The Alphas & The Heiress

Chapter CHAPTER 38

Ghost Monroe - I am the Fire

I am the fire burning

I rise with the flames

__ __ __

Magnolia (Syble)

Today feels like it’s been a week. I’m physically and emotionally drained but I have to rally because I still haven’t really spoken to Ro and Varian about what happened between us earlier and what it meant — if it meant anything.

Who am I kidding? Of course it meant something, it meant everything — to me atleast. My fire burns for them, my heart beats for them.

This is exactly why I’ve avoided getting emotionally involved with anyone, because now, whether they know it or not, they have more power over me than anyone. A shiver runs through me as I acknowledge that fact.

They’re the only ones who can hurt me.

I walk out onto my balcony and take a seat on one of the cushioned lounge chairs, hugging my knees to my chest. I lose track of time as I stare into the void of the stars.

“Magnolia?” I hear Varian call out, a trace of worry in his voice.

“I’m out here.” I reassure them that I haven’t run off.

His face splits into a wide, beautiful smile when he sees me. Warmth spreads from my heart throughout my body at the way he looks at me.

“Hey, love.” He sits next to me and pulls me into his lap so I’m curled up in his arms, my head resting on his chest.

“Where’s Ro?”

“I’m here, princess.” Ro sits next to Varian and me and pulls my feet into his lap, running his fingertips along my legs, pressing his thumbs into the soles of my feet.

Their touches are more electric than ever, like there’s a living, breathing, energy between us.

“Alone at last.” Varian whispers into my ear, his words filled with promise.

I take a deep, steadying breath. “We should talk.”

Ro purrs, the rumble from his chest rippling up my body. “Indeed we should. You’ve been a naughty little thing all week. I think we should begin discussions with a proper recount of all your misdemeanors.”

He presses his thumbs into my instep again, causing me to moan out into the silent night around us.

I’m not sure where he’s going with this misdemeanor nonsense, I thought they had gotten over the whole throwing a glaive at them thing.

“First, you’ve been taunting us with your delectable scent, not to mention your arousal, from the very first time we met.” Ro starts massaging up my legs.

“If our wolves had their way, they would have claimed you right there in the woods,” Varian adds.

“But you led us to believe that Incandis was something he’s not. His scent on you…” Ro grips my thighs, his claws extending and digging into my flesh, “it drove us mad. You were supposed to be ours.”

I shake my head slightly. “I’m sorry, it never occurred to me that that’s what you thought.” My breathing is fast and shallow.

“Now it makes sense of course, siblings tend to have similar scents.” Varian says, lifting the shirt I’m wearing so it exposes my flat stomach.

“Then, you hid your face from us,” Ro starts dropping slow, tantalizing kisses on my stomach, “you hid your brilliant smile, and your mesmerizing eyes.”

“We’ve wanted to rip that blindfold off of you from the first time we saw you.” Varian says as he kisses my neck.

“I couldn’t,” I breathe, “I had to protect my colony. One look at me and any dragon or hunter would know who I was.”

Ro runs his hands up my thighs, hooks his fingers in the waistband of my leggings and tears them in half. Varian does the same to my shirt, grabbing it at the collar and tearing it down the middle leaving my breasts and panties exposed to them.

“You fought us on everything, literally fought us. You openly defied us, challenged us.” Ro’s nose runs along my panty line, tugging at the elastic with his teeth.

“We’re not used to defiance, our wolves don’t usually like it. But like with everything else, we’re finding you’re the only exception to the rule.” Varian says, circling his fingertips around my breasts.

“I felt the same way, no one questions me here. I don’t owe anyone any explanations, no one but you.”

The twins purr at my response, my nipples pebbling from the vibration. Ro shreds my panties and his hot mouth closes in on my sex. I cry out from the intense bolt of pleasure that lances through me.

“You’re so ready for us, soaking wet,” he murmurs against my folds. He looks me square in the eye as he eases a thick finger into me. “You teased us with this tight little body of yours. Rubbing against us, swimming at the lake in nothing but lingerie.”

“Then there was the party, where you captivated everyone. You’re radiant. Strong, confident, intelligent, beautiful. A natural Luna. A true Alpha Female.” Varian teases and pinches my nipples, continuing to kiss and suck at my neck and shoulder.

“It took all of our willpower not to claim you.” Ro adds a second finger, drawing a long desperate moan from me. Varian drags his canines along my shoulder and drops his hand to circle my clit.

“Why didn’t you?” I pant breathlessly as Ro slowly teases my inner walls.

“You threw a war glaive at his back for inviting you into our home, imagine what you’d have done if we had sunk our teeth into your delicious skin, marking you, claiming you before you realized you’re ours?” Varian says as Ro’s tongue replaces his fingers on my clit, his fingers pumping into me faster now.

“I am yours,” I breathe out, my voice hardly a whisper.

The twins growl lowly, Ro pierces me with black eyes. “Say it again, louder.” Ro demands, his voice equally breathless as if he can’t believe what he’s just heard.

“I’m yours, my heart, body, soul, it’s been yours since I first laid eyes on you. I love you. I’m yours.”

Ro crashes his lips onto mine, I moan into his mouth at the taste of my own arousal on his tongue. He breaks away and latches again onto my clit, licking and sucking as his fingers plunge into me relentlessly. Varian cups my chin, turning my head before slamming his lips onto mine. My mouth immediately opens to his, our tongues fighting for dominance, locked in a passionate and erotic dance.

