The Alphas & The Heiress

Chapter CHAPTER 37

Doja Cat - Kiss me more

I like to say, what if, but if

We could kiss and just cut the rubbish

Then I might be onto something

I ain’t givin’ you one in public

I’m givin’ you hundreds, fuck it

__ __ __

Magnolia (Syble)

As soon as we’re alone I’m sandwiched between Ro and Varian. Their hands caress my body while their noses are buried in my neck. I moan instantly at the sparks that erupt where our skin touches.

“Where did you go?” I breathe out. “I woke up in the tub. I thought it was you walking in, but it was Xander.”

The twins snarl at his name. I tilt my head back and press my lips to Ro’s jaw. Varian grabs me behind the neck and pulls me to him, our tongues immediately finding one another.

I should have asked for longer than ten minutes. Much longer.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” Varian asks between kisses. “You’re ours.” He growls out, biting on my bottom lip.

“Since when?” I bite him back teasingly.

Ro grips my hair at the base and gently tugs it to the side, exposing my neck to him. “Since we first laid eyes on you in the woods.” He whispers against the crook of my neck, dragging his teeth slowly along my heated skin.

Fuck that feels good. The only thing stopping me right now is knowing without a doubt that Xander and Incandis will absolutely come looking for me.

“Come on, let’s get dressed and sort all this out.” I sigh.

“Don’t pull away from us so soon, love, our wolves need this.” Varian purrs.

I give in to their embraces and bury my face in Varian’s neck, pressing slow, deliberate kisses along his neck and throat.

It feels so good to be in their arms. Their strength, their warmth, the way they can’t tear their eyes away from mine.

Varian cups my breasts in his hands, pinching my hardened nipples through the soft fabric of his shirt.

Ro slides his hands down between my thighs and cups my sex. “Mm fuck,” I moan out as he slides a thick finger into me.

Their movements are unrushed, they’re taking their time with my body.

“You smell so good, Princess. My wolf is pleased that you smell like us now, too.” Ro whispers in my ear.

I practically convulse. “If you’re going to fuck me again we better hurry, they’ll come back up here looking for me.”

“You think that would stop us?” Ro taunts me with a raised brow.

“I don’t think so, love,” Varian says softly, “your pleasure should never be rushed, we want to take our time with you.”

“Besides, the next time we have you our wolves will push us to mark you.” Ro runs his teeth along my neck again making me moan out loudly. “Once we sink our teeth into your delicious skin, we’ll be bound together forever. Everyone will know you’re ours.”

Fuck the meeting.

I grind my ass against Ro’s hardened bulge. I’m counting on him having less self control. It would be so easy for him to drop the towel and slip into me from this position.

“Watch yourself, Princess.” Ro’s eyes flash between green and black. “You’re playing with fire.”

The double meaning of his words is not lost on me.

I decide to taunt him a little more and turn around slowly to face him. I lift the hand that he used to cup my sex and start to suck on the finger he had buried inside me. I can taste my own arousal on him and I moan imagining his cock in my mouth. I peek up at him seductively and whisper, “Then play with me.”

Bingo. Ro’s eyes go black and he rewards me with a playful growl. He spins me back around, one hand gripping my throat, the other gripping my hip.

“Such a naughty little thing you are,” he growls softly in my ear. “You’ll be punished for that, Princess.” He swats me on the ass as he releases me to finally get dressed.

I walk into my closet to get some panties and leggings. I bend over more than necessary so that Varian’s long shirt rides up my back.

Varian chuckles at my antics. “If you continue to provoke our wolves, love, we’ll make sure you don’t cum at all tonight.”

Any other time I would absolutely have tested the validity of his threat, but they’re right. We need to get everyone on the same page so we can get past all this testosterone induced bullshit and back to finding my dad and uncle.

After getting myself dressed I go with the twins to their room so Ro and Varian can get fully dressed before we head down to the lounge to meet with Incandis, Xander, and Kat.

When we get to the lounge, Xander and Incandis are pacing the floor in front of the fireplace while Kat plays games on her phone next to Runidar at one end of the U-shaped couch. The twins must have linked him to meet us.

“Will the two of you stop pacing and sit down?” Xander and Incandis make their way over to the couch so they’re sitting directly across from Kat on the other end of the U. The twins and I sit in the bend between everyone.

“Where do I even begin?” I ask rhetorically.

All at once everyone comes up with a suggestion.

“Why the fuck was this wolf attacking me?”

“Who the hell even is this guy?”

“What were you doing with your tongue down my sister’s throat?”

I put my hand up to stop everyone. Perhaps we should start with introductions. “Twins meet Xander, Xander meet Rohanor and Varian. Xander is my Guardian, and when I take over as queen he will become the head of my Queen’s guard.”

The twins scoff at the idea that I need a guardian and I beam inwardly at the notion that they find me so capable. Maybe there is hope for them after all.

“Xander came to check on me after finding out I was home.” I look at Ro and Varian, “He could tell that I… sparked… with someone, but I didn’t get the chance to tell him about you guys because you turned into a wolf and lunged at him.”

The twins give me an unapologetic look. “You’re our mate, you were in a vulnerable state of undress and exhausted. We came back to bring you dinner and found you wearing only a towel in the arms of another man.” Varian’s eyes are nearly black by the end of his rant.

