I pause and take a breath before continuing, "Damon, you know me. I would NEVER do anything to harm Rose, just like you would never do anything to harm Lacey.” Damon closes his eyes and let's out a growl before he opens them and walks away from me.

I sigh and walk into the house, heading to my office. When I get to my office the phone rings and I answer it.

"Hello Clayton, this is Blake. I heard that Ella is no longer Alpha of her pack.”

As he speaks, Rose walks into my office and sits down on the couch.

I grow! at Blake's voice,"What do you want with Ella?" I ask as I watch Rose. Rose raises an eyebrow, looking confused.

"I want her dead. I know she is at your pack looking for safety, but I was calling to let you know she is not safe at your pack and neither is you or your mate.” He pauses before continuing, "If you don't kick her out I will attack your pack.”

He then hangs the phone up.

I run a hand through my hair as I remember that Ella's pack has been taken over by her Beta, so why isn't he going after the new Alpha of that pack? Then I remember.

I snap out of my thoughts when Rose speaks, "Blake wants Ella dead because she is the Alpha of the SnowMoon Pack?"

I shake my head, "She is no longer Alpha of the SnowMoon Pack, he wants her dead because of who she is, because her family is enemies with his.”

Rose thinks on that for a moment, "We need to protect her." She says. I look down at my desk, "And get our pack killed? No. The best option is to kick her out.” It pains me to say that as Ella is one of my best friends. "We can't kick her out! She'll die!” Rose says. Now Rose is truly acting like a Leader.

I look up at Rose. "Rose-" she cuts me off, "Didn't her pack get taken over because they wanted a strong male Alpha? Well now she has one! She has Hunter!"

I stand up and smile at Rose, "Hunter and Ella can get Ella's pack back and their pack being allies with ours will frighten Blake. He didn't dare attack her when she had a pack to defend her along with ours, so if she can get her pack, Blake won't try to attack.” I say.

Rose grins, "Problem solved, but she'll need help getting her pack back.” Rose says.

After a moment of silence I say, "Some of the fighters and I can escort her and Hunter to the SnowMoon Pack. Then we can help her get her pack under control.”

Rose frowns, "So you'd leave?"

I walk over to Rose and wrap my arms around her, "I'd only leave for awhile.” I kiss her cheek before mind-linking Hunter to get Ella to my office.

Once Ella and Hunter are in my office, I tell them Rose's plan.

"Yes! This is great!" Ella cheers happily. Hunter smiles at her and I then realized, my best pack fighter will be gone.

Ella looks at me and she was always able to tell what one was thinking just by their facial expressions. "Clayton, since you lost your best fighter, I can transfer my best to your pack, his name is Drake. He's the strongest in the pack.” Ella tells me.

I shake my head, "No, I can't take your best,"

Hunter then adds in, "Clayton, Ella's Pack will have two Alpha’, so that means we'll be able to take turns handling things. With my free time I will train the fighters there. We won't need Drake.”

I think on it for a moment. I don't have free time like they'll have, which means I won't be able to train my pack fighters. I'll need Drake. “Alright.” I say.

"We'll leave for the SnowMoon pack tomorrow at 8 am." I tell them.

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