I’m moaning wildly into his mouth as the pressure in my core builds. Varian fondles my breasts, tugging at my nipples while Ro consumes me. My back arches as my pleasure peaks. I sob into the night as I orgasm, releasing my slick juices onto Ro’s tongue and fingers.

— — —


She comes undone around my fingers, drenching them in her release. I leisurely lap at her slit, she tastes so fucking good. I could eat her for dinner every single night, and I intend to do just that starting tonight.

“Alphas,” she pants, my cock twitches in my pants at her use of our title, “make love to me.”

Fuck. Me.

She licks her bottom lip, her round breasts heaving to the rhythm of her breathing. Her heated, carnal gaze could reduce any man to ashes. But she’s not just anyone’s, she’s ours, and after tonight the entire world will know it.

Varian scoops her up bridal style and carries her into the bedroom. I turn off the lights and undress myself as I watch Varian kiss every inch of her glorious body as she writhes beneath him on the bed.

Kneeling on the bed, he lifts himself off of her to take off his shirt. She uses the opportunity to undo his pants and wrap that smart mouth of hers around his dick. Varian groans out her name like a prayer, and I’m growing impossibly hard watching her throat swell every time she takes his entire length all the way down her throat.

I climb into bed behind her, leaning against the headboard. I pull her back so she’s straddling me, her back to my front, and I position myself at her dripping entrance.

“Fuck Mags, you’re so ready.” I groan in appreciation. She sinks down my length slowly whilst sucking on Varian.

Varian pulls out of her mouth and pushes her upright so her back is arched against my chest. He kisses along her neck, between her breasts, and down her stomach.

“You look beautiful like this, Magnolia. Your tight, pink pussy stretched around his cock.”

His tongue flicks over her clit, licking and sucking on her little bud as I piston myself into her.

She whimpers and moans at the sensation, but he won’t let her cum that easily.

He sits up on his knees, lifting her so she’s flush against him. Their lips are locked in a passionate kiss, their hands fisting into each other’s hair.

Varian and I lift her hips up, repositioning ourselves at her entrance. Together we enter her slowly, allowing her to acclimate to both of us occupying her pussy at the same time.

In perfect unison, we pull back and plunge back into her. Slowly, so slowly at first, letting her moans and whimpers of pleasure guide us. We riddle her body with kisses and love bites, pouring our hearts into her with every thrust.

She begins to rock and bounce against us, matching us thrust for thrust, sinking down further onto us. We pick up our pace, pounding into her together. Her thick, sweet juices drizzling down our lengths making it easier and easier to feed ourselves to her.

Her body begins to tense, her breathing shallow and erratic, crying, moaning, begging for more. She’s so close, and so are we.

“Tell us again, Princess, whose are you?” I sit up, wrapping a hand around the front of her throat so her head drops back onto my shoulder.

“Fuck,” she cries, “I’m yours, Alphas. Claim me, I’m yours.”

Our wolves surge to the surface letting our canines descend.

“Cum with us, little spitfire.” I demand before Varian and I sink our teeth into either side of her neck.

Pleasure unlike any other floods through me. All at once I can feel the three of us releasing together. Her walls convulse and tighten around us as we pour our seed deep into her womb. I can feel her ecstasy.

She reaches out for us on instinct, grabbing onto our necks as our teeth are still embedded in her, her orgasm still ripping through her.

I feel a burning hot sensation originating from where her hand makes contact with my neck. My cock is still pulsing inside her as the heat spreads through my body like a wildfire. It’s too hot, but I can’t escape it, I don’t want to escape it.

Her pussy stops spasming and the heat begins to dissipate. She’s milked our cocks dry, but Varian and I remain locked inside her, licking the blood from her neck to seal the wound.

We pull out of her slowly, she hisses as we retreat, and the three of us crash down onto the bed, laying in a tangled mess of limbs.

“Did we hurt you, love?” Varian kisses the corners of her mouth and while I kiss along her shoulder and neck.

Goddess how am I ever going to be able to let her go? I want my hands and my mouth on her at all times.

Her face features a warm, content smile. Elation reverberates through our new bond as I realize that I am partly responsible for how beautifully, deliriously happy she looks right now.

Her eyes close but her smile broadens. “I can feel you,” she whispers in awe. “You’re everywhere, in and on my body, in my mind. Do you feel it too?”

“We’re fully bonded now, Princess. You’re ours and we’re yours. We can feel your emotions, hear your thoughts, just as you can feel and hear ours.” I kiss her deeply, adoringly.

“Hmm, you’re mine.” A goofy, sleepy grin overtakes her face.

I don’t want to move, I don’t think any of us do, but I bite the bullet and go into the bathroom to get a warm, wet washcloth.

As I’m wetting the washcloth I get a look at my neck in the mirror. There’s a mark on my neck that wasn’t there before, like a brand. She branded me, marked me. That must have been the heat I felt from where she touched me when we claimed her. My chest tightens at the thought that she marked us too, claimed us as hers just as we claimed her as ours.

I return to the bed and I wipe the cloth over her soft, flawless skin. I finish by cleaning between her legs and I’m tempted to snack on her one last time before bed.

She giggles as I gently clean between her thighs and down her legs, “you’re insatiable.”

I grin wickedly at her, flashing her my canines as I lay back down beside her, pulling her into my arms and kissing her once more. “I’ll never have my fill of you.”

“Sleep now, Love, it’s been a very long day.” Varian purrs in her ear.

She curls into us and falls asleep minutes later. I kiss her lips one last time before falling asleep with her in my arms.

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