The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 25

Clayton's POV

I open my black curtains in my office; I'm surprised as I see it is now light out. I guess I was up all night trying to sort out what is going on and I was outside Rose's room most the night to make sure she is not harmed.

I walk out of my office and head to the kitchen to make some breakfast while I am starving.

Once I get eggs frying in a pan I smell roses and candy. I smile and turn around to see Rose walking towards me.

"Hello there!" She says smiling and sitting herself down on the counter top.


"Where you up all night or something? Geez, you look horrible.”

I give her a tired smile, "Thanks." I say chuckling slightly as her cheeks turned red. "No, I didn't mean you look horrible horrible, you look hot-" Her soft cheeks then turn even darker red. "I mean, uh.” Her eyes turn to the floor and I lean over and kiss her red cheek.

I then grab two plates and put a couple of eggs on each one. I hand Rose a plate, "But seriously Clay, did you sleep at all last night?"

I shake my head and take a bite of an egg, "Nope." I say after swallowing.

She tilts her head to the side slightly, "How come?"

"I was working on some Alpha stuff.” I say. I don't want to tell her what is going on since I don't even know for sure.

"Oh." she says. She takes a bite of the breakfast I made for me, but shared with her because, who wouldn't give someone like her everything in the world?

"Mmmmm, you make yummy eggs!" She says as she devours everything on her plate.

I chuckle, "It's just eggs darling, they all taste the same.”

She shakes her head no, "These are seriously the best! No joke!" She jumps off the counter and walks over to me. She smiles at me and I forget everything for a second, next thing I know she has my plate and ate everything on it.

I glare at her playfully, "Stealing my food? Not cool.”

She shrugs, "It's good! Sorry! You shoulda made more."

I shake my head as I can't help but smile - she can take anything from me, she could rip my heart out and I'd still admire everything about her. Rose raises her eyebrows, "Why are you staring at me?"

I chuckle, "Sorry, can't help it." I say as I watch her put the dishes in the sink.

"It's weird, so stop.” she laughs. I laugh and Alexa walks into the kitchen.

"Hey Hippo!" Alexa says smirking at Rose.


Rose rolls her eyes, "Hey kangaroo.”

Do these two have a secret animal code thing that they communicate with? Or are they calling each other names like kids in elementary do? If they are, Rose looks nothing like a hippo. She's too beautiful.

My thoughts are interuppted by my best Tracker Elliott,

“Alpha, we got a lead on the rogue that attacked Rosalind. He traveled towards the LycanRiver Pack.'He mind-links.

“Did he travel through or around them?’ I mind-link back while I watch Rose laugh with Alexa.


I then kiss Rose's cheek quickly before walking out of the kitchen back to my office. I need to talk to Blake.

When I'm in my office I close the door and grab my phone. I dial Blake's pack number and wait for him to answer.

"Hello." His voice says as it travels through the phone. Last time I ever talked to him was when I was making a peace agreement with him about 6 years ago.

"Blake." I say back. It's quite for a moment before he speaks again, "What do you need Clayton?"

"I need to know if you had a rogue travel into your pack, if so, did you kill him?"

"Clayton, no rogue has come near my pack for about a year." he pauses to think about it. "Why?"

"A rogue attacked my mate four days ago, he traveled into your pack.” "No rogue has came to my pack, and I'm not so sure if you even have a mate. Is it all some big lie?"

I growl into the phone, “I'm not lying about my mate. Are you sure no rogue has made his way in your pack?"

Blake returns a deep growl, "Then why hasn't anyone met her? And you went for my mate - MY MATE!" He pauses as I remember his nasty mate. I can't stand her.

"AND if your saying that it was a member of my pack that attacked your so called mate-" Blake continued but I cut him off.

"You met her, her name is Rosalind, she's my beta's daughter. Your mate came for me, also, I am NOT saying a member of your packed attacked her, but now I'm starting to wonder.” Right as I said those words Rose walked into my office and sits down on the couch as if it is her bed.

She watches me with her big blue eyes as she looks confused about what I am talking about and who I am talking to.

"Oh come on, no one will believe that and if you ever say my mate went for you I will rip your arms and legs off one by one.”

I turn around so I am not facing Rose and answer Blake as I try to keep calm, for Rose's sake."You don't have to believe me on any of that then it's fine with me, but I need to know if you have seen a rogue, this is important.”

"No rogue has came near my pack! How many times do I have to tell you that!"

I start to get angry with him, I know that rogue is around his pack, he's just mad at me still from when his mate blamed me for what I didn't do. I calmly say into the phone, "My delta was part of some group of rogues, maybe one of your members is doing the same.” When I said that Blake went quite for a minute before hanging up.

I sigh, knowing I can't search his territory and I set the phone down before facing Rose.

"What was that about? Who were you talking to?" She asks jumping up and walking over to me as I stand behind my desk.

"I was talking to Blake, the rogue that attacked you went on his territory.”

Rose thinks on it for a moment before she shrugs, "Not that big of a deal, that rogue will get killed by Blake."

I sigh again. Rose doesn't understand what could really be going on. Rose smiles before asking, "Want to watch a movie in the pack living room later with Alexa, Her mate, and 12"

I'm glad she's over being mad at me, things feel like they used to be when she was younger, but now better.

I smile and walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist, "Sure, but not some sad sappy chick movie. I want something with action in it." I tell her.

"Eh, I find those boring. How about a comedy movie?" She asks smiling. "Nah, those movies seem cheap.” I say as I look down at her.

"Fine. A animated Disney movie then?" She smiles.

"Sure." I say as I lean down to kiss her.

You know, kissing is great but wow when you get to kiss someone you love and you've waited for the longest time to kiss them, just wanting to feel their lips against yours, but before I can connect our lips a knock is heard at my door.

I growl while Rose laughs and I walk over to the door before opening it. My best fighter Hunter walks in along with Damon, who happens to be glaring at me for marking his daughter before she shifted, and Ace, which is still upset with Rose being my mate.

"Alpha, we got training sessions now." Hunter says to me.

I nod and turn back to Rose as she stands looking at Ace. I hear her thoughts as she feels bad for him.

"I'll see you later Rose, we'll watch the Disney movie around 9:30." I kiss her head, give her a smile and then leave my office with Damon, Hunter, and Ace for fighting lessons.

I walk back into the pack house with Damon, Ace, and Hunter. They all head up to their rooms to get some sleep since it is 1 am. I turn to head to my office to find out better what is happening, I can't sleep knowing that my pack and Rose could be in trouble.

I walk down the hall and into my office, I stop when I notice my office smells like Rose. I look at the couch and there she sits with her arms crossed.

"Hey princess, it's late, you should be sleeping.” I tell her as I sit down next to her.

"I was waiting for you so we could watch the movie, but you never showed up.”

I put my head in my hands, how could that slip my mind?

"I'm sorry darling, training was longer than I thought it would be."

"It's fine, it was just a movie, not that big of a deal.” She says as she gets up.

I'm so sorry, I love you; I thought. I didn't realize I said that out loud until She pauses before walking out of my office.

I feel her emotions, it was a big deal to her, how could I let her down? I growl at myself for disappointing my lovely mate.

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