Incandis looks like he’s going to expire, he drags his hands down his face and then rubs the back of his neck.

“So you… with them? Them. As in both of them?” Incandis groans as he stands and resumes his pacing.

This is literally a nightmare. Talking to my brother and Xander about having sex, about sparking with not one but two mates.

“Not to put too fine a point on it, D, but yes. They told me we’re mates, like soulmates, and then we made love and I sparked. Everything is warmer, and brighter, and right when they’re near me. Happy now? Does that answer everyone’s questions? Can we get off my sex life and back to finding dad and uncle Dex?”

My skin is burning for release, my chest heaving as I fume. Feeling Varian’s gentle lips on my shoulder and Ro’s strong hands caressing my thigh relaxes me almost instantly.

“My Queen, if I may,” Xander’s voice is cautious, “I think it’s been a long day for everyone. You haven’t even eaten yet. Let’s meet in the morning with clear eyes and cooler heads.”

I nod silently and though we just agreed to convene for the night, no one rushes to leave.

“Princess, we’ve got to make a few calls down to the pack house and arrange for Runidar to return. We will find you after.” Ro’s words are a promise.

“I can teleport him home, but first I need a minute alone with my sister.” Incandis offers.

Ro and Varian kiss my temples before leaving with Kat and Runidar.

Xander walks up to me and whispers in my ear so only I could hear him, “think I could get one last moment alone with you, my Queen?”

“Wait for me in my office.” I whisper back with a small smile.

At last Incandis and I are alone in the lounge. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and continues to look down at his feet.

His brow furrows not sure of how to say whatever it is that’s on his mind. A small smile tugs at his lips and he chuckles to himself. “I think the Gods knew one man couldn’t handle you.”

“Uhm, thanks?” Dick.

“You’re nosy, stubborn as fuck, and never know when to say no. There’s not a single man on this planet who can match your strength or balance your fire. Poor Xander’s been trying for years. Maybe that’s why you’re fated to twins.”

At first I’m offended, but that quickly turns into surprise. Does this mean he knows about me and Xan?

“Don’t look so surprised, lil sis. I figured it out when he started showing up to breakfast smelling like your soap.” He answers my silent question. “I’m trying to say that I think they’ll be good for you. I think they compliment you well. Obviously I’ll kill them if they hurt you, big brother duty and all, but…”

“So now you want to act like my big brother?” I say, unable to keep the ice out of my tone.

He winces at my words and I wish I could have swallowed them back up. He’s done nothing but support me my whole life, but I’m getting whiplash with how quickly he bounces back and forth between guardian and brother.

“I’ll admit that I haven’t always done a good job separating those two identities. Ever since…” he pauses, carefully curating his next words. “I guess I sometimes forget that you’ve grown up, that you don’t need to be shielded. I mean look at you, Mags. You’re the strongest person I know, and I don’t mean just physically…but that wasn’t always the case.” Incandis looks away from me, his voice trailing off, lost in a private memory.

His face scrunches up as if in pain, his knuckles turning white from clenching his hands into tight fists. “I – I never meant to hurt you.”

Closing the distance between us, I wrap my arms around his waist and he crushes me in a bear hug. “It’s okay, D. I’m okay. It’s okay to lighten up. I’ll be better, too. Love you.”

“Love you too, Mags. But I’m serious…if they hurt you, they’re dead.”

I roll my eyes and smile as I slip from his grasp. I rush back upstairs to my room hoping the twins are done with their calls so we can finally talk after today’s crazy sequence of events.

When I walk into my room Xander is sitting on my couch staring at the impact crater I caused when breaking him and Ro apart. Fuck, I forgot I was supposed to meet him.

I slide onto the couch next to him. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean onto him resting my head on his chest. I’ve shared so much with this man. My dreams, my secrets, myself. But I’m acutely aware of the lack of electricity at our contact, he doesn’t possess the same heat the twins seem to generate, his smell doesn’t pull me in closer.

My heart just doesn’t beat for him.

“I’ve made a mess of things haven’t I, Xan?”

He kisses the top of my head and chuckles. “Mags, you haven’t made a mess of anything. Your little pups downstairs don’t change anything for me.” He grins wickedly, “I may not be able to touch you like I used to, but that doesn’t mean I can’t flirt with you. I can’t imagine it’d take much to piss off the twins.”

I look up at him in mock disapproval and slap him on the chest. “You’re not mad at me?”

“For what? Falling in love?”

“I don’t know about that.

He laughs and kisses me again on the top of the head, “whatever you say, Mags.”

Xander lifts his arm up from around me and walks towards the door.

“Xander…” I stand up and follow him, not yet convinced that I’m not breaking his heart.

“Mags, I once told you that I’d be whatever you needed me to be, and I meant it. I’m honored that you’ve shared yourself with me, that I could be your sanctuary. I’ll always be there for you – friend, partner in crime, guardian, I’m your guy. I love seeing you happy again.” He reassures me with a wide, genuine smile. The kind that could melt the panties off any girl in the grove, any girl except me.

He pulls away, still smiling and heads towards the door once more.

“Good night my queen, don’t let the bed bugs bite – or should I say wolves?” He winks, flashes me his signature smile, and shuts the door behind him.

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