The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 33

Clayton's POV

As my sister, Rose, Ella, and I all sit in my office I watch my black haired friend.

I haven't seen her for many years, and she was sometimes a better friend than Blake. I never hung out with her in public though, but nothing happened between us. We met in private because her pack is the rival pack of Blake's. Their packs have hated one another for as long as werewolf history can go

I look over at Rose to see she is studying Ella, almost like she is jealous of her. I don't get what she would be jealous of, the only person I love is Rose. I chuckle slightly and they all look at me,

I clear my throat before saying, “Ella, you are welcomed to stay here for as long as you like."

Ella shakes her head, "You sure Clay? This will ruin your peace with Blake's pack.” Ella scoffs when she says Blake's pack.

"That's been ruined for many years now." I say as I look over at Rose. Rose is still watching Ella.

Rose then speaks, "You look like Snow White."

Ella turns her head and looks at Rose, probably thinking the same as me; I have a weird and beautiful mate.

Ella shrugs, "I get that a lot, but um, who's Snow White?"

Oh no

I lean back in my chair, behind my desk, while Nicole and Rose stare at Ella with wide eyes.

Nicole slowly says, "You don't know who Snow White is?"

Ella smiles, "Am I supposed to?" She asks.

I put my face in my hand as Nicole and Rose jump up, before grabbing Ella and dragging her out of my office.

Rose then sticks her head in my office doorway, right when I thought they were gone.

"Come watch Snow White with us!" She cheers, I hate that movie. "No." I say declining it. I guess my stubborn mate wouldn't take that as a answer as she hurried into my office and grabbed my hand, before leading me out of my office.

Nicole and Rose laugh as they hurry Ella and I to the pack living room. "Rose, do we have to watch a kid movie where all the members can see me?" I ask as she pushes me down to sit on the couch. Rose looks at me with that look a girl gives you when she wants you to just shut up and deal with it.

I smile at her and pull her down so she is sitting on the couch with me as Nicole starts the movie.

As the movie started, Damon walked down stairs and past the living room, to the kitchen. Thank god he didn’t notice me watching this. Right as I thought it was all fine, Damon backs up into the living room and stares at me as I sit on the couch with Rose cuddled up to me. Damon looks at the Tv and chuckles. I glare at him from across the room and he then looks at Rose while she cuddles with me, he growls slightly before mind-linking me,

“When did my daughter mark you."

“Last night." I tell him. He glares at me from across the room before he walks into the kitchen.

When we finally finished Snow White I stood up and stretched, right when I was about to leave the living room Rose pulled me back down on the couch with her.

"Isn't the movie over? I have to get some papers done Princess."

"Let's watch Frozen!" She smiles at me and Nicole jumps up and down excitedly.

"YES YES YES!" Ella chants as Nicole starts playing the movie.

I sigh and prepare myself for another dumb movie, but at least this is one I have never seen.

As soon as the movie was over I kissed Rose's cheek and left the room and headed to my office.

Once I was in my office, I closed the door and sat down behind my desk.

I tried to read some papers but a song from that Frozen movie is stuck in my head. Noticing I am the only person in my office I start to sing quietly to myself,

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen.”

I pause and try to remember the lyrics to the song,

"A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen,”

I skip the other words and go for my favorite part, “Don't let them in, don't let them see! Be the good girl you always have to be! Conceal don't feel, don't let them knowwwwwwww, well now they knowwwwww!"

"Let it goo! Let it goooo! Can't hold it back anymore!"

I sing/yell as I dramatically move my hands around to add extra effect. "let it go! Let it goooo! Turn away and slam the door!" I stand up as I start singing louder,

"I don't care, what they're going to say! Let the storm rage on-" my singing stopped as soon as my door barged open, showing Rose, Nicole and Ella.

I freeze and they all stare at me for a second before they burst out laughing.

Rose walks over to me and pats my shoulder, "And you said you didn't like that movie.” she can barely say that as she is laughing her cute little ass off.

I feel only a tiny bit embarrassed as I try to defend myself, "I don't like the movie.. I like the songs.. and the snowman.”

They stop laughing and look at me. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before we all burst out into laughter.

As we laugh I look over at Rose and she snorts a tiny bit causing us all to laugh even harder, and it's official, my mate has the cutest laugh of all time.

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