The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 24

Clayton's POV

When Rose goes upstairs to shower I go to my room to do the same thing. When I get to my room I go into my bathroom and look in the mirror.

I touch my hair that has a raw egg and pieces of the shell in it.

If anyone else would've cracked an egg on my head I would've been mad, but when Rose did it I found it cute.

I get in my shower and turn it on. I relax and let the water ease my mind from the traitor - Chase.

All of a sudden I hear a sweet voice in my head,

I can't wait until my birthday in three days. I'll be able to shift and I'll know what it really feels like to be with a mate.

I chuckle, knowing she doesn't know I can hear her thoughts.

I'll be able to mark Clay back, but I don't want to just mark him. I want to mark him during something special, like when we go for our first run together, or our first time we do it.

I smirk and mind-link her,

"You're thinking about when we do it?

“oh my god! Clay! Get outta my mind! My thoughts aren't just a free- for-all!"

I laugh and get out of the shower,

“Princess, why don't you just cut the mind-link so I can't hear what you're thinking about."

“How do you do that?"

It's hard to explain.’ I say as I walk out of my bathroom and to my closet.

I grab some dark jeans and a white shirt. I then put on my combat boots and head out of my room, to my office.

When I reach my office I mind-link Damon, Ace, my best boarder gaurd Louis, my best fighter Hunter, and my best tracker Elliott.

“Meeting in my office, now."

Once I reach my office I sit down in my chair behind the desk and wait for them. They finally get here and I start talking,

"Did you get anything from Chase's mate?"

"All she told me is that you better watch your back and keep an eye on Rosalind.” Hunter says

I lean back in my chair and think, "I remember I once got a call when I was at Blake's pack,” I pause,“the person told me the exact same thing, before Blake's mate came at me." I say looking at Damon.

Damon comes and stands right infront of my desk, "Was it Chase's mate you spoke to on the phone?”

I shake my head, "it was about ten years ago, but I still remeber the voice. It was a man."

"Chase's mate must have been working for someone if it was the same message.” Ace says.

How could Chase's mate be working for whoever that person is, if she was Chase's mate? She couldn't just wonder onto my pack territory hoping she would she find her mate before she ran into the boarder guards and got killed.

Whoever she might be working for had to know her mate was in my pack.

I look at Louis, "do you remeber the day Chase brought his mate here to join the pack?"

He nods his head yes, "It was Christmas Day, the day Chase gave us off."

"So most of you boarder gaurds were with your families, mates, friends?" I ask.

"Yea." Louis answers.

I think on that for a moment, Chase was working for whoever it is longer than I thought. He must have met his mate before hand. But the only other time any rogues came near my pack was when Rose and Alexa were four and ran in the woods.

I stand up and start walking out of my office, "From now on I want every boarder guarded - day and night. Keep a close eye on the pack members and look for any weird signs.”

I then walk out and head to Rose's room to keep watch on her — someone is planning something and I have a feeling it will harm my Rose.

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